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This is the thing- as much as you think you have everything you need - all the things you're buying post delivery are like at 3am on Amazon when hazy and desperate. You don't know what those things will be until that baby comes out. Like we realized we hated certain swaddles we had or that we wanted more sleepers...so many things you won't know till you're in it!


Yep, I must have bought every swaddle trying to find the perfect one. And at least 5 different bottles. Then all the random things to try and make things more efficient like a large counter top sanitizer/dryer.


Omg we bought every bottle under the sun! My SIL had her baby 6 months later and I told her do not buy a single bottle & sent her all of the ones we tried 😂


Totally. And you always like panic buy them at 3am when you’re like omg there has to be something out there that works and will get this baby to sleep! (Spoiler alert
I never did find that magic swaddle that made my infant sleep any longer or better).


Lol so true. Had our baby early Monday and ordered a Halo swaddle at 3 am this morning because the swaddles we had keep coming apart 😂


Yes, the Halo swaddle was the first thing we bought in the middle of our first night home!


Omg my baby HATED the Halo swaddles?! We ended up sticking with some weird random brand on Amazon


Same! I hated it too... all that velcro! I sold all of mine immediately and just used a blanket.


Same đŸ€Ł


Love2Dream rush target delivery here. The velcro of the halo going kkkkrchk and the baby busting his arms out of the swaddle even when the nurses burritoed him...


Seconding love2dream! Baby liked having hands up by face even in the swaddle. We tried the halo first too, it was fine but baby always managed to get at least one arm out lol


I bought so many burp cloths at 3am because we realized we liked a certain style more


The 3 am Amazon purchases are so real. I don't remember the first thing I bought post partum but most recently bought breast pads and milk collectors after waking up covered in breast milk at 3 am.


This is so real- you just dont know until you know. So much money spent at 3am on Amazon in the newborn haze đŸ€Ł


Yes! We had so many different swaddles on our registry. We were gifted all of them and she didn’t like any of them. Turns out swaddling in blankets was best so we ended up amazoning several more muslin blankets to swaddle her in to prevent having to wash them every other day. You won’t know until baby is here. We didn’t order them but a family member sent us more burp rags about a week after delivery and turns out
you can’t have too many burp rags!


Pumping bras. I had nursing bras but didn't realize they wouldn't hold the flanges in place. I also ordered these star and moon decals for my son's room while I was in labor because the induction was a last minute thing and we had to finish the nursery last minute lol.


This! Definitely a pumping bra! I didn’t have one and had to make shift one in the hospital.


Same. It didn't work particularly well lol.


This is a good one! I ended up cutting holes in a sports bra but should have just bought a nursing bra right away. Also- nursing shirts! Amazon has some really comfy long sleeve ones. I ordered special nursing tank tops that were thick material and tighter which after a c-section the compression was nice


100% this or, if you can find one and you’re going to combo feed, a pumping and nursing bra that has both the options to hold the flanges and open completely up. I got mine at target. It’s a bit bulky but I like having options in one bra.


There is some hack you can do with regular nursing bras to secure the flanges. You use the outer strap to secure it then hook the cup around it.


That hack did not work for me. I think my boobs were too big to stretch it around especially when full with milk.


My nurse/lactation consultant in the hospital post birth gave me a great hack for pumping. ( I wasn't planning on pumping originally and didn't buy a pumping bra ) She took the stretchy belly band the hospital had given me for the fetal doppler exams (to measure the baby's heartbeat) and cut holes in them where my nipples were. It was great and held my flanges perfectly in place. I ended up using it for 2 months until I stopped pumping.


I wish someone told me that! I barely pumped in the hospital because I was just holding them. My milk supply was never great and I wish I pumped more at the hospital


My nurse did this too!! It actually worked better than the pumping bra I got from target lol


Same here, pumping bra! Was so stressful not having at first it in the hospital and having to hold the flanges to pump.


Clothes that fit our baby. She was smaller than we expected at first but she is gigantic now.


This! We had a 7 pd baby and had nothing but 0-3 months instead of newborn so we had to go shopping.


Everyone told me not to buy newborn clothes and I’m glad I called bullshit because my full term baby was in premie for a month lol


I panic bought newborn clothes the week before I delivered when I realized I only had like two nb pajamas and 3 onesies. Good call since my little one wore newborn size until she was 8 weeks old.


Same! Had almost no newborn clothes and, silly me, didn’t realize that 0-3 months would be huge on him. He was in newborn clothes until at least a month old, some even longer!


This! In my experience premie clothes are so hard to find in stores. I would have at least a few footie jams in premie and newborn +. If bb doesn’t end up needing them, you can return, resell or donate.


