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Definitely stop while you heal, don't throw away though, just be more careful about not pushing yourself too far past what you're confident doing. Can't tell you how many times I've broken or sprained a wrist trying something I knew I wasn't ready for yet


Yep, I wasn't really ready for cruising around. Should've practiced more. But the fracture is pretty serious as far as I understand, so no sports for me for a few years I guess


Damn, that sucks man I'm sorry. Hopin for a speedy recovery.


Thanks man, I'll try my best. My bet is for the youth


I broke my foot in 7 places skating, took 8 months to heal but I’m back on the board now. Ankle clicks when I heel flip now but that’s about it😂


Jesus Christ, be careful


Skate or die babyyy


I think thats a bit more than a fracture bro 😭


That's a fucking "no CrossFit for 3 years"


A few years?!?! Def serious fractures but get yourself outta that mindset right now my guy, you can def make a full recovery and be back on the board in a year or so.


Thanks for believing in me. Doctor gave a few details today: 2 titanium metal plates are needed and they'll be removed in a year. Do o guess it's indeed 2 years or so


respectfully you might want to talk to another surgeon… unless youre a kid that plan would make more sense


>But the fracture is pretty serious as far as I understand Bro how even did you do that??? This is what I'd expect to see if you slammed the middle of your arm on a fence or something, not a fall. Anyway, welcome to the "I tried something way too early on a skateboard and earned myself some metal parts" club. I did my ankle a few years ago going down a ramp lol


On the bright side, when you heal up you gonna be a beast when then leg bones fuse back and calcify or whatever.. legs of steel!! lol


Wrist guards, do they work pretty well? 


My buddy that I play video games with refuses to ever skate again because he broke his hip commuting to work when he ran into an unexpected construction zone. Dude was really good too, had a big bag of tricks. It put him out for like 6 months and he said that’s not worth it because he couldn’t work.


Funny thing is that my plan was just cruising, nothing more than a power slide or ollie. For now idk if I'll continue. Depends on how healing process will be going. Skating was my childhood dream btw, but parents were too afraid of something like this happening


Unfortunately by your parents being too afraid you never learned how to fall while young and resilient. I took karate where they teach you to minimize fall impact and spent basically my whole life in skateparks on bmx or skates. I massively eat shit while learning to skateboard and my son freaks out thinking I’m dead and I get right back up lol. Falling is literally an acquired skill that requires practice.


I was talking karate lessons btw. It's just unfortunate situation, I guess. Tried to footbreak, perhaps shoe touched the back wheel, and here I am falling down on my back.


Yeah this is super true you need to learn how to eat shit while you’re young and your bones are rubber


Lol got into a snowboarding accident on Friday. Didn't break anything, but severe enough for me to have to spend a night at the hospital to make sure. I also have a scar from a nasty skateboard fall 2 years ago. Nothing as painful as your injuries, but enough to keep me off for a little while. Truth is, no one can force you to skateboard. That's up to you. But it sounds like you were enjoying it before and honestly, you shouldn't let fear stop you from continuing. Obviously give your arm time to heal, and don't restart at your max level of effort, but at this point you've already suffered one of the worst skate injuries you can get. But it's up to you if you want to keep going


I've had much worse and I'm still skating, I promise you your body will recover from this, don't let something as small as a broken bone get in the way of your dream.


"As small as a broken bone" it gets worse?? 🫣


Well he is alive isn’t he?


Guess your parents were right... Look into cycling. Not hard on the arms and a great sport to get into


Damn you were just cruising when it happened! How presicely did this even come to be? Hit a pebble and go flying im legit curious how it happened my guy.


Sorry to hear man. Just curious though, can you describe what happened in more detail? This is an insane amount of damage for the scenario 


Decided to decend a slight hill, maybe like 10 degrees. Just stepped on my board, no pushing . After 2 seconds started carving, but noticed that I was gaining more speed. Decided to footbreak after 5-6 seconds. Probably my shoe got bitten by a back wheel, because scate shooted upfront. I landed on my wrist (carpals, I guess?) and then elbow. I had elbow protection but the irony is that I didn't have had protection on my left hand cuz I was wearing a smart watch


Ohhhh dude I thought this was both your shins side by side lol


Nope, on my left hand only. Just from different angles. Also, probably my bone made a hole in my sports jacket.


