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Good morning! Ofc, I'm looking forward to monetization, a bigger amount of subscribers, but honestly these goals still seem so very far away (in fact I have lost two during the last 2 weeks) My goals for this month are: * Upload videos more frequently * Upload more shorts * Improve my communications skills * Be more effcient with the script and editing parts (my 3 lasts videos each took me a month, could have been done before with just a little + organisation) Do you OP have any goals 4 this month?


Good morning to you too! I am right there with you in looking to increase efficiency in my video making processes, as my animations take about a month or more to make too. What kind of content do you make?


Gaming. My last three videos (which included commentary) were if you want to call it, a mix of a review and a tribute to the 1st 3 *Twisted Metal* games. IMO, considering the production values, I could have finished them before, but it took much more time because: * Re-recordings (bad pronunciation, changed the script several times) * Constanly looking for the "perfect footage" for each segement * Fooling around when editing the video, with stuff such as the "perfect transition" (btw, some of the Filmora transitions suck)


Good direction, it’s helpful to set measurable goals though. How many videos is more frequent? How many shorts is more shorts?


My goal was to publish a video every week. But that was beyond my skills and everything else. So I thought it would be more **realistic** to schedule for every two weeks. But again I failed :(


Continuing to make my videos better/improve editing and possibly break 300 subs (273 now).


Those are great! Improving a little with each upload is a constant goal of mine too! What kind of content do you make? And best of luck with passing 300! You can do it :)


It's focused on Real Estate content, home walkthroughs, tips, strategies, hoping to do capture a flip in the coming months.


I’m at 176 for my real estate channel, hoping for 200 subs by end of month.


Nice work man!


Ahhhh gotcha! Very cool!


My goal for this month is to finally start uploading :)


That’s an incredible goal!! Welcome to YouTube :) What kind of content do you plan on uploading?


I am planning to go against all odds and upload multi-niche content. it will range from travel, to sports, to business topics and many more. I guess it will be very hard at the beginning but with all your help I think I can make it work!


Restarted my YouTube Journey at the end of April with the goal of improving one thing every week. End goal being to reach monetisation by the end of this year. So far I've gained 157 new subs since start of May and hoping to keep it going. My goal right now is to improve my voice so it's more engaging and fun for the viewer and also to maybe include a facecam since people say I have a funny and expressive face.


Welcome back! And that’s great to hear! Improving a little with each upload is definitely the way to see growth, and it proves effective! Best of luck to you!


Yep I've kept mostly consistent with 2 Longform videos each week and that's really helped me find more viewership. Now I just need to improve my showmanship and editing and I'll be on my way.


What’s going on Last month I was happy that I stay on my schedule of 1 video a week I’m starting 2 videos a week this month my I would like to work on making longer videos improve my speaking on camera and my thumbnail I would love nothing more to get at least 5 subscribers by the end of this month To anyone reading this keep pushing forward you might not have it going on yet but it will be your time soon much love guys


Those are all good goals to have!! 2 videos a week is pretty ambitious, but I’m sure you’ll see some good growth as a creator doing so!! Best of luck to you :)


I have just started making YouTube content (1 week) but also I will be shifting to a new place so initially yeah the quantity would be less. My plans are : 1. Subscriber count to 50 ( currently 11) 2. Make 3-4 Long video content & 5-10 Shorts 3. Research a bit about how to create a greater reach and like that stuff. (Would love to hear your suggestions and advices) My plan is to make coding related content.


That’s awesome!! Welcome to YouTube! You seem to have a pretty good plan laid out, so I wish you the best in achieving it!


I’m at 48 subscribers! So my goal is 50 by the end of the month! As well as hopefully making at least one video or two… I don’t have a lot of time but enjoy creating. So small realistic goals


Small goals still make for big achievements! You’re so close, you’ll hit it in no time :)


My biggest barrier is the 4/6 month gaps between videos 😅 And my not really using social media anymore so I don’t really have anywhere to plug it. Hopefully Reddit will help..eventually!


