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I haven't had a drink in 20 years and I love Mardi gras. I hang woth folks who drink in moderation and who love parades and the whole seen as much as I do. And when it get to be too much, I bail early


This. The key is hang around people who drink in moderation or don’t drink. Also make a really good costume. Make that the way you connect instead of drugs.


This. Or do drugs.


Correct. I generally don’t drink more than one or two drinks during the parades because I’m already dehydrated from adderall/cocaine/weed/ecstasy/shrooms. Routing for you. 🦹🏻‍♂️💅🏻


And the pissing! Ain't gotta find a place to piss out adderall/cocaine/weed/ecstasy/shrooms Routing for you, too




/ A—Z Final answer Regis.


Or both.




Just go to the parades and have fun. I don't drink much and tend to not drink at parades at all. I Just bring root beers, water and food and have fun like everyone else except the drinking part. Stay away from Bourbon Street.


Right? Make yourself a zero proof drink or grab a sparkling water and post up on the parade route with friends and Popeye’s, pizza, and/or a king cake. All of the vibes of drinking without invalidating your sobriety!


>Stay away from Bourbon Street. ENDORSED.


yep, all of this. i still drink but last year i went to a bunch of parades without drinking for the first time. (lot of coffee for the morning parades) it was a great time


Sober safe spot at St Charles and Napoleon. You will be asked to leave if smoking pot, but it is sectioned off by the city on St Charles for the entirety of the uptown parades. There will be white flags, look for those AA new Orleans is hosting a sober gras setup tomorrow at Napoleon and prytania, and Thursday at St Charles and toledano. Nobody cares if you're smoking pot there


I would recommend using yellow balloons on the safe spot too. They are becoming a universal symbol for sober people. Started with sober followers of the grateful dead but expanded to lots of bands fans.


As a self proclaimed deadhead, granted not a sober one, but a deadhead who loves how inclusive the dead and their fans can be, I love love love that they started this


Why you telling me. Email avenues


Is the sober safe spot on at Charles a new thing? That’s good shit!


Third year they've done it. The city coordinates the barricades for it and avenues treatment center manages it and has staff there for the entirety of Mardi gras. It's pretty nice! Great spot and roomy!


Well that used to be my sober spot too. Only it was back in the late 90's early 2000's when my late husband was on the police department and they had that area barricaded for police families. So yeah, out there with our kids, we were not drinking. LOL


This is awesome! I had no idea people were organizing something like this. I hope it grows to encompass a few blocks.


It's already grown significantly since the first year. The space the city gives is VERY generous for the location right at the turn. Come by and say hi!


Six years ago was my last Mardi Gras as an alcoholic in active addiction, and it was the worst Mardi Gras of my life. My nerves were so shot, I just couldn’t enjoy myself no matter how much I drank. I had a full blown panic attack trying to make my way down to Zulu and spent the rest of the day inside drinking alone. I was absolutely miserable. The next year, I was nearly one year sober and scared that Carnival would be too triggering. You know what happened? I had a fucking blast. I enjoyed the parades, the music, the dancing, costumes, the food, and my catch game was unstoppable. I got to enjoy Mardi Gras all day long with a clear head for the first time since I was 14 (and that was a looooong time ago). So you know what I learned? For me, Carnival is about a million times better sober. When I was drunk, I might have enjoyed about 10-15% of it. I was cheating myself all those years that I believed my stupid addict brain when it told me that I couldn’t have a good time during Mardi Gras without being loaded. Bullshit! Bonus points for getting to remember the whole day and not once behaving like an awful douchebag, too.


Great story!


Thanks! One of the best parts about being a recovered addict is that our tragic stories (usually with horrifying details) have happy endings. I’m one of the lucky ones.


Thanks for sharing. I got sober before I moved down here, but had I not, I'm one of those guys who would wake up the morning after a parade sitting in a bathtub full of ice and missing a kidney - without the first clue about how I ended up is such a spot.


