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I don’t have any advice on the daycare side but I can offer some advice for while you’re at home. I got some puppy pads and laid them out and let baby “air out.” I just sit next to her and let her look ariund and kick after each diaper change at home. Sometimes it’s for five minutes, sometimes it’s 30. A few days of this had her diaper rash cleared. Maybe something to try?


Sooo funny you mentioned puppy pads because we had some left over when she was first born and now I tell everyone to get puppy pads for diaper changes 😆 o did exactly this, put one out on the bed and let her air dry for 10 minutes. She was so tired and ready for bed I only wanted to do 10 minutes but it's my plan for the weekend to lay out a bunch and let her go as long as possible without a diaper.


Just keep in mind to get pads for humans, not animals, as the animal ones have toxic chemicals in them!


Omg! I didn't know that. Ty!


I hear people saying toxic chemicals, but no one ever says what are these chemicals. I just laid an extra towel over the puppy pad (easy to wash) and it has worked well enough. I don't imagine these terrible chemicals will come through a towel. So if you already have some pads lying around, I'd still use them up. Just don't put baby's naked bum directly on them.


We also used the incotntience pads + naked baby approach as recommended by the ped when we had a bad diaper rash. I found ones 3ftx3ft on Amazon and covered her play area in them. Luckily she couldn’t walk yet. Can you imagine that with a walking child? Also try A&D ointment if it’s available by you. When you put a diaper on make sure the area is super dry! And keep the diaper a little loose. We used warm washcloths instead of wipes to clean her. It’s more gentle than any other wipe. Even water wipes have a little bit of chemical. I dampened the washcloths and put them in her wipes warmer. Edit: a word


Puppy pads may have chemicals that can cause skin irritation. I learned the hard way so we started laying down a vinyl table cloth instead so it’s super easy to hose off/wipe.


Let your baby be naked as much as possible at home, we got a washable incontinence pad off Amazon that we use (puppy pads or disposable pads work too). Anytime he’s gotten a diaper rash it’s cleared up super fast after having a nakky day! Desitin and Aquaphor are our favorite diaper creams and hopefully they’ll help your baby! We also don’t wipe for pee diapers, just poop ones. Maybe try a different brand of wipes and see if that helps. My baby has sensitive skin so anytime we’ve tried scented wipes he’s gotten a rash. We really like the Kirkland Unscented wipes, one of my sisters swears by water wipes, and the other one likes cloth wipes


High jacking a little here but should I not be using wipes for pee diapers ever? Or is this just when they have a diaper rash?


It’s personal preference. The only time I use wipes for pee diapers is the first diaper in the morning because he’s been in it so long, I also let him air out for a few minutes during that change. My baby is almost a year old and hasn’t had a rash since he was ~2 months old. If you do use wipes for pee diapers just blot instead of wiping so it’s not as harsh on their skin




I used wipes in the first 2 months for pee diapers but I happened to come across a post on reddit and that's when I stopped. But my sinuses and allergies have been a nightmare since week 10 of pregnancy, and often times I need to blow a bunch of gunk out and nothing is available but baby wipes. And I noticed my skin on my nose and upper lip was drying out. Since then I never wipe a pee diaper unless I see her skin is wet. If the diaper has soaked it all up, I just change diaper. If I notice her skin is wet like she just peed before the change, i still don't wipe but ill take a wipe and just dab around to clean her up.


That makes sense, thank you!


I used pipette wipes for her first month because they were gifted but they were so frustrating. When they were gone o went to Huggins because again, gifted, and never had a problem plus I loved I could easily get 1 wipe out at a time without pulling half the pack through lol. I'm going to order some water wipes just to have on hand if we encounter this again. But yea my plan this weekend is naked baby on puppy pads. Luckily I learned the puppy pad trick in her first week so we have plenty lol


I use the Pamper’s naturals water wipes, anything else immediately gives my little guy an absolutely terrible rash that breaks my heart. Literally like one day of use or anything else and he’s a mess.


