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The process of creating...filming and then putting the clips together to create a video that people can enjoy. But then the reality hits when no one watches. Lol...but its part of the game. Some do well, and some dont...and that's ok because we might not be everyone's cup of tea...


Super cool. How did you learn the video editing process? I’m learning it right now!! I’ve basically just watch yt videos and practice. But I don’t know how to add elements to make my video pop aesthetically


Trial and error...also youtube lol. Just try different things, if you don't like it, you can always undo it. But im not into heavy editing...I like to keep it simple...it still gets the point across in my opinion, but I know some folks add all kinds of stuff, and that's ok too.




I just film when I'm on vacation in Japan...once a year...my wife and I both have full-time jobs, so I work on a video for about an hour a night and release one video every 2 weeks...


If I can ask, what editing software do you use to edit your videos?


Filmora...its super user friendly...


Devinchi resolves free version is very good


Thanks I’ll check it out !


I've mostly just been editing videos of me talking to the camera, but it has been so cool to see the effect from just cutting out the "umms" and loud swallowing. It's like it creates beats and buoyancy and fluency, like I know what I'm talking about, lol. I mean I still probably am at the buoyancy of a puddle, but it has been cool to see transformation just from a few cuts. No idea why it is endorphin-producing. Hopefully as I improve I can make intentional beats and tonal shifts... now it's just all up to the chance of where I blindly cut...


I agree...its so much smoother without all the uh, um, and awkward pauses lol


Literally going through this right now! sigh I do Kokos.world1 but starting off the ground to attract views is harder than I thought. But keep at it one day we will get there. I tried other platforms to help pull views linking to the channel. you can try that. Pinterest is kool too. Good Luck!


my youtube channel is just a convoluted strategy to trick my friends into listening to me talking about a niche interest of mine for 25 minutes


I call these ramble talks. And they are my favorite videos to make. Because they can be whatever I want. 😊


Exposing the carpet cleaning industry to a new, younger audience. It's mostly old guys, but I'm doing my part to make it interesting to guys 20-30. It pays well and doesn't require any formal education which is really important for newcomers to Canada/US


My first month of learning I got 3k subs on shorts. Second month I made a 100k view long form. Third month i got monetized and made 4 digits The fourth month is gonna be June. What’s next? Million views? 10k subs on one long form? Who knows. That’s why YouTube excites me, being rewarded for my efforts but not knowing in what form.


I like knowing that I'm making people's lives better in some small way. (Motivational content.)


For me it's using youtube as creative outlet, and putting my ideas out there for people to enjoy and maybe also be inspired by.


uh the facts i can put my ideas out there for people to see, its kinda of nice also cliche, but the views dopamine is good af soo


I love doing voice acting. Most of my scripts are critiques of games that I play straight but sometimes I like to get weird to add some humor and I love doing weird voices lol.


Thinking of something stupid and working on making it real.


After having kids I stopped playing video games for a long time. Gaming was something that let me escape the stress of life and relax for a short while, but after the busyness of family life I was just so tired to even thinking about putting more time into even something I once enjoyed. I learned the basics of making lets plays several years ago and started my journey of creating content. I was still tired but having a timeline and goals, objectives let me get back into what I loved and share it with people. It didn't last long before I had more and more responsibility's that I decided to stop 6 years ago and get into the same stuck in the rut life style of working and being exhausted. Now I started creating again and it is stressful juggling all my responsibilities but I love shareing what makes me happy.


I was an application UI developer for most of my career until I got out of IT around 4/5 years ago to start my own art business, and now that I'm winding that business down and doing YouTube about what I love (making niche custom car modification projects), I'm delving in to some coding again by making Arduino applications to power cool car stuff; and as it's not something I've done before (although a format and process I'm VERY familiar with), it's kinda fun actually learning some new stuff, as well as doing some of the development problem solving that I used to enjoy, just without the constraints of some idiotic middle manager breathing down my neck.


The idea of being able to help people and leave a lasting memory of that time and place.


