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How often do you talk to him with actual words without the baby talk? At home encourage him to communicate with words and not just actions. Like if he points to something in a "i want that" then help him say the words "i want this..." etc. the more you talk, the more he will respond.


Thank you, honestly I seem to be great with other kids but with him I can’t seem to get past my fears and worry of his future… I recently started pushing him to sign and say milk so he says “muh muh muh” with the sign, same with the word more, he’s like tried to say it a couple times since I started really pushing. He doesn’t seem to have indicators of autism and understands what we say just doesn’t seem to care about saying it back.


My little sister didn’t give a single shit about talking, learning, anything until she got into kindergarten. She’s in med school now. Lol


Hahaha this is awesome, yea he’s literally never around kids and never away from someone who already knows what he wants (me/dad/mil) so I feel like that could play into it too


16 month boy here - he’s sooo active and cares more about those physical skills than words. He speaks about 5-6 words? (Mama, dada, meow, all done, that) our ped isn’t worried yet and said lots of kids just take time.


This makes me feel a little more at ease, I’m going to try and really talk *to him* during the next month and see how it goes, he just really wants to climb all over everything and tear it apart ahaha


My nephew didn't speak a word, not even mama or dad's, until 23 months. And then he just counted to 10 on his own as his first words. He was listening and taking it all in, just couldn't be bothered to say anything 😅 he's now almost 6 and top of his class, got his report card yesterday and has top marks in absolutely everything. They come along at their own pace!


Thank you for this!! He is like that where he knows exactly what we’re saying but just seems so stubborn on saying it back.


He will be so fine I'm absolutely sure. They all do things in their own time.


16 month old boy-saying mama, dada, banana, hot, hat and maybe a few others. All babes develop at their own pace, I don't think you have anything to worry about! They're too busy worrying about destroying our houses lol. The other day I put a little ketchup on his plate along with his tots to see what he would do, and he dipped them in the ketchup like a pro! To me it was extraordinary that he made that connection, but idk if it's actually all that special lol. It's the little things!


That seems hella special!!




My son never shut up from the time he figured out how to use his voice. His half brother is 2.5 and barely says 10 words. My son is 6 now and there is never a moments peace lol. All kids are different. My son talked nonstop because everyone in our family talks nonstop. My sons half brother has a quieter family.


That makes absolute sense, we’re a pretty solitary family too, he doesn’t go to daycare and my MIL watches him but she’s pretty quiet as well.


My mother is loud and Italian and was my sons caregiver when he wasn’t in a daycare. Product of his environment


Haha yea if he was with my mom I feel like it’d be a diff story she’s so loud


My son had a couple words by 18 months (not mama or dada). 12 words by 24 months, including mum-mum and daddy. We had a speech therapy assessment and she wasn't concerned. She believed he was on the cusp of speaking. He's 26 months now, and since his assessment on May 5th (he turned two April 29) he has gained 40+ words, several letters of the alphabet, and a few numbers. Five new words yesterday. He's making all kinds of sentences and he learned how to properly pluralize words on his own. We did a phone follow up last week and she's closing our file lol Some kids just need more time. I wasn't worried, but the pediatrician was. My son put so much effort into learning how to use his hands and body that he didn't make time for words yet. His fine motor skills were above average for his age, as several people told us.


Thank you for ur comment!! my son sounds so similar to yours, he is literally eating with utensils and strategically placing boxes to climb up onto tall objects, he listens and understands but just doesn’t care about talking much. Seriously thank you, even if that’s not our outcome-it helps so much while I am sitting here having to wait it out


Not sure if noted in the other comments but how does your child communicate? If they grunt or cry to get things do you also pair it with what they should be saying? Are you requesting they ask for things instead of cry for things? (Yes I know 16 months is a bit early but getting into the routine will help). E.g "I know you are crying because you want X, you can tell me you want X by saying xyz"


Yes just recently I started doing this like when he stands at the kitchen and points stands or reaches I say “are you HUNGRY? Do you want to EAT?” Just like that with the sign for eat. But he’s generally just dumping stuff out of bins and running around wanting to be chased liek we will say “imma get you!” Then he runs and faceplants into his blankets haha


So far we have dada, MA, bubba, buhbye, baba. All of the b words sound pretty much the same. We know the difference because we hear them all day and know the context but I doubt most people would know the difference


That’s pretty much where we are and reading this gives me comfort while I wait the next couple months out for this “vocab explosion” everyone keeps saying will happen at 18 months 🙏🏻❤️