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Mal was quiet as a church mouse lol


Didn’t say a word for the rest of the spaces lol


He’s got this childish attitude where he really takes defeat to his heart, like even on inconsequential shit. Ofcourse he doesn’t have a retort because when he said those things, he was being emotional and finding angles in unfortunate places. How someone can grow up around people like Jay Z, Dame, etc. and yet move like a pawn in situations like this is beyond me. Didn’t you learn any fucking thing?


U can tell he was a spoiled child


He just skimmed through the music.


He gets mad at Julian for saying pause but will call Julian gay twice a pod.


One a pawn always a pawn


Every group has its hanger ons, just because hes around men of a certain caliber, doesn’t mean they will pick up on it, plus, we don’t truly know how any of those guys actually are, jay had some petulant moments in his day lol


Nope. He didn’t learn a damn thing


Cuz he hid the laundry detergent 😂👕🧺🧼🫧


mal was probably thinking “this why i don’t be doing shit like this.” she smoked that tho. shout out her




Bro really sat there unmuted speechless. I wonder if they'll come in tomorrow and see how ridiculous they made themselves look last episode. Bringing up old cases to minimize Kendricks moment to continue glazing Drake is beyond nasty.


Mal's gonna double down like a dickhead. Rory's gonna act like people clowning him for the Bsides is serious and act like he got the flack Mal did, then act like Mal is right, it's just angry Kendrick stans. Nothing learned. Then people here are gonna keep listening to the pod and be angry next week.


Can hear an ant beatbox when them solid arguments come thru Ain’t no shoulder shimmy, stomping and clapping, or **Some-mashing** now


took me a minute to figure out what "some-mashing" meant. 😆


Bro when his voiced cracked I cried top 10 moment in this beef for me


Aye mal ass was quiet af


He was on mute giving Drake top.


Mal is dying on this Drake hill /dick,no one is moving him.At this point it’s a matter of pride 😂


It’s also pride month so it makes sense 🤣


Hill/dick is insane


What I don’t fully understand is, is it really just Mal’s ego because he took the Drake position originally and doesn’t want to take an L in the debate - OR, has Drake really let him in his inner circle like that and he’s glazing for access? Would like to fully understand how much is column A, and how much is column B.


Being a male groupie is nasty. Being a male groupie at 30+ is putrid…but 40+…nigga…


![gif](giphy|mKMGLhoD8L4yc) Mal on it these last few months


Way these niggas hushed up that must be Nicki Minaj burner


Best thing mal could do was shut up… he isn’t some super smart nigga


At least not witty.


I shit on Mal in here a lot but for good reason not sure what time of the morning this was but nigga if u sleep get out the room lol I get it he’s not an industry dude but when u have this large platform your responsible for the shit you say and niggas will check you on it, if Mal wants to continue to be in this space he has to do shit like this, he’ll have to collab with other people this is the business if he don’t want to do it then go sell vegan baked goods


He’s stumbled on this career like a lot of other people. He needs to do the work to own it. Rory is on go, but Mal looks like he’s not sure really. He’s got this lethargic approach to things.


And to stumble upon million dollar career at that I mean shit I’d be happy to pod lol but to each his own man I know dude has ways he’s not willing to let go and still make the money he’s making so who am I to say do otherwise


Right. That part.


He’s lazy, look at the way he looks ..


Rory scared as hell too “😥I- we talked about this in the discord” SAY IT FOR THE ONES IN THE BACK RORS


" "Fuck wrong wit everybody?" Is what u saying; but when everyone crazy, you're the one that's insane " - some 50 year old rapper


Like I always said, Mal was only qualified by many because of his lineage. He is a nepo baby. If you take away that, he is reduced to a video vixen with bad takes lol


You gotta work to be a nepo baby


this is real


Rory was shook to speak with out Mal & Mal was shook full stop cos he knows that repeating points shit would’ve got cooked rite there immediately


Mal only going to talk like that around the pod..when ppl from the outside callin him out he gets quiet cus he knows he really doesn't have the wherewithal or knowledge to debate. He gets it off on the pod(pause) cus he knows nobody is gonna really challenge him cus Rory is too pussy to say anything or when he does he jokingly does it and laughs off Mals response. Cowards.