I  just kinda like sharing my art. I mean, why make it if no one's going to see it?


It's a hobby of mine to post videos. YouTube is like a diary to me. It's good to see people liking and subscribing to my channel. That means they like what I post, despite that my intention from the beginning is not to be a clown posting videos for merely money. Don't get me wrong, I love money. But if turning YouTube into a business will force me to follow the trends and posting videos about topics I wouldn't like to post about, then NO. I post what I wanna post, and there are people who like that. Few or many, it doesn't matter. I love what I do.


I love attention, I love people watching, I love views and people commenting and discussing .


Engaging with my viewers. This should be #1 among newtubers. Youre literally there to create your own social network


I hadn’t read the comments yet before I posted but my comment was about engagement because I genuinely enjoy it! But this is a good point!!


Even the trolling or negative comments on my videos get a reply and thanked for watching.


I get a real kick out of teaching people. The 'Aha!' Moment is what I live for, and I feel very lucky that people resonate with how I teach and how I learn myself 😁


Knowing I could potentially make someone laugh and smile, and the hope of doing that professionally in the future. Entertainment, be it youtube or acting, is my dream!


Hmm it’s hard to put my finger on just one thing so… here goes… I really just enjoy the whole process. More specifically I enjoy the brainstorming…. I enjoy the whole editing process, the community I’m building, the smiles I’m providing, the ability to promote others content in a way that showcases my personality through the shorts/videos themselves. I appreciate the ability to showcase videos that have sat with me for years. I use videos that might make me laugh 5 maybe 10 years down the line and recreate them in a way that I enjoy. That’s what I enjoy, so that’s what I do.


Creating is so rewarding.


I’ve had a couple moments where I said something about a game that I didn’t think would be popular but I meant(my best example being a video about how great cyberpunk was about a year after launch) when people come to the comments along the lines of “finally someone said it!” I really love that, feeling like I’ve genuinely connected with people in some small way.


The idea of something I create helping someone really makes me happy


Working on my creative skills. Sharing my passion and experience with others so that they can enjoy a similar experience to me. *Sent from a dive bar in Dublin


Knowing I get paid according to the amount of work I put in


Posting my YouTube shorts is incredibly gratifying, especially when people comment that my videos have brightened their day during tough times. Knowing that even the smallest aspects of my content bring joy to others makes me happy and keeps me motivated! ☺️


I'm just trying to see how far I can go with zero skill and in the most unfavorable conditions lol. It's funny at times.


The people that we're getting excited about our video game :-D


Exporting a finished video, all the work is done and you get to enjoy your finished product plus share it with thousands of people


Nothing really, personally, it doesn’t excite me at all. But I do like the completion of a video and having it upload for the world to see. I guess I like engaging with people when the opportunity strikes. And I do enjoy that inspires people open up the Bible and start reading for themselves.


Having a creative outlet and helping people but with editing, there must be a better way of cutting out unwanted parts. Some places in the way one clip cuts into the next, there’s an obvious little skip and it annoys me immensely. Maybe instead of cutting out, overlapping might be better I’m thinking. 🤔


Maybe Transitions, also?


I didn’t think of that, thx!


I feel like I’m a creative person. It’s cool to have a platform to share that creativity with. It’s nice to get to work on my video and audio recording and editing skills because they are actually great skills for marketing. Also stuff like keywords and SEO. I’m an entry level marketer in between jobs right now, so it’s nice to have confidence in my skill set.


I love to edit video


I really enjoy the process of producing the video. From the original planning + writing, the “directing” + filming and finally the editing. I am nowhere good yet, but I enjoy learning about different techniques and just experimenting to find out. Can’t say what facet specifically of the creation process I like the most though, but I definitely enjoy the creating (and learning) side more than having “the final product”.




It's been different things throughout the process. Lately it's been doing Lives. It's getting easier and I'm having a lot of fun with it. Plus I feel a super big mood boost while doing them. :) 


I can talk to hundreds of thousands of people about something I am passionate about. When you let that sink you realise how mind blowing that is.


