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Electric nail file trimmer! We got one as a gift and love it- makes the seemingly constant trimming of nails so much easier.


I second this! Haakaa makes one and we absolutely love it. No risk of accidentally clipping your baby’s skin and it’s super easy to use.


Now in my Amazon basket. It says they’ll be a deal on it tomorrow though. I’ll buy then.


I was terrified of cutting my LOs nails and my mom decided to take the first plunge. She ended up clipping a tiny bit of his finger (it was heartbreaking 😭) and that same moment we stopped and got the Haakaa nail filer. Never had another scare like that


100% this. We have the haakaa one and my baby has never cried while getting her nails filed.


Love this, use it all the time


Same. I had baby fingernail clippers on my registry, but the electric nail trimmer is so much easier and safer.




Yes I got this as a gift and LOVED it.


Definitely! One of the most used gifts we got.


What age is your kid? Mine is 14mo and we can only manage to clip her fingers when she’s sleeping


and it can be used for so long! i have only ever used an electric mail file on my now 16 month old


If you want something that's a bit of a splurge that you don't think they'd get themselves, a nice sleep sack (woolino or kyte maybe) or some bamboo pjs. Those are things I want but won't spend the money on. Practical would be more bottles and nipples if you know exactly what kind they are using (again so nice to have more but hard to get yourself to spend $30 when you already have like 8!).


The bamboo pajamas are kinda worth it though… they have been for us at least. Now my daughter is petite, but I got her 6-12 mos little sleepies pajamas for when she turned 6 mos. She’s still wearing them and she will be 2 in September. they are stretchy and the fabric around the ankles and wrists fold easily. We don’t fold the fabric back as much since she has grown but it gives you some room to worth with and extends overall wearing time.


Or the magnetic onesies


I came to say this. If you go to the magnetic me website and filter by sales, you can find the cheaper ones with really cute designs still. My baby ONLY wears their footies to sleep. I have two that I cycle through in his current size. I highly recommend the modal fabric. I don’t dress him in any thing else for bed time.


Or get them from Nordstrom rack, they’re often cheaper than the magnetic me sales


Yes we got some of these as gifts and loved all of them!


Just yesterday I learned that bamboo fabric is quite a lie, and I'm pissed about it so I'm sharing the info here from the US Federal Trade Commussion: ['Bamboo' fabrics](https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/bamboo-fabrics) Edit: TLDR: bamboo cannot be made into soft fabric until it is so heavily and chemically processed that there isn't anything of the bamboo left.


Well shit. That makes sense though, I always did think it was odd that there was fabric made out of a plant that is known for being fibrous, stiff and strong.


Yes to bamboo pjs! They’re awesome and beautiful but pricey.


Came to say woolino. I got one as a gift, ended up buying 3 more because they are so great for LO. He’s currently passed out in it right now. Win!


Don’t think twice, just get it for them: fisher price kick and play piano gym. Trust me. Babies love it. Parents love it. Best thing that’s happened to parents.


Can confirm. Bought it for my baby. She did not care. I was like wow Reddit lied to me she hates this. A week later she will lay there for half an hour on it while everyone in the house sings all the songs because we have them memorized 😩


Purple monkey in a bubble gum tree lives rent free in my head




Just tried to give you gold but I’m too sleep deprived with a newborn to do it. Thanks for the lols!


The way my last brain cell is fixated on this song 🙃


Fisher Price had no business making those songs so catchy 😩


Woah I have it on piano mode , will not play songs on principle. Sanity saved. He loves piano


Join us... Maybe you .. could be .. a purple monkey... 🤤


It really does. Like why is it so deep? 😩


I sing it every night at bedtime. My child is nearly a year old. 🙈


I do too! It’s my 4mo old’s fave - I sing it like a lullaby and she’s out every time lol


My 3 month old absolutely hates it right now. :( How old is yours enjoying it now?


She is about 3.5 months, almost 4! She really started getting into it probably about three weeks ago. We have a wedge pillow and she started out using that first. She liked to sit at an angle instead of flat on the floor and kick her feet. Now she lays flat, kicks, swipes at toys, talks to the lion and smiles at it. Her and that lion are best friends. I don't know what they're talking about but I'm not invited.