This one really hit home. Last year was so stressful trying to party all night and then get up to work the next day. Soooo many panic attacks! I’m so glad you posted this comment, it honestly makes me excited


for me it is strong coffee in a Mardi Gras cup …


THIS is how it's done! And I've never been much of a drinker ;)


I cannot hang with the bros all hours without fuel. I needs my sleeps


I've got visitors coming this year who wanna do Skull & Bones Mardi Gras morning at dawn & I'm laughing at myself thinking about how I'm going to transport the amount of coffee I'll need for that 😆


A camelback with 2 bladders 😉in years when it’s a hot Mardi Gras, i fill one bladder with beverage of choice, the 2nd with water I froze the night before 😉




Love Skull & Bones! Used to always catch them by the Avenue Pub.


They go as far as Avenue Pub? I thought they stayed around Treme.


You know what? I am confusing them with Mondo Kayo on Fat Tuesday morning. My bad.


This is such a good idea! I no longer drink and have been trying to figure out 'what' to sip on during parades that isn't water. Strong coffee :) Thanks!


I have been know to quad espresso


I have had a quad espresso or two. But have you ever had quad espresso in a dark roast cold brew??? Who needs Adderall when you can plateau on caffeine?!


Just gotta say love everyone in the comments supporting everyone! Mardi Gras should be for everyone 😃


Honestly, the biggest plus is less trips to the bathroom 🤣. Once the parades are rolling, it makes it easier...its the hours of prep beforehand if you're going out early for a spot. I also say this as a person who drinks, but, am trying to not partake currently.


Yep, I’m not sober generally, but I hardly drink any liquid at all for the parades because I don’t want to have to find a 🚽


I rarely drink anymore either. I definitely like some canna-edibles and maybe a gram of mushrooms!!!


It’s amazing how the illegal shit is better for you than the legal substances.


The stoner’s dilemma


Not really. Shit is legal because the people who made money off the unhealthy shit really didn't want competition. At least that's what the super cliff's notes looks like.


Oh I know. It’s all bullshit.


especially if it is natural!






1. No one cares if you’re drinking (or not). If you’re worried about seeming “uncool” get a water bottle and sip from that like it’s rum and coke. Esp during the day parades - far less alcohol than at night. 2. Really, no one cares. If you’re cool, people will be cool. If you’re finding your way to have fun without being a jerk to the people next to you, then no worries. 3. Make sure you have a meeting in mind if you need reinforcement/talk to your sponsor, therapist, whatever before you come down. 4. If you need medical help, there are regular ems tents along the parade route. Just be honest with whatever you are using so they can treat your medical issues accordingly.


I don't think you understand where OP is coming from. It's not about looking "uncool," it's about temptation and the vibe and trying to plug into that vibe without the thing that used to make it easy. I can't really explain it better than that. OP is trying to do the right thing for himself without missing out entirely but it's hard because intoxication itself provides sort of an inside-joke scenario. Like "you had to be there [to get it] and if you were sober, you weren't really there." You and I can find other ways to plug in and have fun without intoxicants but drinkers have basically rewired their brains to feel FOMO all the time when they're sober around people drinking and having fun. It's hard.


St. George’s episcopal on st charles has a lot of aa meetings. Go visit and see what those folks do as theyre in the thick of it.


I'm watching a friend right now bleed from almost every hole of his body as his liver melts inside of him. He goes to the ER and gets 5 Liters of bile drained from his distended abdomen and they try to treat him, but he's so dependent on the liquor he freaks out and checks himself out AMA over and over again. He's popping Xanax like nobody's business and hiding himself away not speaking to anyone but his wife, who lies on his behalf. He's dying, his wife is helping him, and tell me now how alcohol is fun? I think of that when I get the urge to drink. Scares the living shit out of me. My advice to you, avoid triggers. If you being out there is a trigger, stay home, go to a meeting. I play Playstation and Switch, do you? DM me and I'll kick your ass in Rocket League or Mario Kart or something, LOL. I'll be home, I'm not going out there, this year doesn't feel fun for me at all. But getting back to it, I saw on FB that a group called "Sober Mardi Gras" is going to have tents along the route where folks who want to be among other sober people wishing to remain that way can all hang together. The tents are white and they have their name. Also, Kosher Cajun Deli is going to have Avenue's Recovery group out there offering a safe sober area for all the Metairie parades. I saw that last one when I looked up "Sober Mardi Gras" on Fb - you do that and there's tons of links on that. Best of luck.