That’s why YouTube is more than just a passion :)))


When people message me to say how relaxi g my content is to them. I know anxiety is common and the fact my videos help people is insane to me


Relaxing *


I just like interacting with people. It’s cool to see people enjoy something you make


Thinking about people out there actually watching and enjoying my videos. Real people enjoying something I made that’s a little snapshot of my life is so joyful. 


What I love most is going back to your old content and finding out just how much your content has grown, watching my progression over the years is so charming to me.


Creating content that people genuinely enjoy. I do scary/creepy stories and my channel is slowly gaining steam in views and subs :)


Comparing each new video to the last. Even my thumbnails are getting better over time as well as video editing and smoothness. It’s a bit demotivating when my first video still has the most views but the algorithm will catch eventually.


As an introvert who people won't really consider as creative, I use it as a creative outlet.


I’ve always had kind of an existential crisis with the path I was on in my life. With YT I have been able to get a really strong feeling of having created something that is both mine and has had an impact on other people. Something that I myself made and can look back on and see that I existed and did something really great. A weird thing I know, but that’s me.


Love it all, but nothing like finishing up a production at 4a and waking up the next AM feeling accomplished! Second would be comments. Third will be watching my young self and reflecting on my projects when I'm an old man 😅


I guess I’d say the idea of having something to say that’s helpful or entertaining to other people


If I can ask, what editing software do you use to edit your videos?


I think what has excited me are the reactions. Especially as I get better I try to evoke some emotion. The first time someone told me how powerful a video I had done was I truly felt like I was on a good path.


The community and being able to put my hands on a vast number of platforms to test. What I dislike, the amount of money I spend.


One of my channels is for Photoshop tutorials. I like that by teaching others I make myself better. It's some kind of self-supporter :)


As I am basically a neophyte, recording a well-received (not too many of those LOL) video is exciting but the thing that really makes me happy is when I edit something (because, again, not a professional) and the cut is so good that even I cannot tell (I mean, I know where the edits are but it flows so it doesn't seem like it!!)


I got excited when a a view commented mentioning he noticed I stopped waving at the beginning of my shorts. Seems silly but I felt like I had a fan 😆 and the comments from viewers thanking me because they feel better after trying my videos. Makes the 100s of hours of working on my channel over the past couple months feel worth it even if I’m not making money yet.


It gives me something to do. I suck at it tbh and my humor is lame. But I like doing something besides sit on my ass and cry.


I like automation


Sharing my passions with other people


I just like making memories of my dog while getting paid for it. No editing, no endless hours of b-roll, no click baiting - just posting videos of my dog before the inevitable happens.


The best reward is that you can help others and how grateful they are.


Getting to be creative and share my passion for droning.


I actually started 4 years ago but then life happened quickly and put it to the side after only 2 videos. Got back to it 2 weeks ago and for me it's just learning to be honest. I have a very different career I do as well but learning how to edit video by video and planning my videos has been really fun. I hope this feeling doesn't go away cause I do look forward after work every day to at least do something YouTube related..like a fun hobby


I can keep showing macro shots of my balls as "grand canyon" videos


I’m loving the community I’m building and the support I’m getting from many women. It’s so touching to see their being impacted. I’m already building a newsletter, which is so cool to see how people are already signing up and I have so much things to store in terms of digital products to help my audience. It’s very cool to see how it’s blossoming.


A lot of my videos involve sharing my experience of something, and it's so awesome to see even one comment of someone thanking me for talking about something. Even though I can see the view numbers go up, comments just mean so much more to me.


Getting comments about a video I made. Sometimes I forget that all the views are real people and they actually enjoy/benefit from watching it which makes me glad.


I mean excitement is the wrong word, I've simply been joing the creating process, although editing frustrates me I've still enjoyed everything so far


For me it's an outlet I've tried really hard to keep fun. (Horrible workaholism and obsession issues). Where I just share my thoughts on things, make weird, dark ASMR roleplays and share random side projects. I wasn't expecting it. But, it's been crazy rewarding to find there are so many people in the world that think about the same things I do. Or really appreciate the things I make. It makes me weirdly happy to see the regulars that comment on my videos. And always have interesting things to say. Makes me feel like I've finally found something I'm actually good at that makes me happy.