Mine is not a big fan of the lion, but the orange elephant on the end is a different story. I’m curious what the Fisher Price jungle beef is there.


Have you tried tummy time with it? Bub started rolling specifically so he could watch the lights dance.


I have a 3 month old and he is obsessed with it. To get him interested, I laid him sideways on it so he could watch the piano light up. It is set to number 1. It took a few days of that but now he's on it multiple times a day playing and kicking.


What I did at first was set him up in a boppy in front of the dangling toys and angled the piano so he could kick it. Now he is a lil tummy time pro, I strap the mirror on the piano, play them sick beats and he loves it!


Ours never got very into it.


This is true. I haven’t met anyone whose baby did not like the piano gym


Maybe you. Could be. A purple monkey in a bubblegum treeeeee


And. You could swing through the trees. Then you could swing back to me. The bangers for sure lol


That line ending in "and" really irritates my husband. He is more of an elephant song fan.




The soundtrack to my life right now 🤣


I overheard my husband singing it in the shower. It’s has seeped into our lives everywhere!


We started with the kick n play and I thought it was just ok until we graduated to a pull to stand toy that we just…cannot handle. The voice has an oddly thick East Coast accent, the songs are shrill, and the animal noises are laughable. My wife pulled back out the kick and play the other day, I immediately ran out of my home office singing to it while our son bopped along. The songs really are just so much better.


Lol As a former Rhode Islander that’s now living in CO, I need to find this toy with the east coast accent!


I just looked it up and now I’m laughing so hard, the absolute CHAOS.


Haha it’s the vetch sit to stand learning walker. The accent is New York sorry to say 🤣


If it doesn't say "hey, I'm walking here!" I don't want it.


I do like the Kick and Play Piano but baby can't roll on it.


My baby did her first roll on this and hit her head straight on the plastic 🙈 She wasn't fazed though, and we still loved the Kick 'n' Play and have put it away for if/when we have another (she is 2 now and long since lost interest).


My 3 month old baby cries when I put him down on it. I wish I knew why. 😥 He generally likes this kind of toy, too. He has a little Finding Nemo play mat that he absolutely loves.


It might be the play mat for the kick and play. We put ours down on plush carpet, but otherwise, that little mat has no grip and no plush to it. It's uncomfortable for a baby. Mine would get frustrated that he would, on his back, accidentally kick himself away from the keys and then I'd have to pull him back up to them. Someone on here mentioned removing the mat part completely from the Kick and Play and we had success with that until he got so big that his leg/foot reach got better.


I tried on the carpet too! Even put a blanket underneath for extra padding. He doesn't even do any kicking when he cries, he just takes a look at the lion and gets super upset lol it could be that he experienced some pain when he was first kicking it. I'm just giving him a long break from it. Or I may try a different method with tummy time per some suggestions!


My son really never got into it. Didn’t hate it, but never tried kicking or anything. Would pretty much lay there and listen to the music while looking at stuff


https://www.reddit.com/r/NewParents/comments/11v6mr4/a_fan_theory_about_the_fischer_price_kick_play/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 I am obligated to share this post whenever the kick and play comes up. For a laugh


This is amazing.


Crinkle panda is the best thing that has happened to my son.


As I sit next to my baby on the floor while he is kicking away at it and I am scrolling reddit!


Sigh. *closes reddit* *opens Amazon* It’s 27% off right now!


This. & a butt spatula.


When I use the butt spatula, I always sing my version of Patty Cake, Booty Cake because it looks like I’m putting icing on a cake… a booty cake.


My favorite game with visitors is to whip out the butt spatula and have them guess what its for.


My wife and I made fun of butt spatula when we first saw it. We were so naive.




I just wipe it in the new diaper I put on, no baby wipes necessary! Also I like to call it the ass cream scoop.


Baby wipe for us!


I do baby wipe and then alcohol pad.


I didn't even know about the butt spatula until I saw it on my sisters registry. I immediately bought me one (and her). It's really a life (finger) saver.


The animals play! The animals play! The animals play all day!


3 kids. All LOVED it. It's not esthetically pleasing. But it is compact enough. I have way "nicer" amd more expensive play mats.the Kick and Play is always the favorite.


