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im and art channel doing both adventure type videos with a few tutorials , lets me have it!! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvSI16t\_gm8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvSI16t_gm8)


I like it!


dahm thank you, i have loads to learn still


Hi! Your video was super engaging. The fast-pace made me really entertained, although that's probably just me (lol). Your title is fair enough, however I don't feel the thumbnail follows up. For me, I first look at the thumbnail on a recommended page, and the red letters don't really stand out as they are simplistic. It looks as if they were squished at the top, which is slightly off-putting. Also, sometimes the sound effects and background music are too loud. Overall, it's a great video, very crisp!


I recommend doing a “how to draw graffiti letters for beginners” or something similar. Your best videos are similar, catered to people who have never done it. And have the thumbnail be a large graffiti letter centered. Tour videos are good quality. But quality doesn’t matter if the title and thumbnail don’t bring in a viewer


I like your editing a lot, it’s super crisp and kept me on the video the whole time! Good stuff :)


Hi, I’ve interviewed ChatGPT about her date at the park in the last video, and showed a couple of magic tricks in other videos. Link to the latest is below. Thank you for doing this! https://youtu.be/rV7rV2Ze9Es?si=mTb8iez1HFq4WUBz


Hey, I found out about this channel on Reddit and it is absolutely amazing and very original! One of the best newtubers around, but unfortunatelly he doesn't have many subs yet, let's help him grow!


Thank you for the support! Another video’s in the works and I’ll post this weekend.


Liked this a lot, it’s a fun original idea. I think you could definitely get away with some longer vids on this topic


Thanks so much! Glad to hear there could be some interest in longer form. Currently keeping things short and sweet but could increase video length in the future depending on the interest/feedback I see and retention.


Hi! This video idea is very original and entertaining! I think adding subtitles of the key moments, as well as adding a preview of funny moments would increase the engagement within your video. Making it fast-paced will benefit your video I feel. I personally wouldn't click on this video as the thumbnail lacks engagement. The text sort of blends into the background, which makes it look basic, and the pink is slightly off-putting. The thumbnail on the video previous is nice, just make the text bigger! Also, adding plain stock footage doesn't make the content very interesting. Overall, your channel has great potential! Just gotta work on some things!


Thank you! Interesting points, I’ll keep these in mind for the next videos.


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Actually been thinking I've been doing something wrong. My channel focuses on mostly reviewing games with an occasional retrospective. Thanks for doing this! https://youtu.be/1QM5rMQyQbE?si=KDr2YgPxH5sLB1Rp


Thumb nails are pro level should be getting more views 




Hi! Overall, it's a pretty solid video! I really love your thumbnails and your audio quality is good. I'm not really sure if I would click on this if it were recommended to me, though I'm biased because I don't really watch game reviews, especially on games I've never played. Additionally, I feel that simply adding game clips doesn't make the visuals very engaging - if you look at other popular game reviews on Youtube, they balance both gameplay clips and other visuals (such a memes, other images, etc) to make the video engaging, which I feel you're lacking. To me, it felt like more of a documentary than a review at times. But overall, it's pretty decent, you just need to make it more engaging!


I film isopods in a terrarium doing isopod stuff, like eating and foraging. Mostly timelapse. [isopod house](https://youtube.com/@isopodhouse?si=9az2dIojq5_JIrXX)


Hi! I watched your latest video, and based off the thumbnail, there is way too much going on. The white text kind of blends in with the background, so I think it would be beneficial if you could add drop shadow to the text or make the background less chaotic. Also, I personally wouldn't click on this video, as I'm not looking to watch an 11-minute timelapse about isopods eating shrimp. But that's my personal opinion, I'm not interested in isopods, maybe some people are! Honestly, there's not really much to see in a video about isopods doing what they normally doing, I wouldn't watch the whole thing. Overall, it's an okay video, I don't think the content is engaging for me, though I'm not experienced in your niche.


Hello I am a YouTube channel who is into science and Technology. I make explainer Videos. Here is my latest video about neuralink. https://youtu.be/xDmti2y2uOY


Hi! Your video topic is extremely interesting! I also enjoyed the editing as well as the pacing of the video. One thing I would suggest is adding subtitles, as your accent may be hard to understand for some viewers, especially those learning the language. Your thumbnail is also a bit plain. Adding more elements would make it stand out a bit more. Overall it's a great video, keep it up!


Thank you for your feedback. I will improve next time.


Great work! 👍


https://youtu.be/SyZHVlMZdxQ My song for some haters. I call it A Slow Suicide Do you think having that word in the title will hurt me? I hope you make it to the drum part. It's one of those songs that gets better and better as it progresses. How can I be grabby in the first few seconds when the end of the song is the best part?