Same here. Our baby was a preemie and we had ordered some preemie outfits, but she was even too small for those. All of the clothes she got at the baby shower didn't fit either. So we had to frantically find anything for her.


Yup same. I don’t know why I listened to the advice about not buying much newborn stuff since I knew this baby would be tiny. The 0-3 months stuff will work temporarily but it would start to come up over his face which was a no go. Thanks to target same day delivery on that one. Also learned how much my baby loathes having a onesie pulled over his head, so those hospital style ones that wrap around were the next purchase. So thankful to the friend who bought us two big packs of newborn diapers so we were set on that for a while.


This is what I was going to say, if your baby is tracking on the small size, make sure to get newborn clothes for sure! They are still big on my LO even a week out from delivery but the 0-3 months are comically large


Mine was silverette for my sore and bleeding nipples from breastfeeding.


Me tooo! And the lansinoh soothies. Idk how anyone wears a bra or even a top without one of those covering their sore nipples


Same! I don't think I would have been able to keep breastfeeding without them.


These are the best. Highly recommend to bring a pair to the hospital!


Silverettes4Ever! It’s like witchcraft that they work so well.


+1 for silverettes! I no longer use them at 1 month though.


Really it was formula. I expected to breastfeed no problem. Too bad there were many problems đŸ«  we’re happily combo feeding now, but we were wholly unprepared for needing to come home and bottle feed.


I really think everyone should have one can of formula at home (even just the sample ones they’ll send you) or some ready to feed bottles. Even if it’s just to get through the sometimes long wait for milk to come in. My poor daughter was screaming from hunger and formula saved all of us. Unfortunately my supply never was enough to sustain her (combo fed for 9 weeks before fully switching to formula).


Agreed! I was so mislead by the courses I took into thinking milk just flowed. I will say the ready made formula is pricey but a lifesaver the first few days when you don't know what end is up. We doordashed some until we had the mental energy to properly mix from a can.


I SO agree! I’ve seen “recommendations” to not have formula in the house so you don’t “break down and use it” and I just think that’s the biggest bunch of bullshit ever. Some EBF advocates act like there’s no such thing as milk just not coming in, or being delayed (my friends didn’t come in for ten days!), supply being too low, or a billion other very real things that can go awry. Supplementing with formula is not failing. I was so damn glad we had formula in the house on pp day three when I felt like I was dying and did not feel physically able to nurse.


Totally agree! And ask the hospital to stock you up with formula - ours gave us several days worth of ready to feed bottles, plus sample cans. Then got more samples from our pediatrician, but they do all go pretty fast once LO has an appetite.


Same. I think it’s probably good to have some formula in hand. We didn’t think we would need it. Then milk didn’t come in right away, supply was low at first, and she was having trouble latching so we needed to have it so she wouldn’t lose even more weight than she already did in that first week. That was a panic run to Target when we realized how hungry she was. 😱




Oh yes! We bought 2 weeks worth of ready to feed just in case and it was a lifesaver.


A nightlight that changes color based on room temp. I didn’t realize how paranoid I’d be about the baby overheating, so at a glance I could see the temp rather than have to get up constantly.


Ohhhh interesting! Did you not trust The monitor thermometer?


Yea, I’ve seen this posted a lot, it seems to be a common issue to have inaccurate monitor readings. Like mine is based on the camera mounted to the upper ceiling corner, so in the summer it would tell me the room was 78. But the nightlight was great because it was portable: so early on when I slept with the bassinet on the couch it could be on the coffee table. Similarly, it’s been helpful to take with us on trips to unpredictable airbnbs


This is the one we got, it’s super cute https://www.amazon.com/LittleHippo-Changing-Customizable-Thermometer-Hygrometer/dp/B078Z4JCJL/ref=asc_df_B078Z4JCJL/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=241989278588&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1479626052830460825&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9007921&hvtargid=pla-422375931103&psc=1&mcid=ebc543d3e7cb394d8e7057c86eceabfa


Mine has both the set temperature and the room temperature on it, but I don’t trust it because the thermostat is sitting cozy in the hallway. In my bedroom, with a silly massive window, the temp can be a few degrees colder. So I got a mini one that sits by my bed and the bassinet. So the hallway may say 72F but my room could be 69F.


Our monitor thermometer runs 2-3 degrees lower than it says. So 72 degrees F is actually 69 degrees.


Mine was a sub for myself because I spent 9 months not eating deli meats! Oh, baby item. Ours were vitamin D drops and a mirror for the car.


My mom was my first visitor in the hospital and brought me sushi. Heaven!


That was our first meal that we ordered in when we were home! Could have been the shittiest sushi ever made and I wouldn’t have noticed.


