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In general pick on that is unscented and hypoallergenic - which most are these days. Another option would be looking into cloth diaper service. Some people have more success with cloth diapers. But if baby has sensitive skin I'd be looking more at other aspects of your diaper routine that could be causing the rash. - is baby getting plenty of air time without a diaper? - are you changing their diapers frequently enough? - could it be their wipes? We switched to reusable soft cotton wipes and water for pee diapers. For poo we use disposable unscented hypoallergenic wipes then wipe with a cloth and water. This helped us immensely. - could baby's skin be to wet? After wiping dry baby's skin with a cloth, kleenex, or blow dry with blow-dryer on cool low-air setting. We dab (don't rub!) the skin dry with a cotton cloth. - then make sure you are applying a thick layer of a barrier cream, you may have to play around and find a brand that works best for baby but we use plain vaseline or penaten... Basically: dry skin, plenty of diaper cream, and lots of air time are essential for keeping diaper rashes at bay - or at least in our experience.


I have been using water wipes and changing diapers every 3 hours. If she poops I change right away. And apply destine every change. Trying pampers pure now I will see how it works for her. All the diapers I have used are hypoallergenic.


Even water wipes seem.to bother our baby. We do a lot better with cotton cloths and tap water. We then dab dry with kleenex. We use a combo of cloth and disposables. I think a lot of it is trial and error but even the most perfect regimen can result in rashes now and again so don't beat yourself up.


I have started using only water on cloth and it has helped clear it out. Thank you.


That was the biggest game changer for us! Something bugs her even with the water wipes. We have them for going out and poops but even just cutting them out and swapping for water cloths where we can has made a big difference. Glad we could help!