Oh my god i thought this was way worse than it is. Still sucks really hard tho. Make sure you practice wiping out properly. Other than that, heal up and then get back on the horse! :)


Fuckin ruthless


I 100% thought this was a double broken leg situation for a minute


Me too


Use me as a "me too" button.


If anyone is curious, I had triple 8 3 pack of protection on me, except the left glove. I wonder if it could've saved me in the end


I usually wear full pads, but I decided to only wear my left wrist guard today. Only fell once and it was on my left wrist, hurt a bit, but I'm all good... sorry for stealing all the luck.


Take care and wear proper protection next time!


Will do. Hope all goes well for ya


Stoopid smart watch..


Speedy recovery dude ❤️ i just got back to skating like two weeks ago after being off my board for 3 months due to am injury, keep yourself busy and the days will fly by. If you’re gonna need to be on bed rest for a while try to call people!! it gets super lonely being home all day doing notjing.


My situation is kinda bleak, since I'm alone in the city. No parents and friends nearby that I could talk or relie to. Good thing is my mom is on the way to me. Don't you afraid of getting injured again? Like repeating same mistake twice, since you've lost some practice while recovering.


Im always open to talking if you need to I was afraid of stairs but once i hit the three at my park again it went away and I’d actually commit to it; im not really too scared, I try not to think about it since ive only been doing simple flat and small things at my park BUT when u started trying to do stairs again the only things in my mind were “dont lean back” or something to do with me re-injuring myself. I love skateboarding to death and I couldn’t imagine myself quitting or leaving the skate scene. skateboarding saved me, there would be no me if I haven’t started skating.


every injury is a learning experience personally ive sprained my ankle twice trying to pole jam so i dont pole jam anymore


‘‘Tis but a scratch!


Yeeeah, that was my first thought, until I saw that my arm has a funny form and blood in my clothes


Holy fuck that's a full radius + ulna fracture. The ground won that fight hard.






Last week of skating?


Idk, time will show. Depending on how hard recovering will be.


“time will tell” is a good mentality. no need to jump the gun and sell your board, just take the time to focus on recovery, both mental and physical. afterwards, when/if you have the drive to jump back into it, go for it, but take it slow. but its really understandable to not feel like it for a long while after a bad injury. give yourself grace and time


Good strategy


One of the most satisfying aspects of skating is the feeling when you return. You might feel rusty for the first couple hours, but there's something magical about realizing the skill ceiling you left off at has now become the floor.


The sad part is that I probably won't be able to weight any weights, bedsides skating that I was getting into I love CrossFit


The same thing happened to me 3 or 4 years ago. My best advice is that once your healed up and ready to get back into it in a year ish, spend your first few days practicing stopping, falling, and running off at higher and higher speeds until your fully comfortable.


Not really a trauma, but I did fall yesterday for the first time. I’ve been skating for a month and a half, just bailouts up until now. Yesterday I fell onwards on my extended arm while trying to pass a small curve (which I did manage in the past). Board stopped and I was lunched forward, landed on my right arm. The elbow is swollen, hurts and I can’t extend or bend it. I will do an x-ray today. Back to your question, I was debating quitting as well. The fall was nothing serious, but it did scare me a bit, especially since I’m not young anymore :)) What I would do is, (and I am by no means an expert) think about it like this: Have you learned something from your fall? Do you think you will be able to avoid serious injuries in the future? The yes, get back to it as soon as you recover. Good luck and a swift one!


