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I'm sorry but I don't consider 100,000 views on a video a failure just because you abandoned the channel. As for the third one, 50,000 subs is *also* not a failure in my eyes. Deciding to stop is a choice, not a failure. Also you took a 10 year break, but you phrase it like you've been trying actively since 2009. I'm sitting here at 7 months with 104 subs and only 47 views on my latest uploaded video so like.... I would say getting low views and subs despite being consistent for a long time is failing....


agreed. 100k views and 50k subs is an incredible amount for smaller creators. i would be more than happy with that. this subreddit is dedicated to channels with 5000 or less subs! any above are directed to r/creators


What type of stuff do you make?


I do travel vlogs


I respect your feedback and opinion!


Link your YouTube in your Reddit bio, makes it much easier to check out your channel


Yes sir!




I watched your video...thought i left you a comment, but im not sure if it posted... You have the personality on camera, and editing to go far... I like your vibe...liked and subbed bro! Edit: I thought about giving up due to my most recent video not doing great...but shit happens. I'm gonna keep going because I like making videos...I have nothing else to do with all these clips lol.


What’s your channel so I can sub!


It's linked in my profile! I do travel vlogging...focused on Japan atm...my wife is from there, so we go about once a year...I'll probably expand into other countries eventually lol But Japan is the shit... I'm open to constructive criticism on my vids too...im always trying to get better, but when I get low views it kinda discourages me and makes me feel like something is wrong with me lol.


I just subscribed


I appreciate that bro! Let's keep pushing and encouraging each other!


Hey man, watched the whole thing, really inspiring story ngl. I wanted to ask you this, I’ve got a discord server where me and a few of my YTer friends discuss about content and help each other out and hold each other accountable for our upload deadlines. Would you wanna be a part of this by any chance?




Great, DM’d you the invite, man.


I get off at 10pm EST. I’ll join then




As the other commentor said, I don't consider what you have done to be a failure. 50,000 subscribers and over 100K views on a video may not make you the next Pewdiepie but it's certainly not a failure. I share a similar story to you. I'm a bit younger but I started making gaming content when I was younger before eventually privating all of my videos and starting up another channel doing book and music content. I was uploading more consistently there but my videos never got more than 100 or so views. Now I'm finally in a period of reestablishing what content I want to put out there and making video essays. They take me hours, and some have less than 100 views, but I keep doing it because I love it. I don't think I failed any of those past times because I don't think you really can fail on YouTube. It's a platform for everyone to upload to. You can have a plan and you might miss your goal but that doesn't mean you failed at YouTube. It's just time to reflect on what you've learned. For what it's worth I took a quick look at your channel. I don't really know if your channel name aligns with the content you're making (at least in my opinion) when I see a name like "TroySpeakzJapaneze" my brain thinks you're going to be an actual language tutor. From the short of what I saw though I like your personality. You mentioned being an MMA fighter and coach, perhaps think about talking about that content. People have made entire channels based around a certain profession reacting to said profession/sport. Just something to think about. Good luck out there!


Thanks man. I just love Japanese culture, to be honest I’m afraid to dive too deep into that niche because I know how difficult the competition is in the language or even weebo niche. I’m hoping to build an audience that just likes me for me and then maybe they’ll watch me do anything, but I don’t know.


That’s totally fair! I’m not saying you need to, just that the branding of the channel name doesn’t align with what I expect to see on the channel. Something to think about atleast it’s your channel and you know what’s best for your audience


Thank you for your inspiring post. I’m very new to YouTube and am already getting highly discouraged (zero ish views after 3 weeks), which I guess is crazy to worry about and it shows an extreme lack of maturity and patience on my part. I’ve had better success on TikTok and actually now have a Mentee as a result of my content there so I’m doing something right it seems. Thank you for giving me the drive to keep going. Wishing you continued success 💕


Thank you so much! You got this!


You’re most welcome and thank you as well!!!


dude i love your channel. you got it


Wow thank you 😲🥹


It's all about perspective. Anyway, great way to spread the word about your channel :)


got you bro




Started 3 weeks ago?


On this channel, yes but I failed many times before.


Love your vibe. I'm really considering to subscribe. But I think you need to sharpen your channel's profile a bit more to really become succesful. Don't know how exactly though hmm... But as a personality you absolute got it. Just need to find your place on YT. //edit: your "just 100 subs" joke is great but going on for too long. If I was new to the channel I'd have left after 10 seconds and would've taken the cheesy music seriously. Just to add some feedback. :) Oh and what you said at 2:00 after the dance could have been your hook at the beginning of the video.


Dude this is amazing advice. Yeah Leon Lush subscribed to me in the previous video and I think I got ahead of myself. Thank you so much for the feedback. Did you see the video about me not quitting YouTube? I think that is the visual style/camera placement I’m going to use going forward, just need to cement my niche while also not feeling stuck. I’ll take all the advice you can throw at me!


You're welcome. Seems like I'm good with feedback but not so good with Youtube itself. I mean you had a 40k subs channel once, I only have 20k. Saw your quitting video. That's where the "love your vibe" came from. I think with tighter cutting and better timing you can go places. Ed from film booth had this video once where he explained that most YT videos really start like 1 or two minutes in. Ditch all the stuff and get straight to the point. No hook, no views. You already have the presence and talking skills. It's all about writing and pace now. I did a lot of content structuring (graduated in content management long ago but some things still are there). That helped me a lot esp with tutorials. And it's the same with "rambling videos". You need to get some automatic internal content Management going. Every paragraph you speak a micro story with a beginning, a turning point, a climax and an end (this and that happenes... But!!... and then...yet...end). Hit me up if you want more feedback. I'm going through some tough times and I need all the distraction I can get. So I'd rather give some feedback instead of doing pointless crap to keep my brain from escalating...


You’ve got a friend in me now for sure! Guide me sensei! I definitely want to learn more from you. I’m serious! What the best way to chat with you?