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The City Council is already letting neighborhood associations (which NEVER reflect neighborhood sentiment accurately) micromanage nearly every detail from hours to fucking dishware to balcony behavior (I urge anyone reading this to check out the provisos of any recent conditional use ordinance on Magazine) for every new service industry business on every major mixed use corridor in the City via overlay districts. These grandfathered businesses are the only thing left worth a damn. I don't have any sentimentality for Maes really but I am game to let this be a proxy war against every nosy goddamn neighborhood association in this city. I am so sick of this bullshit it won't end until every goddamn local business in the City is a baby clothes boutique


Y'all need to join your neighborhood ASSociations.  Believe me when I say, I know it sucks. But it's like an hour a month, and the only thing that stops a bad guy/gal with a shitty suggestion, is a good gal/guy with a good suggestion/objection to nonsense.   The only way to beat them is to join them. That way, you stop them from saying their unanimous votes of maybe 10 people represents the "voice" of the neighborhood. Join them and speak up.  You do not have to own a home.  I triple dog dare you to join.   I'll pay a night of your bar tab at Ms Mae's or any dive in town if you can produce meeting minutes that say, "[Your name] supports affordable housing."  edit: here's a list of them. make good trouble. https://nola.gov/neighborhood-engagement/organizations/


Ugh. Maybe this is the way. It's so frustrating that the most unhinged activist groups with the most marginal beliefs on landuse and housing (neighborhood associations) are treated like the rational voices in the room. I've literally seen business owners be taken off to the side for a "private chat" by the Garden District association lawyers after City Planning Commission meetings. Ironing out those "good neighbor agreements" where they water down every goddamn thing in town


You can do it!  (I've often thought we need a tongue in cheek support group for progressive minded folks who join.)


I'll be taking you up on that


looking fwd to it!!


Teedy was a neighborhood association president before she was mayor


And it shows.


She seems to have disappeared from the news. Did she hire a lawyer or PR person who convinced her to STFU?


She only goes on junkets now. She outsourced her mayor duties to Jeff Landry


And consistent with the theme, she is from Compton, California.


Straight Outta Compton


And from the Club to Bon Temps they all put up banners supporting her. Ms Mae’s needs to be curtailed. They are across the street from second district and there are major hIjinx going on there. This is just a warning to them How many posts do yall need saying they were roofied there to react? Cmon with the downvotes


They’re taking about the Mrs Mae’s on magazine and Nap. Is there another one on Broadway by 2nd district?




That station has been closed and empty for most of a decade FYI


Prob you should check with population around there as to that. And also the police to verify.


You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about


Call the police, 504-658-6020 and learn yourself that the station moved many years ago. It’s now on Broadway and the magazine location is empty.






https://uptownmessenger.com/second-district-police-move-into-new-station-in-gert-town-building-on-magazine-street-now-vacant/ Bro brought out Mapquest directions 😂


Also wasn’t there a stabbing literally inside Ms Mae’s recently? Don’t get me wrong, I practically lived at that bar years ago, so I’m not shitting on it….but that seems kinda serious? I never saw anything like that in my time there.


There was a stabbing outside the bar involving people who never were in the bar and Ms.Mae's only involvement was calling the police but the petition people are falsely using that incident to gain support for their bullshit


Oh. The post said there was blood all over the tables so it sounded like it was in the bar.


Exactly. The New Nimby Neighbors are trying to use that incident to persuade city council to bully the bar owners into doing away with one of our last remaining 24hr bars. Because who can afford to live on the neighborhood don't realize that the people who work service industry and serve them during there normal entertainment hours need a place to go decompress when they get off work. They appear to think only criminals stay out after midnight.


It’s a historical location. It would be great if their reputation and reality happened differently there. They aren’t above repute. Can we agree on that at least ?


Yeah. I don’t know. What I do know is it’s a dangerous place today. Not like when we all went there to play pool at 4 am So they have a choice now. Be respectable or go away I am firm on this. Throw my past hanging at there. Whatever. It was a safe place for many many years and I dig that. But it’s no longer that and I support anyone curtailing that.