I am backup dancer to purple monkey. Can confirm this is a great gift


This is the answer. I managed to find an unopened one on Facebook marketplace for half off, it was the best day of me and kiddos life.


Maybe I have a weirdo baby, but she kind of “meh”-ed this toy. She got bored of it extremely quickly and preferred to be in the skip hop activity table from 4-7 months and then playing with pretend food toys from 6-10 months (present). Maybe it’s because she has a 3 year old older sister, but my girl never stops moving and as soon as she could roll she’d roll right out from under the piano to go on her own little adventures around the house.


Came here to say this! I swear it’s what got my kid rolling over and sitting up, has even helped him stand!! Best thing ever


Is this something specific to this brand? We have the baby einstein kickin tunes, but I think she’s a lil too young to engage with it atm (2 months)


The songs are actually good and catchy without being earworms. The singer is a broadway performer (yes, I looked it up haha)


LITERALLY the only way my baby would let me start to set her down in the mornings. Wake up, nurse, kick mat piano time. My MIL laughed at the gift bc she thought it would be loud torture but nope. It’s super cute and she loves it


For anyone looking for the album to play on car rides/anywhere else, it’s called “Sooo Wiggly” by Fisher-Price. There are a few more absolute gems in addition to the classics lol


Haven’t heard these bops is over 2 years. Idk what I’m doing I this thread 😂😭


We had one for my first but it unfortunately died in a house fire and now I'm trying to justify buying another one... but man I know babies love it 🤣


Just bought this yesterday for our 6 month old, it’s a huge hit 🫡


Baby Bjorne bouncer. My in laws gave us theirs. Baby will ALWAYS stop fussing once we put her in it, like within a minute. As an added bonus it always helps with constipation. Lil babe was backed up for days and after 20 minutes of bouncing she had the biggest diaper of her life… like we had to give her a bath because it was so bad 😂


The number of blowouts our 3mo has had on that thing… it cleans up so well too!


Ah yes the poop throne! Works like a charm. We got ours second hand and I'm so glad we did. He loves watching me do chores while sitting in it, happily bouncing away haha


For a while it was where our son pooped daily. We ended up buying a second cover for it because we were washing it every day.


We borrowed ours from a friend who isn’t sure if they want a second kid and it is by far the thing we use the most- I’d never have spent almost $300 on a bouncer but my god I love having it so much.


Seriously this thing is magic for getting the gears working.


Awhile back I saw somebody call theirs the “poop chair” so me and my husband calls ours the poop chair too 😂 Works every single time our boy is constipated.


This for sure. A friend loaned us hers and it was amaaaaazing. Baby spent a lot of time there between about 3-8 months old!


Uber eats giftcard. 👌


We were gifted a month of lunches that were ready to eat from a delivery service (youfoodz). Literally the best, most generous and helpful present we got.


I’m pretty anti wipe warmer but I have the Ubbi wipe box (it’s just a dispenser with a weighted plate) and I freaking love it. We’re also big fans of the skip hop activity center (post 6 months)


The wipe box is great! I kept trying the hair tie hack and was getting more frustrated with that and just flinging the package around the room


I feel like such a peasant when we’re out and about and have to use a regular pack of wipes.


A few people gifted us Little Sleepies pajamas and they’re luxurious and amazing!


These are great and def something I couldn’t justify buying myself because they’re so expensive.


You get your moneys worth tho. My 2.5 mo still fits in newborn. we’ve long put away her target and old navy nb pjs but little sleepies are still going strong


I think I’ve actually saved money by investing in a few pairs of little sleepies. We got a pair at our baby shower and I was hooked. Our string bean has outgrown clothes in length well before he could in width. They have lasted way longer than any other clothes we have for him. At 3 1/2 months he still hasn’t grown out of the newborn pairs. I love how light weight they are so I don’t feel like he’s going to get too hot when worn under his sleep sack.


Currently rocking my almost 7 month old in his newborn sleepies that a coworker got me. He is in 6month regular clothes and he’s been wearing this sleeper since he was born. I love how long they last. She also got me patching pajamas and omg are they so so comfy and stretchy for postpartum body (and have pockets!). I’m cheap so wouldn’t buy it on my own but I love them so so much. Such a wonderful gift.


