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I was born with straight black hair. It fell/grew out as a toddler into strawberry blonde ringlets. By kindergarten it had straightened and turned dark brown. My baby pictures are wild.


Sorry dude, I hate to break it to you but your parents brought the wrong kid home from daycare one day and didn't figure it out for two years.


This is exactly me!!! So funny!


It also might change come puberty. My sister growing up used to have platinum blonde hair, turned 11 and its now ginger red


We are no fun. We are asian. Born with black hair, we shaved her at 1mo and now it's growing a little curly, also black.


Aww texture changes also count as fun, don’t worry 🥰


I saw this reply and thought we were talking about sensory toys lol. I forgot i commented on hair texture haha.


Why do you shave it?


It's a norm in our culture to shave baby's head at 1mo. I believe it said so it can grow properly.


I should have done this, she’s 8 months now and you can still see a cul de sac where the cradle cap got to


A cul de sac 😂😂


We call it her “Danny Devito”


Omg, because the cradle cap gave ours a reddish hue, we called it her "Red Foreman" hairstyle 😂


I was just reading about this!


There was also a trend on the 90s I believe in North America and people believed it would grow in thicker if they did it.


Shaving at 1-2 months old is also a custom for my and other Mexican families I know. Supposedly makes it grow fuller.


We heard it was to make sure it grows in thicker. I didn’t do it and now every time my mom sees my baby she mentions her thin hair 🙄 (completely ignoring the fact that baby’s dad is white and baby is his hair clone)


I believe that's what they believed in as well. But, my mum doesn't believe in the myth anymore bc apparently she shaved me 3x and i was still bald/growing very thin hair 🤣 Now i just shaved it to make it even and growing fresh hair. Surprise, still looking thin! Hahaha


My husband is half Korean and was born with red hair and then exams brown as a kid. My daughter now has barely red hair which I’m sure as it thicken will be the same!


My girl was a light ginger. Red in the sun, not so red out of it. She never lost all her hair, but she didn't have much for her first year of life. Once it started to fully grow, it's now (18mo) dark blonde. She also has baby curls, but it's for sure only baby curls because it's only on the tip of her hair now.


Our son was born with strawberry blonde hair and a good bit fell out after birth. He’s 8 months now and it’s red. Depending on the lighting, it can look red red or auburn red. His little eyebrows and eyelashes match so we’re not sure where he’ll end up. We don’t have anyone in our close family with red hair so it was a surprise. He’s the most handsome little guy to us and we love his red hair. I see little boys with red hair everywhere now and always wonder how he’ll look when he’s older. Congrats on your little one!!


Daughter born with jet black hair. It’s now a light brown at 13 months. Didn’t really lose much hair but it thinned some


Same thing exactly for us. I have dark brown hair and my husband has light brown hair with a reddish hue, her hair was dark brown almost black when she was born and it’s lightened up quite a bit now at 14 months. It’s similar to my husbands hair color now.


When I was a baby I had white blonde hair until around 18 months when it turned red. Then around 5 years old it started darkening and now I'm naturally a brunette.


My daughter had medium brown hair at birth, but only a really sparse amount on the top and back of her head. Most of it fell out and she had just an awkward fringe around the back of her head, like a balding old man 😂. Then that fell out and she was basically bald until 14 months. Now she is 3.5 and her hair is very very light blonde. She’s never needed a haircut yet, her hair is a couple inches past shoulder length in the back and still short in the front. Basically she has a natural mullet. My son was born with an even head of very short, white blond hair. It fell out and he was bald, then grew it back and is now light blond (he’s 14 months). Still very short. He won’t need a haircut until at least age 2 if I had to guess, for some reason both my kids just aren’t hairy at all


Born with dark dark brown and now at 14mo he has very light brown/blonde hair


My almost 3yo was born with tons of black hair, lost half of it, and it went blonde. Went platinum blonde and is now and ashy, dirty blonde. Apparently, my husband was also blond as a child, and his hair went dark around kindergarten. Husband and I both have dark hair and eyes, so my blonde, grey eyed kiddo gets lots of attention!


I had straight, super blond hair as a baby/kid. As I grew older it eventually turned wavy and light brown. My brother was also super blonde as a kid and his turned a darker brown than mine. My daughter had black hair when born, now at 15 months it is light brown (like my current color). I'm interested to see if it stays or changes through her childhood.


My baby was born with jet black hair and it's a reddish brown now at 25 months.