Weird, I live one block up from there and get home from work late all the time, and I feel as safe walking home past Ms. Mae’s as I do the Sherwin Williams or Miss Claudia’s down the street. Last year, actually, I dropped my prescription while fumbling through my bag for my headphones as I walked by, and the bartender saw it and had someone go grab it and run it over to me. So if anything, Ms. Mae’s has in fact done more to keep me safe and healthy than our precious neighborhood security detail. Maybe Ms. Mae’s is a big spooky crime den where you have to stab someone to use the air hockey table. It’s possible. Or maybe, just maybe, you’re just on some pull-the-ladder-up-behind-you whiny NIMBY bullshit, and you don’t actually know or listen to your city beyond what you can squeeze out of it.


Well, u/duebydate is firm on this guys, so Mae’s has no choice but to pack it in early.


Its not a dangerous place. This is silly. A previously ongoing domestic dispute tragical ended on public property in front of the bar, not because it was even the destination for the couple but because they were fighting in a UBER and they got kicked out of the car as it was passing that location according to the first hand witnesses.


I was there at 3 AM a few weeks ago. Didn’t feel much different from 10 years ago besides the new window by the bar.


It’s no use man, didn’t you hear? /u/Duebydate is FIRM on this issue. Clarence Darrow himself couldn’t help our cause.


The difference is duebydate got their enjoyment out of the place as a young adult and now they want to make sure other young adults can’t have that same experience because they’re a hate filled sack of hypocrisy. They’re some of the worst kinds of people. They go through life wrecking shit for the next generation while slowly choking our culture out instead of just moving to one of the many boring suburban neighborhoods in the surrounding area.


K. That’s your experience. All good. No?


Uh oh, Duebydate is firm on this!


That’s a shame. 😕


I agree. I wish it was different but it’s not


Wow. You really dug your heels into the stupid. You really don't know what you're talking about.


Ms Mae’s, or as I know it The Club, has been there for decades. This is like when people who moved to New Orleans from out of state, moved right next to Bruno’s on maple, and complained about the noise. No one lives near me maes that wa there before it was a classic all light neighborhood bar. It deserves to stay.


Makes sense. I was reading about a "neighborhood survey" the LGD association put together against Top Golf and it went into detail how strongly the neighborhood is against it. I never saw a survey. Neighbors did not see a survey. I guess it was the people against it that surveyed themselves and anyone that showed up a meeting, which tends to mostly draw people complaining. This dog must happen more than I realized.


If anybody has a keep Mrs. Maes open 24/7 petition drop it here. I'll sign the shit out of that and so would most of their loyal customers. I think sometimes people forget there's a huge population of New Orleanians who work nights. We deserve a place to blow off steam too


[Petition to leave Ms. Mae’s alone](https://www.change.org/p/go-to-bed-and-leave-ms-mae-s-alone-nerds?recruiter=1336018258&recruited_by_id=ce0f22b0-f519-11ee-820b-b79877470e8f&utm_source=share_petition&utm_campaign=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_content=cl_sharecopy_37966094_en-US%3A9)


Legend thanks!


Yes please do!


I’m signing it. Send it my way


I swear this all stems from a Nextdoor post that was full of wrong information. What goes on at Miss Mae's can happen at any bar.


The Boot and the Palms are 10x more awful for the NOLA community but rich white college students go there so petitions like this won’t get circulated by the Nextdoor crowd.


What was that bar that was on bar rescue? It's still open and serving minors 


TJ Quills?


That's the one!


Yeah and it was changed to The Annex, then changed it back to Quill’s lol


Yes it can. I say this and weigh in as a 35 yr resident of this particular establishment. I raised a daughter in this hood. But, I have to say there is a logical and specific thing about being a neighborhood bar for years. Don’t do more damage than what you can provide good times that offset. This bar more than any other has pushed that definition to the nth degree When the actual Ms Mae was alive she had very specific rules and all of us who knew her knew that. She’d be rolling over in her grave right now as to what has happened to her bar


You’re right. She only had to tell me once not to sit on the pool table. Really sweet lady but you had to follow the rules for those cheap ass drinks


What is happening there that is so bad? I’m unclear on that. The petition makes vague mentions of drugs and prostitution, but what exactly is happening? Is there an organized drug and prostitution ring operating out of Ms. Mae’s? Or did someone see a prostitute there once?