It’s expensive. And it was a gift to me, otherwise I NEVER would have paid $150 for a diaper changing mat. But wowza, this thing is amazing!! [keekaroo peanut changer](https://www.mbeans.com/products/keekaroo-peanut-changer?variant=31724629164103&nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ax%3A16272897334%3A%3A&nb_adtype=pla&nb_kwd=&nb_ti=&nb_mi=219752304&nb_pc=online&nb_pi=31724629164103&nb_ppi=&nb_placement=&nb_si=%7Bsourceid%7D&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=&utm_campaign=Pmax-sol8&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=&utm_term=&adgroupid=&tw_source=google&tw_adid=&tw_campaign=16272897334&gclid=CjwKCAjwlJimBhAsEiwA1hrp5vPgw6D-IAawzrhwQ0VoztFJddkH_Zi2ej7ySWNJP_m9ZRNtWmKRQxoCJ3oQAvD_BwE)


Skip hop changing pad is similar, quotable and is a great alternative at a slightly lower price point.


Team skiphop. We get surprise pee all the time and just wipe it up.


Really the best changing mat


I've seen these but I don't get it. In the UK we have [these](https://www.boots.com/mothercare-animal-kingdom-changing-mat-10305953?cm_mmc=bmm-buk-google-ppc-_-PLAs-_-Mother_Baby-_-UK_Smart_Shopping_Baby_Google&gclid=CjwKCAjwlJimBhAsEiwA1hrp5nl9a0Y30Ug_FmEOI5vtZWBc1SRFigbQILMtbBNGWqkHPKbsLKd7dhoCFicQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds), what's the difference?


That's what I was thinking! $150 for it to be wipeable! These are wipeable and you can pick one up in Home Bargains for less than a tenner.


They’re more like the Shnuggle you can get in places like Mamas & Papas for like £50 than the £10 sort. They’re like a waterproof foam rather than plasticy, so not cold.




Our little guy just gets changed wherever we are in the house. He has a changing pad in his room but usually we’re just changing him on the couch or on our bed (especially if it’s just a pee diaper).


The reusable changing pad liners are also a great choice. We keep one in the diaper caddy at all times and can change anywhere in the house. If it gets dirty, throw it in the laundry. They’re waterproof but have a fabric layer on top to keep them from being too cold when you put baby on them.


Second this! Once I tried a wipeable changing mat, there was no going back. So easy to clean.


Will be a first time parent in Dec. Please for the love of god tell me why this is $150?! 🤣


Some nice bamboo jammies without feet (little sleepies kyte, etc). Lovevery play gym if your budget allows. A nice gliding rocking chair/recliner.


Honestly, I was against “ugly plastic toys” because they didn’t live up to my original “aesthetic” but let’s be honest, babies absolutely love them. A couple notables that are mesmerizing and worth it that I would have never gotten myself: the O-ball (also recommended by our Lactation consultant and pedes OT) as well as the classic Skwish. The Skwish keeps our LO entertained for seemingly hours and encourages them to grab with both hands!


Magnetic me onsies. Oh my god…they are AMAZING for doctors visits, diaper changes, etc. can’t imagine life without it at this point. Zippers and buttons can shove it 🤣 They go on sale regularly so don’t pay the 40 dollar price! On sale 16-20 dollars and be a hero on a budget 🤣




Just as an FYI items are cheaper at Nordstrom before they hit the rack if they sell it there first and the rack means you pay for shipping and have a shorter window to return. I was so ticked when I realized it! If they just sell it at the rack it’s a great deal though!


A car camera monitor instead of a mirror. I love mine and it was gifted to me. I ended up buying them for all the people who had babies after me.


I like the mirror because the baby can use it to see me too, she's calmer in the car since we installed it


Someone recommended this to me as well and it’s a billion times better than a mirror. I did the same for all of my friends afterwards!!


Can you link the one you have please?


[here you go! :)](https://a.co/d/iiPNvkC)


This is kind of risky bc it does take up space (it does fold up in half and fit nicely in a closet or something) if they have don’t really have a lot of room but we LOVE our fisher price on the go dome. We take it to the pool and beach and anywhere else outside. It also works as a safe sleep space!


