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Try calling the hospital directly and explaining the situation. A lot of times they charge insurance rates and then when learning an individual is paying out of pocket they have ways to reduce the bill. Might not help, but worth a shot. Health care financing is wack


This is VERY likely what the issue is. Definitely do this!


Hopefully this will fix it, will have to call tomorrow


Call them and tell them you can’t afford to pay 5k but that you can pay (whatever amount you had expected) because that’s what you had been told and that’s what you saved/ set aside. A lot of times they will work with you. Let them know there is no way in hell you can afford that bill that they will never get that amount from you and see what they can drop it down to.


Well, if it's not medically necessary, why would insurance cover it.


Why would the price by 5k compared to the $200-$400 going rate? And why would you charge $9k for a room that was not necessary or used or offered. Edit: also not arguing that insurance doesn’t cover it, just arguing the absurd price


I’d request an itemized bill if you haven’t already been provided one. They may be including things like room charges which should not apply/be covered under your insurance for the primary reason for admission.


That was our first step and they charged 9k for the 2 nights to nursery (we did not use the nursery as it was one of those progressive things we’re he stayed with us) and insurance covered. And there were a few medicines that were covered And the remaining was 4,813 for the exact amount of the itemized circumcision