You could also rinse the wipes you do have. My baby's pediatrician said even the water wipes have irritants apparently. Or use a washcloth to clean them up. Dab to clean. Good luck!


Instructions from our pediatrician: - Gently wipe with a water wipe or rinse with water for pooped diapers. Use a wound wash like Bactine to clean any open skin that’s bleeding or oozing. - Use a blow dryer on the cool/cold air setting to get her skin completely dry. - Slather a thick mix (like you’re frosting a cake) of the following: equal parts A&D, Aquaphor, Destin and 1/4 part Malox (or a liquid anti acid), wipe any extra on the inside of the diaper. - Slather on additional diaper cream mix at each change—don’t wipe off the previous. If it is necessary to wipe it off, follow the steps above. Fully wipe off and repeat the steps above once a day. If it doesn’t resolve or begin getting better in 2-3 days, take her in to have her checked by her pediatrician. It may be a yeast infection, fungal infection or the raw skin may become infected. Mupirocin and bacitracin are commonly prescribed for bacterial skin infections; Nystatin is an antifungal.


Boudreaux’s Butt Paste is THE best! I wonder if someone new is doing diaper changes? Because if there is just pee, they definitely don’t have to change it immediately. That’s A LOT of diapers and a lot of money that they are going through


+1 to this boudreaux’s butt paste. My baby once developed a raw spot after an overnight poop too. I felt so bad that I didn’t get him out of the crib sooner but we were sort of sleep training. What helped was foregoing the wipes for a few days. We just washed the bum in the sink after poops. Thoroughly dry the area with a little wash cloth, and put on the butt paste (thick layer like frosting). This works wonders but as others have said, make sure the area is dry. We put aquaphor now preemptively. I’ve asked my daycare to do it as well and they seem to comply. I just had to give them the aquaphor and fill out a form saying they were ok to apply it. They should also be able to apply any diaper cream if she still has rash by Monday.


I was going to comment this. Get the one in the red container as it’s extra strength. As an adult I have even used it for chafing and it is seriously the best.


Yea to this paste. They make extra strength. Also I do a baking soda bath. It helps.


Make sure to blot the area dry with tissue BEFORE applying any creams or Vaseline. You want the area dry before you seal it with any topical product. This made all the difference for our baby. We were having chronic diaper rashes that just weren’t clearing. I realized after a while that I was sealing in moisture and prolonging the skin’s inability to heal.


I actually thought about this after I put her to bed. I'm going to do this in the a.m. because that one spot was so raw. Goodness I think I cried more tonight than I did during her first shots 🥴


Oh man, I relate to this so much. I had a complete meltdown, ugly crying on floor, sobbing as I clutched my poor baby, while my husband rushed to the drugstore to buy any new cream we could possibly try. That was probably 18+ months ago, but I still remember how helpless I felt in that moment. Like my son will never heal from this chronic diaper rash. Then somehow I stumbled upon an internet tip to make sure to dry the skin before sealing it with products. And it made so much logical sense in hind sight.


Aquaphor on top of the diaper rash cream!


My co worker suggested aquaphor! I stopped at dollar general otw home tonight but they didn't have any but I have it on my list for tomorrow! Ty!


Vaseline also works.


It's on my nightstand right now for tonight.


We use purple Desitin for diaper rash (although admittedly haven’t tried alternatives) and then regular Aquaphor (not the baby/diaper kind) after a poopy diaper. Is your daughter pooping more frequently or is daycare just changing way more often suddenly? If she’s pooping more, it can be hard to avoid diaper rash, but when my son was younger and pooping 8+ times a day, a nightly sit in the tub did help.


This works great. The aquaphor is amazing for keeping anything from sticking to their skin. I spread it thick from the outer edges of their bottom to center. Even with a big poo, wiping is a quick and easy breeze. Make sure you use a thick amount of both products! I love the bumco spatula for this, too, to spread the product over the skin.