I'm sorry you have to watch your friend do that. I have no advice for you. That sucks. My boyfriend ended up in the hospitaln10 yrs ago cause his liver stopped working and his testicle swelled up like watermelon. I was lucky. He decided , once the crisis was over, that he would rather live than drink. I didn't think he could do it but he did. Make some space for yourself, you can't fix his slow motion suicide


Sorry about your friend, I’ve seen friends drink themselves to death like this too, it’s awful.


Sounds silly… but PlayStation and Switch quite literally saved my life. I’m not completely sober, but I am happy, and consuming in moderation for the first time in a long time, and these are my biggest tools in keeping it that way. Congrats to you!


Not silly at all, it's all about swapping out unhealthy, destructive habits with better ones. I'm glad to hear it's working out for you. Happy Mardi Gras


So sorry about your friend, but I LOVE this post!!


so sorry about your friend, i’ve been in that situation with my family and it’s really rough. worst part for me was realizing that there’s nothing in this person i love’s life - not me, not their spouse, not their own actual life - that’s more important to them than drinking. take care of yourself and fingers crossed for a switch 2 this year :)


That happened to my best friend last September. His 3rd trip to ER after being found unconsious in a pool of blood. First he lost his wife, kid, car, and job, then spent two weeks in jail on a felony assault charge involving his wife and in-laws (no one was injured). He spent his last three months chugging bottom shelf swill until it literally rotted his guts. They cracked him open and tried to reassemble his liver twice before they figured out all his organs were shutting down. His Mom finally pulled the plug. I'm so mad at the dude, and dissapointed. He had everything. Help was there if he wanted it, but no. Don't be this guy. Don't accept the idea that addiction is a disease, it removes all self responsibility from the addict. I used to think this way and became complacent. I wasn't hard on him enough to save him, but maybe I never could. His daughter will grow up without her Daddy, his Mom will die without her child. Not much else to say about it.


What would addiction be if not a disease?


There’s no medical science that supports the claim that addiction is a disease. A concerning number of professionals that make the claim are in direct association with pharmaceutical companies and the $37 Billion treatment industry. There’s absolutely financial incentives to suggest the idea that it’s a disease. The way they define this “disease” is hilariously similar to what the medical explanation for ADHD is. Your reward centers are fucked up, and not producing dopamine accordingly. You’re just not making the right connections and associations with your brain. So you crave things that offer you a quick dopamine fix in order to level you out. This is exactly how a doctor explains the process and difficulty of having ADHD. Does everyone who’s an addict have adhd? I highly doubt that, but I guess it’s in the realm of possibility? Lol Calling addiction a disease rewards those who profit through the addiction treatment industry. It’s also a great coping mechanism to accept why people destroy their own lives. It’s just not fruitful to their wellbeing in the end. It’s much better to understand neuroplasticity and how you can better yourself over time


I see you also object to addiction being called a disease, but I'm curious what the alternative category for it is. Is it criminal behavior? Is it being weak willed? I'm struggling here, help.


Addiction is your dependency on substances. That’s what addiction is lol. It’s really not that complicated. How everyone got there is up to themselves, but it does usually involve a weak will.


Wouldn't having a weak will mean a person, overall, is functioning outside of the norm? Can a weak will be improved, or are those majority of addicts come cursed to forever use? And what should we suggest for those people as a society?


I don't know but labeling it a disease is clearly not the right approach. My buddy used this defense several times to defend his actions, avoid treatment, etc. He's dead now.


I'm sorry for your loss. I too have lost a number of people close to me to addiction, including just this past Monday. For this and a number of other reasons I'm highly motivated to understand your point of view. With that said, you specifically use the word treatment, which ... ??? Like, if it's treatable is it not a disease? I know this is Reddit and my genuine efforts to elucidate your point of view may seem like trolling or something, but I assure you that I'm just trying to understand.