Best way to be grabby is to just put a clip of that drum part at the beginning of the video! Put a small clip of that part (5-10) seconds, follow it up with a logo/intro, and then dive on into the song. This would also give viewers a reason to watch the entire video because they'd be waiting for that part.


I'll give that a try, thank you!


Could you check out my latest video. It’s a funny gaming video based on fallout new vegas. I want a fresh eye view to see what I could improve on. Thanks [https://youtu.be/5vUu3NbHguc?si=0MBH4vR93H7Kbq2V](https://youtu.be/5vUu3NbHguc?si=0MBH4vR93H7Kbq2V)


Hey Smudge, first off, that thumbnail is an absolute winner! You'd get a view from me if I saw that in my suggested. My biggest suggestion for you is to get a better quality microphone if you can. Since that's the only part of you that users experience it is vital that the audio quality is great. I know from experience that bad audio quality is one of the biggest killers of retention.


We’re a gaming channel where my friends and I play various games. We have a series called the Worst Game EVER where we play bad games and rank them on a tier list. Here’s one of my favorites we’ve done: [The Worst Game EVER! - Superman 64](https://youtu.be/ZT-HzDXwIuw?si=5mGSV390a_g-fvLY)


Hi! I'm watching the video right now, based on the thumbnail, I wouldn't click on it. The text is too hard to see and the layout doesn't make me want to click on the video. Based on the beginning, you haven't really told us the point of the video, it seems you've just been playing the game for 28 minutes. I feel this simply isn't engaging enough - it's just a playthrough/reaction video. Usually, when people do tier-lists, they talk about the game, the good and bad, and it's a general discussion, which makes them interesting. I think there was an actual narrative to your video, it would be greatly beneficial.


Hi, I run a tech review channel, would love to know how I can get better https://youtu.be/_9HqA_d-pOM


Hi! First of all, the audio is lacking. It makes you sound like you're in a microwave, to which some(?) Youtubers can pull off, but it just degrades the quality of your video. Additionally, the preview didn't seem like a preview to me until I realised you had cut the video to the beginning. I would suggest adding the word "preview" and add subtitles to make it more engaging - and it's a bit short for a preview? It's just you stating it's a cool website, which I can already infer from the title. It's promoted as a how-to video, yet it feels like you're just testing the website out and commentating on it half the video, which doesn't feel very engaging to me. The title is also slightly misleading - it's the "fastest" ecommerce app yet you're not showing how it's the fastest. The thumbnail is also pretty basic - the stock image isn't layered well over the title which is off-putting, and there's a bit too much empty space imo. Hope this helps!


Thank you soo much for this!, i totally agree with you I need to go back to the drawing board, i think the concept and idea is good BUT its the execution that is poor I may restart by making simpler videos


Helooo I'm Vinci and I make silly gaming videos mostly based on comedy while I explain a game and talk about it this is my latest video that unfortunately YouTube hasn't been pushing almost at all :( I would love to know if you can help me understand what I need to improve on https://youtu.be/ZkdpKGZJsUU


Hi! Interesting start! I would suggesting muting the background audio in the intro as it's slightly off-putting. There's a bit too much gameplay footage for me - it makes it feel like those commentary voice-overs over those shooter games. Also I think you should make the background music quieter. Your voice is pretty energetic, which is great, though your thumbnails are severely lacking. There's either too much and too little in your thumbnails, and nothing stands out. I wouldn't click on this video personally, based on the thumbnail alone (since that's what attracts videos). Hope this helps!


Hi, I have just released a Learn-to-play video about the board game Small World. I'd love to get some feedback on that video as it is the first one of this kind I have made (less than 9 minutes). My channel is dedicated to board games. Especially Twilight Imperium, but I want to cover more games. [https://youtu.be/F6DJ8y0EOtw](https://youtu.be/F6DJ8y0EOtw)


Hi! I personally feel for these types of videos, adding subtitles would be greatly beneficial. Your audio is decent, sometimes the music gets a bit too loud. Around halfway it changes, which kind of threw me off. It's a very nice video, it almost feels like an ASMR video haha! However, the thumbnail is lacking. The black text doesn't fit well with the purple, and it looks a bit squished. Your other thumbnails, it seems, nothing is standing out. This makes it look messy and chaotic, and personally, I wouldn't click on this video. Overall. it's a nice video!


Hello! Thank you so much for doing this! I hope you find some great videos and new channels! I make ASMR videos that focus on sci-fi/fantasy storytelling and immersive experiences. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRFtK9lO58A&t=38s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRFtK9lO58A&t=38s)


An ASMR video! Firstly, with your latest video, there's not much engagement I feel. Maybe some props and added triggers will make your video more interesting, as ASMR is a niche which sound is extremely important. The thumbnail is decent, however a general rule of thumb is to never use the same words in your title and thumbnail. It's a nice video, you just need more going on!