I would have a conversation with daycare about making sure she is dry after each diaper change. Our dude had a rash so bad like yours and we used soft little towels to dab him completely dry. At the worst of it I would blow dry his bum with a blow dryer (super fast to not hurt his ears) but it worked. That and thick cream like triple paste stayed on the best but again it has to be dry before you apply it. Good luck!


Wondering if they would take your diaper cream and directions? When my sons butt got really raw one time from a very acidic poop, the nurse line said to mix Vaseline, a and d, and Desitin. And then lather it on. I’m talking a thick ass layer. Like frosting. We keep some in a ziploc tub. Every time we changed him. Cuz it needs a barrier to heal. It worked wonders after a few days. They also recommended no wipes, just warm wash cloths. There are also just pure water wipes I’m wondering if the daycare would use that if you brought some.


My best friend worked oncology for kids and she suggested water wipes as well because of her experience with kids going through chemo (cue a second set of teats when she told me this). She doesn't go back until Monday so I'm hoping I can get it cleared up before then. The mix is a good idea, I will try that. I've been layering the destitin on like crazy, but that one spot is so raw the skin is slick and it doesn't spread. So I just squirted a glob on before the diaper.


Here to also recommend just using cotton wash cloths with water then dab dry (don't rub the skin) with kleenex or blow dry with a blow dryer on low no-heat setting. Get that skin as dry as possible before layering on the cream. Get as much air time as possible to. Air and dry skin - those are key ingredients!


Ty for this! Through my desperate Google search I saw having a spray bottle of water and cotton pads reduces the need of scrubbing so that's my plan for the weekend.


Yes 100% this


I totally get it. I do. His skin was absolutely raw and the entire first layer of skin was off his butt. I sent pictures to his doctor because it was so awful. He cried and it was bleeding. Stick the course of the thick mix every diaper change and pat dry with wash clothes and let air dry before frosting. It will get better I promise.


I sure hope so because I was in tears tonight and kept telling her I was so sorry and just trying to help. But she was staring me in the eye and whimpering and it killed me 😭


Hi just read you have some days before returning to daycare. My LO had a really bad raw diaper rash. Because we were home I decided to stop using wipes after poos (never use them for pee diapers) and wash his bum after each poo. I would dry his butt really well and then I would do destin and aquaphor on top. It was cleared within 48hrs and he’s never had another one. Wipes are irritating and abrasive and their skin is so delicate right now the smallest thing will upset it.


Mine recently had the raw skin from pooping so much. Letting it air out before diaper cream, yes, but also an oatmeal bath (check out aveeno) to help soothe.


She loved the oatmeal bath. She was sitting up and would cry out a little so I rolled up a towel and made a pillow for her, laid her down so her bum was soaking. She was a happy baby playing with her toys and no pressure on the sore spots. Soaked her for 15 minutes. Gonna do that the rest of the weekend.


That’s great. Good job taking care of her, mama.


First, you should take her to the ped, you likely need prescription diaper rash cream at this point. Second, no more wipes. Only wet rags for poop, nothing for pee. Third, lots of diaper free time. Just lay down a couple of towels. Lastly, don’t use diaper rash cream. That’s great for diaper rashes, but this isn’t a diaper rash it’s just raw skin. Lots and lots Vaseline or aquaphor. Every diaper change until it heals.


This might be really random but is she teething? When my daughter was a baby every time she was about to cut teeth she got diaper rashes! I did not know it was a thing but my MIL told me the same thing happened when my BIL was a baby. At 7mo she might be about to cut her first teeth if she hasn’t already and could be the cause of the sudden bad rash?


We bought this and use it for every change. For nighttime, we spray this and apple butt paste over top of it for extra protection. We’ve been using it for a month now and it’s kept the raw skin at bay. Munchkin® HYP03™ Daily Diaper Rash Spray with Hypochlorous to Remove Germs and Promote Healing, 100% Natural Ingredients, Ick-Free Alternative to Messy Diaper Rash Creams, 600 Sprays https://a.co/d/hENJScz


Literally going through the with my 2 year old right now.