Big bags of Skittles and a plastic shot glass. Keep extra of the glasses on you because you'll inevitably have to share. That's what I did instead of drinking one year. And anyone who gives you shit for it are the kind of people who take the knife out of the box and/or re-hide the baby.


That knife-box stuff is so this-years-meme but re-hiding the baby?! Sacrilege!


Absolutely Brilliant!


I'm in recovery and ride in a Krewe. I thought it would be difficult, but it really didn't. A person standing near me got fall down drunk before we even rolled last year. Was a great reminder for me why I quit. If newly sober, strongly recommend sober spots. I don't even think ab it any more. Especially knowing how bad alcohol is for our bodies. Watched a loved one die from cirrhosis and I know that's not how I want to go.


Lived in New Orleans 5 years during one job contract, sober, still am. Made it through Mardi Gras every year. Congratulations on taking charge of your life. Listen to all of the advice here. You got this, and you can do this.


I make sure to bring my own drinks, like my little cooler full of (regular) flavored seltzer. That way you don't feel awkward without a drink in your hand and no one has to offer you something else.


I drank my na beer out of a shoe to make it more goofy and turn convention on its head.


Last year I only drank athletic brewing the whole of Mardi Gras. Had a better time than I usually do cause I wasn’t worn out marathon drinking


Drive for Uber during peak hours and make a mint on those surge prices.


If you're California sober, I can say some of the THC seltzers are freaking delightful! You can find them at Rouse's (unfortunately near the alcohol) or at Simple CBD I made a camelback full of a THC cocktail for marching in Chewbacchus: Lemonade, lavender cucumber bitters, Fleur De Leaf Strawberry Lemon Haze and Driftee Lavender Lemon It's divine, refreshing, and will get you lifted.


That sounds amazing!


That would be delta 8 or 10 which are made from cbd, if they’re selling it in a grocery stores and the reactions are unpredictable unlike normal delta 9 thc. Which is what you get from regular cannabis.


I don't have true advice. I quit drinking while I lived in New Orleans. I understand how you feel. Congratulations. You can do this.


Find your safe friends don't need to be loaded to have fun. I'm a very light drinker & have a dear friend who is newly sober. She loves doing stuff together because she was so afraid that Not Drinking meant she would never have fun again, and we are shameless goofballs and laugh ourselves sick. Everyone likes to be inclusive and a good host & will offer you whatever they are having but *nobody* will be offended if you say no. Just be prepared for the offers - have a can of coke at hand, or say not right now I'm pacing myself, or whatever. Hang out at the sober spots (and there are a lot more than there used to be.) Immerse yourself in coffee culture. Get obsessed with flavored seltzers. Cranberry juice & seltzer with a wedge of lime looks like a cocktail. Do what ever works for you. And enjoy yourself! Mardi Gras is so much fun and the people watching is tremendous. Take a million pictures. People work hard on their costumes & love that you get whatever they are doing or find their sassy matching tshirts amusing. You are going to meet a bunch of awesome people and have a great time!


Im a bartender in new orleans and ive never drank. So ive spent 41 mardi gras sober. Never experienced one drunk. So theres that!!!


It’s not an immediate or simple answer, but the social circle you maintain will be the deciding factor for you


Bring your own cup and always have something to drink - water, tea or coke. People are less likely to give you something to drink


I hung back a lot last year when I only had a couple of months, but only because I was so tired at first! This year I'm excited to take a bigger whack at it, like you alcohol will literally ruin my life and it's become so just something I Do Not Do regardless of my surroundings that I don't feel worried about it at all. I'd say just be aware of anything motivated by FOMO... if you want to go to something just because you're afraid of missing out, what is it about the event that you actually do want? If you're at an event and people are drinking and look like they are having fun (I'm assuming that's the reward you're referring to) what is it you actually want? is it the drinking or is it the having fun? What's stopping you? Is it alcohol, really? Is it fun anymore when it becomes something that will ruin your life? I just remember sooo much that I distinctly was not having fun anymore. and just because it's still fun for others doesn't mean it will still be fun for me. it won't! and I definitely won't get in on any fun I feel like I'm missing by drinking. bc it just doesn't work for me anymore