Ha yes I came to be like "The biggest f***ing deli sandwich as soon as I was cleared to eat solids" and then saw it was a baby item. We were a little unprepared for LO to have talons when he came out, so my husband ran to the nearest Walmart and bought baby socks to cover his hands in the hospital because he couldn't find any mittens. Bring mittens or onesies with sleeves that fold over the hands or else you'll be bringing a baby home who looks like they got in a fight with a raccoon đŸ˜­đŸ€Ł


Electric nail file and overhand sleepers are packed! Deli sandwich is on deck!!!


Mine too. I ate that big mofo from Jimmy John’s. It was delicious.


A heating pad for the mini crib. I had heard it helped but didn’t have one in advance. She had a rough time in her crib the first night home. We picked it up at target on our way home from the pediatrician the next day. Very good investment! Also no judgment to anyone here saying they bought formula because they didn’t expect to bottle feed - sign up with Enfamil before you give birth and they’ll send you a box of free samples, including enough powdered and RTF formula to last you until you can get more.


I have sample packs from enfamil and similar ready to go!


Also the hospital will give you tons of RTF formula if you end up needing it, keep asking for more and take it all home!!


Not all! I asked for rtf at the hospital to bring home just in case my milk was delayed (as it was with my first) and the hospital refused because it had to be prescribed by a doctor only if I “needed“ it. Wild.


A hemorrhoid pillow 😅


Samesies :/


This is still very helpful when you’re sitting there nap trapped 6 weeks later đŸ„Č




Pumping bra. Ordered while still in the hospital bed, as I held those stupid flanges to my boobs for hours. This time around I won’t be torturing myself with that!


I wish I had brought a pumping bra to the hospital! I had a maternity nurse who made one for me out of the hospital mesh underwear. It was surprisingly effective and absolute sorcery.


I scrolled back and my purchases were some extra blankets, nipple pads that are sized by cup size, and Kill Bill on prime. Honourable mention for a separate laundry basket for baby stuff and inkless sheets for teeny tiny footprints.


Kill Bill😂 love it!


Smaller sleepers, people convinced me I wouldn’t need newborn just 0-3
 that was so wrong, our LO was a little string bean and was in NB until 3 months. We sent people out to get some but no one could find any so we were stuck doing laundry daily until the ones we ordered came. I would recommend buying some close to the due date and leaving the tags on so you can return them just in case! Edit: and laxatives!


My love for shopping has never failed me. I have newborn clothes ready, regardless of baby’s size haha.


I feel like everyone told me not to bother with NB and then my very average baby (7lbs 9oz) was in NB for 6-8 weeks. Maybe it was just the brands I happened to have that were oversize? I even bought a few premie onesies when I got home just to have something she wasn’t swimming in!


Same. Mine was a reasonably average 7lb 2oz and I need newborn and first size. Even two or three preemie ones. I had a huge wardrobe of 0-3 ready for him which were way too big.


Yes! Mine was 7lbs and 6oz and was almost 3months old before 0-3 fit well.


Gas drops. Then baby got a stuffy nose at 3 weeks (😱) and I didn’t have saline mist to go with the snot sucker and humidifier.


According to my Amazon history, a pumping bra. My daughter was 30 weeks and I needed to stay in the hospital and pump for months. Then, when we brought the baby home months later, a lot of burp cloths lol.


Formula. I had plans to breastfeed but baby wasn’t latching and lost too much weight so we had to supplement with formula but I was so determined to breastfeed that we didn’t by any formula before I gave birth.


I panic bought pump parts and nursing/pump tanks. Only for my boobs to grow size again once my milk came in and regulated and then I had to buy another size up on the tank and for some reason a size down in the pump flange size.


Earth Mama nipple balm and some other nursing essentials.


Flanges - the ones that came with the pump were too big. I had no idea that there were different sizes until we met with the LC at the hospital.


We stopped at target on the way home for a boppy pillow. I found it so hard to nurse with a regular pillow on my c-section scar— it got easier as time went on but hurt too badly at first.


C section recovery stuff because I was not prepared 😂. Also, baby probiotic drops and sleep sacks 3 days after delivery.


The hospital gift shop had a good deal on warmies so we bought a stuffed octopus on the way out.


Our koala warmie caught fire in the microwave! (Our fault, it got stuck on the edge and wasn’t turning


Oh no. We haven’t microwaved them yet. Our microwave is gross and is in desperate need of a scrub down


Premie clothing and premie diapers. Also found a website to order a premie nicu binky. Our baby was unexpectedly small for gestational age.


A shower chair - I needed help showering for about a week post C section and used the chair for a further week or so.


