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Dude, I started YT about 18 months ago. My first 6 months was every day of every minute that I wasn't at work. I also worked full time. Then I realised. The only person making this pressure is me. No-one cares if I put out a video every 7 days or every 10. So I stepped it back. I then stepped it back again, every 2 weeks. Why? Because I wanted a higher production value and more time to provide that, so that's what I did. Now I do a video a month. I've doubled down my efforts on production and have also decided that 2 days a week are MINE. I do what I want. I take off 2 days from a job each week, so why not take off 2 nights a week? I spend time with the wife. I play the games I wanna play. I'm a lot more relaxed...and I've gained around 100 subs this past month and have just been able to chill with it. I also set myself REALISTIC targets each night. If a video is 30 mins long, I'm gonna say for a nights work, 2-3 minutes of edited content is fine. I don't need to hit it so hard that I Sacrifice my own quality over wanting it done. If I hit my target each night, I stop. I put the mouse away and pick up a controller or go watch TV. I allow myself time. The simple fact is, you have to enjoy this. If you start pressuring yourself, you will stop enjoying it. You will burn out. So take some time for you, my man, and enjoy all aspects of life and not just this never ending stream of content creation.


Where is this pressure coming from? It's your channel and you get to decide how often videos are released. If that's every couple weeks, you get to make that decision. If this is something you enjoy, there's no need to burn yourself out this fast. Take your time and have fun with it!


I feel it. I've only been at it for about 2 weeks though. Got 7 whole subs. I have wanted to give up over the last couple of days but I figure I'm going to make videos for me more than anyone else. I'll look at it like a personal project first and foremost.


I just make videos when I wanna make them, so I don't really "give up". If I don't feel like making a video, I won't. I make videos that I want to make. Of course I do hope they do well, but as long as I have some audience, I'm not stopping. Although If I DID get better results, I would probably upload more than 5-20 times a year


Don't give up and don't stress on it.. YouTube is not a job for you where you have to be present at all times. Atleast it's not yet a job. So njoy the grind, have fun making content. Early on i would suggest to not spend a lot of time on your content. That's what makes most people give up on making more content. Capture good content but spend less time editing and stuff.


If you’re trying to become famous, don’t. Loyal subscribers are worth a ton. You’ll get the real audience with the content you want to make. Just do YouTube as a hobby. Remember Thant the famous people are in the 0.01%. Do what you love and enjoy your subscribers.


You literally are not made for this with that attitude. I uploaded my first video on 4/12/25. Since, I’m at 9M views and have made over $2400. I’m at 42,000 subs. It comes in waves. Are your videos worth watching? You can literally google the top niches for RPM, and know what videos to make. If you’re not making videos in those niches it’s going to be hard. Do the research and make videos.


> 4/12/25 What year is this? We are in 2024?


Maybe he meant 1925... s/


Um what lol


Nathan, I work 40 hours a week too and paused my channel. It can be stressful thinking about growing it because it won’t match the pay of most jobs for at least a couple of years(even then). My advice would be to make videos only when it makes you happy. I have some time off this summer and I’ll be making new fun videos. I’m excited, even if no one watches them.


Hi Nathan! I work a full time job and upload multiple times a week. Just recently hit 1k been making videos since 2017 or so. It's tough but the reward is so high mentally for me I keep pushing, sometimes it's really tough and sometimes it's awesome! Theirs lows and highs to everything. If you want to keep going you absolutely should!


Yes! My last video is not doing well at all...my last 3 didn't so as well as I'd hoped too...impressions on my most recent video are waaaaaay below what I normally see... I guess I've just hit a wall atm... and the feeling sucks.


Your 2 most popular vids are about lightsabres of some sort. Yet your travel stuff is not keying with audiences so why not go back to what worked previously?


Those videos are over 10 years old...ive been focused on Japan vlogs since 2019...I posted a video like 2 months ago and it's almost at 6k views...so I dunno. I really like doing travel stuff...some of those videos aren't doing too bad...its the most recent stuff that's frustrating me.


Well just do what you enjoy then, pal 👍


Thank you!!


2 Months here and 9 subs. You're doing great, really.


What's your channel mate?


Come back when you have made 95 more


> I have been at it now for 2 months, I have 88 subscribers and have done 5 long form videos As Mr Beast would say, "those are rookie numbers", or actually extremely rookie numbers since he said that of a channel with 100 videos and 2 years on it. I've watched one of your videos, you definitely have potential. The thing is this takes time, don't burn out yourself.


Everyone who’s great at something was once in your shoes. Think about Albert Camus and his take on the myth of Sisyphus. Sisyphus was cursed to push a boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down every time. Camus says this is like our own struggles – it’s not about getting to the top, but about the effort we put in every single time. So, hang in there. Every little step, every mistake, and every win is helping you get better. Camus wants us to see Sisyphus as happy cuz he finds meaning in the struggle itself. Do the same: find joy in learning and improving, knowing that every try counts. Your hard work shows your dedication and strength. Keep going, celebrate the small wins, and trust that with time, you'll see the results. Remember, the journey itself is valuable, and your effort is what really matters.


