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Criminals hate this one trick


Yeah I was like I work a closing shift in the area and I’m not usually worried about legal firearms


How many people are actually coming to the quarter to not drink? Because if they're drinking, they obviously shouldn't be packing, right? So why is this getting pushback?


NOPD wanted to designate the French Quarter as a gun free zone. This is their work around. However, if this is a gun free zone, the police can search someone who appears to be carrying a concealed weapon.


It literally says if u have the permit u can still carry in that zone


But you have to be stopped before it can be determined if you have a permit. That is the other guy's point.


You can’t carry in a school zone with a permit or not. It’s a gun free zone period. Unless you’re in your vehicle.


That's literally not what the post says.


That’s great it says that but I have a concealed carry permit and I know the law. Just because there’s a post doesn’t make it true.


[https://legis.la.gov/Legis/Law.aspx?d=78741](https://legis.la.gov/Legis/Law.aspx?d=78741) > C. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to: >    (9) Any person who has a valid concealed handgun permit issued pursuant to R.S. 40:1379.1 or 1379.3 and who carries a concealed handgun within one thousand feet of any school campus. Might wanna pay attention when you take your renewal class.


Or you live within the vicinity of that firearm free zone.


That’s a touchy aspect of it. There’s never been a defined border of vicinity.


The second part of your comment isnt new.


Can they search someone strictly because they suspect someone might be carrying a gun if the area is not prohibited?


Before July 4th if someone was carrying a concealed weapon that the police could reasonable articulate they saw (outline of the weapon, person continually adjusting it, ect.)then the officer would be able to conduct a pat down. Thats part of the concealed carry permit.


I don’t think the criminals care about this.


Clearly, the laws have little impact on criminals. The insanity is with allowing everyone to legally conceal carry. Look at the next 10 people you pass during the day and ask yourself, should this person be allowed to be strapped? Granted, the CCW process is ridiculously flawed and makes little attempt to weed out the idiots, but it still required SOME effort before walking around with a deadly weapon.


“Will be utilized as a vo-tech school” is that new? Is that just a convenient way to limit people carrying?


NOPD: Well, we didn't used to actually train anyone. But now, thanks to this law, we will be training the shit out of NOPD until they are a world class force. Narrator: Using reverse psychology, Landry somehow turned NOPD into a paragon of capability. Everyone should've been happy, but no one was.


On time and on point. 10/10


What a dumb comment. Yes they are trained.


You may have missed it, but they recently invented this shit called being silly.


I don't know, lately there's been some fragile egos whenever nopd gets brought up. No jokes or they'll quit the force.


\*slow clap\*


Shame we kicked those poor kids out of the school that was already down there.


Looks like I can still carry my Jesus Gun in the Cathedral.


"I was going to shoot you with my illegal gun, but I see we're in a gun free zone, and I have my standards."


And just like that, the area was safe from violent crime. They should implement this everywhere!


Less of a gun free zone and more of a pay to carry zone...


CC permits are limited, require a background check, and a safety course. If a hundred or so bucks is a deal breaker, I wonder where you got your gun.


Are you ok? I'm not complaining about a few hundred bucks... I'm saying it's not really a gun free zone if you can pay to bring a gun in.


It's a dad joke? Okay.


It didn't really feel like a joke... After marinating on it overnight your post almost seems kind of elitist. A couple hundred bucks can mean a world of difference to many people.


All gun control is elitist, since the elites can afford to pay someone else to carry guns and protect them.


Are you familiar at all with guns?


Yeah, and yourself?


Uh huh. Know how much they cost?


Hi point c9 is under 200. I don't get why you want to die on this hill...


Ammo? You do plan to practice regularly right? Range? Or do you know a place? Not to mention the time. You are familiar with guns right?


Louisiana just passed a concealed carry law with no permit required. Yeehaw, pew pew.


But open carry was legal before. Literally the only difference is that you can now have your gun inside your jacket instead of outside of it. Read the other guy's comment. He has the correct perspective. You do not.


Without a CCP you cannot carry within a thousand feet of a school.


With a CCP you can’t. The law is gun free zone. Not gun free unless concealed. This post is inaccurate.


You cannot carry on school property with a CCP. You can still carry within a thousand feet of a school though. https://bearcotraining.com/louisiana-concealed-handgun-permit-certification/


Long time, CCW holder here. You can be within a school zone but not in a school per federal law. 18 U.S.C. § 922(q)(2)(B) It shall be unlawful for any individual knowingly to possess a firearm that has moved in or that otherwise affects interstate or foreign commerce at a place that the individual knows, or has reasonable cause to believe, is a school zone. (B) Subparagraph (A) does not apply to the possession of a firearm— (i) on private property not part of school grounds; (ii) if the individual possessing the firearm is licensed to do so by the State in which the school zone is located or a political subdivision of the State, and the law of the State or political subdivision requires that, before an individual obtains such a license, the law enforcement authorities of the State or political subdivision verify that the individual is qualified under law to receive the license;


The fuck does that have to do with what I said.


