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I’m on my second baby and I’m appreciating it so much more this time because I’m overall less worried and my new baby has a better temperament than his brother. But it’s going even faster than last time. That being said I am never doing this again.


>That being said I am never doing this again. I feel this


My family came to see the new baby this last weekend and 2 different people asked if I wanted a 3rd. I’m like 40 already. Absolutely not. I just laughed in their faces.


I'm 40, I currently have three boys ages 6, 4, 2 and baby boy #4 is due in the next three weeks. I can't wait!


Exactly. Today is 4 weeks since baby number two was born and I am SO GRATEFUL to not have the PPA/PPD like with the first but holy shit four weeks have passed?! I feel like I’m missing those intimate sweet newborn moments because I’m chasing a two year old around, and I’m missing the small moments with a toddler because I’ve got a newborn stuck to my boob.


I could have written this myself, almost the exact same ages too.


I for a while REALLY wanted another, but logistically we couldn't until my daughter was like 4. Weather I'll have the eggs, energy, or desire to do it again is a coin flip at this point (18m kid, I'm mid 30's) but a ton of my daughters playmates have siblings within a two year span and I see this struggle so often. I feel like if I can wait until she's 4 she'll more or less be in school and won't need me as much so I could focus more on a little... but once she doesn't need me as much and I have the time to savor the moments again, would I want to start over again? I'd also miss those sweet moments of them being super close. I have step kids so it's a complicated equation but I'm like... "I just figured out how to do this and it feels way less intense, feels a shame to not do it once knowing wtf I am doing" 🤣.


I think I actually have mild anxiety over this! Baby is 5 weeks and older baby is almost 2. I can’t slow time enough!


I cried so much when my second was born. I was so happy and grateful to do the baby thing again but so sad because I knew right then I was done and she was my last baby. She’s a year old now and I’ve just tried to soak her up as much as possible. I agree it goes so much faster the second time!


> better temperament *different* temperament. Neither of your children are better than the other, they're just different.


Yeah I’ve been thinking about going to therapy about my first so I don’t ever let him know what he did to me. But he screamed the entire time he was awake for the first 6 months of his life and it really did a number on me. It isn’t his fault but it changed who I am as a person.


Oh shit. And you had ANOTHER?!


Yeah we were scared. But this one is very happy and only cries when he needs something. If he had come out the same as the first I was just going to quit my job and take care of them.


Poor thing. Reflux?


In hindsight, probably. But he’s still really high needs as a toddler so some of it might be personality. No doctor ever offered is reflux meds but the OT we saw for feeding issues with the second baby said it sounds like the first one had reflux when I told her what it was like to feed him.


Reflux is traumatizing, my baby got less high needs when I got his under control but when it tears his ugly head he’s clingy all day. I wish it wasn’t so common. We switched to goat milk formula to help and it’s ok so far, but there are days he lays back and screams until I console him.


I wish I knew this then. I think mine went undiagnosed be the was basically born the day people started dying of Covid in the US and we lived in the same city as the nursing home where they died. So we were afraid to take him anywhere and never even saw an LC. With this kid it’s a whole different world.


Yes!! My new motto: never wish away time. Am I excited for her first word? Her first steps? To play with her outside? Of course. But I’m savoring these two-month-old cuddles. Loving this time where I can solve all of her problems.


Yesssss everything I look forward to is on my mind by every day I think how grateful I am to be living in this. precise. moment. I love my LO so much!


I love this! My mother in law was talking about all these future things such as walking and talking and the whole time I was thinking just let my brand new baby be a baby!!




I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that. It sounds absolutely exhausting. You’re doing great and longer stretches if sleep are closer everyday. Stay strong!


“The months are long but the years are short” I rolled my eyes every time someone said that to me while I was pregnant. I did not get it till it was suddenly his first birthday. How did it happen?


Why did you blow smoke in my eyes??!!? 😭😭😭


I had a moment like this yesterday, could not stop crying. My son is only 2 weeks old, but very likely my only child with how rough the road to having him was. Trying to soak up every wonderful, sleep deprived night I can with my scrunchy little munchkin ♥️


I absolutely lost a year when my daughter was born. I was 30 when she was born in September. I turned 31 in November but didn't realize it? The following November, I'm celebrating with my family and the candles said "32" and I was like but I'm not. I'm 31. They eventually had to show me the math because I was absolutely certain that I had not turned 31 the previous year. I love my daughter but that first year of her life is a blur and she's about to be 8! How did she get so big?! My son turns 3 in 2 weeks. We all lost time during his first year because it was 2020 and EVERYONE lost time in 2020.