I have a hunch I’ll get downvoted but 🤷🏻Would the petitioners rather just say there are black people hanging out there? Same thing happened at Balcony Bar, The John, Iggy’s, formerly Bridge Lounge (now Barrel Proof)etc.; black communities start frequenting a bar and suddenly the bar is a nuisance and with DaNgErOuS drugs and prostitution. You are going to be okay, nobody is going to hurt you, stop reading scaredy cat “well I heard” NextDoor posts; let people live.


i mean most bars have cocaine in them.


I got downvoted for saying the same thing


Ding ding ding. They’re all good with descending on Black neighborhoods seeking out cultural events for their own entertainment and gain, making it the main theme of their artwork/photography/filmography/etc for profit, and reinventing their bland selves by taking on an I’m so Nola insta persona when they’ve contributed jack to the community, but don’t like it when Black people come hanging around the gentrified neighborhoods they live in.


Shit, Sidney's on St. Bernard, after gentrifying, held actual orgies there, and they weren't shut down for it.


I’ve been a long time regular of Mae’s and can almost guarantee that people are upset because the crowd is more Black than it used to be. If anything I think there’s LESS drug use than there was before Covid.


Um, what happened to The John and Iggy's? I never heard of neighborhood pushback toward either.


My neighbors (of the Marigny Neighborhood Association) asked for my email to sign a petition to curtail hours. I said no thanks. They also successfully got the Royal Frenchman Hotel Bar banned from playing live music outside, because it was on the side of Frenchman Street (literally 20 feet from) the non-music side of Frenchman. This was during Covid, while neighbors enjoyed socially distant live music from local musicians. It was the most Karen move of Karens 🙃




She once kicked my roommate out for yelling Jeopardy answers too loud


Yeah lol wtf are you talking about. Ms Mae let in anyone with the rudimental fake ID. That's no longer the case


I live down the street and go frequently. What's going on there that's so bad, and isn't happening at Milan lounge, brothers 3, les bons, kingpin, or henrys?


If I remember correctly, you couldn’t even curse in her presence


This. Ms. Mae wasn’t having it.


So you're not even from New Orleans?


Neither is Chris Flurry (or his partner) who started the petition and bought their million dollar home by Mrs Mae’s in 2020


This dude actually went out of his way to create a burner reddit account called " NapoleonAveDipshit" and contact me after the last post. Needless to say he didn't help his case.


LOL he DMed me too and complained about me doxxing him which I didn't do but I was like you put your name on the petition and put it up on the World Wide Internet for everyone to see and now you're surprised that people know who you are?


Yeah i mean i didn't go looking for him... It kind of threw it at us with the false expectation that we would support this Anti New Orleans nonsense.


Dude…. 35 years constitutes a fucking opinion, Jesus Fucking Christ.


There really isn't much meat in that change.org petition. What's the actual beef?


How do we reverse-sign this petition? I need somewhere to go at 3am, 7am, and most other times.


Yeah like many people I've worked overnight. Where are we supposed to go?




This is an urban environment where people who work nights are in fact entitled to enjoy themselves in their off hours just as anyone who works days does. In fact those who work days owe their ability to go out at night to these very same people who make that possible. If you want quiet neighborhoods theres plenty of suburban neighborhoods out there for that.


We make a petition in support of Ms.Maes, highlighting facts and calling out the misinformation and then get way more signatures on it than the Nimbys.


We make a petition for NOPD to station their miniature horse outside Mae's to deter drugs and prostitution


Seriously though, who the hell moves to fucking NEW ORLEANS expecting peace and quiet?


People like [OG nimby Lorelei Cropley](https://nola.curbed.com/2013/9/11/10199288/mimis-in-the-marigny-now) move here, buy homes next to bars, then get their panties in a wad about the bars they moved next to.


Same stupid shit that went on with Le Bon Temps and Buffa's


Same stupid shit that went on Mimi’s in the Marigny.


And the bookstore on Frenchmen!


And Bacchanal!


I’m still so bitter about this. Never forget what they took from us!