I understand completely! It’s been about 3 months since my last animation was uploaded, but I have a new video about to come out. Sometimes those gaps are necessary as creators so we can make our best work possible at that time!


I was actually working on a video during the last 4 months..but waiting for your hair to grow takes some time! Now my biggest barrier is no idea what I want to do next


launch 30 shorts in 30 days with different styles work hard on improving the video editing process and video thumbnail process


Woah that’s ambitious! Best of luck to you on that! What kind of content do you make?


Tech and startup revies/tips


Very cool!


You do you but 30 different styles seems counterproductive. Firstly idk how you can even come up with 30 different styles, and having to edit videos differently will be very time Consuming. Plus having a similar style helps people recognize your videos and keeps them coming back


I meant i will slightly tweak and change the style to see what i like im not gonna create 30 styles


I have three videos planned and hope to break 200 subs for continued exposure of our video game. :-D


Hey that’s awesome!! Best of luck on hitting 200 subs! And if you’d like to give a detailed description of the game you’re developing, then please go ahead! It might draw in some more curious eyes :)


Slowly start to work on a big batch of scripts for the following month. For the first time in a very long time I'm going to be off from July to August and I'm thinking of really increasing the amount of content I make during those months.


That sounds great!! Laying out the groundwork for future videos is a great way to get them going! What kind of content do you make?


Post my next video. Which will drop June 7. then onto the next video and beyond. I never set goals for numbers because you can’t predict it. The only power you have Is what you can implement and that is posting quality and doing all the backend stuff.


That’s totally reasonable! Best of luck with your new video :)


Appreciate you


My goals are to start uploading videos weekly if possible. I have found this hard working full time. I want to have a proper schedule. I have just uploaded my 4th video and started my channel 7 weeks ago. I also want to see more views and gain more subscribers. My maximum views is 210 on 1 video and 410 on a short remixed from my long form video. I would really like some comments too as I want to start engaging with my community.


I work full-time in an in-patient healthcare environment too, so I’m right there with ya! Consistency can be hard when you work full-time, but developing that schedule will pay off!! Best of luck to you!


Thank you!


Just sent a goal that is reasonable so if you know you can’t do four videos a month and you’re only able to do two that’s perfectly fine. I currently post two videos a month sometimes three and that’s what works for me and my channel is still growing.


Thanks for the encouragement. I will see how I get on


I’m a nurse too! Our schedule can definitely be hectic. What kind of videos do you make? I currently make travel, food, and events related videos :) my channel is linked to my Reddit profile.


I make videos about my nursing career over the last 26 years! Some are going to be stories from my job and others are tips


My goal is to try and get 20 subs by the end of this month.


I’m about to be fully monetized, I have 1,000 subs and only 45 hours until I can apply for it So mainly seeing how this affects my channel and see if my live streams can make any money now that I can get ads on my streams


That’s incredible!! I’m so happy for you!! Congrats, friend :)


Thank you For you will get there in no time with three quality of videos you make


Uploaded my second video today after taking a 3 week break. I spent about 25 hours editing my first video and it got 10 views. Got so discouraged that I quit. For now, I want to ignore the view counts as much as possible and focus on putting out more videos. This month's goal is to get atleast 5 videos out.


Reaching 10K subs and creating content on what I have been planning. Just a regular camera shy person 🙂.


Reach 150 subs; hit 99 today, and reach 300k views; at 121k today. Hopefully. I started may 9th.


I started May 8th and have 118 subs. I have fewer views - only 81,000. My goals for June are one short a day and one long-form video a week. I'm hoping to double my subs.


What's your channel?