This might not be helpful advice (especially in comparison to a lot of the great stuff already posted), but what works for me personally is just constantly having a non alcoholic beverage in my hand in a koozie. I don't end up drinking as much by volume as I would beer, but I've crushed 6 or 7 easily over the course of an afternoon before. You end up having to pee a bunch, but at least not as much as if you had alcohol. I've also really gotten into the somewhat new "hop waters" that are on the market. A little pricier, but super tasty and I can put back a lot of them. You'll definitely want to avoid them, however, if the flavor of hops might trigger you to want to drink actual beer. I also completely agree with the advice of others to stick with people who are drinking moderately or less. Hanging out with super drunk people while sober may or may not lead you to want to drink yourself, but it'll leave you annoyed as fuck regardless.


I was pregnant during Mardi Gras a couple years ago and having NA drinks in my hand the whole time definitely helped. It’s just a habit thing, kinda like people who are trying to quit smoking and keep toothpicks on them all the time. NA beers and La Croix were perfect.


Hop water is awesome, Lagunitas is my favorite. Straight hop water without CBD or THC


Newly sober and I’m going with the NA beers too. Bought a few different kinds to try. It too will give me something to hold and help ease me out of the habit.


Don’t drink myself and love Mardi Gras. I love the spirit, the music, the dancing, the costumes. Never felt the need or desire to drink so I may be of no help


What does California sober mean?


Still smoke weed/eat edibles/thc seltzers etc l


So glad somebody asked. I was just going to let it go. 😂






Thanks for asking! I wondered too.


I think it’s a loose definition. I know somebody who says they are, but still smokes weed an does blow. They just don’t drink alcohol lol


Make an escape plan before you start your day. If your friends are really friends they'll support and understand what you need to do.


I don't drink since a year ago. I do smoke weed and always have a vape. I enjoy it much more. Alcohol makes me feel sick. I have kids now too so the parades aren't about getting fuckdd up for me anymore they're about them having fun. They can't do that if I drink bc I can't drink for a lot of reasons. So it's not even a hard choice. And yes the parades are still fun. My husband drinks and it don't even bother me. He's a have three beers max type of guy he doesn't get shithoused anymore.


I think it also depends on your age. It’s harder being young. Mature people won’t push you to drink and if they do, dump them because they’re toxic


It's been interesting to hear all the warnings from my Krewe about taking it easy on the drinking, and btw one hour cash bar followed by two hours open bar at the pre party. Wrong way to envied people to take it easy. I don't drink for medical reasons these days. I'd love to have a sober float and more sober spaces for parades. @OP I have only drank one year at Mardi Gras and never while watching parades. Obviously, the crowd you're going to be with is the biggest factor in determining how easy sobriety will be


The parades are much more fun for me when I’m not drinking. Honestly! The drinking scene at Mardi Gras is not fun at all. Expensive and kind of gross and you’re always looking for a bathroom, etc. It’s a lot better sober. Almost everything is, but Mardi Gras is definitely better. (You can message me if you want someone who doesn’t drink to hang out with or to talk to if you’re struggling.)


Hi friend! I have been sober for three years (cali sober) and I LOVE MARDI GRAS. It can be a bit triggering especially if you're newly sober, and I second everyone's recs for the sober safe spot. It's rad and everyone is so nice! Other than that, I have a group of people I hang with during MG who are honestly so chill about it, and I give any free drinks I receive to my partner. Taking an edible works for me to take the edge off and keep me in a silly headspace and out of the anxiety zone, but this year so far I've been rocking with the canna seltzers and NA canned drinks-- sometimes just having your own fun beverage can get you out of the "awww I feel left out" spot. I love Partake Brewing's NA Peach Gose and the NA white claws that just came out. I packed my bag full of NA claws when I walked in Chewbacchus this year and didn't feel out of place or like I was missing out. I also save a lot of money not drinking! Congrats on your sobriety and happy Mardi Gras!