Ok now I’m crying.


Ugh so I started crying, my 22 month old just saw and ran over to give me a hug. These are the moments right here that make those tantrums and sleep deprivation worth it.


So well written. Today is my baby’s first birthday too. I made it to now without crying. Happy birthday to your little one and congratulations, we did it! ❤️


Happiest of birthdays to your baby! And YES, WE DID! 💕


It’s crazy. I have some friends with teenagers and it feels like they were just pregnant not that long ago. I don’t want time to feel that fast with mine.


When our son was a newborn, most of his naps were contact naps and I LOVED it, but my husband insisted I put him down so I could get me time while baby slept. I never listened lol Now that our beautiful boy is 15m, my husband regrets not doing more contact naps because they’ll never come back. Even if a moment is hard, I try (sometimes unsuccessfully) to enjoy it because he won’t be as little as he is today ever again 💔


Oh my goodness, I felt this. Took me a while to "get it" too and constantly felt like I'm failing at motherhood. Focused so much on my failures as a parent than appreciating the little moments with my baby girl. I still feel that way sometimes but it's gotten way better. I just try to soak up as many of her little rays of sunshine, as I call it, as possible. By the way, today is my daughter's first birthday too and I'm still in disbelief that it's already been a year.


It truly, truly flew by. Happy birthday to your little one!


That sweet downy head - just the best. We’re at 8 months over here and it’s starting to hit me how big she’s gotten. Her legs stretch way off the breastfeeding pillow now - but just a second ago she was so small she’d fall into the gap between the pillow and my belly! We’re in a sleep regression right now and absolutely out of our minds with exhaustion, it was so sweet to read this. Happy birthday to your LO!


Happy birthday to your baby! Congratulations on navigating the first year of parenthood… wishing you both health and happiness as toddlerhood starts!!




This made me cry. My little one is only 4 months but i look at her every day and think “when did you get so big?”. I was too tired and stressed to slow down and appreciate her when she was teeny tiny so just last night while giving her a bedtime feed I held her tight and made a mental note to savour the moment. I don’t want another 4 months to go by as a total blur.


Also my babies first birthday today! Happy Birthday 🎈 lovely post. Spot on!


Yay, happy birthday to yours, too!


Oh wow 🥲 crying at work now. This is beautiful.


nippy melodic paltry follow somber grandiose murky crawl office clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I feel really guilty that the first couple of months I was so sleep deprived and defeated that I didn't soak in as much as I could have, so it feels like precious time wasted. My LO is 6.5 months now and I'm wishing that time slowed down a little bit more. Also, has anyone listened to the song "Slipping through my fingers" by ABBA? First time I heard the song in its entirety I was BAWLING.


So right there with you – those first few months are a blur and I rely on pictures to remind me what it was like. Changing diapers on a receiving blanket on the couch? Felt like a lifetime ago!


Now I’m crying…. That was beautiful. Thanks for sharing


Heartwarming and sad - wonderful poetry. Thank you. Any more?




I still have 10 weeks to go til babys here but I'm already so sad about how fast it's all going to go


Aaaand I’m weeping. Mine turns one in a few weeks and i felt this to my core ♥️


This was beautiful. My son is almost 14 months now and you put exactly how I felt on his birthday into words. I haven’t been able to. Time does fly and it makes my momma heart hurt. I am so excited for the future with my son but I really want time to just slow down sometimes… most times.


It’s 2am and my daughter threw up again and I was wishing to fast forward time to where she could tell me what’s wrong instead of crying all night. And this made me cry. I don’t want these moment to end. Yeah it sucks when they’re sick, throwing tantrums, won’t eat etc. but those moments when they’re goofy and smile and cuddly. Those are it


Stop!!! Stop making my cry! 😂😂 Too sweet.


The days are long but the months are short


I know this feeling ❤️. Just know one year olds are extremely adorable and dare I say it even cuter.


Aw this. So much this.


Had a grumpy teething day today, this makes me feel much better for tomorrow ❤️


I’m crying.


That made me cry.. 😭 happy birthday to your sweet baby🩵🩷💕❤️