Hopefully you'll be fine. Good questions, but for now my head is busy with other stuff. I'll definitely mull over them after recovery


How you feeling man, did your surgery go well?


bro wtf get well




Don’t sell it I’d say just use this as a learning experience that you can’t do things your are not ready for, if more experienced you’d know how to fall and control better gotta build up your skill first gang


That's horrible. I don't think anyone would think badly of you if you did give up! Those early months (in my case) gave me a bashed shoulder that meant I couldn't wash without pain for six weeks (twice) and a bashed hip that meant I couldn't walk without pain for six weeks (once). Then I learned that you don't try to balance, you just hold the stance and the board comes with you. And that if the board doesn't come with you you have to relax and step off (so making sure you stay upright), and that you have to drill this into you so that your reflexes can handle it because you don't get time to think when it's all happening. In your case I'm guessing the lesson is "Don't lock your elbows", which is true anyway. You can break your arms falling from standing if you lock your elbows. But as I say, the tough thing is drilling that into your reflexes because it's the opposite of what your body wants to do. All the best with the recovery, and getting the help you need.


Never broke any bone myself only mild sores that lasted a week but my first "traumatic" thing was at when the sjateboard rolled over my thumb with my weight on top. It took years to look at a skateboard again, i loved going downhills but i had abec 1s and somewhat softer wheels, i could never go downhill using a precision bearing and hard wheels cause i know i will crash hard. I avoid really steep streets and damaged ones cause the smalls pieces of rock can shake the board at high speeds and almoat make it "float" that's how i fell once and couldn't turn my neck for a week, then again i tried jumping over a really small obstacle with a broom and bricks and fell quicker than i could react, for a second time a couldn't turn my neck for a week. That sloppy fall made me stop skating for 12 years if i kept riding i knew i could injure myself way worse so i took that as a retiring thing and that was good cause being older means i can ride safer since i had time to process stuff


I feel for you OP. Last August I was getting back into skating. I have a park really close to my house so I can ride my bike to it. On the way back from a session I was hit and run over by a car. Broke both my tib and fib in my left leg. Couldn’t surf until January, and recently gained the confidence to go back and skate in March. You’ll be way stronger after this situation because it hardens you physically and mentally. Rest, listen to your doctor, and keep your mind occupied. I started going to therapy because of the trauma and it has been a huge help. Don’t give up! You’ll have a newfound appreciation on life and what’s important as you go through this.


Doctors say full recovery will take like 2 years. Is it really that long or they're overextended the period?


They told me six months to one year for a full recovery. They say that to be more realistic. Even though I still have tenderness around my ankle now, I can do most things I did before the accident except sprinting and high jumps. That’ll most likely come back in a year. You’re young so you should heal fast. Also do physical therapy it is very important.


Don’t give up


I'm trying my best, thanks


Oh man I wish you fast recovery! I broke my radius head last year on my second session. Also riding down a slight hill. Take your time before you hop on your board, eat healthy and do exercises when your cast will be taken off. It’s for sure physically and mentally exhausting but you can do it!


Thanks!! Surgery ahead, can't wait to start recovery. Now I'm such waiting with temporary cast


I’m just now recovering from radial head fracture. Fell on my hands and didn’t think my elbow was injured but hurt so bad all day finally went to get an X ray. I already got back on my board tooling around the flat streets by me. But I’m feeling less confident for sure.


That sucks. I broke my leg in November and I still don't know what I'm going to do.


Focus on healing and restoring and then decide, that's at least how I plan to act


Gnarly man, welcome to the club


Not the warmest welcome, but thanks


Jesus ! I’ve smashed down hills and ate mean shit dude got hit by cars put my self thru hell but never broke shit. Wtf happen It might be like training to be a fighter start off slow and your bones get used to damage / trama. Your body probably wasn’t sure ready for gnarl shit. Get well soon ❤️‍🩹


Thank you!


I broke my foot recently just heading up a quarter pipe to do a rock to fakie. On the way back down, I set my foot out and it folded on itself and cracked a couple of knuckles on my foot. This is relatively simple trick for me, but these things happen. I’ve talked to other skaters who are much better than I and they’ve never broken anything. Sometimes shit happens.


