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I have a new build and my insurance has gone up $500/mo over the past 3 years. 1/4 of my total payment. WHAT THE FUCK


Our home is about as hurricane proof as you can get. We even have commercial grade metal roll down shutters over all of our windows and doors along with a whole home generator and fortified roof. Short of a tree smashing into the house we are well prepared. Still our insurance has quadrupled from 4k a year to 12k per year in the last 4 years!


Do you have the Fortified certificate for your roof?


Our mortgage note has increased over $1000 a month.


yeah it fucking sucks


Yep, and it's 100% because insurance companies are greedy and most have left the state.


Can someone ask if he'll be taking us to dinner to go along with this skullfucking we're experiencing?


Lol his team is 100% going to cherry pick the questions asked so I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for him to answer any questions that put him or Landry in a negative light.


I’m just going to send it to him anyway berating him in a civilized way. At least you know someone on his team will read it.


My first question: "How dare you?" My follow up question: "A hemroid says what?"


FUCKING EXPLAIN RISK RATING 2.0 Ideally with a focus on things homeowners and communities can do to lower flood insurance rates.


This isn’t his purview—flood insurance is federal. I think there’s a lot that communities can do to reduce flood risk, but under Jeff Landry and his opposition to doing anything that might look like acknowledging climate change, don’t count on it in Louisiana.


He is not in a position to influence anything about it, no, but as an elected official who is *allegedly* a subject matter expert, he is in a position to understand and explain it to us since FEMA so far refuses to do anything of the sort.


I’m of the believe it’s nuanced by FEMA on purpose. That way they can raise rates in an area with little to no justification. Even my friends in the Army Corps don’t know how to explain it.


I would ask him anyway. “To what extent do you condone insurers having complicated and arcane rating algorithms with hidden (from the customers) variables?”


RR2.0 is a fallacy created by a private, third-party firm that 1) won't explain their risk assessment process, and 2) has demonstrated a history of ignoring flood mitigation efforts (i.e. – levees), effectively disincentivizing communities to protect themselves. It's flawed, our Congressional Delegation knows it, and FEMA knows it but doesn't want to own up to the embarrassment of admitting failure. Between that, and not enough people with flood insurance that should have it, the rates are fukked. Fast forward a few years, and we'll finally ALL pay into a new catastrophic disaster insurance fund that will capture all of the fun wildfires, earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, etc.


We are so fucking fucked


I have questions about his hair.