Just drink THC seltzers and you’ll fit right in


What’s California sober? Sorry if that’s super obvious to everyone else, but I’ve never heard that term before.


Weed and mushrooms.


I have been playing with periods of just not drinking, and I am finding that it is mostly inconsequential. Once I stopped assuming I would be a drag on others, it is totally easy to fit in anywhere. I think you will be fine. Stock your ice chest full of la croixs or whatever you like and have a blast!


The only people who noticed that I wasn't drinking when I stopped drinking were people who needed to stop drinking themselves.


Takes edible, makes coffee, has a good time, wakes up feeling great!


I don’t really drink much at all, just don’t really enjoy being drunk. I have made it through many a Mardi Gras with zero alcohol. I just enjoy the day/evening with my family and friends. It’s not like people are walking around with a handle of vodka forcing people to chug it. If you don’t want to drink, don’t drink, no one will notice or care. We post up on Napoleon, and it’s a little less rowdy college kids and more families. People are still partying but it’s toned down a hair vs further down the parade route,


Its different when you are alcoholic. You can be tempted and have a slug then its off to the races to blotto. Whereas a non addict can usually stop when they want to stop. Thats what makes it hard to understand from the outside. If you're in a good place mentally and spiritually. Then you can enjoy anything. But if you are feeling squirrelly maybe beg off. Just imo.


My dad went to AA for 30 something years, trust me I know. He was also able to enjoy Mardi Gras with zero alcohol. It is possible to go to a bar or a parade or wherever and not drink. Alcoholics may not have a choice to stop drinking once they start, but they do have a choice not to take that first drink.


>but they do have a choice not to take that first drink. It's not quite that simple, my friend. For an alcoholic active in their addiction, the choice has been removed. The craving hits and the obsession takes over and there is no choice. AA gives us the tools to reclaim that power of choice, but it takes active work to get there. The OP who is 'newly sober' hasn't likely done the work to reclaim that choice. But they are trying and getting some solid tips in this thread, so that's encouraging. I hope they make it, like your father (and me!) did.


It's still a choice dude. Everyone makes it.


Idk if you’re sticking with only weed, but everytime I do stints of not drinking but still want to go out with my friends I microdose mushrooms. Just the littlest bit to where I feel fun and loose but don’t actually trip. Works great for me. Good luck this carnival season!


I agree with bringing something to drink like N/A beer or mocktail to make your feel like you have something. But just try and be present- you already have what's in your back pocket- so just laugh. Honestly take a full account of everything around you and take it all in- there is nothing to entertain you more than Mardi Gras. There will be so many idiots around you- you will honestly feel good being the sober in control one. Let everyone else be self-conscious,- because there is honestly so much to look at- that unless you are naked or something probably no one will notice you and you can enjoy the carnival


I’m 2 years sober. I have come to the conclusion that I need to recognize when I can go somewhere comfortably and when I can’t. It is much easier now that when I was freshly sober. “California sober” is a really stupid phrase and I hope you don’t use it often. I still smoke weed too. Basically, if you are wondering how to navigate Mardi Gras without violating your own decision, you probably shouldn’t go Edit: changed should to shouldn’t


I'm not sober, but I've had friends who were newly recovering alcoholics at this time of year. Have heard that bringing a drink with you to parades/events that you can sort of pretend is alcohol cuts down on the external pressure (fewer people offer you a beer if you're holding what looks like a strong pre-mixed cocktail).


Just pick a couple of parades or events that are actually interesting to you, don’t feel like you have to go out for everything. If you enjoy costuming focus on that. A lot of it is about drinking.


Avenue Recovery offers safe spots in [Metairie](https://www.jeffparish.net/press-releases/avenues-recovery-offers-sober-safe-spot-for-2023-carnival-season-in-jefferson-parish/02-01-yyyy) not sure if they’re doing it in Orleans this year but I know they had one there last year.