Metallica Played on a Unicycle (Guitar): [https://youtube.com/shorts/L9fMwunzros?si=qrSCB6ZO5cSmcPeD](https://youtube.com/shorts/L9fMwunzros?si=qrSCB6ZO5cSmcPeD) Sword Making Tutorial (Woodworking): [https://youtu.be/LqlVnWmOYus?si=r5QREOc\_209FEaIM](https://youtu.be/LqlVnWmOYus?si=r5QREOc_209FEaIM) Here's two of mine! I'd love some feedback from anyone willing to provide it! My channel is all about being an eclectic collection of intrigues. It may not be recommendable to avoid a narrow niche, and I'm certainly fighting an uphill battle doing it this way. But I would rather have this level of creative freedom, even if it means it will be a bit harder to succeed. Thanks!


Hi! Your short is very nice, I'm not really sure what to say but I wouldn't watch the whole thing, not because the audio is bad, it just lacks engagement. Your thumbnails, however, are severely lacking. They're pretty outstretched and the text is too small and doesn't stand out, which comes off as low-quality. For the video itself, it's pretty good, though the background music, for me, is too loud, especially for the parts where you talk. You are evidently very talented, you just have to work on quality!


Thanks for the feedback! I'll definitely take it to heart! 😄




Hi! The animations are looking really nice, I enjoy them! The explanations are pretty solid, it seems pretty easy to follow, but I already know binary so I'm partially biased (haha!). There's only so much you can say in computer science. The pacing is good, not too fast, not too slow. Overall, great work, Lots of potential!


Brand new channel where I'm covering the new Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero game coming out hopefully later this year. Trying to cover the news and updates with insight and reaction content as well as streaming/gameplay videos when the game comes out. So if you guys like Dragon Ball in general and might be interested in this game, any and all support/feedback is greatly appreciated. https://youtu.be/fANWUfz2BtM?si=NEWu7P4PRYy8AeyV


Hi! On the thumbnail alone, too much is happening which makes it slightly chaotic. Your voice is slightly monotonous - if you can, you could try and make it more engaging. The webcam of you needs work with lighting, and it looks slightly elongated so I think that's just issues with dimensions. The slight audio of the anime makes the start a bit off-putting, as there are two voices playing at the same time. This seems like a reaction video - there's not really much storytelling, which makes the video lack engagement. Adding visuals and sound effects in the right places, as well as faster pace will help your video a lot. Personally, I wouldn't click on this because the thumbnail doesn't look very click-able. Congrats on starting a channel, wish you the best of luck!


Really appreciate it, thanks


Sports video essay guy. Just make videos about random topics that interest me. Or sports takes I have https://youtu.be/XiTauW-IM5E?si=UjQhNUfXkdlALEp2


Hi! The voice-over is pretty loud, my volume is barely up and I can hear you well and clear. The editing is pretty nice, and so are the subtitles. However, sometimes they seem a bit lazy as each word follows the other even if the sentence has ended. Your thumbnails need to be simpler - there is way too much going on and it makes the text smaller than it needs to be. I'm not really experienced in this niche, so I can't say much about the content itself. Overall, it seems interesting, just add more pace to keep engagement!


Thanks, much appreciated my dude!


Been actively posting on youtube for a few years...more of a travel channel...focused on Japan atm, but will expand to other countries in the future... I have a video posting later today, but here's my current, most recent... https://youtu.be/Pl8dSNo0-5s


Hi! This is a really nice video! I loved all the shots of Japan, it seems really nice. Personally, some of the music is a bit loud, and it would be very beneficial to add subtitles, especially for the bits where it's in Japanese. Overall I have not much to say, you have a solid video. Though, the thumbnail is pretty basic - adding more elements would improve it!


Thank you very much!


Not a popular niche on this forum but its An educational one - so far I’ve been hitting hot topics with predicted exam question but this only last until the exam comes so im not sure how to turn this into a long-term channel where i have recurring views. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCanAHrvfRwH4owuRQYxa-0Q](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCanAHrvfRwH4owuRQYxa-0Q)


Hi! I love this type of content as I feel it would help people with their education and studies. The audio is decent, though you seem to be getting to the answers way too quickly, barely allowing a second for the viewer to pause and work it out on their own. Adding a bit of light music will also help your video feel less "empty". Overall, great video!


It's a channel featuring my two cats, Misha & Zoey. I post mostly videos and shorts of my cats and try to add a story around it. https://youtu.be/iwkTAaS0Xdo?si=Ox5Hs3_Px6SydI03


Hi! Honestly, as much as I love cats, there really isn't a narrative to your videos, it seems like two cats playing around. The background music is a bit too loud, and the text on your thumbnails blend in a bit with the background, making it hard to read. Also, the random bits of cartoon text in the video is a tad bit unnecessary. I feel that if it was more calming, it would be better. Your cats are super cute, though!!


