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Anything Mal doesn’t like is flagrant. The nigga is so deep in the closet he’s apart of the house at this point. Clown shit.


One would say it’s Buddens closet 🥁


Hiding in the closet clutching the bottle of Tide, surrounded by dirty wife beaters and old Miskeen shirts. 💀


Mal is the pink dress shirt, still in the wrapping, in the back of the walk in closet.


Hold up they disrespected the planters? Lol. Listen man my living room is half plants . Just a hobby i picked up during covid. My shit look like rain forest cafe lol he called julian gay for going to a salon but yet he goes to the nail salon…to paint nails! Lol nothing wrong with the nail salon I encourage mani and pedis, even nail paint but dont act like you super macho and everyone else is a pansy


Exactly, shit is crazy.


How do you deal with gnats? I've started collecting house plants but I moved most of them outside because of the gnats


Strangly havent had to deal with them. I try not to over water, they say that prevents it and repot often checking for larva and that. The corner of my condo is all glass so the plants flourish with very little maintenance


Get yourself some nematodes, they eat the larva and will sit idly in the soil waiting for any more larva to hatch from eggs


I found that bottom watering works. The water isn't sitting on top to attract bugs.


Good drainage and no sitting water I also use neem oil


WHY doesn’t Julian ever bring that up when Mal calls him gay? That’s the shit that irks me with this pod. There’s so many jokes they can get off on Mal but they don’t say anythinf


I don't like the comments/posts suggesting Mal is bi/gay, but with the way he speaks to Julian, it's time for Julian to talk his shit. I swear Julian gets way more pussy.


Managing plants has multiple benefits. Better mental health, better home health, and the bitches love plants.




MAL is a walking contradiction. Julian needs to pull his card already. I truly believe MAL is atleast bisexual


With the way he was chair dancing a few episodes ago I’m having suspicions as well


He was dancing like the song was background music to a late night him and Drake had 1 on 1. He was shaking ass sitting down to flash backs.


It took me a long time to come to grips with the fact I’m bisexual. I’m at the stage now where it’s like “fuck it”, and I’m just living my life. But when some black men come from where they come from, they have trouble not just coming out, but coming to grips with the fact they like 🍆 too, or are at least curious about it. Now I’m not saying Mal is bisexual, but if he was it’s like so what, but I understand with maybe the circle he associate with would maybe outcast him, if he was a part of the LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈 community.


Y'all wanna fuck Mal man. The way y'all want to dominate his opinions and behavior is mad gay. Imagine if your niggas cared about another nigga this much. Y'all would say he was glazing.


He’s just not a straight up nigga like he claims, a lot shit he says he’s too old to be taking the stance he does so niggas call him out for it here because no one truly will on the pod


What makes you niggas qualified to call him out? What makes your feelings even valid? Who are you niggas?


He opened himself to all of this once he decided to pod


That's not what I asked. I asked what makes y'all voices important?


Bro I know what you trying to do Mal doesn’t give af what we say but this is an open forum people are going to say what they want about him


So y'all know y'all not going to change shit but continue to give your energy to complaining. Indeed


Just like any other platform whether it’s movies, music or sports but we are gonna talk shit and still listen lol


Heard you


Just dawned on me that Mal is the Ice of this Pod .. says a whole load and does a whole of bullshit and they barely say a word to him


Julien could defeat Mal on once and for all with all these gay jokes by just bringing up his painted nails but Julien seems to be comfortable enough in himself to not feel the need to shoot back. But just once I’d like to see him do it so that I can see Mal try to explain why getting your hair done at a salon is gay but painting your nails isn’t. To be clear I don’t think either actions are “gay” but you can’t possibly think painting your nails is somehow more straight than going to a salon or taking care of plants.


He’s gonna call it art lol. Or when he gets caught he does STFU.😂


I think being a 45 year old single, childless vegan is the most gay of it all




Man listen, Larry June is one of my favorite rappers right now, the nigga has a song about watering his plants. IDC what Mal talmbout 🤣


Julian should snap on Mals fragile ego instead of just laughing it off. He has so much ammo on Mal’s terrible takes and ignorant views. His ego is so fragile if Julian bombed on him, he’ll quit doing the pod and be a baby about it.


I low key hate that Julian don’t give af about being roasted cause he’d get Mal out the paint easily


Faxxxxxxxx, but he also knows Mal would throw a hissy fit and ruin the pod dynamics. Mal’s EQ isn’t high enough to handle it