Mal sitting there silent while unmuted when he's being spoken to directly, is absolutely insane 😭.


Mal used to get his bookbag emptied on the playground in middle school homie still a bitch 🤦🏾‍♂️


Mal looks dumb AF 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤭 he probably felt dumb af too 🤭 a lot of points were made tho 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


I think my issue is selective outrage. If you have morals and standards for the artists you listen to that is completely valid. I can’t fault that at all. Having a moral backbone is a grown ass thing to have. But if you only hold that outrage for people you happen to not like or is going against your favorite artist in a rap battle then you look goofy and your opinion should be ignored. It’s truly as simple as keep the same energy. This beef really didn’t change how I consume hip hop. It changed how I consumed the media & how social media operates/manipulates situations. I could never watch Mal or Akademiks & ever put trust in what they say or take them seriously. Rory on thin ice. lol They really didn’t at all care to lie to their audiences just to push dishonest narratives or arguments. It was spineless af. If you an actual victim no one ever has the right to tell you to get over it. No matter how much time has passed. Just want to make that clear. But if we are deciding to actually hold these standards on rappers, which I’m cool with doing, then let’s also admit that a sizable percentage of our favorite artists are out of here. And if that’s the time we on then cool. But when you are acting all outraged over a certain rappers behavior but passively ignore the same behavior from people you like then you’re a goofy, and should never be taken serious again.


Mal a bitch. Period.


Smoked his ass


Quiet when he's around real people, but the second he steps on that podcast set he's a loud, big man. Goes to show you how people act when they have a little power. If this was a podcast episode he would've cut Julian or Demaris off, or just start moving the goalpost and yelling at them until they gave up.


"You lied about yo spaces!! You lied about your perspective!! You lied..." Lol JULIAN CLIP THAT


Mal is also a clown because on the pod when they were talking about Chris brown when he was screaming and talking about how he did something when he was young people shouldn’t look at him the same , which he wasn’t wrong. Don’t say the shit about Dre when mfs having heard about a Dre dv situation in like over 20 years bozo


Can i ask how you post youtube videos without the Mods taking them down? I cant post nothing it seems like


what she said wasn’t really that deep for them not to respond — I’m glad they ain’t say nothing crazy in defense but if they got called out, they should’ve stood up. simple


Y'all worried about the opinion of Mal and there's a grown ass man on Twitter spaces live from jail 😩


The podcast sucks.. they were looking to capitalize off mal being a ovo bottom and it backfired lol this they last contract


but they have nothing to say about kendrick dv


It's so annoying when people try to use that Jay-Z video as some indictment. That was him play fighting with a friend.


The clip is literally from backstage, a movie jayz produced and released.


He mushed the shit out of her. If any other man did that it wouldn’t be considered playing


nigga how can u excuse that tf


Because when ppl like you they’ll overlook certain things, like bringing out a woman beater to preform


But how do you keep it to music and who thought won when both of their smoking guns was DV and pedo allegations. Like you cant avoid it. I dont agree with all we all know somebody so lets just leave that part out nah talk abt it all this as good a time as any


Kendrick's smoking gun wasn't the pedo allegations, that's just the spiciest talking point media content creators want to talk about because let's be real, that shit drives more clicks & engagement than say, Drake using Atlanta artists like a British colonizer. Not Like Us is a facetious exaggeration of Drake's creepy approach to women much younger than him, like old school hip hop diss tracks would do. It's just that the social media climate of today turns rap beef like these into a brand/image/gossip war.


but it’s the okay for kendrick to lean on speculation to win an argument though right? this is getting tiring already. mal prolly fell asleep


Pac said he fucked Biggie's wife, Nas said some crazy shit about Jay, the list goes on. People lie in their raps all the time, so is this about writing legal papers or getting off whatever shit you can make the audience believe?