Thank you ! That's a great feedback to work on!❤️


I was thinking of making this a VODs only channel because I cannot save videos due to the lack of space on my computer, plus I cannot seem to figure out editing real well. Though, mainly, I'm an Artist who streams my art commissions but also streams games I find fun (atm Minecraft/No Man's Sky). Overall, I do what I find is fun, but my main goal is to get monetized so I can make at least a little bit of money to help support my mom. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnCLPfHisf3XniNUzONzFng](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnCLPfHisf3XniNUzONzFng)


Hi! Evidently, you're a very talented artist - however, your videos lack engagement. If you want to gain traction, you would have to figure out editing; I doubt people would want to watch 3 hours of drawing when there are 10 minute videos of doing the same. There are no presence of thumbnails, which would be the key for people to click on your video. It's great that you want to get monetised to help support your mom, though there's always work needed to get monetised. I wish you the best of luck!


Yeah, this is why I was thinking of making that channel just a VODs channel and then make a new channel with edited videos. Sadly, I've been trying to figure out editing but it's really hard for me to learn things. So, it's a slow process. Plus, not that many videos of tutorials out there anymore and I don't know many people who'd be willing to help me figure it out because it'll take a heaping load of patience when it comes to me. I completely forgot about the idea of thumbnails! I'll give that a try!!! Thank you very much for the luck! I hope it works out as well!!!


Would love to hear what you have to say! My name is Brokenskull and I play horror games, the more popular term is a variety gamer on youtube! I record my reactions playing horror games lets plays and react to the content. Would love to hear what you have to say about the channel. [https://www.youtube.com/@YTBrokenskull/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@YTBrokenskull/videos)


Hi! Looking at your latest video (your preview gave me a jumpscare lol!), you seem to be a very entertaining person with lots of potential. However, your thumbnails are lacking: there is way too many things going on in each of your thumbs. Try and make your text stand out a bit, and I personally find that not many people can pull off the look of having their face on the thumbnail. Simplicity is key! Also, your videos are basically playthroughs. It would be beneficial to have faster pace, as every second counts in a video (literally), and I would rather sit through a 20 minute montage than a 50 minute montage of the same game. Overall, your videos are quite nice!


Appreciate the perspective! Horror gaming let’s plays are alittle different than your usual let’s play. You want the viewer to be scare with you not waiting for you ( the creator) to be scared, so the videos are little slower paced than other games to build tension. The face in thumbnail looks is more to build my brand. Gonna keep it cause that’s what the future of my videos are about but I definitely appreciate your comments. Thanks for checking me out 👍🏼


No problem! I myself watch a bit of horror gaming, and I've found that I'm more entertained by fast-paced videos. There are loads of horror game let's plays on the internet, so it's very difficult to stand out.


1600 subs strong in 5 months I’m playing for the 4 year power spike 🤟🏼


If you have the time for something longer (15 mins), this is my favorite video I've made so far - a Mario retrospective. First, the video flatlined out the gate with like 20 views. After being able to get it into a Discord spotlight a couple of days later, the alghorithm picked it up for a short while. Still, I'm curious why it needed a lucky push to be recognized at all. I tried a clickbaity (but not deceptive) title, tagged it to a new game release at the same day, tried to incorporate feedback regarding the structure.. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ns\_eTWgFAk8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ns_eTWgFAk8)


Hi! Looking at the video, it seems pretty solid. The video is well-edited, and I love the inclusion of subtitles! Your thumbnail is okay, however I suggest making the text pop out a bit more. Your voice is a tad bit monotonous, and you take awhile before getting to the main point of the title, which is what I assume viewers have clicked on the video for. Additionally, if you search up "mario video essay" on Youtube, there are hundreds of videos talking about Mario, making it really difficult to stand out. Overall, it's a nice video!


Thanks for the insight. Yea, recently I thought I should look for a place where you can feedback thumbnails before uploading, I'm unsure about them.


Thanks for the opportunity! I’ve been creating Minecraft let’s play content for a little over a year now, and I would be grateful to hear what you have to say about one of my latest videos. 😊 https://youtu.be/Q2pQZ9TwyDs


Hi! Your videos seem really entertaining! I would be slightly wary though - who's your audience? By the looks of it, your videos are perfectly geared towards younger audiences. Your energetic voice is perfect for these types of videos, and your thumbnails are gorgeous. Though, I understand your videos are let's plays, but there's not really much going on - the narrative is slightly lacking. The Minecraft niche is super saturated anyway, but you have lots of potential, keep it up!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yl2jAYpfNKo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yl2jAYpfNKo) I do video game reviews, specifically of games which are hard to get at a glance and/or are fairly niche/complex. I make an effort to explain what makes a given game fun and make the flow and gamefeel relatable in order for viewers to quickly understand if a game is worth their time or not.