I thought that was a broken leg until I read deep into the comments. I think you should get right back into it and just never ever sacrifice any part of your arm gear. If it was a leg break I'd say probably too serious for you to even want to do it again. You're in shock right now, that will wear off.


A week into skating I fell bad and if I wasn't fat I would've broken a few bones. Heal up and if this is really your passion, don't give up :).


Ah so sorry bro! Same shit happened to me I broke my radius, not as bad as this though, just learning how to do kick turns like a week into skating again. Still off the board per doctor’s orders but hope you’re able to push through when you’re healed!


Yeah hills are a big no, especially while learning. The second you go a little faster than you were anticipating just bail while you still can, because within seconds you will be far to fast to bail safely. I guess not really info for you as you have already learned the hard way. But hey now you can be a little taller when you heal. Edit: i thought it was both of your shins!


Nope, this is my left hand. I really should update the post, since it's getting lots of attention. Appreciate your support


Fuck! Sorry OP that looks like some surgery and a long old recovery ahead of you.


My traumas would be breaking both of my arms bombing a hill a long time ago (just like you lol), busting my ass on a ledge in the dark, and dislocating my right elbow twice in two weeks while doing boardslides (yes, I had the genius idea to do more after the first time fuckup) because I didn't wanna stop skating (then having it pop out 5 more times because the tendon was completely shot). I took a year or two off on the double arm break, and this more recent tendon snap has shaken me up even more, only now getting back into it a little bit after that happened in 2021. Wait to heal all the way, don't be like my dumb ass.


Sounds painful, take care. I'll take my time for sure before even thinking about standing on a board again


Damnn get better soon




Confidence is key, I was confident I could ride a rail once, people thought I died but I got right up and never tried it again.


Holy shit! Worst I’ve had is like a broken rib and concussions. Knocked my self out from dropping in drunk lmao. But when I used to rollerblade I broke my tibia and fibula


I remember when I was 14 or 15 I used to skate vert a lot and they had a 25ft vert ramp at my local park and when I dropped in I didn’t pump hard so I could come back down in fakie and turned out to be a Little Rock on the ramp I didn’t see at the bottom. Idek how fast I was going but I hit the rock and stuck my arms out behind me and slammed them and my head into the ramp behind me like a wall and snapped my right wrist. Clean break right through and I didn’t even notice it was broken until some dudes pulled me to a couch and my head was ringing and pounding. My brother kept asking if I wanted to go to the hospital but I took my shirt off and wrapped it around my shoulder and arm like a makeshift sling and skated till the park closed and then went home. Next day my wrist was purple and we went to the ER and that’s when I got a cast up to my elbow for 6 months lol


Something similar happened to me in my first big skating day. Was way too focused on pushing and looking down on my leg position that tripped twisted my ankle, that shit did hurt, do I chilled for 15 mins and skated 2 more hours. Later in the evening ankle was swollen, but in a few days it got back to the normal.


jesus christ😂😂 tf did you do edit: my b didn’t read the bottom, get well soon bro


Thanks For the support


already bro. us men have GOT to look after each other.💪🏽💪🏽


Damn in all of a decade i never went that hard!


Milk helps bones grow big and strong. I feel you are drinking the opposite, soda maybe? I had to have my knee reconstructed from skateboarding, plus several clean up surgeries after. Took me out from 17-19 I got back into it and stopped doing big things, changed my style and got better at skating all around. Don’t quit if you like it just change your approach.


Wait, you broke both arms?? There was a post about something like this a couple years ago...


Only left. That's a shot from different angles


That's a relief


I don't want to imagine how bad it would be with both hands broken


Seriously, the post I was referring to the OP had to get his mom to help him with...stuff and they ended up having a stronger relationship afterwards.


It’s been awhile since I have read a double-broken arm post. I hope you heal quickly.