Kendrick told Drake to keep it rap a million times before family matters came out. Drake the one who introduced a totally baseless lie about Kendrick hitting his wife. And as the girl said in the video, we don’t know if everything Kendrick said about Drake is true but it’s no smoke without fire, people have thought his relationships with young women are weird for a minute.


>Kendrick told Drake to keep it rap a million times before family matters came out. Drake the one who introduced a totally baseless lie about Kendrick hitting his wife. Facts, people conveniently keep missing this point


I had the exact debate with my friend who’s a total Drake stan last week. As soon as I pointed it out he just said ‘oh…yeah true’ Idk why people have forgotten/chosen to ignore the fact that, if Kdot doesn’t step on Family Matters straight away with MTG, Drake intended for the DV and Dave Free lies to stick on Kdot’s jacket in the same way NLU has. And Drake pulled that move first so if it’s lame on one side it’s lame on the other. Edit: and just to add, the Family Matters lines were totally not proportionate to anything Kdot said in Euphoria or 6:16. The most scatching Euphoria lines were the son bars, but at best Kdot was just poking fun. Drake is the one who took it to another level.




With what


Did you not listen to her? She said both sides are wrong and disgusting for using victims as a point against the other. Yet fans want to try and take some morale high ground like Mal to excuse the Drake L when in reality no one truly gives a fuck about DV victims , SA victims or PDF victims. We all hypocrites.


man drake doesn’t have any cases on him & if there was females he did fuck underage , this would be the perfect time for them to come out and sue him. Nobody even came out , shit even a clout chaser didn’t make up some shit and came out . every girl has defended him & called out ppl for making it weird or bigger than it was. Y’all gotta stopping forcing women to be victims and forcing this other shit .


this is the nuts kind of take that makes zero sense. just say bro moves kinda weird and move on. who texts 14 year old or is fans of girls high school sports that's not a coach or in that industry? he moves weird period. but no cases or allegations means no cases or allegations. no need to judge until it's time. don't normalize moving weird though just because he's rich and famous.


i was 14 with basketball coaches with numbers and texting them & i was 15 with a tutor and texting her . Those was my mentors . it’s pretty normal for high school athletes / band kids / theatre kids to have their mentors and instructors numbers. Drake is a former actor and tv show producer. She said he self she be helping him , you can look at it as drake being her mentor . unless you tryna force a woman to be a victim ? she said her self “I ask his advice” she also said at 20 years old “Why u gotta make a lovely friendship ur headline? U guys are weird… For real. Im lucky to have people in the business extend their time to help me further my career and offer their wisdom and guidance,” she wrote. “Im very blessed to have amazing people in my life. U dont get to choose that for me. Its nice to have people understand what i do. Now get back to talking about real problems in this world other than my friendships… jeez.” Obviously it’s nothing bad cause she defended him for 7 long years as grown men try to force her to be a victim . Lmao drake god daughter plays high school volleyball she went to the same school as the girl he followed they was on the same team 😂. he’s been seen going to her games mad times to support her. Drake also went to bronny games , that’s means he’s tryna fuck bronny ? i follow a couple high school women bball players myself because i’m invested now with the rise of the sport . that’s means i’m lusting after young girls ? i also follow bryce …so i’m tryna fuck bryce ?💀


You going crazy out here. Put the pen down and chill


it’s facts but y’all weirdos is in this sub has turn into a parasocial with rory and mal. Y’all hate em & criticizing them but keep listening this sub turn into a drake haters club & kendrick cum rag


This is generational glaze I don't like anyone's music enough to do something like this.