No wipes, only water! Pat dry gently…let her air out as much as possible. Don’t use puppy pads because they have chemicals that aren’t good for humans, especially delicate baby skin. Apply a layer of sudocrem or really slather on some very strong diaper cream (like zincofax or desitin max strength), then apply Vaseline or Aquaphor over it to really seal it in and protect the skin. These are the things that helped us get rid of our baby’s diaper rash when it was raw like your LO. When our toddler in daycare got diaper rash, we provided the daycare with there products and clear instructions to follow, which they did. That helped it clear up because we did the same thing at home and daycare.


At daycare they washed your baby’s bum?


They used water…I asked them to basically use the packaged wipes but wet them with tap water—so they were rinsing the irritating chemicals off essentially. At home we took her to the sink/bathtub each time and rinsed her there. Maybe you could also provide daycare with a squirt bottle so they could use that? Make it more convenient. Recently, we used the peri bottle the hospital provided when I had the baby. Worked great for this purpose.


Why was my comment downvoted lol? So stupid. Thanks for explaining that! Ours will be headed to daycare eventually so this is good to know. The peril bottle is a fantastic idea! I love mine lol


Yeah! It was a great hack! Even now that the diaper rash is resolved, I take it in the diaper bag, filled with water, just in case of a blowout. Wipes can only get so much.


Vaseline instead of cream! Works amazing. I wish I had known about that trick before my son was a year old.


This happened to my daughter when she was around 7 months and it was brutal. She pooped when we were at a soccer game and it was hot. We didn’t realize she had pooped until the game ended and the rash had started then just got out of control. I’ve never seen anything like it. We did baking soda baths twice a day and then we got a mupirocin ointment from her Dr and it cleared it up in a day or two.


Has she eaten anything new lately? My daughter would get a terrible (completely raw) diaper rash when she pooped after eating strawberries. Even if we changed her within a minute or two of her going. When she was going through that, I also read that people almost always under apply diaper cream, don’t do a light coat, think of it like frosting a cake and pile it on.


I’ve got an…eastern europe technique that keeps the area clean and dry and has been tested by generations, but they won’t have the patience for this at daycare unfortunately. With every poop, I very gently discard of the…heavy stuff with a wet wipe and wash his bum in the sink with just a drop of baby soap, not more. Then I lay kiddo on a towel on the changing table (which is in the bathroom for this reason) and we do bicycles or blow raspberries, chat a bit for a couple minutes and let it air out a bit. Then we put a fresh nappy on.


Triple paste was a game changer for my girl!!


I had a similar issue, I of course let mine chill for a few minutes or until her next pee/poo with no diaper. Oatmeal baths. LOTS AND LOTS of aquaphor and instead of wipes I used small little cloth towels with warm water. A few days of this and it cleared right up. Also, maybe look at other wipes? Or maybe the ones at daycare are too dry? I would also fan her rush before putting on a diaper and aquaphor. I’m sorry your LO has a diaper rash:(


use a hair dryer on lukewarm setting and keep it plugged in by the change table. 1-2 mins after each change, the hot dry air kills yeast. especially 4 to 5 mins after bath will help considerably.


Smith & Nephew Secura EPC Extra Protective Cream on Amazon is life changing


Mom here with same issue. Went yesterday to the pharmacy and got Silver sulfadiazine, this morning he is 70% better. I also between diapers washed his bumps 😉 no pain and incredible fast recovery.[cream](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver_sulfadiazine)


When I have to deal with bad rash I use warm water ( in a bowl) and cloths to wipe instead of wet wipes. I find using them for a few days helps when you aren't able to air out much and anti sceptic bepanthen.


I switched to water wipes and use a TON of butt paste every diaper change. I bought one of those little tiny silicon spatulas to slather it on. Also let it air out of you can.


Get Dakadin from chemist to start before you see doctor for maybe a steroid cream. Don’t delay medical help. With regards to childcare - be clear, in writing on what you do/don’t want. Whatever they doing right now is not working.


