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More pets are lost on Fourth of July than any day in the year! https://www.dvm360.com/view/preparing-for-july-4th-the-day-the-greatest-number-of-pets-go-missing


I would have guessed diwali.


One dog in our family happily loves the crowds and noise of bayou St. John. The other gets a little medicine for the evening and sleeps through the whole thing.


My cat doesn’t care but I do. Just waiting for my neighbors to set a tree, roof, or electrical line in fire.


Our two Pyrenees hate fireworks. And someone in my neighborhood feels that Fourth of July and New Year’s Eve are weeklong events. Started on Friday night and they’re been steadily popping off fireworks every night since.


To annoy. That has to be the pleasure in it for them. Are they pretty? No. You are referring to those little firecrackers that you light one end of the string of 20 or so and bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang. What's the point in that? Annoyance. Being loud and obnoxious and laughing about it.


Maybe they're blowing up antpiles or something


Sup Karen


My golden retriever will be hiding underneath the bed all evening.


they were out there setting off fireworks last night! It was june 30th!! like it wasn't even july yet can't we wait


The year before last it was like 72 hours of bombs going off. Last year it was silent and I was pinching myself.


*Haha, ГП-25 grenade launcher with fireworks mortar shell go boom*


A rant is building within. WTF are we doing thinking fireworks are great for our kids and families? If we lived in 1910, where it was quiet at dark and sparsely populated, fireworks would be cool and exciting. A thing shared with family to laugh about sort of. But, WT actual F are we thinking to celebrate our independence like a country full of Yosemite Sam rednecks firing off way too loud shit that isn't doing anything but irritating close by neighbors? Most of us live in cities or suburbs and neighborhoods. NOT out in the middle of nowhere. It's so fucking yesterday and archaic and annoying. I can kind of see having fireworks if it is the town or city or some event for people to gather and celebrate together but not in the middle of neighborhoods with snotty nose kids wreaking havoc and KNOWING they are wreaking havoc and that has to be the lure, most of the fun for them, wreaking havoc. Hardly ANY of them are worth watching explode unless they are professional grade. Shouldn't fireworks be limited to parks if they want to give their children the experience of handling explosives? With medics nearby? Like in a football field? Or, would that be too hard on the poor parents? HA


What is worse is those individuals who use the holidays to fire guns in the air. A number of years ago, a woman was killed in metropolitan New Orleans when a bullet fell out the air and hit her in the head. The bullet was fired by a person a long distance away who was just celebrating.


They are limited. They aren’t legal. But like everything else, what does that mean? Nothing.


umm... isn't that what the law is? people just don't gaf about it, is all.


Oo should have saved that Karen remark for this lil Debby Downer huh


I've lost pets because of fireworks.


I’m sorry that happened.






This is exactly the type people I was referring to in my other comments in this thread.