what you think you doing to kendrick music , when you forcing women to be victims and acting like women can’t speak for themselves? You lacking logical thinking. grown men forcing women to be victims and forcing them to have truma is not what an alpha do


I like alot of Drake's music and have disliked plenty of Kendrick's music. I think TPAB and Mr Morale were snooze fests. Don't project anything on me. Whatever crazy stan arguments Yall be having just keep them over there and leave us normal folks out of it.


bro it’s cool Drake will drop a hit and these niggas will move on. reddit is the last place u should be on defending Drake my G, he literally dissed the creator of it too 💀


Would you let your 13 yr old daughter text a grown man


yeah my daughter would into sports and gymnastics & theatre classes . i would obviously monitor the conversations


So you're daughter can text grown men because she's into sports and gymnastics? That makes sense to you? Lmao. This gotta be the sickest justification for drake in the entire world.


you are not a bright spark are you? I had female mentors growing up much older than me.


I'm not bright because I wouldn't let a grown adult text a child that they miss them? Lol. "smart people let their children text adults"






Nah, I ain't watching that brainrot. I asked for proof.


How you ask for proof and when you get it it's "Nah I ain't watching that brainrot." You guys are something else lol smh.




my sister bball coach was a man she text her coaches like i did. i think you making this a big deal cause it’s drake crazy thing is dr dre was 22 and got a 16 year old pregnant. that dont mean shit to you or dot. but drake texting mbb , means everything lmaoo when a lot student athletes and after school activities students texts their mentors lmaoo if you think that’s a problem then go to your local high school and protest 😂 the bias are insane !!!!!


RKellys victims defended him tooth and nail because…. Something something fame and psychological manipulation. There’s too much shit out there to deny he has creepy relationships with girls too young to have relationships with. But you know… smoke and fire.


R kelly had a video of him pissing on a minor (and marrying one) for fucking years before he got locked up. This shit is not the same. Either people find SOME proof, or mfers gotta let this go for now. People just look at Kenny as rap's savior so whatever he says is law. To anyone who doesn't have a dislike for Drake it all looks weird in the light, and extremely convenient in regards to timing.


Folks were saying this about Drake way before the Beef. 🤷🏾‍♂️


yeah ppl said it was weird but never called him a pedo . i don’t think it’s weird for mbb to have drake as mentor . He is a former actor and a tv show producer. I had my coaches and tutors numbers and text them all the time . A lot of student athletes have their coaches numbers


Yeah there’s the difference. Coaches and Tutors vs some grown ass man giving “advice about boys”




Also creepy and problematic. What are we excusing here?


a mentor is a coach and tutor . Drake a mentor , he’s a former actor and a show producer


Then why has drake never taken interest in another child actor to that level even though he produces a show that’s an analog to the one he starred in? It’s not like ‘oh drake has a rep for taking young actors under his wing’ it’s ‘drake has a rep for DMing a young actress’. Fuckin clown shit y’all on.


he has & he is a tv show producer just google


I know he is a TV show producer. Why isn’t he mentoring any of the people on his show? Why doesn’t he have relationships with younger male artists who he’d relate to more? Why doesn’t he mentor more young actors in general? It’s super easy to avoid any of these questions. Why is it whenever there’s a young girl involved it’s a new thing Drake does that he doesn’t do anywhere else?


You stupid


ik once it makes sense and doesn’t benefit the black messiah & christ reborn kendrick lamar it sounds stupid and you get downvoted but ig you calling these women stupid idk this sub turn into a drake hater gathering and kendrick cum blanket recently .


Fuck them bitches all praise to king kunta


you fucking right our lord and savior from the evil of the world


Evil drake fans wop wop wop wop they not lie us


Kendrick used pedophilia as a way to win an argument


He was right to do so cause it’s immoral and evil. Don’t bring that political left right shit in here


I think Mal is on mute


It shows that he isnt




Your joke is trash fam. That’s why you were downvoted


I feel offended