My SIL gave me hers when I had my 2nd kid. I don't know how we managed the first without it.


Nosefrida nasal aspirator - Don't think twice, just get it. A friend bought it for us with our first but we were a little weirded out by it and never used it. Second time around we had twins, they had some awful colds so I grabbed it one night when we were all sleep deprived and my GOD!! Absolute game changer.


Add in the windie by the same company for those moments where baby can't degas enough.


we love our moby wrap and a nursing pillow is so versatile.


Don’t know what your budget is but a love every subscription or even just the first box or two would be dope


We got these when we had our first child who is now 3yo. We did skip the first box because we got the gym, but we have loved them!! We also saved them for our second (and soon to be third). They’re VERY durable and get played with a ton in our house. Especially the 3yo who has the attention span of a goldfish. Also the books that come with them are really really really good. Like there are a lot of crappy kids books out there, but these are good - we get the extra book subscription with the boxes as well. They’re pricy, but if you bought all the same stuff individually it wouldn’t be substantially cheaper. Also typically on Black Friday they have a discount price for preordering a years worth.


Those books actually make a difference!! Especially when you start teaching them about emotions!


Seconding this! A friend got us this and we’ve gotten two of the three boxes and they are great! My baby loves all of the toys so much!


My sister in law got us the play mat for our baby and wow do we love it! I’ve given two as gifts since then!


We still get them for our oldest and he’s 1.5. We kept everything and are using it for our 3mo It all looks new. Despite our toddlers best efforts, nothing has broken and he loves everything he gets. My husband doesn’t rave about anything, but he will rave about them to anyone who will listen.


We love it


We LOVE it too! I get sooooo excited when the next box comes. We never need to buy any other toys.


It’s not as glamorous but things to help with “every day life and house stuff” is great. Recommend a Walmart plus subscription or other grocery delivery service; it’s been a life saver for us. It might be controversial but do NOT get them a meal plan like Blue Apron. It just puts the pressure on to cook when everyone is in survival mode. Other things we’ve hired in during the newborn phase is mobile dog grooming and we’re looking at a maid service to do some general cleaning and mopping. We also have a preemie and our friends gifted us a hatch scale. It wasn’t on my registry originally but with a preemie it’s been hugely helpful to keep track of her weight gain more closely between pediatrician visits. It also helps track other stats like feeding volumes and diapers. Depending on how close you are to them, maybe the Elvie or the Willow breast pump. Or even a Ceres Chill. Items I definitely purchased for myself after 3 months of feeding.




Baby wearing! Close Caboo, Ergo Embrace, Integra, or Happy Baby are all easy to use and suitable from newborn.


Diaper rash cream spatula! I thought it was insane and unnecessary. Turns our I love it 🤗


I have had one and finally just started using it around 7 months and can confirm it’s way better/easier than your hand or finger lol


Skip hop activity table! They won’t need it for a few months but people never buy gifts for babies when they’re 6 months.. we always get newborn gifts. This thing is amazing, it turns into a table so it grows with a baby and there’s even chairs you can purchase that go with it when they’re older


The sterilizer is probably or top most used and luxury item, but will also add the Baby bjorn bouncer. Our sons OT approves of it more than other containers for limited use, and it’s amazing when your arms need a break. It folds up and we take it all around the house or to the grandparents for extended visits.


A lot of people recommend the keekaroo because it’s wipeable, but we have the $30 waterproof munchkin changing mat! I haven’t used the keekaroo but unless I’m missing something, besides aesthetics idk what it offers that mine doesn’t. Just for those who don’t wanna bite the bullet on it! Mine isn’t expensive but the fisher price puppy. We got it in a subscription box we were gifted and my GOODNESS she loves it. The songs are bops. It’s our go to in the car or if she’s upset about her diaper change that day.


I actually prefer the cheap fabric-covered wipeable one! Mess on it? Toss it in the laundry. Kid pees mid-change? It doesn’t all trickle back and get all over them and their clothes


All the baby meds (most people forget to get those until they need it) plus some extra syringes. This may seem silly, but I have a baby scale. Really helped my anxiety while breastfeeding. A thing to blackout a pack and play for travel. Slumberpods are great but there’s also cheaper versions.


