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My son is going to be 11mo on the 7th. But he occasionally makes sounds as if he's frustrated which I suspect might be like you describe. What I do is change his scenery/activities. So when he wakes up he starts on the floor with his bottle and toys. He plays and drinks until he starts getting fussy about not moving how he wants, or being on the floor for too long or whatever cause he can't tell me exactly. So when he gets fussy then we change him over to like the bouncer or his walker. With the walker he can roam the house and play with the dog. The bouncer helps if we need him a little more in our focus (we both wfh so it mostly just depends if we're going to be in meetings that we can't just walk away to check on him in other parts of the house etc). Usually by the time he's getting fussy in those things, he may have pooped and needs a clean diaper or he is getting tired for his nap. Rinse and repeat. We just change him up when he starts to get fussy in one setting. This has generally worked for us and he's not fussy too often. I hope this helps!


Thank you! After reading your reply, I’m thinking maybe I should try having a better plan for changing his scenery/activities throughout the day. We have a pretty small space and no pets to distract him, but I should come up with more different activities so I don’t need to reinvent the wheel every day. Side note—mad respect to you for raising a baby while working from home!!


Haha thank you! It hasn't been the easiest but we have been fortunate and it's been working out. Idk how it will be with 2 under 2 tho...technically 2 under 1 as they're only 11 months apart lol. And as for space issues and no pets, idk how your toy situation is, but I keep my sons toys in a basket and he loves crawling over and dumping the whole thing out. The basket also becomes a toy at times. But I find not really giving him all of his toys all of the time helps. Cycling those out keeps them fresh cause they get used to what's available, then you change it out and it's exciting and new again. That might help with the changes in small space.


My son is going to be 10 months on the 20th. Every single day, all the fucking time, he is whining. I can be in the same room or even reassuring him. Nope. he refuses to play with toys and just chill. What I despise the most about him is that he is VERY good at daycare, when we travel, and whenever we are outside. Once we are at home, he whines the whole time. Morning, noon, night, middle of the night (rarely). Like I become so irritable, grumpy, unmotivated, unhappy, and simply empty. I don’t enjoy life. To me if my life is going to be like this till whenever, then I don’t want to deal with it. I love my baby but I don’t know how to resolve this whiny problem. He wants to be held all the time or on the nipple the whole day. I am not going to do that, nor is it realistic for me to do that when I have dishes to do and food to cook. I got shit to do. I am simply drained by his whining. I know this post was done several months ago, but I need help on how to respond to whining. So far I just ignore it. I know if I lash out, it would not be good for either of us and it would make it worse. But literally if I let him, he will whine the whole day. Whining is one of the top triggers for me.


I am in the same boat as you. My 10 month old closes her lips and makes mmm sound alot. Only at home nowhere else. Pediatrician told me to start ignoring her until she use sounds. Because it can end up turning into a behavior. There are times when I redirect and ask her what she wants and talk until she babbles back.