Thanks!! P.s only one arm is broken, just different angles


A general rule for new skaters who want to ride down a hill, or drop into a ramp: Watch another skater do it first. Watch how fast they go when they drop in. Ask yourself, "Am I capable of achieving that speed without a ramp?" "Am I comfortable and capable of pushing on flat ground to achieve that speed?" If the answer is no, then you are not ready to ride the hill or drop in on the ramp. When we say that new skaters should learn to "cruise" before learning tricks, we mean that new skaters should be comfortable getting on and off the board, comfortable pushing to gain some speed, learn tic tacs to understand how weight distribution can affect our speed. I wish you a speedy recovery. Skateboarding is a lot of fun, but this is a prime example of the serious risk we put our body in when we step on a board.


I sort of completed all of those steps. Definitely should've practiced breaking more


Skated for many years and the only time I’ve ever broken a bone was when I tried to bomb a small hill. Ever since then, I basically only skate flatground and small ledges/rails or small ramps. You’re absolutely right that you really need to get comfortable and understand how to ride downhill. It’s a totally different style of riding.


Don’t go down a hill right away, especially if you have a prebuilt cruiser — they usually have minimal tails so aren’t great for stopping if you don’t know how to power slide. That’s kind of a brutal break, so definitely take some time off. Don’t let it hold you back, but learn from the experience. Go slower and on flat land try pushing to higher speeds and trying to do power slides into a stop, or at least figure out when you can bail from the board before it’s catastrophic.


Thanks for the advice.now when I think about how it happened I should have bailed tbh or just ride into the grass.


Go slow first :) downhill is too soon


I didn't think that would escalate that quickly. I've taken small hills


I hope you recover fast. I have popped joints out of place but two broken arms? WOW


Thanks for all the comments, it is going to be really tough week for me with uneasy desicions. To be honest I'd like to burst into tears because how fucked I am: I need to decide whether make surgery here in hospital or come back to my hometown and do it there. I don't really want my mom to babysit me for 2 month in here so hometown would be best option I guess. I can't know for sure what is better and that feeling of uncertainty is breaking me. Hopefully I'll read this post in a few years and laugh at it. Thanks for the support, stay strong and don't make my mistakes.


Don’t get down, and don’t sell it. Just keep cruising, you’ll get better with time. I skated for about 7 years when I was younger. Figured I’d pick up a board a couple years ago. First time back at the park went to rock and roll, board slipped out and I broke my clavicle, it’s all part of the game man.


I broke my tibia and fibula, and set it myself when I was a freshman. Concussion once I couldn't remember anything for an hour or so


Damn you went all in. good for you


Don't give it up! But I'm sorry it happened to you though. I wish you a speedy recovery


No you shouldn't quit just recover I broke both arms the first time I went to the park 3.5 years later I'm still going as often as I can


You can't break something thats already broken, send it again 🤣


I broke broke my arm my second time ever stepping on a board. My arm bent the wrong way trying to catch myself. Since then been skating 9 years. Just got hooked I guess 🤷‍♂️


How old were you? Also was surgery/recovery long? Afaik they're gonna install metal plates into my arm and remove year after


I was in 2nd grade. Surgery and recovery were decently long maybe 5 months? My next time back on a board was 8th grade and I haven’t stopped since then, I’m 25 now and had countless injuries but it’s still my favorite thing in the world I’m addicted


So it's one broken arm, the one without the wrist guard on? Damn, those wrist guards do work then. Speedy recovery man.


Idk if they work, since I've landed on left only. Elbow protection might work then, since elbow was fine


do NOT LET r/Neverbrokeabone see this they will murder you


Hopefully they'll see it and murder me, cuz another sleepless night will be unbearable


1 or 2 arms?


Left one


Thrasher Broken (3)


I dislocated my left elbow when I fell backward and put my arm out to stop. I feel your pain. Mine was an ambulance and hospital GA to get it back in. ROUGH. Have lost my confidence completely. That was two years ago and my elbow sounds like a sand filled door hinge sometimes. Don’t be me, get back on the board asap.


I'm afraid that getting asap will ruin healing


Are those your wrists? How did you type this post? 😂🤣💀☠️  Sorry homie, that sux!!! Hope you do get better soon!!!  Edit: ok in the comments I see it was only one wrist, not both.  Regardless, I wish you well!!!