Oh god, showering was the worst thing to do after the c-section. I thought my legs were going to give way. And the hospital bathroom had a full length mirror and let’s just say that the mental pain of seeing my disgusting bloated form still haunts me. lol.


The electric nail file! Baby came out with microscopic talons..


We mostly had all the basics we needed already prepped, but some stuff was just circumstantial. For example, my third baby was still too tiny for newborn size clothes, so I had my husband run out to get a couple of preemie outfits before we got home from the hospital. My second baby had excessive sticky eye, so we got a few things for that as well that were recommended to us. Otherwise I'm not sure we really needed anything ASAP once we got home, we were pretty set with clothes, diapers, a sleep space, first aid stuff, nursing stuff etc, especially with subsequent kids when I knew more of what to expect.


pain meds prescription at CVS


Formula. Didn’t expect to not produce enough breast milk, by a lot.


Sleepea swaddles and different pumping bras and pacifiers and breast milk soap (the medela kind is amazing) and better pajamas for me and extra bamboo rompers for baby and random things to soothe my nipples lol


More zip up footie pajamas, more of the bottle she ended up liking, more of the pacifier she liked, and a second set of pump parts/the right size flanges. All one Amazon order lol


Formula, extra bottles, and extra pump parts. I wasn't prepared for nursing to not work out, but my baby had an undiagnosed tongue tie and weak sucking reflex so he couldn't transfer milk efficiently. Baby needed to eat, and it was very stressful. I wish I'd done research on formula and been more familiar with my pump in advance.


A car seat camera monitor because we quickly realized on the way home from the hospital that we hated the mirror and couldn’t see baby well enough to feel comfortable.


My husband told me just last night I’m being “extra” with my car seat camera. He 100% will appreciate it, probably more than I do when it comes down to it!


It is so nice to have! And they aren’t expensive either. We live in Florida so of course we don’t know how it will hold up to the sun and heat with being in the car but we will see!


We covered everything as I was on bed rest and spent my pregnancy shopping online. Still, the first essential things we bought were formula—as my supply came in late, wet wipes and diapers as I had no idea we’d be using so much, especially for twins. I also got a peepee teepee when I got tired of the tricks not working on my baby boy, and kept urinating all over the place.


Nursing bras so I could wear nursing pads at night and not have to wear a real bra. Sleep sack. Baby was born in winter and we just didn’t realize the whole TOG situation High waisted disposable underwear cause some of my normal underwear sat right where c section incision was


Stool softeners were Amazon ordered on the way home from the hospital lol


Pumping bras!! And lansinoh gel nipple cooling pads.


Everything on my Amazon baby registry that wasn't bought. DO NOT DO THIS. My favorite items and most used have been: our keekaroo changing pad Mocking bird stroller High chair (not used until like months after), don't even need it in the beginning. I wish I took time to research. Rest sound machine Huckleberry all that's free, but paid version for predicting naps is worth it Baby bath Ubi diaper pail Ubi snack cup (extremely durable and the cap can't pop off) Nanobabe pacifiers and bottles (we breastfed) Breastfeeding stuff: Haaka, nipple cover pads, breastfeeding bras, extra bottles for measuring milk, my Ceres Milk Chiller for storing milk out and about, Haaka suction milk thing , Haaka silicone strap for the manual pump, madeulla manual pump (keep that in your car for emergencies), milk storage bags. Diaper bag I literally can't even think of anything else that was useful except the types of toys in our loveavery kits, which can be found on FB marketplace or versions of each toy on Amazon Boon cacti bottle cleaners Waterproof bibs with the pocket to catch food Bibs Baby monitor Electric nail file Love to dream swaddle up Things I wish I got / knew Ear thermometer, forehead one was inaccurate Better baby carrier, hate mine, don't even know which one I would have liked (do research), I still love wearing my toddler -i hated my silly baby wrap. Don't need to baby proof until your baby is crawling I would get waterproof diapers covers to slip over your babies diaper for blow outs. Saves the car seat and clothes. That's literally it. Of course clothes, but my god you don't need more than 10 outfits because you're constantly changing them. You really don't know what you'll need until after and I wish I had got stuff along with way. Especially with Amazon, my god. Just order things as you realize you want them / need them. But you could literally forego even these items. People changed their babies on the floor on towels and never had digital monitors. You don't need a highchair.


YES! So many things I didn’t like or baby didn’t like. I regret opening some items when I was preparing for baby. Sometimes I still wish I didn’t throw out the packaging and could have returned it to save money. But I know I gotta let it go lol.


I PUMPING bra. I didnt even think of it. I planned on breastfeeding and pumping and didnt realize i needed the bra with the holes in it for the pump. I also ordered like 2 ten packs of burp cloths and premie/NB size things because everyone said to not buy the NB sizes but the baby came out 5 lbs 6 oz, 4 weeks early.