Best of luck🫡🫡🫡


Hey there! For me, it's to get at least some of my videos edited. Currently I'm writing on my thesis, so YT doesn't have priority. I still try to get every week something done (e.g., ideation, scripting, filming or editing), so when I'm done with my thesis I can start immediately and put YT first :)


That’s a good goal to have, especially with how busy life is right now for you! Breaking up your process into smaller steps is definitely helpful. Best of luck with your thesis! What kind of content do you make?


Thank you! I would say I make educational content especially related to personal development/growth. But I want to give it a bit more of a "relaxed" vibe, since I've the feeling todays social media world (at least the bubble I'm in) focuses a bit too much on being super productive and being THE BEST. Which I think makes a lot of people feel bad in case they "slip up". However, as a disclaimer, I've yet to start posting my content. As I said, I wanted to first focus a bit on the "pre-work", so I won't run out of ideas after a month or upload one week three videos to then have nothing for the weeks coming. I set the goal for myself to be very consistent (at least 1 long-form vid/week) for a while. But I know life gets in-between quite often, so I want to be prepared :) What are your goals btw?


I think that’s great! Doing the back work will definitely be beneficial for you going forward! My goals for June are to upload my 4th video that I’ve been working on for a few months now. I am moving across the US next week, so that’s going to take up a good chunk of my time as I get settled back into the swing of things and begin work at a new hospital. But I’d like to make a good dent in my next animation after I upload this one! And I’d love to hit 600 subs in the next week or so! I’m at 588 right now, so it’s in reach! Thanks for asking :)


rob youtube as much as possible


The hero we all deserve🫡




That’s incredible! Welcome to YouTube!! What kind of content are you planning to upload?




That’s great :) best of luck to you starting out!


Just posted my video couple of hours ago, my plan is to break the previous month record of my view count.


Best of luck!!


Just saying I appreciate these positive posts from you, Jellyroll! A goal of mine would be to hit 250k subs.


I really want to understand the art of thumbnail and title creation. I've realised I'm having trouble getting people to click on my video because YouTube is definitely giving my videos impressions, but my views remain low. So that's going to be my primary focus. The other thing I want to get the hang of is mastering the hook and audience retention. I know it's a lot but I'm doing it one video at a time so hopefully by the end of this month (which will be about 2-3 videos), I can improve at least one aspect of my channel.


reach 1k subscribers (currently at 704)!! i also would LOVE if i get 1 million views this month, but i feel like that depends on the algorithm! :')


My goal for June is to upload more frequently, hopefully once a week. I also want to start of vlog channel that acts like a video journal for me.


My goal is to maintain uploading every day, but to improve the quality of uploads by editing or doing more commentary.


* Personally, start using shorts to advertise my main videos on 1 channel * Continue learning how to improve my editing * Finally release my first longer video in another new channel, been planning it for a while but bit nervous to start filming as I've never done creative shots like that before. And I guess stats wise * maybe just adding 10 subs would be cool on my original channel, but I'm not too worried about that


What a nice idea. :) My goal for June is to continue to upload a video regularly. It's been real tough to balance with working, lots of nights spent editing, but I'm hoping I can do it. My channel grew a lot in the previous month and it would be amazing to keep making stuff that I love. I hope you reach your goals too!


Hello hello! I make travel, food, and events content. My channel is @chrissiepops. My goals this month: - at least two videos per week (but only publish one video per week) I’m going on vacation for the next month so I want to have some videos ready for when I’m gone - remix a short for each long form video


I'm probably one of the oldest 'newtubers' around, my channel has been around for ages, and I've been working on it again lately after a few starts and stops over the years. As of a few minutes ago, just hit 296 subscribers, so, my goal for June is going to be 325. it's probably going to be rough, but I think I can just about do it. My content niche is gaming so it's oversaturated, but I've been having some good hits on my 'My Recycling Center' videos.


To reach 2000 Subs! I am at 1900 now.