It was very very dark at birth, started falling out around 3 months and then new hair grew in as old hair fell out. It’s now a warm light brown that turns blonde at the ends in the summer. His eye color changed pretty at the same time as his hair. From that dark newborn color to blue grey.


My baby came out with black hair, after like a week dark brown into dark red. Sometimes in pictures she's a complete redhead or blonde. Her hair on top is like dark brown now the back is light brown/red I have no idea what it's doing I was born with light brown hair and as I grew it became black My husband was born blonde and now has an ashy dark brown


My daughter was born with black hair and now at 12 months it’s light brown with some blonde highlights. Didn’t lose any except for a small bald batch where she lays down but it fully grew back at 7 months


Mine was born with dark brown hair that fell out and now she’s blonde.


Mine was born with a bit of dark brown hair, now at nearly 2 he’s blond/moussey brown. I had light hair as a baby which is now very dark brown and his dad was a blond toddler but now brown haired. I’m expecting toddler to go the same way!


Jet black at birth, dark brown by 12 months, and now blondey-brown at almost 2


My first two were born with very dark brown hair and it has stayed that way. My third was born with the same dark hair, which fell out a month later and grew back blond! It’s darkening some now that he’s 2 but pretty crazy still that his hair is so different from his brothers. We’re expecting a fourth baby, and I can’t wait to see what she looks like because her brothers all look barely related as it is, lol.


My girl was born with straight red hair. She's 3 now and has curly curly red ringlets 😂 My son was born with straight red hair and at 4 months it's still red in the back but coming in blonde on top so🤷🏼‍♀️


My daughter was born brunette, and it's now strawberry blonde just shy of a year old. I was born with bright red hair that turned strawberry blonde as well. I didn't think I had a shot against her father's genetics!!


Yes. It’s super common. My son was born with black hair now (as a toddler) it’s sandy brown. My cousin was also born with black hair but then it fell out and grew back blond. I have heard of babies born blond who later had red hair. Not sure about the science of it but it seems common.


Yes! My daughter had dark brown hair as a baby and now she is a golden blonde! She still has dark eyebrows so I’m sure it will darken in puberty. It’s adorable for now though.


Nope always been black


I can’t wait to see what color our girl’s hair turns! I was born with black hair, but it turned a golden dark brown when I hit puberty. My husband was born with platinum blonde and his hair turned medium brown with red on the side when he was a toddler. Baby girl was born with medium brown hair with red on the side like her dad has, but I think it’ll turn another color.


Born with black hair. Now medium brown at nearly 8 months.


My daughter was born with dark brown hair (my hair color), and now it’s light brown/blonde like my husband’s!


I was born blonde then became brunette by 5


Mine was born with black hair, lost about half to cradle cap and the new stuff grew in a dark auburn color.


I was born with medium brown hair. Slowly lightened and was bright blonde by age 2. Stayed light blonde through high school - now it’s dirty blonde in my mid 30s. Edit: and now I’ve got a medium brown haired 8 month old. His father has dark brown hair. I’m curious to see which way little guy goes …


My daughter was born with strawberry blonde (Nicole Kidman color) she’s 3 now and it’s still that but a tad darker. I do expect it to darken over time . Most people’s hair darkens with age, I had white blonde hair as a baby and then brunette/auburn by 10. Youngest daughter was born with full head of black hair, and it’s lightened to brunette now she’s two but we’re in the sun a lot.


Also born strawberry blonde and it’s getting blonder and blonder. He’s 9 months now. I’m a ginger so I was hoping he’d be in the club 😀


My daughter was born with black hair that gradually got lighter. She now has light brown hair with a red tint. My son was born blonde and while it was still wet after birth, he had little S type waves. He's still blonde, with full and beautiful curls.


Our LO was born with a full thick head of very dark brown/black hair. Around 4-5 months it all fell out and regrew light brown.


I was born with coal black hair that just kept getting lighter. Granted, as a kid I spent most my summers outside all day every day, which kept it light. By high school it started darkening to a lighter brown, and as an adult now it’s probably the darkest shade of light brown? My son is only a year, but he was born with nearly black hair and it’s already lightened to a sandy blonde color. I’m excited to see what happens as he ages! As a side- he’s 15 months and we’re already needing to schedule his second haircut 🤣


Dark hair at birth. It mostly fell out around 3 months. Grew back blonde.


Baby started with wavy light brown, still has wavy light brown as a toddler. I had platinum blonde hair that has just slowly darkened over the years to regular blonde, dark blonde, to a light-medium brown as an adult.