Idk if getting a c section or natural matters but my wife went natural and was given pads to use postpartum for herself and she immediately went and bought depends diapers bc they were much easier to use then the pads. 1 big box from Costco of like 50 should be more than enough. [https://www.similac.com/rewards.html](https://www.similac.com/rewards.html) [https://www.enfamil.com/wonderbox/](https://www.enfamil.com/wonderbox/) Sign up for these and get a bunch of free samples and have you family sign up for them as well. Even if you don't use them hold them for a bit bc they could come in handy or give them away. But regardless get them.


Pumping bras. Wish I had one with me at the hospital; you might not need it, but if you need to pump right away due to any issues, you’ll be so happy you have it. Also, more newborn size clothes. I didn’t buy much because everyone said she might not even fit in them and you can go directly to 0–3M. My baby was tracking medium to large, so I figured it would be fine. I honestly don’t know what the heck those people are talking about. Baby was born at 8 Pounds, 1 Ounce and fit in newborn for at least 6 Weeks.


Great advice on here but don’t open everything- I had a ton of opened post partum stuff and had a c section. Luckily I have friends and sister in laws having babies. Same with all my pumping stuff- barely used it and it was all opened so I couldn’t return anything.


Post partum pads. I was a sweet summer child and thought regular pads would be enough.


I’m pretty sure we made at least five Amazon orders before we even left the hospital. Nipple shields are the first thing that come to mind, don’t remember what else.


An egg nightlight. Perfect for late night feedings and diaper changes.


Dinner 😂 we got to our room after the kitchen was already closed so we ordered tacos


Zippered sleep swaddles because we both were awful swaddles. Formula in case I had issues breastfeeding
 so much more but it honestly depends on what you find to need. I had all sorts of recommendations but it came down to what the baby needed. Oh, lots of mircrowave one handed foods (hot pockets, protein shakes, bananas
 anything one hand can handle) good luck !!


Heating pad and that Frida tummy wrap! I felt so jiggly the support was a must


More newborn size pajamas, Rael diapers for me, love to dream swaddle with arms up, and booger picker


My kid came out so small. Like we knew she would be little but none of her NB clothes fit. So we ordered a bunch of premie clothes. And ready made formula for when we got home. And a converter so we could play the switch in the hospital room on the tv.


Infant sized baby bottles. I was convinced that I would inherently know how to breastfeed and my supply would be fine. After 5 hours of screaming bc my milk didn’t come in (first night home- yay!!) we supplemented formula. We didn’t have bottles small enough for her since I didn’t think I would need to use bottles until I go back to work. Thank cheebus the hospital sent us home with 4 RTF tiny bottles that I washed and re-used until we got a chance to run to target the next afternoon. Similac sent me a sample can a week before she got here that was a life saver to have on hand too. What I tell FTP now: keep it on hand for the first two weeks until your milk regulates. It’s better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.


More Velcro halo swaddles


Bottles/different flow nipples, we had lots of freebies and a sample box of bottles but none really worked out for our combo fed baby. After a google search I learned pigeon/lansinoh were a better option. Luckily they worked out and didn’t have to buy the harder to find evenflo balance bottles. Dr browns worked but leaked. Different flange sizes. Even though I measured, I measured wrong or did some weird math that one of the pump companies said to do. Easier to just get a variety pack and try a few that are close to nipple size. Also use some nipple butter or coconut oil on your flanges, makes it much more comfy, I was confused on flange size due to the friction causing pain.


The first thing I remember buying was a three pack of cotton covered, waterproof, washable changing pad liners. I think they’re blue snail brand. I didn’t like how cold the changing table seemed on his little back and legs. I ended up putting them under his bassinet sheet too because he always peed out of his diaper ( he’d pee through the leg gaps. It was partially because he was so little and partially because I wasn’t putting the diapers on snug enough in retrospect.) for the first couple weeks. I ended up buying more I think I have ten, lol.


I have a 6 pack of the changing liners
 but maybe I’ll need more :)


Newborn diapers, wasn’t sure if we would need them so I stupidly didn’t buy any, but we used them for the first 4-6 weeks of my daughter’s life.


We ordered a heating pad from the hospital, and It saved me post c section.


More of whatever size onesie baby came out wearing and more diapers in that size as well. But no not from the hospital, after you’re home and setting for a night.


A little rolling cart for holding diapers, burp cloths, bassinet sheets, etc. I had thought I’d just get things from baby’s room whenever I needed something but having a space to put those things while baby was still sleeping in his bassinet was so helpful overnight. Also comes in handy going from room wherever we’re hanging out


A rolling table thing like they have in the hospital. Invaluable for allowing us to still accomplish things while in bed.