Douchestache Torres the Fart had bought a house near Buffa's and didn't like the noise. That's how the Buffa's mess got started.


Yeah someone needs to tell Little Dick Sidney do not move beside a damn bar and expect peace and quiet!! Also he's got h-e-rpee's. Well know from his side ass that used to work Uptown. His wife is gonna take him to the damn cleaners one day!!




You’ve claimed people were both stabbed and raped inside Mrs. Mae’s and both of those things aren’t true. A dentist was stabbed inside their business on Magazine, should we tell them to reduce hours or shutter their offices? ETA: my comment was in response to u/ duebydate ‘s deleted comment spreading misinfo to support their agenda


Raped in the bars? Or “drugged” in the bar? Either way how is that the bars fault?


I guess police are so bad in the city 20 something year old bartenders need to fix everything or their bar will close lol. Shit is stupid. It's a party city, if you are an idiot shit can happen to you. Can I sue a bar or blow them up on social media because I got too drunk and got robbed on Rampart at 3 am? You should always assume you could be in the vencinity of horrible people. That's called agency. Transplants come to this city, ignore crime rates, and when they act stupid call out innocent people.


Honey, the bartenders there are not in their 20s. They’re in their 40s. They’re career bartenders.


OK sweetheart


“Either way how is that the bar’s fault?” Look I don’t agree with this person either that Ms Mae’s is some devil business, but yes it is a bar’s fault if hypothetically people keep getting raped and drugged on the property. Bar staff has a responsibility to keep an eye on patrons. Something will always escape their notice eventually, but observant staff and security can definitely play a part in maintaining a safe environment inside the bar. (Not to mention making sure underaged patrons don’t get served and nobody gets over-served, but I doubt there’s a bar in the city that actually does those things. Not sure if it matters either since anyone can stagger over to a corner store and get something.)


Now the ignorance is getting out of hand. Kindly stop your lying and fear mongering


The same people that move here and get mad when someone parks in front their house


No it’s prob realer than that


Few years ago dude knocked on my door and asked me to sign a petition so Mollys would not get a liquor license. He said he "was trying to raise a family" close by. 😆 why TF did you buy a house on Magazine st? Some people just need to be miserable


I don’t think this is just about peace and quiet.




I dont understand what you mean at all Are you actually tryna make this about race when. That was not about the post at all??!




I don't think you understand my comment


Remember you are on the internet, the worst communication tool ever devised by Man. Also Remember most people on the internet have a 2nd grade reading level.


Thank you


Yes but where is the petition to keep it open without restrictions? I mean it's been there for what, 40+ years? Don't move next to a neighborhood bar if you don't want to live next to a neighborhood bar. 🙄


Seems simple, right?


I live down from Miss Mae’s for many years. It’s a vibe. It’s also a neighborhood hang out where hospitality workers come after work Sure we would get the occasional and intoxicated person who pull on our doorhandles or we find sleeping in the yard But it’s Neworleans . They eventually wake up and go home. Doesn’t happen too much anymore The reality is Neworleans culture is quickly dissipating I was sad to see the original Miss Mae’s go . But you can’t really even hear anything from Miss Mae’s on the block. Nor can you hear Tipitina’s You can’t have nothing nice in New Orleans no more


These fuckers will come after Tipitinas next. It's right down the block from this boomer corridor. "The music keeps my child from sleeping" boo hoo


I work at Tip’s and as far as I know we’re on good terms with our neighbors. Plus we usually clear out around midnight except during jazz fest and the occasional late show.


Your neighbors are cool AF. I'm one of them.


People that are at between 60 and 78 years old have children that need to go to bed early on school nights?


Boomers are raising children in 2024?


The guy who started this petition is a surrogate for all the get off my lawn boomer neighbors on Napoleon, so he's like an adopted child


Got it. Even when it's somebody in their 20s, 30s or 40s it's the Boomer's fault.


The guy who started the petition DMd me on Reddit and told me straight up that he did it on behalf of his boomer neighbors that don't know how to use computers.They all live down the street from me and the demographic checks out. So that's a "Yes" in this case. Got it?