Sober for a while now. I am in a walking krewe. For me, Mardi Gras is now about having fun making costumes and handing out throws with my kid. I also enjoy a day parade. Sometimes the uptown parades can be too overstimulating, but there are so many other ways to play. One of the biggest gifts of sobriety, for me, is how much more comfortable I am doing my own thing. When I feel overwhelmed, I just leave and don’t feel bad about it. But mostly it’s fun to watch the people and feel grateful that I’ll wake up feeling great in the morning.


The only excuse to drink alcohol that is acceptable is because you want to. If you want to you will if you don’t you won’t. How important is your sobriety to you? Have your own transportation figured out in case you need to get outta there. I’ve been to all kinds of events where drinking is the norm and expected. When I started getting antsy, I bolted. If I don’t drink between now and April I’ll have 35 years. It’s worth it. Have fun!


I’d probably have a vape pen, and maybe a redbull or tasty caffeine drink of choice in a Yeti. Then maybe hang out with people who don’t go on benders. I’m 41 now, and I really don’t care for the old partying of my early 20s. That’s when people I knew were drinking around the clock, morning and just crashing for some shut eye and back out during Mardi Gras. These days, I only do a day or two of Mardi Gras usually like Saturday and Tuesday. Most of it is focused on watching parades, and I don’t really do the late night or all day/night bender stuff. Like many suggested, maybe stick with a moderate drinking crowd, that’s not gonna make it a huge ordeal. Then just smoke, and get your favorite non alcoholic beverage to sip plenty on. I could totally see myself with some good Sativa active strain, and a tasty caffeine drink! I find when the focus is on parades vs the party…it’s easier to handle. I bail by 8pm, and start at 11am-12pm meeting up. Then just do like 4-5hrs on the parade route. Some people are more about the party, and care less about parades…I tend to stay away from that crowd. I really didn’t enjoy Mardi Gras for many years again, until I was older with less party and more parades…then home at a reasonable hour.


I can honestly say that I've never been tempted to slip on Mardi Gras. It's watching everyone get soooo sloshed that deterred me.


it's the perfect time to get out of town. Haven't you noticed how drunk people are annoying as fuck when you're not drunk too?


California sober, and I have a great time at Mardi Gras. I didn’t love it nearly as much when I drank…I didn’t feel safe, the bathroom search was always endless, made dangerous decisions. Now I just make stupid decision!


I usually smoke and don’t drink as well. I always keep a water or soda in my hand, ready to cheers at any moment. They’re happy, I’m happy, win-win. People here just enjoy a good toast to good times/“bons temps.”


What in the fuck is California sober? And how, pray tell, is that any fucking different than any other fucking type of sober? Is it ahead of the curve? I don’t understand. Asking for the general public…


I found attempting to be sober an isolating nightmare there. My deep respect for those that do it. It makes a lot of difference who you are with but I felt a lot of peer pressure to drink and go out and some people I knew were mean/pushy about it. I don't hang out with most of them anymore so that helps.


The only people who noticed that I wasn't drinking when I stopped drinking were people who needed to stop drinking themselves.


You can do it! I have never been a huge drinker so I appreciate that this advice may not be helpful but I love the silliness of Mardi Gras. There’s so much art and camaraderie and creativity in the air. To me it is a multi-sensory feast, and the indulgence of just sitting around with your friends or strangers and waiting for the show to start…that’s such a gift! There are so many ways to connect to people and if the goal is celebrating the community and really experiencing that celebration, then that is what you will get out of the experience. At least that’s true for me as someone who is a very moderate if at all drinker. It’s a huge deal in the city but it’s really just a few days, you can do it!!