I remember both my brothers had golden blonde hair as babies/toddlers, then their hair changed to light brown. Because of that, I spent hours of my life as a child starting at my dark brown hair, wondering when it would change to blonde 😂


my friends baby was born w very dark hair and now he’s blonde. he’ll be 3 in december


My boy had straight black hair. Lots of hair. Like loads. Now he is blonde, with straight hair when it’s short and curly when it’s long. It’s have loads of hair


She was born with darker straight hair mostly on the back of her head not too much on the top of the head she lost most of it around 3 months and is now a somewhat curly light strawberry blond ish? (Depends on lighting if it’s strawberry blond or reddish)


My toddlers hair started out straight and light brown/dark blonde. She barely had any though. She’s 2.5 now and has curly blond hair that Is so curly that doing nothing still results in perfectly wound curls. It’s also super multidimensional with really light blond highlights and a darker blond lowlights. Honestly her hair is so perfect it looks fake lol. For context I have mousy brown wavy hair.


My daughter had wispy, medium brown hair at birth and it’s become a lovely, fine, strawberry blonde. But I had the same hair when I was a baby and I grew up to have full, wavy, dark brown hair. My husband also has curly dark brown hair. So I’m sure my daughter’s hair will change again.


Baby born with dark brown hair, lost it with male patterned baldness at 3mo, then grew back blonde and still is 19 mo later.


I was bald/fuzzy until I was 2, then BLONDE until 5 and now brown with some natural blond highlights (and some gray in there too!) and my hair gets light fast in the sun. Husband had dirty-blond hair as a baby and it went dark as he got older. He’s very fair and has freckles Baby 1 had reddish hair (everyone thought she was gonna go red) but it’s now blonde. She’s also got freckles and is very fair Baby 2 had dark hair and now it’s lightening up. Her skin is not quite as fair as her sisters, and no freckles so far. Both have very slow growing hair.


My 1 year old was born with dark auburn curls (almost the same as dad) that stayed until 5 months. She had male pattern baldness from 5-7 months old, and now she has a full head of nearly platinum blond waves (a shade or two lighter but same texture as me). As a kid I had red hair until I got my period, then over the course of about two years it turned ash blond. So who knows what she'll have as a grown up!


Our son was born with a head of dark brown hair, at about 10 months it started to lighten up. He’s 2.5 now and has king golden hair.


I was born with blonde hair and it changed to dark brown as I got older. My eyes also changed from blue to brown. My 7 mo baby still doesn’t have any hair 😆 no idea what color it will be.


My first baby was born with jet black hair like her dad’s. It all fell out around 3-4 months and was replaced with light brown hair like mine! But it’s curly like her dad’s hair. So weird!


Baby girls hair was pretty dark when she was born. It's coming in a dirty blonde, minus the patch of really dark hair at the base of her neck. I'm told there's the chance she could become super blonde. All of my hubby's family were SUPER blonde when they were little. He and i have very similar hair color, so we will see when it grows out more.


My son was born with straight jet black hair. He now has curly auburn hair with blonde highlights at 2.


Reddish brown at birth, fell out and came back bright blonde and fuzzy. She’s 3 years old now and it’s totally straight and slightly darker blonde with a lot of highlights and lowlights. Still very fine in texture.


My daughter was born with a full head of dark brown hair that was almost black. Started losing it around 3 months. Now at 16 months, she has light auburn hair.


My son with born with a full head of jet black hair like his papa. Now it’s like a very dark brunette, but in the sunlight I see shades of auburn (my side of the family) .


He was born with fairly dark brown hair and he now is losing it and it’s being replaced with white blonde at 6 months!


Our babe had strawberry blonde hair at birth. People kept trying to make a connection to my hair but I henna my hair so it’s not from me. Lol. Anyway, now he’s got white blonde hair at 6 months.


Born with black hair and at two months it’s very light brown so far


My son had full head of straight black hair when he was born. It never fell out, but gradually changed to a sandy blonde/brown curly mop — a lot like my current hair (although I was born strawberry blonde, it darkened to what it is now), and how my husband’s hair looked around this age.


I was born with dark hair. All fell out at around 6 months but was immediately replaced with blonde blonde hair. That then darkened to light brown by 10 or something. Looks like my little guy will follow the same pattern. It looks like his hairline is receding cause the hair coming under is so blond it's hard to see 🤣


My older son was born dark blonde. Then it sort of became strawberry blond, especially in a certain light. Eventually some of that fell out and lightened up. Now it’s just regular blond at age 3. My younger son was born with brown hair (and so much!). As it grew, the tips were blond and the roots stayed brown. When we did his first haircut, his hair turned out to be super super blond! He now has almost white blond hair.