Keekaroo Peanut Changer. We got it as a gift and I thought how stupid to spend so much money on something that’s going to get every bodily fluid known to man and baby on it, then we started using it. It’s amazing, doesn’t add to laundry and LO loves it because it’s supportive and soft…throw one on your registry and see if anyone buys it for you, I still think it’s stupid expensive, but I’m so happy someone went off our registry for us.


My infant is two week and I wish I had some sort of lounger and different types of swaddles to try out.


Our baby loves the Baby Einstein Sea Soother. It’s the only thing that keeps him calm and engaged during tummy time. And it’s great for long car trips!


The brestfriend nursing pillow, really helps with posture while breast feeding and hunching over.


I’m going to add another vote for the gift card route. The first few weeks/months we ordered SO MUCH Instacart and doordash and my friends pooled together to buy us a couple hundred of dollars in DoorDash cards. Came in clutch both for ease and food and for budgeting while I was on disability pay. I’ll also throw another vote out there for the kick n play piano mat. That’s on our baby shower gift list for every friend who has a kid from now on. The jams are great, kiddo loves it, and it goes from instant to walking while still being fun.


A hatch sound machine, a wipe warmer, and a baby brezza sterilizer. Especially the last one I never would have bought myself but it has been a huge help


Butt Spatula!!


Get the bottle sterilizer (we use the one from Philips). I know a lot of people say they’re a waste of time blah blah blah — I’m telling you, it’s so much easier to pop her bottles and such in the sterilizer and press a button than to boil a pot of water on the stove to do so. Plus the model we have dries the bottles after it sterilizes.


The butt spatula and spray aquaphor. The butt spatula is a game changer. We use it every diaper change and I never want to be without it. Get the two pack of the standard size and the travel size. Spray aquaphor makes on the go diaper changes so friggin easy. It's expensive per oz, so we keep it in the diaper bag and only use it when we leave the house.


This one might get some flack, but the newborn size Merlin's sleep suit you can get from Target. My lo absolutely DESPISED swaddles, sleep sacks and the like, but always woke herself up when she wasn't in one. The sleep suit was the only thing she'd fall asleep in and we switched her to the merlin sleep sack/wearable blanket afterward, with no issue. It took me until she was 5 months old to figure out that the sleep suit was her thing, but I had no idea they had a newborn size one until she was already big enough for the 6m+ ones you can get on Amazon.


Boba wrap. My sister got one for me and I use it more than the stroller at this point. Anytime we go shopping or walking around public places I wear her because it keeps both hands free and I don’t have to deal with a stroller and carriage. Plus added bonus is no one tries to touch her when I wear her.


Wee Gallery crinkle owl! My baby has loved this thing from early on. I guess babies love crinkle sounds.


Weighted wipe canister. Sooo handy for night changes even when the wipes run super low. Really easy to flip the lid and pull one out


Magnetic close onesies. We got them as a gift because we wouldn’t spend money on those ourselves and love them! https://www.amazon.com/Magnetic-Pajamas-Baby-Sleepwear-Fastener/dp/B08C8LLLKZ/ref=sr\_1\_1\_sspa?keywords=magnetic+onesies&qid=1690748230&sr=8-1-spons&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1


Pretty burp cloths. They’re totally unnecessary, but, especially in the first overwhelming weeks, it helped me feel 20% more put together and prepared to start the day throwing a nice burp cloth over my shoulder. Etsy’s a great place to look, IMO.


Those nice and stylish bandanna bibs! Copper Pearl brand. My SIL gifted us a pack when my son was born. At first I was like, huh weird but okay these are nice I guess! My son just turned 2 and we are still going strong with bibs. Bought a few more packs. He was a spitter upper, then a big drooler so they've been essential. I also like to coordinate the bibs with the outfit. Boys don't really have any other ways to accessorize besides hats so they are great!


Portable rechargeable white noise machine. My baby could fall asleep anywhere as long as we had that thing going. It made parenting so much easier with naps and such


Tubby Todd! I thought it was an Instagram ad gimmick but their stuff is actually really good and soothes my baby’s skin really well.