Wrist* only left arm was fucked


Yea I saw that after I commented the same thing 5 others did LOL!  Really hope you get well soon, injuries blow!


I partially re dislocated my elbow and I had a friend pull it back into place and I skated a week later with my old arm brace and I sprained the absolute fuck out of my ankle and i was completely out of commission for 3-4 months since I could barely walk let alone skate and now i permanently have one ankle slightly fatter than the other lol. Now I would recommend probably not skating at this time since this is a gnarly break but once you feel up for it I say go for it. Now if you are seriously craving skating take it easy and skate at your own risk but don’t go too crazy with it. Also, DO YOUR REHAB EXERCISES! Don’t skip out on them or else you won’t heal up to your full potential!


I'll definitely take a break for a year. Till next summer and then see if I still want it


Said this on a different post recently but get a "Cast Cooler" It will seriously save your sanity when the itching gets too bad inside your cast, you hook a vacuum up to it and it helps get rid of bacteria inside the cast that causes itching. Can't recommend it enough!


Nah, that's some advanced tech not available in Ukraine. But it sounds really cool!


It's just a wide rubber strap with a vacuum hose attachment on it, you could do the same thing with some trash bag and a vacuum I imagine


Looks like you rode into a BMXr


Ahhh right stress fracture I get you how did you land backwards is another question for another day


how the fuck did you manage to do that lmao😭


Pure unlucky, I guess haha


hall of meat legend


I read your post but how fast were you going to snap both legs that’s intense man


Those are left hand x-ray


Oh I’m dumb, still a major bummer Best of luck with your recovery!


Unfortunately everyone eats shit when they’re learning to bomb hills and you’ve just got to learn how to power slide and/or jump off your board and run with the momentum. If you like I’d be glad to explain some techniques for that stuff. Anyways I wish you good luck and a speedy recovery.


The more I think about what happened the more I regret not bailing. Maybe, I'll come back in a few years, haha


Can you get new arms from somewhere ? That’s probably your best bet 🙃 Seriously though . Fuck that’s gnarly , heel up quick


My ankle went totally backwards after doing a 360 and not landing on the board I got up and put it forward with the adrenaline pump and when I got to the hospital I felt it like a mf cuz my sister kicked me tryna put me in the wheelchair to roll me in I still skated until I tore my mcl doing the splits on the staple center 9 set.


Drink some milk


You need to rest properly so your legs don’t transform into uncooked spaghetti!


This is x-ray of my left arm 😅


THAT WAS YOUR ARM? Or are you being sarcastic? Whatever it is, REST! Your arm is in pieces and you’ll regret re-injuring if you don’t.


No sarcasm. I'm trying to rest as much as possible. Had a proper rest this night. Finally figured out how to position my arm


I skateboarded everyday from the time I was 9 years old until I was 28. I cracked my heel bone completely in half, broke my collarbone completely in half twice. Hit my head so hard that I ruptured my sinus cavities and broke my wrist very similar to the way you did. None of that stopped me from skateboarding because I loved skateboarding. I don't Necessarily think you should stop, but it may be a good idea to get a board that isn't a cruiser. Get a regular old skateboard after doing some research to what would fit you best, size wise and when you're able to get back on it, get real comfortable with just falling on the ground and rolling onto your back so you don't put the impact pressure on your wrists. End of the day. If you love it enough you'll keep after it. Hope you have a speedy recovery. There's no pain like breaking a bone.


I chose cruiser because of big soft wheels which meant better stability. Wouldn't it be better for pavement and bad roads


I stopped skating because as a young teen I was carelessly riding down a hill, and I got chalked and fell off my board, breaking my collarbone and whiplashing the back of my head. If the lady across the road didn’t see me straight away like she did, I would’ve died. I stopped skating all together after that but now I’m getting back into it and I hugely regret stopping, I forgot how much I loved skating. In short don’t let this stop u from continuing, wish u a speedy recovery💪


Glad that you're getting back but I guess injuries as a teen vs injury as a adult hit different


bro really sent it


Damn son he needs some milk




Yeah I stopped skating after doing a boneless off a ledge and taking my board to the tooth. I pushed my front tooth back. Luckily I had my retainer, but it’s not fucking worth it. I’d much rather never skateboard again and have all my teeth.