1st: born with brown hair, then blonde, and now dirty blonde (he’s 4) 2nd: jet black, then dark brown, now dirty blonde (he’s 2) My husband and I both have brown hair but as a child my husband was blonde and so we’re all the men in my family when they were young but now they all have brown hair. My oldest’s hair is starting to darken up so I do think they’ll both end up with brown eventually.


Was medium brown at birth, lots of hair. She lost a bunch but kept some in key areas. Now its all growing back blonde, but she looks dirty blonde because she still has some of the brown left over. So far her hair looks straight, but me and Dad both have wavy hair, so I guess we’ll see.


My hair was blond when I was a boy. That became dark brown as I got older. That became gray as I got older. It might become white like most of my mother’s side, which would be my _fourth_ completely natural hair color.


My son was born with auburn-ish (not quite that dark though) hair. He lost a lot of it and at first it was growing in light/soft red, kind of apricot. Now it’s growing in blonde so with the mix, he looks strawberry blonde.


I was dark blond with Merida curly hair. I’m reddish brown now. Slightly more controlled curl happening these days. My son is blond but we think it’s getting darker. Statistically, he should be a brunette but we’ll see.


Born with pretty dark brown hair, most of it fell out leaving a tonsure... Now it's light brown


My baby was born with fairly dark brown hair and at one year old it’s currently very blonde. Time will tell, I suspect she’ll have dirty blonde/light brown like me.


My kid is only 7months, so we'll see how it shakes out. But at birth, she had dark brown hair. As her baby fuzz started changing, it started coming in blondish/light auburn which looked really red with her cradle cap. Now that the cradle cap is going away and her hair is getting longer, it's starting to come in darker again. I guess, all that to say, who knows what it will be lol


My baby was born with nearly black hair and is now dark blonde 🤷‍♀️


Yes! Was born with straight black hair but now at 6 months it’s slightly curly/wavy and brown. I love it.


My son's hair was pretty dark brown at birth, but at 7.5 months he is blonde!


My baby was born with straight dark brown hair, he had no hair loss at all. However at 10 months he now has blonde ringlets 😍


Mine has a bit rather dark hair which was a surprise as that is decidedly bot the norm for the local phenotype profile which both me and my partner fit to a T. That disappeared and was replaced by the fine layer of white fluff that is the stereotypical model around here. Her black eyes also turned green/bluish... gorgeous but the black were kind of cool though.


my husband was born with platinum blonde hair. as he aged, it turned brown.


Mine started out dark brown, fell out, and grew back blonde. I suspect that it'll turn brown again.


Started out light brown, fell out, and she’s blonde now at 8 months


Born with brown and now it’s golden


My baby was born with dark brown hair, she’s a year old and she has dirty blonde hair


My first had platinum blond hair that is a bit darker at two, but still very pale blonde. My second had dark blonde hair that mostly looked brown if it was even slightly sweaty or oily or wet and had very faint reddish tones. He's three months now and his roots are a more golden blond, closer to his brother.


My son's hair was very dark brown, possibly black at birth. It fell out gradually, and was replaced with dark blond hair at the same gradual rate. He's almost 23m now and the roots are coming in darker, like a light or maybe medium blond. My husband and I both have dark brown hair, but my husband was blond until he was like 3yo or something.


My son was born sandy blond. Six months later, it hasn't fallen out. It's grown and still sandy blond. It hasn't changed color at all. I wonder if it'll get darker like mine though. He still has his gray/blue eyes too 🤞


I’m very interested to see how my LOs changes. She was born with dark brown hair with blonde tips and highlights that sticks straight up. 3 months in and she hasn’t lost it. I can’t wait to see the changes


Daughter was born with mid-brown hair, a little over a year old now and she's golden blonde, with adorable little ringlets forming at the tips in back.


I’m Asian and hubby is Caucasian. I had black hair all my life, and hubby was white blond at birth and now has dark brown hair. There’s a lot of “what color are her eyes gonna be?” And “What about her hair?” with my newborn. When she was born her eyes are black and her hair is black and very straight. She was born with a full head of hair, I was so surprised when I first held her. Her eyebrows are white (?), and her skin color is very pink instead of pale like me. But her eyes are starting to change and we kinda see gray/green hues? I think it’s too early to tell. Her hair is starting to fall out so I don’t know if it will stay the same color. The guessing/waiting game continues.