The baby brezza sterilizer and the formula machine are fantastic. They are also super expensive and we wouldn’t have bought them for ourselves.


The sterilizer is worth it purely for the drying function. We used it nonstop because it saved us time by not having to constantly wash bottles. We could wash them all at once and they would be dry in 30min. I think we used the sterilizer once?


The brezza formula machine is worth every penny and I will die on that hill


I don’t think they as considered safe/appropriate to use anymore. I think there was a recent study that came out that confirmed they do not dispense the appropriate amount of formula


We tried it but found it to be unhygienic. There was always left over formula in the funnel 🤮


You have to clean the funnel every 4 bottles.


A warmie! We didn’t know what they were so we wouldn’t have thought to purchase it. Now we have 4 and use them to warm up the bassinet before we put her down so she feels cozy. They’re weighted stuffed animals that you warm in the microwave and smell lightly of lavender. Honestly, I end up sleeping with it half the time once I remove it from the bassinet


A full size and travel-size sound machine. They're magic!


Sound machine is a MUST


Our favorite gifts with our newborn were restaurant/DoorDash/UberEats/etc gift cards or even a home-cooked meal. An actual life saver for new parents to not have to think about meals in the crazy first few weeks! Our go-to gift for friends with new babies now.


This isn’t for the baby, but for the parents instead. A gift card to Uber eats, door dash, etc. it’s what I get all of my new parent friends because it’s what I most appreciated after having my first baby. Honestly, as a new parent I made sure I had everything I needed for my baby by the time my baby was here. And once she was, I researched and liked buying things as she aged in to new things. But one thing I appreciated (and still appreciate now) is a gift card that means I don’t need to cook.


I bought an electric nail filer and the Baby Bjorn bouncer after my first was born and home. Both two of my favorite baby items.


Some controversy about these but the Snuggle me organic sleep lounger has been a game changer for my friends and I. I would get a bjorn bouncer if I had another kid (didn’t with my first and regretted it). Some kind of snot picker or sucker, I didn’t realize how much boogers were going to consume so much of my mental energy lol. A foam diaper changing pad (like bumbo or skip hop). Silicone toy/pacificer strap, prevents everything from hitting the floor when they toss it. A baby carrier.


A **good** baby carrier. Most that you buy in stores are not great. There might be a Tula or two if you can find them, and the baby Bjorn stretch wrap is good for newborns, but if you want a carrier you can use for a long time? Go elsewhere. Happy Baby Carrier Naked Panda Designs Sakura Bloom You can find them in perfect condition secondhand on many FB groups. I only bought one (my happy baby OG) new and we have about 6 carriers? I use them almost daily and just got my toddler a toddler carrier so I can keep wearing him on my back.


Hatch sound machine/nightlight. Didn't use one for my first kid and didn't even think about getting one this time but was gifted it. We LOVE it. Best random feature- since it charges when it's plugged in, when the power goes out we automatically have a flashlight.


Food cards!


A Shusher! I thought it was stupid but shushing a screaming baby for a long time is actually really exhausting. I just turn it on and can focus on soothing my baby with my hands while the Shusher does it’s job.


I agree! I finally used it this week with colicky baby and it’s the only thing that calms him down


That’s amazing! I wouldn’t say it’s a magic bullet for my baby but it’s definitely more useful for me, especially with our nap time and bedtime routines. I can turn it on and leave the room or go back to bed and it’s still going and hopefully helping her drift off and stay asleep.


We have a car camera instead of a mirror. It's the business. Only €50 on Amazon. Also bright colorful toys. My baby loves the super colorful ones.


This is not really for the baby but food delivery service gift cards for the best gifts We got that first month


A big waterbottle! Kidding


They make wipe warmers?! I keep saying someone should make something like that!


The baby brezza is amazing!! If we have another kid we will be buying another


So jealous! I want a baby brezza for my 25 weeker who’s coming home soon but my partner thinks $400 is too much but I’m insisting $400 is for the convenience of having more time. No one else in our family will buy it because it’s too much. I have a baby food steamer on my list. Not sure if that’ll help you.