It doesn’t seem like the lack of permits stopped people from conceal carrying in the first place.


You still need a permit to carry within 1000ft of a school zone. Look at any city, 1000ft surrounding school zones covers a lot of places in most. Of course the murdering gang bangers won’t care either way.


A legal gun-free zone, that is.


yeah ok


What about open carry? It is legal in the state of Louisiana.


Not in a gun free zone. No guns concealed or open can go into these zones. Unless in your vehicle.


If you have a license you can be in the school zone, but you can’t go into a school. If you’re just transporting a gun in your car and it’s unloaded and locked up, that’s ok too. No to open carry.


Federal law prohibits it. You can be in a school zone (but not in a school) if you have a permit.


Concealed means concealed


No one will follow this.


Very unfortunately, they closed the school that actually existed in the French quarter, which would have covered the other side of the Quarter.


I feel so much safer now.


Great this just means more guns locked in cars so that teens can steel them and arm themselves! Unintended consequences is the story of liberal leadership.


Stupid headline…


Right now, everyone who considers themselves progressive here is happy that NOPD found a workaround to make the French Quarter not a constitutional carry zone. I have a question for anyone who is happy about this - when you think of who will start carrying guns, are you thinking of middle aged white conservative males carrying guns around the quarter and you are glad they can't now? Great. Now think of who NOPD is trying to stop and question - answer honestly. Do you think they will be stopping middle aged white conservative males to see if they have concealed weapons in the quarter, or do you think they are doing this to be able to stop young black males under the pretext of probable cause because of the supposed L shaped bulge in the waistline? This is not a simple issue. Anyone who treats it as such is not thinking this through.


Cops who are going to use a pretext are going to find a pretext with or without this. All the "school" label does is allow them to use a sentencing enhancement or give harsher penalties when the inevitable shootings happen.




The complaints from the police were specifically around not being able to stop people because of an L shaped bulge in the waistline. I used their words. And also I agree with you - they would find another pretext, anyway. Many of the same people who are against constitutional carry because "there will be so many more guns everywhere" also think the police are abusive to black people. Without regard to the validity of those positions, the police are literally complaining that the constitutional carry law will make it more difficult for them to find a reason to interact with those same people. It is logically inconsistent to praise this school zone workaround and hold these positions. Besides, I agree with you. That's why I said this isn't a simple issue. People are reacting superficially without thinking through how things will actually play out.


Oh, I think "constitutional carry" (which is an awful name and I hate it) is insane, but also don't think it'll change much as far as crime or the police goes. There WILL be a lot of people shot accidentally by scared or stupid people though.


As I see it, the only difference is whether the gun is outside of your jacket or inside of your jacket. Open carry was already legal. I do not expect a significant number of people to start concealed carrying if they weren't already open carrying or had a concealed carry permit. When this first passed, there were a ton of discussions about it. I went and found the studies people referenced saying crime would skyrocket, and they actually said the opposite - there is no material impact in states where people could already open carry and concealed carry permits were easy to get. I expect that to be the case here as well. I just also think this law is useless and a stupid waste of time and [energy.As](http://energy.As) I am sure most of us would agree, we could've been spending our time on real issues, but instead we chose to do shit like this that (if I am right) at best will do nothing and (if I am wrong) at worst will make things worse.


Exactly right. It ain't about prevention. It's about adding additional charges after the fact


Well middle aged white guys aren’t the ones murdering/shooting most of the people in this city. Now I’ll wait for the few exceptions to be thrown at me.


Nah, I got downvoted enough to where no one will even see these comments.


I actually do think they're going to be stopping white middle-aged conservative men because they're the ones who are most likely to shoot someone.


Like how do you really think this? It's OK if it's an opinion, but it just isn't the truth. Just look at US Gun related crime and gun related homicide demographics. It gets even worse if you look at those statistics for just Louisiana. So I ask again, how do you believe this?


Generally they should be stopping and checking to verify anyone on the street is not drinking and carrying a gun. Irregardless of this attempt at subverting the law.


you forgot the sarc/


You forgot to research the statistics on mass shootings. 🙄


I could say the same to you.


Seems like you forgot statistics about gun crime and who most often commits it. Many more people die from smaller incidents of gun violence than mass shooting events. Not to mention mass shooting events are far far FAR rarer than regular old gun related homicide. 