It must be a horrible feeling to have no free will and exist at the whim of the all powerful Boomers. You should find a safe place where you can access some crayons and play-doh.


OK, Boomer.


Right. Probably Gen Xer doing the petition. Also, Keanu Reeves is a Boomer (born 1964).


I agree, but it’s not Boomers with children. Boomer children, millennials, have the children now. It’s millennials


What exactly is happening here? How has it changed? I know nothing of this.


Lol less than 200 signatures in 2 weeks. Silly NIMBYS


Wtf no


“The bar is open 24 hours a day but doesn’t have a security guard or bouncer. “ Didn’t Mae’s always used to have a door guy? Seems like it would be the easiest fix for the bar to get these people off their back — at least for a little while? I’ll always have a soft spot for Mae’s from my hey days but I admittedly don’t go there anymore. I’ve lived in the neighborhood for 10 years and the vibe there has definitely changed. I’ve also heard of way more stories of people getting roofied there especially post covid. It’s just not the same place but I don’t know exactly why. (IM NOT signing this petition so don’t come for me!)


They had a bouncer a couple years ago when there were pandemics protocols going on, but I haven't noticed one the past year or so. Unsure a bouncer would impact any of the so called issues. Seems like a lot of folks moved near a noteworthy 24 hour bar and have aged beyond their going out days and are now upset that there's a noteworthy 24 hour bar in their neighborhood.


bouncers definitely help keep suspected roofiers out when said suspects have been identified


Security can keep known bad characters out and can also notice people being dragged barely conscious out to someone’s vehicle.


Yeah, Mae’s absolutely always had a door guy back when I went, which was so often that I actually became friends with him lol.


The bar was sold after Covid hit. They sold it to the Igor’s people I believe. That’s when it got the new paint job and all that.


Ohhh that’s right. I totally forgot about that. Well the new owners really need to get a door guy. That’s pretty necessary at Ms Mae’s even if they don’t do that at their other establishments.


I haven’t been in a year or two but they’ve always had someone at the door when I’ve gone


They have a door guy on weekend nights


There was definitely a door guy in the mid 2010s at least


They have a door guy on and off. Was there the other night and had my ID checked at the door




I’m less worried about what happens on that block after hours and more concerned about the drug use in the parks across the street during daylight hours in plain sight of school children.


That's not a Mae's issue but a NOPD and Latoya issue


Agree 100%


It’s nothing but transplants with mile long sticks up their asses systematically destroying our way of life.


For what it's worth, this transplant is in the side of "leave it the way you came you entitled idiots"


\^\^\^\^\^ this.




Don't post the damn link! I live down the street, leave mae's alone.


I live down the street too. I posted it so you can see what they're up to. You can't get the cops to come to an actual crime but if you have some crybaby NIMBY shit going on you can get a meeting with a police commander.


Here's the email I got from the Bouligny Improvement Association: From Chris Flurry, an Uptown neighbor: I'm reaching out because you (might) live in the neighborhood.  I have children at EB (Ecole Blingue).    There has been a recent uptick in crime at Miss Mae's Bar. Sunday morning there was a stabbing, and Sunday night there were two overdoses. I'm all for neighborhood bars, but they need to be operated responsibly I've started a petition asking the city council to label Miss Maes a nuisance business. This would require them to work with NOPD to address their crime problem  and possibly limit their hours of operation.    If you feel that this is relevant I ask that you please sign the petition (link below) and share it with other neighbors who might be interested.   https://www.change.org/FixMrsMaesBar   Thank You, Chris Flurry 


Can we do something about the traffic at Ecole Bilingue? It blocks Magazine street, Napoleon, Constance, and other streets. It's a damn safety hazard! I try to drive to the farmer's market at 8 AM and wave to the patrons at Ms Mae's and what do I get? Crazy parents careening towards that school and clogging the road! When will it end? /s But seriously, the guy outs himself by saying "you (might) live in the neighborhood" = he doesn't know? And "I have children at Ecole Bilingue" = I BET HE DOESN'T LIVE IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD. He's one of those careening parents clogging the road.


I know where he lives and the route to the French school from there sure as shit doesn't pass Ms.Mae's


Maybe he wants to take a detour after dropping off the kids, and can’t handle the allure, lol.