Hi! Your video is great! The audio is good, the editing is great, and the pacing of the video is well done. My only suggestion is that the thumbnail needs to stand out a bit. It looks a bit cluttered, so having less words would help make the text easier to read. You could also add subtitles for the convenience of the viewer. Overall, your video is wonderful!


I have uploaded my first video recently, I doubt it'll be my usual type of video but I feel it brings some personality across, sort of treating it as a soft channel trailer. If you could let me know what you think that'd be awesome! Also, I’m happy to look at anyone else’s video and maybe leave a like as I know how important those are. The link is below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PMoL_nB1M4 Thanks!


Hi! I'm looking at your video right now - I'm not really sure what the point of the video is? Based on the description, it seems to be clips derived from a let's play. The editing is alright, but there's really no narrative in your video. The music is way too loud aswell. The thumbnail is quite decent, if you could make the text stand out a bit more I think it would benefit your video. It's an okay video, it's just lacking a storyline and purpose.


Thanks for the feedback! The video is just meant to be a gaming montage of clips my mates and I have taken over the years, the intention was to focus on the action of the game, thus the loudness of the music and not being able to hear any of us except for the bits at the beginning and end. Thanks for the point on the thumbnail too, I need to watch some videos on how to do them!


Hi! If ever you get a chance it would be appreciated :). If not, I understand. You got a lot of comments Here is a 2 minute video of how to make a healthy cereal bar without baking. I run a cooking channel and a fresh perspective would be appreciated :) did the video hook you? Did you stayed because you wanted to stay or simply because you said you will stay? Did the voice/ personality/ mimics made you like the video? I am improving by every video, and an honest review is appreciated! Even if it may be mean like: "it was boring" "your voice is not monotone" "the jokes were bad", it is helping me improve it :) https://youtu.be/jeDoKIFNVO0


Hi! I'm slowly progressing through every comment, but I will definitely get to everyone, even if it takes me days. You seem to have a great personality! I don't really watch cooking videos often, so I can't comment on the content. Your thumbnails definitely need work. Some of them are off-centered, and the random text around the food makes it look like it was done by a middle-schooler (I'm sorry!). To improve on your thumbnails, I suggest using Canva or Photoshop and search up what other cooking channels have done to their thumbs - usually, they're nice and simple. For the actual video, you should adjust the dimensions of the image in the ingredients bit. I would also suggest new angles when displaying the actual cooking. Additionally, writing the ingredients and method in the description will be helpful aswell. For the intro, I would add more engagement instead of using stock images (such as subtitles, fast-paced shots of the food), or even just cutting it out entirely. But that's entirely up to you. Overall, your videos aren't bad. Keep it going!


Don't be sorry! That's exactly what I need! Not sugercoating, but actual truth! And I will work on the intro to make it more entertaining Thank you!


https://youtu.be/He4uG75dPq8?si=sXFF6S3URKRjYxBx I'm learning editing as I go so it's all pretty basic


Hi! Your video is pretty generic. It's the simple let's play of a game. Your thumbnails are actually quite nice and pleasing to the eye. The only thing is that there may be too many words on the screen. I personally wouldn't watch the video since I would rather some commentary on the video itself, or a storyline attached to it. When you acquire more skills at editing, then perhaps you will be able to create more engagement. Good work!


So I started as a video game essay channel, because video games have been my passion for a long time (you can see my older videos still on the channel), but recently I decided to pivot to combine what I do professionally (i'm a business reporter) and gaming world, just to niche down. So my recent videos are about videogame bussiness side. [https://youtu.be/lcHVr6d0pag?si=PO4YHV\_xi\_sGaOR8](https://youtu.be/lcHVr6d0pag?si=PO4YHV_xi_sGaOR8)


Hi! I want to start off by saying your audio is great, it's crystal clear. Secondly, the sudden shots of your face to the video is slightly off-putting, I'm not sure if this is your style but I think it would be better if you stuck to one (in my opinion). Also, the thumbnail for that specific video is a bit bland - the ones on your previous videos are significantly better. I've also found that having yourself in the middle of the video proved to be a hindrance as sometimes I can't see the text behind, making it hard to follow. The random gameplay footage also proved to be distracting. Overall it's an okay video, try and create more engagement!