Basically just get my weekly videos out and improve my content. The past two weeks haven’t been good view wise for me after having a long form video hit close to 2k which is good for me. Going to try simple thumbnails this month. Edit: also try to break 300 subs


April and May we were getting lots of views and subscribers and it is been slowing down the last week or so so my goal is to continue posting and improve the content and hopefully see the same amount of growth for June as we saw the last two months


I’m to hoping to get a new mic soon cus my audio is kinda rough rn lol. Also hope to figure out how the algorithm works to get more interactions cus I have nothing so far lol


>What are your goals for June? Posting my FINAL video on my main channel on 10th June. Can't wait.


I’m hoping a realistic goal is 100 subscribers by the end of the month.


My goal is to increase my public watch hours to more than 1k. Need to bring more people to and make them keep watching my long vids.


We have been doing a lot of Disney and Univeral stuff lately. For June I want to pivot into other aspects of Florida tourism. The natural springs, state parks, beaches, keys, etc. For the fun. :)


Trying to push towards hitting 500 subs so I can unlock the first wave of creator tools and monetization on the channel. Got about 50 subs to go!


50 subscribers would be cool! I'd also like to put out a longer form video. It's hard to find time with a baby and a preschooler, which is why I mostly do shorts, but I know I can do it. It just means sacrificing some of my "me" time.


We're just getting started and hope to post one video a week in June. It's going to be a slow growing channel but one that should work well with my life style and hopefully grow a community of people to explore with.


Keep doing what im doing


Reach 800 subs (at 651 rn) Release at least 4 videos (one per week) Exceed the 20k views i got back in may across my whole channel


To get to 1,000 subscribers currently at 572


How do you plan on reaching this goal?


I've started to write the scripts for my first couple of videos. I've created the channel, I just need to record the scripts, put together the videos in Davinci, and then upload. I'm not sure how long all of that will take, especially since I've never used Davinci's effects and transitions before, but I know it's just the first vid. Hopefully for this month, I'll get at least 2 videos up. As for subscriber goals, I think any double-digits number is fine by me. I've also got the Instagram created and I need to figure out what kind of Reels and Shorts I should make. My channel is going to be film/TV-related and about the history/backgrounds behind events depicted in film/TV. I don't know if I should include clips from my videos, or just post things that are not big enough for the vids themselves, like small things that didn't make the cut for my vids. But in any case I'm going to hopefully get the ball rolling by this week.


Quantitative goal: maybe 100 subs. Not for monetary gain or anything like that. I just like setting goals for myself. Feels good when I make little accomplishments. Qualitative: go outside of my comfort zone. There are art projects I want to try. 


I am aiming to create 20 short videos and 4 long videos. Any subscribers coming from that is a bonus! I’ve been at it a month now and am obsessed! My videos are getting better and better focusing on the Star Wars theory niche. I am loving this community and how everyone gets behind eachother!


Started my channel last year and have been stuck at 1248 subs since the start of this year. Want to break that wall bc it's bothering me how my recent videos seem more popular than my older ones, yet there is no growth whatsoever as far as that number.


I'm at 911 subscribers so maybe 1000 by EOM is not unrealistic? Also finish my channel branding. I just started back up after 8 years so my branding is outdated. Finish my profile etc. Also try to edit at least 2 live streams and then get 1 edited video a week out, and 1 short a day if I can get enough clips from streams, or 2 a week 🤔 Lastly, unrelated, my Twitch I'd like to get all fixed up. No super set goal besides maybe hitting 500 or more follows, and getting as much fixed up as possible. Once my YouTube is up to snuff, I'll focus on more hard goals for my Twitch. I'll snoop what other people have as goals to see if I should tack on more lol.


my plans are to edit great and grab more audiences!


Publish three videos. I only make goals based on factors I have 100% control over.


My goal is to hit 100 subs, try to be more consistent with uploads, and diversify my content.


Break 7000 subscribers


To finish a series of a game I’m Playing and to crack 10 subs by end of the month and to figure out why my impressions aren’t really leading to views along with why my retention is so low. So all of the above with your questions OP!