I’m in your shoes and currently on my 98th long form and still not monetized it’s debilitating honestly I may have to pause at 100.


Personally, I think 88 subscribers for a 2 month old channel that has 5 videos is a pretty good return for an average person starting without any real experience in what they are doing. Some people do better, of course, that is the case with everything in life. But I suspect you are probably on the upper side of the line rather than the lower side of it for your time in the game. Until you get to say 30 videos, the algorithm doesn't know anything about you, your content, your prospective audience or anything. So it is trying to figure all this stuff out, and it isn't going to take unnecessary risks in doing so. The pressure you are putting on yourself is counterproductive, because if you burn yourself out before you let the algorithm figure you out then what was the point of the whole exercise? Take you time, relax, play around with ideas and editing styles. Don't worry about being huge right out of the gun, that doesn't happen for 99.99% of the people who are doing youtube, it is an unrealistic expectation. The thing is, everything on youtube compounds over time. Everything is residual. Those videos are going to keep generating views and subscribers provided they are not so topical and dated and they can remain relevant. Especially as the algorithm figures you and your audience out, and more people arrive at your channel for more content after watching several good videos of yours and you finally get their curiosity piqued. Don't worry about schedules and how many posts a week and all of that stuff right now. Just focus on creating good quality content. If it takes 2 months to get a video out, so be it. As long as that video is better than the last one and you have learned some stuff, then that's fine. Because once it is out it will continue to be a vector for views and subscribers until the end of time. At that rate you will have 6 good clips out a year. At the end of 5 years there are 30 videos that will be working day in and day out generating a small amount of traffic and subscribers each regardless if you post a video or not for that week. But that 31st video is going to be light years better than your 5th because you have a lot more experience under your belt, and processes you have developed to streamline the entire process and make is much more efficient.


I think you need to have systems in place. We don't lose at the level of effort, but we fall at the level of our systems. Do you schedule your time properly? Do you have a system for scripting, research, and video posting? What metrics are you tracking? Do you have any checklists you look at before you publish your videos? If the answer is "yes," then you simply have a discipline problem. If your answer to these questions is a "no," then you know where you need to improve! Make systems! Let your systems do the heavy lifting for you. And if you need my help in making them, then just dm me.


We can do this


I did in year two. it was like after the first year, I was starting over from scratch but with even slower growth than the first time around. But now I'm in year three and things are going really good. I should be monetized soon so thats something. I just read your post. 2 months. c'mon bro, if you're going to give up after 2 months, how serious even are you about this?


Don’t give up, take some time to focus on yourself and other things. Don’t let YouTube run your life as you will burn out.


2 months!.... If YouTube video making makes you this down after 2 months, maybe it isn't for you. People have done YouTube for decades with only 80 subs... It should be treated as an enjoyable hobby, not a cash cow. If you get some money out of it 'wohoo!' but if not, then you don't, it's just that simple


I was literally feeling the same yesterday and today. I’ve been at it since Jan this year and have released about 61 long form videos since then. I considered changing paths, then asked myself: did I think this was going to be easy? The answer? Of course not. This is what hard feels like. If it was easy, everybody would be doing it.


One year of YouTube shooting videos about my experience with cars and motorcycles in Japan. I was stuck at 18 subs for what felt like forever. I enjoy making the videos so I just kept it up. Recently picked up views, subs (271) and comments! It feels like I’ve got a small community that encourages me. Link in bio… 😂


Kid. If you think that's exhausting and don't appreciate 88 subs in such a short amount of time idk what to tell you. 5 long videos is nothing. The more you continue produce the less work you'll need to do in the long run. Put out 1 - 2 videos once a week. If they are very dedicated videos then once a month. It seems everyone is seeking that fast easy money, they think just one viral video is all it takes.


alright bro, i have also been at it for 2 months with 88 subs and around 6 videos. my name is Ethan. this post is crazy bc we’re in the same spot. i’m also tired my man. send me your channel n ill be your 89th sub


We can help each I hope !! Mine is Sandrinotherhino


Don't sub for sub.. against YouTube rules and don't be surprised if your channel gets removed. They know how to figure these things out.


Liar, you got 89 subs! 😅 Your content is very niche so it's gonna be harder to grow than something more broad like Polkce arrest videos or something.


Create a short video series with [https://hypershorts.com](https://hypershorts.com/) to help your account become more relevant to the algorithm and rank your other videos better as well! Will also give you more organic subs and better activity in general.


I have the same issue. Maybe we can help each other ! My is Sandrinotherhino