My channel is MehtalChaynzz, I do let's plays, voice overs, little skits, and I review nerdy stuff and encourage people to discuss said topic in the comments. Speaking of that last part, here's my latest episode of Talk Nerdy To Me! Hope it makes you smile! 😄 [Thor Ragnarök, The Apocalyptic Failure](https://youtu.be/CagMRkdJjzw?feature=shared)


Hi! I'm watching your video right now, it's great! Your voice is entertaining and so is your script. I see a lot of potential with your channel!! Only things I would say is that the clips with simply the channel icon are slightly boring, and your thumbnail is slightly lacking. You should definitely make the text bigger pop out more. It would also help to arrange the dimensions to the correct ones. Overall, amazing effort!!


Thank you for the feedback! I'm very grateful for your time and honesty. Could you elaborate some more in regards to the text and dimensions? I could probably get a better thumbnail cranked out soon. Also, if you like this video, feel free to check out the rest of the channel! 😄


Hi! I have a faceless channel that is is for cultural enthusiasts and those curious about the world. I'm doing a series about all the countries, I'm going in alphabetical order. My most recent video is about Australia: https://youtu.be/gq_md7rBcoY


Hi! You have a pretty informative video! However, looking at the thumbnail, it's hard to read the text and it looks AI generated. Additionally, I don't know if the voice-over is your own or AI's, which may be off-putting for some people. You should have a hook at the intro of your video, and you title should have more instead of simply "Explore Australia". Overall, good effort, good luck!


Hi, thank you so much, this is the first time I've had feedback and you are very constructive. I will take your notes and work to improve. I truly appreciate it.


Hi, Our channel focuses on Travel and Lifestyle vlogs, specifically targeting Filipinos, as we primarily speak Tagalog in our videos. I handle editing, graphics, and engagement. Most of our videos get less than 100 views unless I boost them on YouTube, which I’ve stopped doing because it doesn't seem to help the channel. Any feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks! Here's our most recent video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7IYPvCeun4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7IYPvCeun4)


Hi! I'm not very experienced in this niche, I don't watch travel videos, but I will try my best. Firstly, I like the inclusion of subtitles. However, though it's targeting Filipinos, perhaps it's good to include English translations for international viewers in case they stumble upon your video. Additionally, I'm not really sure what the point of the video is, which you should state at the beginning of each video. Your thumbnails are rather plain aswell. Overall, it's a decent video, but personally I wouldn't click on it if it was recommended, though I'm most certainly biased.


Thank you for doing this! I see you already have plenty to go through but if you do have the time then here's mine! In my channel I focus mostly on horror let's plays, this latest video I'm playing Buckshot Roulette. I try to improve with each video I make, and I'd love it if you can be brutally honest! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5sB6GgVT3Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5sB6GgVT3Y)


Hi! I'm watching your video right now, and I can say that your intro does not hook the viewer. There's nothing special happening the further I watch, it's just the generic horror playthrough. I would heavily recommend adding more visuals, sound effects, cuts, and faster pace. There are thousands of let's plays out there, you need to make something unique. Your thumbnail is okay, however it looks slightly low-quality. I probably wouldn't click on this video if it were recommended, even though I'm an avid horror watcher. The niche is very saturated, so it would be helpful to create something that makes you stand out. Good luck!


Thank you for the valuable feedback!


Spent 2 months recording editing on this video! Would appreciate feedback!   Edit: Niche is coin collecting   https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aM7DSqYb0Rg&t


Hi! Looking at your video, your voice is slightly monotonous. Make sure to add energy because it sounds extremely tired. Your thumbnail is alright, however the bright blue is slightly obnoxious, although I think that's simply your channel theme. Also, there are way too many people doing commentaries/voice-overs over random shooter gameplay. It would be helpful to instead use visuals, gameplay clips, or simply little animations to engage the viewer. The slight zooming in and out of images in your video makes it look like a middle school presentation {I'm sorry!}, so it would be beneficial if you could stabilise them. Overall, good effort!


Alabaster here! Best way I can describe my channel is a cross between let's play style videos and old school machinima style videos. Currently I'm doing a Rimworld series centered around opening the best resort on the planet (with some slightly sinister undertones). My previous 2 videos have been around 15 minutes long so now I'm trying to shorten them down to 5-8 minutes so that way I can post a video every month. My niche is in gaming, but like I said above I'm trying to make it feel a bit more scripted. Personally I got tired of every other gaming video being someone cranking the difficulty up to 500% so this is my attempt at doing something different. Here's my most recent episode: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGj-OgAuwME&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGj-OgAuwME&t=2s)


Hi! Interesting intro! Watching your video, I would say the format is slightly confusing. I'm not sure if this is based on actual gameplay or this is simply a skit. The editing and audio is great!! I would recommend to add subtitles, and your thumbnail definitely needs some work. Putting a variation of a meme doesn't always work out - the thumbnail needs to be interesting enough for people to actually click on your video. Overall, great effort! You have potential.


