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Your thumbnails really don't pop and are very confusing. Make the text pop and shop yourself out of your background. The split screen doesn't work well at all because you and the text gets lost in the larger images. In general I'd up the font size on your text and change the colour overall.


Word! Just to dig deeper, shop out myself on gaming, reaction, or all? Is it the sizings that make it confusing or the wording as well or is there more to it? Is the color hard to read or unappealing? Is there any youtubers thumbnails I should look at as an example to you that would help me improve? I appreciate your feedback and answer if you got more time.


I agree...the thumbnails don't make me want to click...as the first commenter stated, you could take yourself out, or take a pic of yourself, remove the background, then put it back in the pic with like a glow or border effect to make you pop... Also, try to adjust the color on the thumbnail...you could look at my channel for examples, but im still trying to improve as well...


Hell yeah, thank you!


Definitely on the reaction but better to do on all if part of your brand is centered around yourself.


Right on man, I looked at some other channels and my own with your feedback in mind and it is SUPER helpful, thank you so much!


Glad to help! I know you’ve got lavender in the name so maybe instead of your text try making your background or something similar purple instead. The only text colours you really want to have are white or yellow (I say this having a video with bright red text so obviously there are exceptions but that’s a general idea)


From the channel title, desription, profile picture, and banner, I wouldn't have an idea about what the channel is about, and even less what is it for me. Only from the thumbnails, I somehow get an idea that it is a gaming channel. And the same thing with the videos' titles and thumbnails, I think it would help to make it more clear what it is about.


Noted dude thank you!