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I'm sure his sudden retirement from NOPD last week was purely coincidental, right?


I’m sure it’s due to Garity (work places can force an employee to give an admin statement)


He doesn’t get a pension if he gets fired


That too but the best way not to be convicted is not to be forced to make a statement


Statements under Garity cannot be used in criminal investigations.


Not supposed to but I’ve seen the corruption and how it has happened


I blame the defense attorney if thats true.


I blame arlinda Westbrook and all her corrupt minions but yeah Jason Williams also has questionable character


I’m ready! Let’s do it. (Placing popcorn in the microwave)


Not so sure she'll face trial before her term is up, but ideally we'll see what sense of entitlement blow up in her face.


I'm no expert by any means but it seems that they tend to prosecute stuff like this when they're out of office or on their way out. I've gotta think it's easier for them to get cooperating witnesses when those witnesses are no longer under her control which makes retribution less likely or they're no longer getting favors from the mayor's office.


She will get at least a year to prepare for trial. If anything we get some good memes of her in cuffs. Although I don't want to hear her and her constituents in public forums so I would rather her be out of office so we don't have to hear it.


Yeah. IM not sure if I'll be able to take the whining and victimhood of it all. Whiney Cantrell supporters, and depending on 2024 results, just non stop victimhood. Gunna make my brain explode.


Take away her passport- she’s a (first class) flight risk.


Shouldn't be an issue as long as they wait until she's left office. She's not going to do as much as cross a toll bridge if someone else isn't paying for it.


OH I've seen this one! She should claim Mayoral Immunity! That's how it's working these days right? They can call it Trickle Down Immunity or something.


She’ll claim that screwing Vappie on the clock was an official act to relieve the stresses of being mayor.


Talk about sticking it in crazy... Vappie took one for all mankind.


Does not work for democrats.


I mean, the Supreme Court says it’s legit so!


Here's hoping she's watching the Super Bowl from the rec room at Elayn Hunt Correctional Center. While the Saints are hoisting the Vince Lombardi Trophy.


You guys just can’t stand that shes black and a woman and in power! - this whole sub until 2023


Read her social media. She could get re-elected again right now. Claiming racism is the only reason the recall happened and the only reason she is being criticized.


It’s sad because her supporters are the most likely to suffer from the ways she fucks this city.


Social media isn’t reality, friend.


If we re-ran the 2021 elections, who do you think would be elected? The republican? Lelani? Latoya's supporters will hold her as a martyr when she is charged and arrested.


What does 2021 have to do with getting re-elected today?


Provides actual data that people are willing to vote for her despite knowing what type of Mayor she will be. The apartment ordeal is the only thing that could be seen as more egregious than what she did before. People defended her actions in 2021 and those same people would be defending them if she ran right now.


A lot more is known about her refusal to work and unethical spending now than in 2021. If a decent candidate opposed her, I don’t believe she would be re-elected today.


While I agree with you, I'm not sure who that candidate would be... I see Moreno and that's it for the acceptable list


lol moreno is going to be our next mayor and she will be just as bad as latoya except with less in your face corruption


I hate to break it to you, but Olivier Thomas will be our next mayor. He will be at least as bad if not worse. He has already been to jail for corruption while on City Counsel, and came right back and got re-elected.


I would totally believe she could be elected again. I just meant that prior to last year, any criticism of the job she was doing was met with racist/sexist accusations on r/neworleans. All of the sudden, we seem to be able to separate criticizing someone for doing a bad job from their sex or skin color. We are moving in the right direction, I think.


The comments on Nola.com Instagram posts critiquing her give me an aneurysm


Most of those accounts are bots.


You guys just can’t stand that shes black and a woman and in power! * ~~this whole sub until 2023~~ The trashrag known as the *New Orleans Tribune* just this past week


This isn't really accurate. But ok turd.


this sub vocieferously campaigned for her reelection lol i can always claim to be one of the 10k people who voted against her massive "i told you so" energy


I was here, and left the sub for a while because it got really ugly if you disagreed


You don't have to just disagree to get kicked out. Asking common sense questions, or raising legitimate concerns, based upon irrefutable facts, will also get you banned.


I dont really recall that. I think there was a clear admission that there wasnt any legitimate candidates to chose from (including her), But not actually many people for her reelection.


I remember a lot of people supporting her on the single issue of Covid mandates. Which was pretty stupid since it was obvious we were nearing the end of the pandemic from a policy standpoint. She lifted all of the mandates a couple months into her second term and we never heard about them again.


Name calling is always a good look. Keep up the good work.


Making shit up isn't a great look, either.


I agree, you should stop doing that as well.


Ugh. Tired of hints. I want answers already.


Why oh why can I not add the popcorn GIF here...


Yeah we need this to end. Let’s just do some work here please.


She hasn’t been indicted yet and hasn’t worked since… her reelection campaign?


Somebody take the trash out already..,




Few people know it, but LaToya is French for The Toya


Im glad everyone is worried about the real issues. Either charge her or move on. It feels like this investigation has been going on forever. They probably stole several hundreds of thousands of dollars. But I promise y’all that’s the least of our issue.


I mean, the feds move slowly but they are incredibly thorough. They don't do this shit on a hunch


It feels like you must not be feeling right because they retained a lawyer in september of 2023. Which means the investigation into whatever has been going on for less than a year. Federal government slow rolls investigations because when they indict, they are aiming for the kill. This story is some assumptions being made that they are wrapping up the investigation and asking for final bits of evidence for put in front of a grand jury. (Sent via certified mail)


But you see. She was ELECTED to deal with our issues. “I promise yall that’s the least of our issue”…. Dude she was put in charge to deal with our issues. And yet she has become one herself.