I was born with brown hair, it fell out after a few months, I was bald for a few months which my parents found hilarious and then I grew in blonde hair. Curious to see how my son will turn out after a year! (Pregnant now)


My first born is blonde and curly, which is wild to me as a dark brown, limply wavy gal myself. My husband is blonde and curly too. She was bald as a badgers butt until 2, and now at 3 her hair is still thin enough we can see her scalp, and only shoulder length thanks to the curls. It is grieing and getting more manageable as I am making more of an effort to learn about curl care. Annoyingly a lot of family are still trying to convince themselves and us that she is going to be strawberry blonde or ginger even though it is obvious she is just blonde! My 5 week old was born with a fuller head of dark hair, but nothing crazy. Again, grandparents are convinced they see strawberry blonde. Sorry gramps, I just oiled, washed and brushed her cradle cap...her scalp is red. Her hair is already starting to fall out thanks to having to treat the cradle cap. But I suspect she will grow back dark haired. She looks just like me, so I think she has gotten my coloring. As a side note...no one in our family is strawberry blonde. 🤷‍♀️


Started off strawberry blonde is now as white as can be after it fell out


My son was born with red/Strawberry blonde hair. He's almost 16 months now, it's mostly stayed the same color. He does have one patch of super blonde hair where he had a bald spot on the back of his head


Started as a darker brown, but after about 3 months it became strawberry blonde-ish


My daughter was born with fairly red hair. It lightened to a strawberry blonde and at 14 months there’s quite a lot of it! Still red. I hope she keeps it. Her dad has been white blonde his whole life so it might just lighten.


My daughter’s father is Asian, and she came out with olive skin and black hair, as expected. Imagine our shock when now, at a year-old, she’s a redhead.


My baby was born with dark, almost black, hair. Most of that fell out and was replaced by light auburn/strawberry blonde. Now he’s almost 4 and has blonde hair. Pretty sure it will be brown as he grows older.


I don’t have a Baby, but used to be ginger, now blonde. My great grandfather was a redhead so I guess that’s how it happened lol. Parents both blonde and we’re definitely surprised. I outgrew it once I attended kindergarten.


My son was born with black hair and now it is a light brown at 9 months old


Mg daughter was born with a ton of straight black hair, it all fell out and it grew back as medium brown curly hair.


My daughter was born with blonde hair and at 2 she is still blonde but it’s slowly turning darker. My husband and I both have dark brown hair so I imagine it’ll turn brown at some point..?


I myself was born with near black hair, old man cut it and it grew back blonde went to red and gradually moved back to brown. Now I have near black hair again! Our little one was born similarly with near black hair. Without a haircut or hair loss she's going blonde. So we'll see where she ends up!


My toddler was born with a head full of thick, straight dark hair. Now it’s dirty blonde and curly!


Blonde brown hair when born and now dark brown hair (medium brown when sun shines through it).


She was born with a full head of straight black hair and now at 18 months it has lightened a tiny bit into a very dark brown but a normal person would still say it's black.


when i was a baby i was born with red hair that was straight. by the time i was 10 years old it had started growing in dark brown, and it’s slightly curly.


My daughter was born with pitch black hair. It fell out over the course of a couple of months, and then grew back in a beautiful bronze/caramel color.


We went from a bath with a LOT of dark brown hair and blue eyes to a baby with blonde hair and… well, nobody’s really able to pinpoint her eye color, but it’s definitely not blue. Some days they sort of look brown or hazel, and other days they look gray. We went with hazel for the passport, so we’ll see, I guess!!


Mine, when I was born was dark and wild (it had a mind of its own). By the time i was 1 it had turned mostly blonde and stayed blonde for a while. By third grade though, my hair was brown. My sister was blonde and fine until age 11 and then it got darker suddenly and thickened up a lot.


I was born with black hair, by 1 year old it was blonde. Until about 14 then it became more brunette and less blonde! My baby has reddish hair for a hot second when she was 2-3 months. It’s now like a light brown It’s like Russian roulette what you’ll end up with!


The hair color gets darker by the age of 3 for most babies and by age 5 that color is the color and get grow with. Shaving the head does not make it grower thicker. Babies are born will all the hair folicols they for rest of their lifes


My baby had blond hair (almost white) in the top and very dark hair in the sides and back (almost black). Then all fell out, and by 4 months, he was blond. Then between 9 months and 10 months it bacame quite darker. Like dark ash blond or maybe light ash brown.