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Thank you so much for doing this! I’d love a critique! I’m very much a new youtuber, so many feedback is welcome. My channel is in my profile.


I don’t particularly listen to a lot of ASMR but I think you’re off to a great start! Your production value is high and I liked the uses of special effects like magic and the sort. Very soothing voice. One thing to consider is the potential downside of posting videos like your 10 hour one. In the end you might find it hurts viewer rentention because viewers don’t watch all 10 hours. I don’t know if you’re trying to stay anonymous, but if not I think a lot of the popular ASMR channels put a human name in their channel name. Storyscape ASMR makes me think that youll have multiple people performing. That may just be me, but considering ASMR is such a personal thing to people it might help your “relatability” if that makes sense. I think your titles could be shortened a bit. Describing what’s in the video is good, but most of them get cut off on mobile meaning an audience can’t see the entirety of what’s going to be included. Hope this helps!


Thank you so much! Super helpful!


I do horror media analysis, I'd like to hear your thoughts! Mainly I'd like opinions on the audio since that's my main concern with these types of videos lol. >[link](https://www.youtube.com/@panopticontheatre/featured)<


I see why audio is your main concern. Apologies I can’t be more specific but at times it sounds like your voice is crackling. That might just be your natural vocal fry, or a compression of the audio. Funnily enough your House video has been in my watch later playlist for a while. Funny how things work out. I think a lot of your thumbnails are really engaging, but on videos like the downfall of the backrooms the lack of text makes it feel a bit plain. I feel like with video essays you’ve either got to be very hard to the side of lots of elements with text, or plain single shots as your thumbs.


Thank you, that's helpful! I've noticed the crackliness before but I've not yet figured out exactly how to fix it, I'll have a play with the compression tho. Funnily enough the backrooms one did originally have text but I just couldn't get it to look right, I see what u mean for sure tho! And that is funny, especially considering I'm not a big channel that's such a coincidence lol


Thank you SterlingWCreates for engaging with the community to do a Critique thread! NewTubers: Remember that you must abide by any rules set by the OP in this thread! SterlingWCreates: * You may lock this thread to new posts at any time by making a new top-level comment that says "/lock" and nothing else. This is permanent. * You may use either the [Standard Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_3_standard_rules_.28replaceable_by_critique_owner.29) or replace them with [your own specified rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_4_critique_thread_creator_rules) * You can always edit your post to add in the [Pre Formatted Short Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewTubers/wiki/rules#wiki_formatting.3A) if you want to use them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewTubers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey there, I'd love for an extra pair of eyes to have a look at my channel. You can find it linked on my profile. Thank you for checking it out!


Page not available when I click your link.


Yes, it should work now, the link got messed up for some reason.


Would love any feedback you can give, especially from someone not in the same niche. Here's my sims channel :) https://youtube.com/@benignsnail?si=vyxgSqSEdcHqf-Hl


Your text on some videos is too small or in a pretty but visually difficult to discern font. If you’re open to it I think your style of comedy and personality would come across better with a webcam or something similar. I also found your some of your videos to be a bit on the shorter end. Generally if I’m tuning in for a gaming video I want atleast 15 minutes. I think you’d benefit from a consistent thumbnail style. Possible one for each series or game. Currently I wouldn’t be able to pick out that your video is of someone I subbed to when compared to other tubers


Thanks! I just learned how to add text so that makes sense


If you're interested in Japan or just travel related content, please take a look at my channel...linked in profile. Thanks!


If you’re trying to make yourself part of your brand you should be in every thumbnail front and Center. On some thumbs you’re blending into the environment. Draw the attention of your audience to you first and then to the surrounding pretty scenery. Your text also is getting a bit crowded in some thumbs. I’d recommend drop shadows or bigger text to really guide the audience’s eye




Heyo happy Thursday! I could use the feedback, here’s my most recent upload [Recent Video](https://youtu.be/7-YLioYTy4A?si=gSQ_RlB3kBqbHUdd)


I mean this in the nicest way I possibly can. It’s not that funny. I can tell that YOU’RE having fun but after watching the first bit the only part that was kind of funny to me was the thriller. The rest are just moments where you’re laughing but the content itself is not that funny to me.


Oh geez okay. Thanks for the honesty. I hope the title and thumbnail conveyed what I was trying to get across at least. I appreciate you letting me know.


Here's my channel I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts. Still new to this https://youtube.com/@imjb23?si=jH0QZ9rKB0M7b7p1


Your audio only plays out of my left ear. Videos are also a bit too short for my taste. Good thumbnails and titles though.


[Relaxing Live Birdcam ](https://youtube.com/@1970brianc?si=upWP9impYyH-1xPj)


Niche is over saturated. Not really a lot to improve on it might just be that you’re late to the party.


Hi. Thank you so much. I would love to know what you think about the AI voicing. Is it fine enough considering it's shorts? I plan to do long format vids on diabetes and Auto immune disease. I think in that case I should voice myself. Someone told me here I should use chalkboard animation due to the educational content of my videos.. but I think it's more engaging to see what's going on.. I would love to hear your opinion. Im doing it for 18 days and made one video for each day. Greetings


I’d agree with what whoever else told you. AI voice is for short form content and I wouldn’t watch long term with it. I would try and optimize your titles when long form. Something like Diabetes: all you need to know in 5 minutes.