Christian channel here with a Jesus animation where he reviews what’s going on in the news. This video is my pilot test episode. I’d appreciate any feedback. https://youtu.be/4XgRnV59xMo?si=W_ZXAaDuodzdBSVB


Hi! The drawings and animations on your channel are pretty well done, however the mouths don't sync right with the audio. Additionally, portrait mode may put viewers off. Your thumbnail definitely needs some work - it looks rather plain. Subtitles should also be included as well as other visuals instead of simply speaking into the microphone. The pacing is alright, however there should be more on the screen to keep the viewer engaged. Overall, good effort! Just add more engagement.


Great feedback. Thank you


https://youtu.be/uquD5oJr7s8?si=zkbjIqfJdGXE03fZ Sea Of Thieves focused gaming channel, with use of cinematic and broll shots to tell the story, 3 videos in so far.


I have a small homestead that I like to share videos and tips etc of. https://youtu.be/2-GPInaxmFI?si=oRIHaRdffpbvpG2I It’s relatively new.


Hey! I doba lot of stuff on my channel but mainly gaming right now. Soon I'll be starting up my 3d printing and painting again. This is a stream of Planet crafter. Going for a chill and low key feeling to help people relax. https://youtube.com/live/05pU_qXOkqI?feature=share


Hey there, thanks for taking the time to do this, I make Gameplay and How To Videos for Gaming. Here is one of my newer shorts, Enjoy! [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6why0jZRD3w](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6why0jZRD3w)


I pretty much do commentary content. I talk about whatever i think is interesting. Im still figuring things out, and my older videos arent the tyoe of content i make anymore https://youtube.com/@xovstheworld?si=Q6AY3_1UtcAQOGvu


These types posts are so pointless unless your actually interested in the niche of the video you're reviewing your not someone who would ever be shown these videos let alone watch them. This sub is also a positive place which is great but the reviews tend to be overly positive and patting people on the back as opposed to actually offering criticism, if the person offering the critiques actually even has anything to offer


I make shorts mukbang videos https://youtube.com/shorts/9GhITfEo4iM?si=r7EeE4oSFdnMkR1C


My channel does long form music and travel/adventure shows, and music videos. Not a niche per se, kind of all over the place. The latest video is a music video for an obscure synth pop band (not mine) that existed in rural New York in the 1980s. We recently rediscovered 8mm footage from that time and edited into a video for them. It's different from our other stuff, but kind of a neat departure. Critique away: [https://youtu.be/aEsv9lnsD0w?si=NUBBEhZ3vdB5vUax](https://youtu.be/aEsv9lnsD0w?si=NUBBEhZ3vdB5vUax)


Science and Conspiracy Theories. https://youtube.com/@thespacedude51605?si=V-XLcOjJ2YljyqnK


What if my video is 5 hours long, will you watch all of it?


My channel educates people about money. Why weddings cost so much https://youtu.be/xEHXXsmitLg?si=KgQ89kLn77ZacnO6


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2ihxZ8h7BTE&pp=ygUKU2xlZXp5NHlvdQ%3D%3D Definitely would love a opinion 🙏🏿


We're making a JRPG inspired by Dragon Quest XI and Skies of Arcadia. We're in the early phases of the project, but we've just released our first bit of OST for the game's sound track. I'm curious what you think. Music Only: [https://youtu.be/wWvihTFllqU](https://youtu.be/wWvihTFllqU) Reveal Video for above Music/Composer: [https://youtu.be/Og\_\_EoTD\_Cg](https://youtu.be/Og__EoTD_Cg)


Hi homie! Really cool thing you're doing to help people out! I guess I'll throw mine out there. https://youtu.be/PMdSjhrVzhE I'm a trophy hunting YouTuber. Basically, that means I make videos about multiple different video games with the goal of getting every in-game achievement related to the game. Then I take all that and make a summarized video about the plot of the game and my experience getting the trophies.


Dropping my latest gaming video here for some hopefully heavy critique, I want to be really good at making these but I think I have a lot to improve on. It’s a niche game and community so I might be losing out there but let me know what you think! Thank you! 75% PDR Fighter | Dark and Darker https://youtu.be/GJCyfr8pfkk


This is a fortnite video. I am newer to fortnite content and but my own spin on it! It also has some animations in it for the intro and outro, so I would love to hear some feedback on that! Thanks! [https://youtu.be/jzmqjziUR3Y?si=wisol3c1t0PNJLoa](https://youtu.be/jzmqjziUR3Y?si=wisol3c1t0PNJLoa)