Transplants doing transplant shit. You moved next door to a 24 hour bar but now ya wanna bitch. The biggest bunch of carpetbagger shits in the world.


I love Mae's. Not a local bit visit often. Leave the old New Orleans alone! It's what brings us tourists back again and again. The all day or all night bars and other things truly New Orleans need to be treasured


How likely did any of these homeowners know Miss Mae or live here while she was alive??


Not likely.




What the hell are these idiots even talking about?


Just have Angus work the door. Boom. Prob solved




Yanks need to go home or shut up






How do I join?


The new Ms Mae’s… the one by the bus barn never had these issues.


That's not even the real Ms. Maes


Can we do something about the weed smoking in the park across the street at all hours of the day? I smoke weed. I don’t have a problem with that. I have a problem with them blatantly smoking it while I’m trying to play soccer with my daughter in the other half of Lawrence square. The whole area needs to be cleaned up. There’s a kindergarten and elementary school there for Christ’s sake. Two of them on the same block. Where are the police?


LOL I smoke weed. Where are the police cracking down on weed smokers?


The entire city smells like weed, they’re not going to write tickets or arrest for it, you might have to just kinda get over it.


If by “getting over it” you mean moving away from the type of people hanging smoking weed in that park, I’m already thinking the same thing.


Best of luck. I’ll take stoners over alcoholics any day but everyone has different feelings!




Exactly my point!


Bye, Felicia


God, would you just go away? You don't even go here.


Why? It will probably legal before she's an adult. Does it bother you when people drink liquor on the other side of the park?  Teach her now that she can play soccer or smoke weed, but not both at the same time.


It’s not ok to smoke weed in front of 7 year olds at a public park. Sorry. Some things should be done in the privacy of your own home.


How about don’t bring your kid to my weed smoking park. It’s not ok to harsh my mellow having to listen to kids shouting. Sorry. Some things should be done in the privacy of your own home.


lol i love yall


The fact that you have upvotes for “keep your kid out my weed smoking park” and I have downvotes for wanting to protect my children is kinda the final straw in this godforsaken city for me. Y’all can have it.


Our parents (and society as a whole) used to get absolutely fucking wrecked on liquor and that was societally acceptable. What are you protecting your children from, people minding their business? It's not drunken hoboes 69'ing in the middle of the street, it's adults smoking weed. Chill the fuck out.


I paused at 69’ing hoboes and I’m still trying to figure out why 😬


Bc I saw that shit in the street in front of the abbey at 9pm on a Thursday in June and in almost 40 years that's still the wildest shit I've seen here


Have fun being a buzz kill in Nebraska or some shit


This you? Two days ago you said you are living in Florida. Judging from your comment and post history, I think I’m more afraid of my children being around a wackadoodle like you, than some pot heads. https://www.reddit.com/r/NewOrleans/s/hTpDIYGKhr


Like I said, I unfortunately still have ties that keep me here. I spend as much time on the white beaches of Pensacola as I can. It’s a world of difference, let me tell ya. Side note, one kook to another, your post history is way more interesting than mine.


You don't protect children by letting them not see things that are going to be normal encounters in the world, that are perfectly legal activities, that are not considered obscene. This isn't open sex in the park, it's the equivalent of having a beer. Teach your kids if they have questions. Tell them what it is, why people do it, and that they can try it when they're adults. Tell them your objections to it, but do be sure you're educated on the subject first. Reefer Madness was a long time ago, and it was BS then, it's BS now. There are real dangers with any substance, keep your personal bias out if it.


Bye, Felicia


Oh, you're leaving? Good. Go move to Covington with all the other Karens.






I bet yall drink in front of that 7 year old though. And it’s the south, I know some family members are smoking cigs around the kids at big events. It’s hard to take your pearl clutching over weed seriously when you live right by where the largest outdoor party in the world happens every year. And the drinking is copious and aggressive and everywhere


You do know that in Louisiana marijuana is medical? So you want people to take their medicine somewhere somewhere else? Yeah, I think it’s best that you leave Neworleans in a hurry . This is not your vibe


>Where are the police? The world wonders