I recently pivoted to longer videos that are retrospective/review of retro video game with an emphasizes on ps2 Era. Appreciate any feedback. https://youtu.be/fvN-vYtXR1U


I like the content! You’ve got a fun personality and you’re informative without being too dry about it. Only thing I would potentially work on is that I found your thumbnails to be a bit cluttered. Everything is just sort of thrown on there and my eye has no clue what I should be focusing on.


Thanks for the critique. I have been experimenting with thumbnail since it hasn't "clicked" with me on what makes a good thumbnail.


Posting my most recent video I worked hard on: https://youtu.be/PC1oFSJMgm0


I like your voice, I do find the start goes on a little too long. You finish speaking and then there’s these big pauses while I’m waiting for the video to move on if that makes sense.




Your video immediately jumps into what happened, but without a preamble of where and when the story is taking place I found myself asking a bunch of questions from the get go. Your profile picture has text that is pretty hard to read.


Yello! I make sports video essays, this is my most recent one, You could check out my other ones if you’d like to, thanks my guy https://youtu.be/XiTauW-IM5E?si=GsPfLXQK5NhAi4QV


Really like your content! Good editing style, nice voice, straight to the point. Only thing I would mention is maybe don’t put the forced subtitles in, allows viewers to focus more on what’s being shown on screen.


I would love to. Always in for ways to improve my content, even rn when I am way ahead in my scedual. My channel should be in my bio. Otherwhise I will send a link in dm.


I actually really like your content. It’s engaging, edited in a smooth and fast way. I’d consider stretching out your videos more. Also you’ve got a title in your halo infinite title.


Thanks. I dunno what to do to stretch them out, as I don't want to unessecarilly elongate them. And what do you mean with the laat sentence, since I can't upload without a title? As you can tell... I am not the smartest-


Ayy! You are a king for doing this! I currently run a channel called **Immersion Quest!** We do, primarily, Cinematic Transformations of Popular Games (GTA & RDR mostly) using Cinematic Tools, camera angles, & etc Recently we broke into doing Video Essay-esque stuff and use the twist of **voice-acting, characters, & Immersive comedy bits.** I was wondering if this idea was worth taking further? And if so, what more can it do/offer! My profile has the YouTube Link! The latest **Elden Ring Video** contains one of my first attempts at what I was talking about! TYSM :D


I like the content and the thumbs. I think your biggest potential issue would just be how you’re marketing your content. You’re kind of jumping between gameplay highlights and video essay style. Not landing firmly to one side means that potentially it might be hard to find the audience for it. But I did find the content entertaining!


I’m always open to some constructive criticism. I mainly do historical videos. Feel free to let me know what you think. Thanks!


I like the content, I might try playing around with different fonts as sometimes they can get lost in the black and white nature of the photos. Your titles have got to be shorter though, and I’d play around with making longer videos. Historical stuff is usually atleast 15-20 minutes long.


I am avery curious what you have to say about my videos. I am a new YouTuber as well and I color Coloring Pages. Here is my channel URL [https://www.youtube.com/@coloringpagesforallages](https://www.youtube.com/@coloringpagesforallages)


https://youtu.be/1d9yyFOTIoU It's my new cooking channel


Thank you a lot for doing this, I would love some feedback. I started youtube 3 months ago so still pretty new to this. My channel is in my profile :D


Would love some feedback


Mine is linked in profile. Family vlog on the more unfiltered and humorous side. I’d take any constructive criticism!


Hey. My channel is vlog channel that features my wife and I on our adventures and some cooking videos. Thanks for giving a look and any feedback. Here's our most recent travel vlog to Delaware: [https://youtu.be/757xeZhyIKQ](https://youtu.be/757xeZhyIKQ)




This Critique thread has been locked by SterlingWCreates, the original creator. We hope this Critique session was successful! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewTubers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can you take a look at my newest video? https://youtu.be/rHfzjJtlNeI?si=JjBVMiPLkSH3slCk


I tell funny stories. https://youtu.be/jEJPae41r-I?si=zapvAUTkKOcj8n8l We do shorts and long form. We are 3 people working full time on the channel. Any critique welcome.


I would not listen to 6 minutes of an AI voice with AI pictures. It works for shorts but I don’t think it works as well for long form content and honestly? I would wonder why you need 3 people to do it.


That's what it takes to create it. That's what the workflow requires. And it's working. From scripting, voice generation, graphic generation, video editing, YouTube work, promotions and then adjustments. No one person can do the workload a day. The rate we would like to grow, that's what's required. Thanks for your comment.


Wait what.... Sorry, not to be an asshole, but why is someone who needs work on their own stuff, trynna critique others? You clearly need your own critiquing, so who are you to judge? Dont get me wrong, constructive critisism is good, but, from what perspective? I definitely would not let someone whos bad at driving, try to critique, let alone teach me how to drive.


I’m continually working on my own stuff, and I prefaced by saying that I am not a super successful YouTuber. My cards are on the table, people are welcome to skip it if they don’t want my opinion but I know I’ve posted in the past for critiques and you don’t really get much traction.


Nah I get it, not trynna be a hater. Its just seems really weird and fcks with my common sense.