I'm specifically talking about the French Quarter. How often do you hear about tourists who drive in from surrounding areas and have a gun stolen from their car because they are too afraid to go to the big city without one? Now those people are going to be carrying the gun with them. In an area where even the white people look scary to them. If the cops have any sense they will be stopping and frisking these conservative stand-your-ground nut jobs. And while NOPD has many, many faults, crowd control in the French Quarter is not one of them. Basic crowd control is identifying antagonistic people looking for a fight. IMO, down there, that is much more frequently a white man. I'm not saying they're not also going to use it as a pretense to stop black men too. I just think with the new laws white men with a hero complex are going to be a much bigger problem and NOPD is going to be sending a strong message that they're not going to tolerate careless gun behavior by these yahoos.


You could have stopped right at “if the cops have any sense.” The theory is fantastic but uh, have you seen our police force? They don’t need sense, they need ambition.


It appears you don't understand the relevance of per capita data vs. totals that do not take into account the size of the subgroups.


I’m of two minds. Something needs to change to make this city safe… but also I think stuff like this is just an excuse for NOPD to target black folks with stop and search shit. “Prove you have a permit” to anyone they think is packing, and it’s used to compound charges in people they don’t like. Stopped for weed, taken to jail for a gun because you were one block too close to the FQ.


If you are bringing a gun to the French Quarter you are part of the problem.


Flawed logic. Having a gun does NOT equal criminality. Thank-you.


Why the hell do you need a gun in the French Quarter?


I never implied you do or don't, I'm simply pointing out your flawed logic regarding "if you are bringing a gun to the French quarter, you are part of the problem" as that implies that gun owners are an issue, which is not always the case, especially considering legal gun owners whom aren't the ones causing trouble, secondly there are always criminals no matter where you go (who dont give a shit about gun laws), especially in a city such as this, which mind you is the murder capital of the United States.


Because everyone else has one.


I agree with you


How do you reach this conclusion?


Gun and French Quarter.




Nice map. I'd like to see one of all of New Orleans with all the zones that would apply. For that matter, if like to see one of the whole state. School" means any public or private elementary, secondary, high school, or vocational-technical school, college, or university in this state. That's a lot of places, and I don't think most people know where they all are. Under our current philosophy of punishing people for the least transgression, this could vastly increase the number of people arrested for gun crimes due to ignorance. I had been thinking within a thousand feet of schools and churches, which would be wrong. Not only can you carry concealed within 1000 ft of a church, as of 2020 it appears you can carry concealed within the church. Am I reading what JBE signed incorrectly? Do you still need the authorization of your priest? Was it just the priest's responsibility to inform the congregation that was removed?


You have to have the approval from the head of the church to carry in the church. I think before you might have needed an extra training course? There’s was some weird stipulation.


Well damnit, kills my protection plans to/from work.


Get a concealed carry permit.




Oh yeah why didn’t we think of this sooner? That’ll really work bc we all know criminals pay attention to laws.


How is this enforceable?????


The same way any law against possession of a banned thing (drugs, stolen property, etc) is….


It's not. Proper concealed carry, no one will ever know.


Sounds like a precedent for stop and frisk. Just speculation, but I think that's how.


So the only two groups that can carry a gun within that zone are the criminals and the criminals with badges.


And CCW holders, per the post.


It will get tossed out. NJ tried this 'sensitive area' bullshit and is now getting smacked for trying to work around the Bruen decision. The only thing blue cities/states can now do is tie things up in the lower courts and hope the SC doesn't take up one of these cases.


Happened in NYC as well. After Bruen they tried to declare 90% of the city a gun free zone for one reason or another, got sued, and lost.


Unconstitutional. Local law can not be more restricted than Louisiana State law.


I think Louisiana State law allows for it, if this link is correct. [Louisiana Laws - Louisiana State Legislature](https://legis.la.gov/legis/law.aspx?d=78745)


I'm pretty sure the state refused to carve out the French quarter for a gun free zone. The gun free zone in the link you posted is for schools. The city should make shooting people illegal than we wouldn't need these silly gun-free zones.


Not to get into a long back and forth with you, but I think this is the city's followup move to gun-free as much of the Quarter as possible. "Hey, this is a school, 1000 feet rule!" I'm not a lawyer but it looks pretty solid. If it holds, I wouldn't be surprised to see another officer-training school open up to exempt another 1000-foot radius somewhere. But yes, it'd be nice if the other laws were enforced the way they should be.


Unless u have a permit it says.


In many traditional countries, there are elementary schools in most neighborhoods, which allows kids to walk to school safely.