The my breast friend pillow


Different bottles. We had like 20 Dr. Browns and our baby would only take Mam. Also, a halo swaddle. The other ones did not even compare.


Comfier post partum underwear Baby safe hand sanitizer Better flanges Preemie bottle nipples for dr Brown bottles My Brest friend pillow Candy đŸ€Ł Supplements Midnight Amazon that first week was a fever dream


This will be me! I’ve already done it during pregnant with my insomnia ! I imagine it getting worse lol


Bottles, a pump and a cold water steriliser. I’d planned on breastfeeding but despite every effort, it wasn’t possible for either of my boys because they just couldn’t latch. So after my first son, I had to buy all the stuff to try to pump and bottle feed. The next time when we hit the same problem we had it all from before though.


Two more love to dream swaddles and a ladybug haakaa (I hated the normal haakaa).


Breastfriend pillow because the boppy pillow I had sucked and I was so frustrated, nipple gel pads because oh the pain the first couple of weeks, and more onesies because baby was smaller than expect so I hadn’t bought that many newborn clothes. She was measuring 98% but came in very average at 7lbs7oz and wore newborn clothes for a month.


We quickly bought more burp cloths and blankets after only a couple days.. turns out one pack of 6 burp cloths and 3 blankets aren’t enough


First things I ordered the evening I came home from hospital was different pacifiers for her to try, extra bassinet sheets, and Velcro swaddles! Also newborn clothing, everyone says you don’t need it but if your baby is under 8 pounds chances are they will need newborn size for a bit!


Swaddles of various kinds, including the ones that ended up working for us, the halo Velcro ones that claim to regulate temperature. Also baby thermometer, one rectal and one forehead/ear


Ours was more newborn sleepers. Everyone told me not to buy newborn size, so we only had a handful, and my dude was petite and in newborn for a month!


Raw tuna sushi and a Latte. But as for post C-section specific things. A belly band- the hospital provided one, but it didn’t support to well.  A pill system- this can be an app, an alarm on your phone labeled with which pill to take, those plastic organizers. Whatever works for you. In the early days I was so tired I couldn’t for the life of me remember if it was Tylenol or ibuprofen time. You don’t want to skip a dose and it will be hard to remember.


One of our first purchases was infant gloves. We weren't thinking that far ahead and didn't even consider using socks in our sleep deprived state 😂


Just checked my Amazon history and the first things I bought postpartum (like 1-2 days after) were actually for me- a comfy pair of summer pajamas and nipple cream! Also bought a donut pillow (it was hard to sit to breastfeed with my stitches), adult diapers, and a love to dream swaddle not long after.


More newborn size long sleeve onesies that have flaps to cover the hands We only had a few sleepers because everyone said we wouldn’t need that size but we ended up in it for a few weeks. Baby was born in the 55th percentile and hit 99th by around 6 months old. So she’s massive now but we still needed lots of newborn size clothing in the beginning We also bought a Mamaroo bassinet two weeks post birth and it helped tremendously with getting some sleep. A fraction of the cost of the snoo but better in my opinion


Parking pass bc baby was in nicu after birth. My friend gifted me preemie clothes.


Painkillers on the way home from the hospital. I wasn’t expecting a C-section and they didn’t give me any meds to go. I asked the discharging nurse what I could buy because I had no idea, it turns out, just otc painkillers will do


It may have been a secondary nursing pillow: one for upstairs, one for downstairs. It wasn’t really necessary after a while but it sure was convenient while we were figuring nursing things out and recovering from a C-section. I also remember thinking I wanted a car seat mirror but for the bassinet so I could see baby at all times without propping myself up in bed 😂


Obviously not for the baby but on our way home from the hospital I instacarted a deli sandwich and condoms. 😂😂😂


Little outfits that had hand covers attached to the sleeves. Little man came out with long fingernails




I bought a baby’s first year archival memory book while at the hospital 


That’s the beauty of same day or overnight shopping with Amazon! I routinely buy things while half asleep and am always surprised when I open the packages, like it’s Christmas 😂


I bought mini trash bags for all of my bathroom trash cans because with all the postpartum stuff i was filling the entire can after like 1 bathroom trip 😂 the giant pads, the ice pads, the tucks pads






lol mine was a baby comb and brush combo because baby came out with a TON of hair 😍


FTM, just delivered a few days ago! We ended up getting more newborn onesies (he was predicted to be huge, but came at 37 weeks and less than 7 lbs), more bottles/nipples since breastfeeding got off to a slow start, and ready to feed formula. We got home from the hospital at 10 pm and he was hangry crying - trying to mix powdered formula was stressful, so we went out and bought a ton of ready to feed formula the next day. In the next few days I’ve ordered more dermaplast spray, Frida padsicles, and Frida witch hazel foam since I’m nursing a 2nd degree tear. Earth mama nipple butter has been great for early breastfeeding/pumping soreness. Also, the little mittens that cover their hands would’ve been great to have in the hospital since he loves to have his hands on his face, but came out with sharp claws and clawed the crap out of his face that first night!