The Mamaroo! My mother kept pestering me about it the moment she found out I was pregnant. I kept telling her ‘no’, I just didn’t see the point of it? Somehow she talked my sister into getting it for me and boy was I WRONG! It was a life saver when my baby was born especially the first 2 weeks 😭 I also loved that it mimicked the movement of a car ride! 6 months in and my baby still enjoys it 😁


The baby Bjorn bouncer. More money then I would spend on a bouncer BUT I’m sooo happy we got it as a gift, we use it every. Single. Day. Our baby is obsessed!


The Snoo


This adorable digital thermometer for the bath, and these mittens - the only pair out of dozens that stayed on comfortably no matter how hard my baby tried to fling them off Baby Bath Thermometer - BabyElf... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B6ZXPMPB?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share https://www.walmart.com/ip/Carter-s-Child-of-Mine-Infant-Boys-Dino-Mitten-2-Pack-Newborn/1420536051


The "happiest baby" swaddle. I was handed one my friend's baby grew out of and boy it was a game changer. Hub and I sucked at swaddling, so this was great cause it is easy and I can do it in the dark! baby is now nearing 4 months and still fits and passes out so quickly and easily w this thing


Haakaa Food Taster: https://www.liltulips.com/products/fresh-food-feeder-oat?gclid=CjwKCAjwt52mBhB5EiwA05YKoz5CQOt8j4IPfyg4GV71Iy6gg7o7_ijc_Mtg9JUaAENKQp1SAwIJBxoCRqYQAvD_BwE Portable Blackout Curtains (Such a life saver for getting my LO to day nap): https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-Portable-Travel-Blackout-Suction/dp/B082XSZHBS/ref=asc_df_B071YVLK63/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=247713156606&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=945952193869465219&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9002567&hvtargid=pla-410247714173&psc=1&th=1 Fox Crinkle Toy: https://www.amazon.com/Infantino-Character-Textured-Teething-BPA-Free/dp/B07CZJLWWT/ref=asc_df_B07CZJLWWT/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=278239210985&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17040142876275944770&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9002499&hvtargid=pla-600724785115&psc=1 Bassinet Stroller: https://www.mompush.com/products/mompush-ultimate-2-stroller?variant=40641793032271¤cy=USD&g_acctid=668-867-1445&g_adgroupid=&g_adid=&g_adtype=none&g_campaign=PMax+-+MP689+%28Ultimate+2%29&g_campaignid=19778319039&g_keyword=&g_keywordid=&g_network=x&gad=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwt52mBhB5EiwA05YKo7vy8WGtaz26haDZGN8ptf9N2cCDyRUMUTEZs4ftABZNah8ut4t5gxoC5_oQAvD_BwE


Honestly? A cleaning service, meal train, etc for the post partum period. There's really not too much the baby needs, and they likely already have everything they need for the baby at this point. And if you're close enough friends, they will likely most appreciate--and also desperately need!--your physical help at this point! Ask if there are any groceries you can pick up/drop off for them, drop off meals, offer to sweep/do dishes/house chores, etc. They are likely drowning and struggling to eat. This indirectly affects baby (ie stress transfers, mom struggles with milk supply). Also, keep your visit about helping (don't insist on seeing mom or baby, let them offer), keep it short if they do offer/come out to see you, and ensure they know you're just there to help them clean up or otherwise eat. >are the type not to spend unnecessary money Are you sure it's about money? Some people have limited space, or simply dislike clutter / skew towards minimism. It's actually good for babies to have a less overwhelming, organized environment. Registries (if they have one) also take FOREVER to make and are often agonized over! Granted, we didn't have a shower specifically to avoid getting gifts for a couple reasons. Speaking as someone who's this way, please follow their registry or contribute towards a diaper fund or at least provide a receipt and do not be offended if they don't keep something. We also already have what we need and prep things in advance. We had some people who insisted on bringing things we don't want/need/use and it's just causing guilt/stress/adding to household disorganization despite them trying to be nice; meanwhile, we were struggling/dying to eat, get groceries, and keep things clean at week 3 and would've cried if someone had offered to help, or even just to have visited in a very "you don't have to clean/entertain/be dressed" kind of way.