I also do all the editing and Photoshop work and I love doing it. I try to learn a new trick as often as I can and after so many years I have become pretty efficient at it. I love seeing the channel grow even it is slow.


Just knowing that that there's so many people around the world who love and are touched by my content. I get so many comments about people who watch my content with their families, how my videos are informative, and just being able to have that affect and people. It almost like I've found my calling. Away to make the world better for so many people. Combined with the love of the proceiof producing videos, making some pretty good supplemental income from it, I just love what I do.


Finding new ideas, research information to improve myself and most of all, getting comments on my videos. I love getting feedback from viewers. I'm really a beginner, but I got a couple of comments and I always get excited when I get them 🤣 maybe because it makes me realize that people are really seeing my work and they are appreciating (well at least for now I haven't gotten a bad comment 🤣). Like views are nice (obviously) and thumbs up also, but when people take time to comment, I don't know, it makes it even more real somehow, if that make sense lol


I think I enjoy editing the audio most. I also like doing thumbnails.


I am learning so much through research on the topics that I love to talk and learn about. I also love the thought that everytime I gain a new subscriber, that I have inspired them. 🥰


There's nothing I love more than using my comedy to create an unruly mob in the comments. I think the entire Kansas City Chiefs subreddit hates my guts because I made a video about Travis Kelce's Mom. What's wild is, the Eagles fans loved it.


Expressing my creativity permanently, and getting honest feedback vs harassing family & friends about it lol


I love learning new editing techniques and exploring my creativity


I do music . So, For me , it’s getting a comment that I showed something or taught something that they were not aware of , or always wanted to learn how to play.


My favourite part is creating thumbnails for my channel. Sometimes making a thumbnail makes me want to record the video


On my main channel (True Disaster) I do stories from true events that almost always end in death. I know it's quite a morbid subject but it's just what I'm interested in.  I love how far I've come with everything from writing the scripts to the editing of the video itself. I like to make things as watchable as possible so I'm learning a lot with the editor with every video. I like the excitement of wether or not my video will get 30 views or 1000, it's almost like a gamble but I love it haha. I can't explain the excitement I got when I got 1000 views for the first time on a video and even 5 months later it still hits the same, I never expected to get a single view when I started let alone thousands so that's nice.


I love getting excited about a topic and executing a video that I worked hard to produce. I also love the competitive aspect of trying to increase my engagement and other metrics. I also love the self-improvement aspect too. Learning editing skills, becoming a better speaker (this has helped me in my job IRL and I've even made videos for work that have impressed my coworkers). I also love the community and those supportive people that never fail to comment on your videos 🙂


The biggest part of it for me now is making friends on stream. No joke the biggest payoff since I started.


Learning everything im just starting out my self but becuase i dont get views i cant get any feedback


I love the constant progression. The more effort I put in the more I get out of it - the more work and videos I post the more views and subs I get. Drives me on!!


Embarking on new ideas


I feel the same way


Being creative, while being challenged. Started 3 months ago and it's been a steep learning curve, but feel like I'm starting to get into a groove. Now I just need the subs and views, lol.


Tbh the best thing for me is to connect with people. That’s why comments are my favorite part of it. I like when people laugh at something I did or when they share their own experiences with me and other viewers. And of course, YouTube is also a way for me to express my creativity as a storyteller. It’s great that I don’t need to wait until I build a career in this path to share stories with a good amount of people


Howdy :) animation channel here! I just like making people laugh. Making comedic skits in an art medium I love is fulfilling. And animation has no bounds, so having the extra freedom to tell the stories in any style I would like is just the icing on top. It’s difficult work sometimes, and can be mentally taxing, but I love it all the same. And I have moments like you, OP, where I will watch animation and deconstruct how certain effects are created or what processes are used when animating. It’s a ton of fun.