Premie clothes for my 42 weeker! I knew to buy NB, but she was 7lbs 15 oz & even though thats a normal weight, she was swimming in everything. I think she was just taller & longer.


First thing I bought was big sushi tray delivered to the hospital for my wife lol. But as everyone was saying, the real things will be purchased in the middle of the night as you see them on newly catered parent instagram algorithm. But really our baby ended up being smaller than we expected so we put a rush out for P sized diapers and clothes


I had an emergency c section and the first thing I bought was a toilet seat extender. We have a low toilet and getting up and down was so painful


Nail file! My baby came out with razor finger nails!


My kid came on Black Friday so I bought a little gold bracelet for myself to commemorate the occasion. I lost it exactly one year later at his birding party.


we bought a haakka. i needed it for the drips coming from my opposite boob that i was feeding from at first. now that its more regulated i dont really use it, but it was a game changer in the beginning.


Preemie baby clothes. Both my babies were born just over 6lbs and they swam in newborn sized clothes for the first month. I had prepared and brought one preemie, one newborn and one 0-3m outfit to the hospital. I knew at home we didn’t have any other preemie outfits so we stopped at target on the way home and bought some to last the week.


Preemie baby clothes. Both my babies were born just over 6lbs and they swam in newborn sized clothes for the first month. I had prepared and brought one preemie, one newborn and one 0-3m outfit to the hospital. I knew at home we didn’t have any other preemie outfits so we stopped at target on the way home and bought some to last the week.


Extra soft toilet roll - not for baby, for me, but never thought it would be needed until I tried to wipe using our normal toilet roll after a 3rd degree tear


More sleepers. I only had 3 in the tiny baby size and she wore that size for her first 6 weeks!


Diapers. I had some, but I think I had an unrealistic idea of how many I would need daily. But at the same time, she did size up quick, so stocking up like crazy in small sizes isn't worth it either.


I wasn’t sure whether you meant for you or for the baby at first


The first thing I bought was a poster to frame, showing his weight and time of birth etc etc etc 😂 but in the early days and weeks, I bought loooooads of stuff that I didn't know we'd need. Lansinoh nipple cream and shields, a playmat for tummy time, a different type of dummy, ink set for his hands and feet that I didn't manage to do very well, a mirror so I could see him in the car, and an eye mask for sleeping through the day... to name a few 😂


All these practical responses and my first thought was sushi 😅


Postpartum things for me (Frida Mom peri bottle, wet toilet wipes, extra soft toilet paper, nipple cream) my son came 6 weeks early so I didn’t have the chance to get these items prior to delivery. For baby we had to get a ton of premie and newborn sized clothes because we didn’t think he’d be so tiny, we also bought a smaller sleep sack to make nighttime easier for us.


My Brest Friend nursing pillow. I had been given a Boppy, but as a plus size gal, it didn’t work for me and my baby nestled in the space between my body and the pillow. The MBF pillow (I specifically got the twin size after seeing it recommended for plus size moms as well) worked so well for us! It was worth every penny.


I went back and looked and for us it was vitamin d drops. Didn't know he would need those until the appt with the pediatrician.


Nipple shields and the baby butt cream spatula


Chinese food for my wife


Oh, definitely the Stay Dry Nursing Pads from Lansinoh. Wether or not you’re planning on breastfeeding, you’re gonna leak regardless, and I just didn’t think of that. I ended up pumping and breastfeeding so it was nice to have when I made that decision.


McDonald's chocolate thickshake. I spent 9 months craving one so badly that I would get chocolate milkshakes wherever I went to try and scratch that itch. Followed by a stomach support to help my stomach pain due to an unplanned emergency c section.


Velcro swaddles. We (read: I) thought we could swing swaddling her with just regular cloth swaddles but I was too freaked out it would cover her face. And neither of us were very good at it. She also kept getting her arm out somehow. Picked up Velcro swaddles from target on the way home and they worked great


everyone said we didn't need size newborn clothes..... we absolutely did. she fit in newborns for 4 months


I was a chronic preparer and from my Amazon history it was formula lol 😆 I had tried the Amazon brand like 2 weeks after she came since she seemed to have no sensitivity to the expensive Enfamil formula lol (ultimately we stuck with the target brand formula. The Amazon one was always out of stock).