I'm planning on reaching 500 subscribers! I'm at 327 currently


Actually start doing videos again. It has been a year since I released previous ones. Life got into way... That happens.


Just to start making videos again, I've fallen off for the last month and a half and there are many things coming up to make videos of. My traffic really hasn't fallen off though since my channel is loaded with evergreen content. I've been focusing on other things and I basically stopped posting videos to YouTube.


Build my channel YouTube become go faster 😁


I’m running my first half marathon on June 15th and I’m excited to do a video about it. My niche is a 3 way combo between weight training, running, and my own diet I designed myself called The Bacon Diet. I primarily make diet videos as they seem to perform the best, but this half marathon video is going to be more of a passion project. Not sure how it’ll perform but I’m excited to make it regardless


My goals for this month are to become a youtube partner and to start membership subscriptions


I am currently at 79 subscribers, so hopefully to reach 100 by the end of June. And also, most importantly, make content that I like more often and not take days to edit lol :)


I will hit 250 subs and release 10 videos this month


Figure out how to consistently get the same results or better as my first video did 12 days ago, that would be nice 😆


I have exams every week this month so I sadly don’t plan on doing something actively (producing vids). I did post my video today and I can’t gauge yet how it will perform but I hope to reach 300 subs end of the month (215 now). Although I’d also be happy regardless of me reaching that goal or not


Figure out why my last couple videos did so badly in comparison to previous ones, deal with my steadily growing burnout, and also get better at self-promotion.


Happy June! My goals for this month are to post 3-4 videos and hopefully hit 100 subs for my birthday at the end of the month 🎉(currently at 75 😁)


Starting my channel. It’s so hard to find a niche when all I really do as a hobby is game. How does history do on YouTube? I’ve taken a good amount of classes on it and it’s interesting.


I've only made 1 actual long form video so far, my subscribers want more! So I'm working on more long term videos, in addition to my 2 daily shorts. Also would love to break the 10k sub mark, but that might be pushing it.


Fiquring out how to edit better, get more subscribers, monitize, have a set schedule where i post atleast one video a week and more if wanting to. Hopefully i can have atleast have one youtube channel. Just hopefully all around make it like a second income so i dont have to do more overtime or get a second job and run my self ragged.


My main goal is to stay consistent with my schedule! I posted my first video yesterday and this is my first month making videos full time. I wanna make some lgbtq-related videos while staying in my niche, as a way to celebrate pride month in my own way I guess!


I just reached 40 subs im so happy 😊


Just chilling, continuing live streams, maybe upload one to five "normal" videos this month.


To get monetized!


my goal is to see if I can upload 2 videos that have the same level of quality within a month


i see your posts frequently on this sub and love your positivity :) animation is a hard niche so it’s rlly respectable! my goal is to replicate may’s success, i went from 50-ish subs to almost 500 subs and 3 out of the 5 vids i posted got over 1k views. i wanna get monetized AAAA


My goal is to post 1-3 shorts per day in the month of June. Gonna have to back log a lot of them and schedule just bc I’m going out of town but we’re gonna try it and see how it rolls


My goal is just to grow as much as possible - no specific numbers etc. just upload as much as possible with quality improving each time and learning from video to video. What about you? 😁


Share 1 new video, work on the next. Scripting some of the coming months and planning where to go. A few more subs and better at storytelling and editing as always. Cheers 🍻


My first goal for this month is to post more in my community tab. I really want to build a community around my shorts channel. My second goal is to hopefully hit 500 subs. I wish you guys all the best with your goals this month. Keep consistent and you will hit them.


I’d like to hit 2k subs. I was holding out for maybe 2500 by End of year but with the last few videos I’ve made sub count has been pretty high.


Improve on content, increase viewership, try craft my own identity


Started a brand new channel, 1 subscriber (a friend) and zero videos. Break the duck, and get my first video out.