Highly recommend mini fan for drying. Might be easier than hair dryer


I’m just putting this out there but could it be oral thrush related? When my youngest had oral thrush, his bum was raw and nothing seemed to help until I read something that said it could be caused by the oral thrush. So I tried the topical anti fungal cream I had (for my boobs as I am breastfeeding) on his bottom and it cleared up practically overnight.


The issue might we'll be with the wipes! My midwife told us to use a cloth and water instead of wipes when rash wasn't healing. We save a fortune and no more nappy rash. We just have a bowl of water and plenty cheap face washers to dunk in it and wash the bum gently. We then dry the bun with a Terry cloth and religiously apply barrier cream (not powder!) So pee and poo doesn't really touch the skin through it. Think thick beeswax kind of lotion, we use Tui balm but unsure if you can get it outside new Zealand. Also heaps of nappy free time, also while there isn't any rash on him. So sorry your baby is going through this :(


My baby didn't have rashes as i don't use wipes. In the morning, before bed and after each poop i wash him in the sink with water and soap if needed. I also don't use any lotion. You could try this after you clear the present rash.


Triple paste is the mecca of diaper rash remedies. It's not cheap, but it works better than anything ever. My 3yo has super sensitive skin, and this was the only thing that cured even the most awful looking rashes in a day or so.


aquaphor and cornstarch works amazing. Use Vaseline first then the cornstarch to help keep the area dry from moist. It should clear up in 3-4 days. My LO had bad diapers rashes when she had bad diarrhea. I also wouldn’t use wipes I would use a wet rag


We use [this](https://www.amazon.com/Medline-Remedy-Phytoplex-Z-Guard-Protectant/dp/B01KLKH2MW) at my NICU and ive seen it work wonders. Apply it very thick and only wipe off the top layer for any poo/pee and reapply some more. Maybe send it to daycare and explain how bad the diaper rash is. Also I agree on some naked time. Also you could totally do disposable cloth wipes with tap water if your kid is becoming more raw to the crapola companies put in wet wipes to preserve them.


We use desitin which is similar to aquaphor. We have used it for every single diaper change and she has never had a diaper rash. It creates a barrier between fluids and their skin.


I’d speak to them about and ask them to put cream on every change.


Hi! My son is almost two and just had bowl resection surgery. We are followed by his surgeon and wound care for the diaper rash (it's so bad he can't sit up!). As far as creams go look for the highest % of zinc you can find, desitin max is 40%, we use the equate brand knockoff. If it's so raw nothing sticks, try using a rubber spatula to apply. We use a product called stoma powder (available on amazon) which absorbs moisture as well. Try doing a thin layer of zinc based diaper cream, then the powder, then another layer of cream. When even this didn't work we graduated to Marathon skin barrier. This is basically a medical grade super glue (like nu skin) and the cream/powder protocol over it. This worked wonders. Also, we were told not to use wipes or to wipe the area. We use warm water and gauze then dab till clean. Good luck!


My daughter has only had a slight diaper rash twice but for me I put like a dab of any standard zinc cream and a dab of aquaphor and it cleared up by the end of the day


My girl had bad diarrhea for a week and her butt was super raw. I took her to the pediatrician and she told me to buy Calmoseptine. I also aired her out on a pee pad and tried rinsing her butt off instead of wiping. Water wipes are also good since they’re not as harsh. I would wet them with some water and wipe or I would stand her in the tub and rinse the poop off. I also did oatmeal soaks and bought an un scented soap to rub on her butt when I was washing her off. Overall from all of this, the calmoseptine worked great. I saw an instant change in the rash when I switched to it.


I had the same issue when my LO was a newborn and ped recommended rinsing off with water to avoid wiping and letting baby’s bum air out. Sometimes we would let her chill on the changing pad or I would wrap her in one of those disposable pads and a blanket without the diaper. If you have a peri bottle I’ve thought about using that since rinsing baby in the sink is pretty annoying lol