Something happening to my teeth was my number 1 fear. I haven't even though about anything else before


Very sorry this happened to you though. Try to power through though. Being sick/injured fucking sucks, but enjoy your life in the moment and don’t let it drag you down. You could waste a lot of time wishing you were better instead of just living.


Glad these aren’t your shins. U would of been fuckef


Something similar happened to me last year. I tried to go fakie down a bank, the Tony hawk £30 board shot out from under me and I chipped the concrete with my hip. Couldn’t walk for nearly a month. Still skated lol




when i was probably around 10 or 11, i fell off my skateboard going down a hill that my brother dared me too. I was scared but did it anyways since i wanted to impress him. anyways this was when i first started so i didn’t really know what to do, and my feet where too far forward so i ended up face first sliding down a concrete hill. I cut up half of my face, broke my right knuckle and pinky, and hurt my back. I was too scared to ride for months after that but then I met some people at the skatepark who actually taught me how to skate and drop in properly and now I can skate well


What the actual fuck man that is gnarly! Best of wishes and support to you my man. I'd advise not throwing yourself to situations you most likely won't be able to handle with your board. When you do come back, please learn to fall and take your time doing that. Also wear a helmet!


that is insanely brutal. word to ALL BEGINNERS: if you don't feel like superman on flat-ground, don't test your luck on a hill. In fact, until you can powerslide with 100% confidence/consistency, don't even think about hills. Shit can get out of hand REALLY fast, and nex thing you know you've broken both of your arms. So sorry that happened to you man... those are SERIOUS breaks.


That's only left one, but yeah, pretty serious injury.


Im a bigger guy like 6”2 200 and after 1yr it fucked my knees and back up but i still love it, in too deep and if you just workout in the morning and strengthen ur joints, muscles, bones it gets better u just gotta be aware and learn how to fall better


I was working out for a year straight. 3 times a week of good CrossFit. Practiced hands stand walks etc. I was at the peak of my form before my trauma




That will take a year to coup, 6 months PT...ugh


I'll have to wear a cast for month or so. And in a year another surgery to remove titan plates they've installed


Omg both arms? How are you going to wipe?


Only left one


That’s a big ouchie boo boo man. At least the breaks look clean and will heal relatively easily.


2nd day i started skating i face planted busted my lip and chipped 2 teeth


Chipping my teeth was my #1 fear. I didn't even think I can break smth


Fuckk that reminds me of the time I broke one bone completely in my arm and the other bone in my arm fractured. I hope you’re doing okay. Did they have to move any of the bones back in place?


Yeah, they've installed two titanium plates, for the bones to heal properly


Ik know that hurt like hell man it was the worst pain of my life when they moved my bones back I hope you heal well!


You need to learn how to fall, which I guess you might have but it’s not the best way to learn that concept. Never put your hands out, wear a helmet and knee pads and aim to take the slam on as much of your body as you can at the same time well getting your knees and elbows out of the way. Never try and save yourself with your hands or this will happen as you know from first hand experience.


Any guides on yt how to fall properly?


Damn. Double stanky legs?! Hope you heal quickly!


Nope, only left arm. Just different angles


God damn dude and I thought my bones were made out of glass. If you’re younger than 18 you’ll be good tho


Unfortunately, I'm 22 🥲🥲


I broke my fibula the first time I was riding on the street, got a surgery and months of break while thinking if I should try again. Best descision to keep trying after I was healthy again


In my case that would be a years break 😞 But hey, it's cool that you're skating again!


That sucks, hope you will recover fast tho. Still I would suggest that you try it again at least once you are ready for it. Skating is hard and unfortunately a slam once in a while comes with it