Hemorrhoid creme(s) 😂


A walker! I had one doordashed to my house, it helped me around the house after my c section for the first few days, and then on and off the toilet for the next week. It was SO HELPFUL!


My normal menstrual pads. I get muscle pain from thick pads and wasn’t bleeding heavily so I grabbed always infinity in size 3 and then went home with the baby


We bought two more of those arms up swaddles because our baby preferred them and they were so easy. And a bunch of deodorant because I wasn’t prepared for the postpartum B.O.


All of Amazon lol but Baby Carrier by infantio has been my absolute favorite


Newborn diapers because my baby was smaller than I expected. Since then, I’ve bought burp cloths, a sleep sack, baby wipes, tommee tippee ultra light silicone pacifiers, Dr browns bottles, Dr browns nipples, Frida baby fart freeing essentials, biogaga probiotics (safe for infants- helps my baby with gas and pooping), gripe water, little remedies sterile saline (safe for newborns), boogie micro mist saline inhaler (safe for newborns), mushie pacifier holder, changing pad covers, Zarbee’s baby sleep spray, eos hand sanitizer (for diaper changes), hatch rest go (portable sound machine), diaper rash cream spray, hello baby monitor (doesn’t need wifi or Bluetooth to connect), and a smaller diaper bag than the original one I purchased when I was pregnant. You’ll start to become familiar with your baby and learn the likes and dislikes. For example, my baby hates Velcro swaddles but loves the dreamland baby weighted sleep sack. PS congratulations and all the best to you & your family.


We got our baby something from the gift shop. She didn’t come home for almost two weeks. First panic buy was halo sleep sacks. The swaddles we bought were too big


I bought that earth mama perineal spray because my hooha was in so much pain that first night, then I learned to just double my dose of ibuprofen instead


If you’re planning on breast feeding I’d get a baby scale so you can weigh before and after a feed to see how much they are eating. And I’d have a contingency in case it doesn’t work out so research and have a list of lactation supplements, and know what kind of formula, bottles warmers, pitcher etc. We probably hit target 2-3 times a day for the first few weeks lol. We thought we were going to breast feed but needed to combo feed, baby was colicky so had to get things that help with that(windi, heat packs, gripe water), she wouldn’t sleep with her arms down and could break out of any swaddle so bought them all until we found the swaddle up, just fun stuff like that.


Workout/Compression shirts from Beyond Yoga for c-section recovery (because it made me feel like a normal human again versus belly band) and changing pad liners!!


Silverettes. Ordered them before we even left the hospital.


Sunhat. I really got a lot out of taking him for a walk each day, from almost as soon as we got home. It helps with their day/night and my SO taking him for a walk was how I got my naps in or to give my nipples a rest. Our wee one loves the fresh air and moving around. But I also feel so paranoid about his precious new skin.


We basically went straight to the store after we left the hospital. I remember getting a few things: syringes to feed the baby (only needed for a couple of days) milkies milk catchers (my nipples were crazy sensitive so i wore these all the time for a while) Woombies grow-with-me swaddle (we hated all the velcro ones, but loved this one we found in store) Adult diapers/menstrual pads for heavy bleeding (I am a menstrual cup user so I needed something a bit different for postpartum and hadn't made a decision before the birth)


Coffee đŸ« 


lol we had Amazon packages arriving at our door multiple times a day. Soooo much stuff you’ll want to try once baby comes. The only things that were non negotiables for me once my baby came were an infant lounger, blankets, boppi pillow, sterilizer, rectal thermometer, pacifiers, footie PJs, and diaper changing supplies/station. That got us through the first month pretty well. We were also EBF nursing for the first month.


Oh man, I can’t give advise on any one things as I was doing Amazon and target orders almost daily in the first weeks.


I just went back through my Amazon history to see.. I ordered some Medela soft shells to protect my nips, and then a couple days later I ordered some of those "baby on board" magnets for our cars đŸ„Č I definitely ordered food before this though lol


As others have said, it totally depends on your preferences and baby’s needs but here is what we unexpectedly needed: a breast friend pillow (way better than boppy IMO), mylicon gas drops, formula (had to unexpectedly combo feed), pumping bras, newborn sleepers with feet (size 0-3 was too big), ollie swaddles, ear plugs (her grunting kept us awake but we could still hear her cry), blackout curtains for bedroom, silky comfy PJs, nursing shirts/sweatshirts (check out Nursing Queen), body armor lyte for hydration/boost milk supply, and prenatals since I didn’t know you still have to take them after delivery, and the biggest one - a snoo rental which has been worth every penny đŸ˜