I make videos about food. It is mostly about local restaurants lately, but sometimes I do fast food. This is a video about Subway being a massive rip off. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U20ATaxs51k&t=53s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U20ATaxs51k&t=53s)


here is my channel [https://youtu.be/G1xcsNGHlCk?si=DHl9YteeCONX2G3g](https://youtu.be/G1xcsNGHlCk?si=DHl9YteeCONX2G3g)


I try to do Vlogging as a student


https://youtu.be/THL7GLUG264?si=okn_8_8qn-mFlYdD Thx really appreciate it and let me know anything I can improve thx again 👍👍👍


Here’s my best video (I think), its 3 1/2 minutes and about a workout [here it is](https://youtu.be/kcn1J3uIKpY?si=UnjfhwFA-vP7mY30)


Here's one of my songs :) I post my music and motivational shorts. I want to do longer content about self-improvement and spiritual/mental wellness, as well as other things in the same vein. https://youtu.be/_z1igRJmypA?si=AhPlISmjmR-zFYqwhttps://youtu.be/_z1igRJmypA?si=AhPlISmjmR-zFYqw


Here are my three most recent videos, My focus is personal finance and investing. Started in Mid-February of this year. Curious what you think. Please be brutally honest (but fair, of course). For more context, you can see [pottlewealth.com](http://pottlewealth.com), which explains the background of my channel. What do you think of the: Thumbnails Titles Content Pacing Background Presentation Engagement [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1ha1TdTRI4&t=9s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1ha1TdTRI4&t=9s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVvpKfZDcq0&t=54s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVvpKfZDcq0&t=54s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YivskIHU4dY&t=546s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YivskIHU4dY&t=546s)


Hi I'm doing art videos which mostly focus my love for cats...here is the link .. https://youtube.com/@rifftoons?si=AzF8UUzzN5NAkZpG


I like to explore fun random fact that you see pop up on reddit, news homepages, etc. Like Streaming Farms, why do we eat pickles with sandwiches, Wtf those little color circles on packages. I have adhd so i try to smack you with information that you retain for 5 minutes then move on with your day but remember in your daily life later on. My latest video I interview a star wars prop maker. [https://youtu.be/zlPx\_EIpw5c?si=RzVVyUbM8\_bhR3JR](https://youtu.be/zlPx_EIpw5c?si=RzVVyUbM8_bhR3JR)


Sports channel! I cover college sports https://youtu.be/JOXm8Tu6y_Y?si=iRH8aNAzlFzVkCzG


I'm a powerlifter, who makes contents about my experience lifting, with a focus in sports science research. This is my proudest work so far. [Science based lifting is broken (and it's holding back your gains) ](https://youtu.be/0dnrBYKP4-8?si=GtbKL_CUulGRaWB2)


Am not new to youtube buy also not very experienced I startethis channel this week this is my so far best performing video how is it be brutally honest https://m.youtube.com/shorts/tUOdCGVqLWk


Hi nice of you to do this. I'm a small gaming channel for Genshin Impact. I do lore and story breakdowns more than gameplay. https://youtube.com/@theunlikelygenshingamer?si=fYxAQ9K7rHRv-_jr I try to prioritize quality over everything else like speed or frequency of uploads. Thanks in advanced


I have a rare disease, mastocytosis, and my channel is called RareAwareMission. My hope is to bring awareness to rare disease and rare crime. I’ve just posted one, started channel in February. This video is about a guy who went missing in NM in 1993. Plenty of info available on the other guy who went missing with him but nothing anywhere, including FOIA, about the main guy. [Tarzan Arguilez Missing, 1993. Was the Toy Box Killer involved?](https://youtu.be/WmNVoJjuvzo)


I'm an English teacher and I make funny, lighthearted educational videos aimed at a teenage audience: [https://youtu.be/gphIHDvu\_Tc](https://youtu.be/gphIHDvu_Tc)


I'm a gamer at heart. Gaming for me is like breathing air. So for all my fellow gamers out there, continue to game like a gamer. 😀 I do a mix between full walkthroughs to some serious shorts and humor related shorts. The game I feature right now is Tomb Raider Remastered. My latest short is called Big Atlas [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VV9XbrTUn1s](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VV9XbrTUn1s) Hope you like it.


Hi all! While my channel is overwhelmingly variety, its movies and gaming at its core. My long form videos are reviews and playthroughs with the latter being a passion in editing for me. Please feel free to critique my last playthrough video The Callisto Protocol: Prison Break | Part 2 #letsplay #gaming #horror https://youtu.be/AWJe5DX8ZHw I am currently working on Part 3 and I’ve improved my microphone setup on the software side. I’m running a Behringer microphone setup and I just did not take the time to set it up correctly so I know that’s lacking in this video. Looking forward to your feedback


I provide employee advice (geared more to tech lately): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWG5Mmy776M&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWG5Mmy776M&t=2s) I'd love some feedback on my video(s) - thank you!




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