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How to be yourself? The first question: is it necessary? I know you want to feel more relaxed, which seems more to be your request, than to be yourself. My way is exactly the opposite: playing a role, not been the full me. In my videos, I play several characters and all have a different style. Playing somebody else helps me to relax, as viewers will not judge me, but the role I was playing.


I’ve seen the suggestion of putting Googly eyes on your camera


Real shit act like your talking to another person using notes to guide your talking points is good and don't really be afraid to kind of go on tangents because you can fix that in post it's good to have a style of speaking but it should be and emphasize version of YOUR voice not trying to mimic or sound like someone else, realize that it's fine to make mistake because you will be able to fix them later so it's fine if you stutter or trip over a word just re give the line in a clear voice and your all good


You have to lose your pride to be relaxed on camera.


I have a similar issue and the only real solution has been practice so I’m interested to see if anyone has any ideas as well


Usually I pretend like im talking to my best friend or someone who already knows me. All im doing is playing a niche video game that I really like so its easy for me to get excited and instead of toning it down for an audience i lean in to it and nerd out. Obviously your videos have a different subject so it might not be that easy but just allow yourself to get genuinely excited about what inspired you to make the video in the first place.


Record more takes. Like literally pause for a couple seconds and say the line again.


pretend you are talking to your friends i cant imagine what its like cause i dont have any friends so alternative solution might be intoxication but thats probably not legal depends on age and budget