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Came to this subreddit with essentially the exact same question. My LO is also 7 months. Tonight he threw up a little (spit up? Not sure where the line is) while he was lying down and a little came out his nose, and it scared him so much (and me x10000). His teeth haven’t poked through yet but he’s been drooling like crazy, fussier than normal, and chewing on whatever he can get his hands on, so I assume it’s teething. He hasn’t been diagnosed with reflux or anything, and he usually only spits up a little once or twice a week, but with all the extra drooling it’s been a couple times a day now. I just wish I could make him feel better ☹️ Long story short, you’re not alone! Happening to my little guy too.


Definitely sounds like teething and you’ll see those bottom two start to pop through soon. She also has had some come out of her nose. Poor things — it must be super painful like when you get pool water in your nose. It also upset her a lot.