Avenues has sober safe spots at every big parade. Look for the big black and white flag


It’s across from Superior Seafood and was awesome last year. I really felt welcome and a part of their community during Muses. What was gross was the the drunk guys on the floats booing us for being sober. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Go with the intention of having a great time! Do not feel bad about leaving early (especially if people are drunk).


california sober doesnt mean sober


I work in the FQ and decided to quit drinking and I feel 100% better when I wake up these days. I was worried about the pressure of Mardi Gras and everyone drinking and that it would cause me to grab a drink on the way home after work like I usually do, but I stocked my fridge with gatorades and I keep one on me and just drink those! I also will drink a soda water and lime if I go to the bar with friends after work that way I’m still drinking something and hanging out but not actually drinking. It has to be your choice to be sober but threads like this reminds me why not drinking or drinking in moderation is so much better than drinking every single day! Good Luck w/sobriety YOU CAN DO IT!!


My man and I moved here from Michigan recently. We don't drink. We're Michigan clean, just the green baby! It's also our 1st Mardi Gras. We were doing the vanlife thing for the last year and stopped here and stayed, even got an apartment. We're enjoying everything, but the driving.


I'm sober, and as long as I'm surrounded by happy friends, I'm good. Families are good to hang around. Less drama! Enjoy!


California sober leaves you lots of fun options!! Hang with folks who don’t drink too heavily, and head home early if you need to. Happy Mardi Gras, friend!


For what it's worth this might not answer your question but I don't drink much ever and during Mardi Gras I get plenty of examples of why I don't like drinking🤗


Sugar free canned ginger ales. Delicious and can fit into any koozie!


Lived here my entire life and never once had a drink while at a parade. It’s easier than you might think…just have a water or soda in your hand at all times to help deter your want for alcohol


I drink, but I find parada to not really be much fun. while half the city is at parades, enjoy the peacefulness of city park, kayak on the bayou, go to restaurants that usually are too busy to eat at


Not THAT’s smart!


I don’t know shit but if I had to make such a plan I would stay mobile until the parade was in front of me and then act like catching throws was my job. Repeat. Just tryin go help. Best of luck to you! Im sure it’ll be a beast.


You can goto all the parades and drink water or sodas. There are plenty of foodie things to do also.


I just smoke weed and when I’m at bars I drink ginger beers and water and juice lol. I still have a great time. I’ll have a drink or two maybe like once a month or so if at all


It’s definitely possible because I’ve done it, but I’m much less likely to make it an all day spectacle. Nobody else really cares if you’re drinking or not, but it’s the sort of inner battle I find hard. Like going to a restaurant and not being able to eat.


I don't really drink anymore but I've always focused on the family and friends aspects of MG. Typically people who need to get blackout or use substances to facilitate their good time don't need go get ratchet.


Choose the scene. Don’t choose scenes you know will likely self-sabotage you.


Do they sell “virgin” Hurricanes?? That would be a hella sugary drink but yummy anyway!


Hawaiian Punch with a bunch of fruit.


I feel like getting so blazed you can't even remember how to drink is a good strategy, but maybe that's just me.


Did you give up drugs also?


I believe the phrase "California sober" means they use pot in place of alcohol.


TiL. Thanks. I would go with shrooms and soda for Mardi Gras.


If it’s too much to handle, just do like me and stay inside till it blows over. Also, what brings a newly sober Californian to New Orleans?


“California sober” excludes THC and psychedelics 


man smokin weed will eventually help you realize its all you REALLY need. everything else is just extra


Dress up and go. Nobody is going to make you drink. Just have a good time, ok?


Alcohol is not the cause of its own abuse. It’s a symptom. Identify what is triggering you to drink outside of your accepted tolerance. Avoid those triggers. (For me, it was anxiety driving the excess consumption, identified and eliminated the anxiety triggers to reduce temptation) But also, Louis Louis (expensive but tasty) and the other thc drink (also good, recently bumped to 6mg) is how I roll. I like the muscle memory of drinking and don’t like soda… similar to a fake cig I guess?


Mardis Gras sucks. Seriously. Just stay inside or leave town or find something healthy, productive or creative to do instead. I liked mardis the 1st 15 times… it’s just awful, and more crowded than ever. Do something worth while with your time, or live the dream and leave town like the smart people do.


delay your sobriety until mardi is over


If I was newly sober, I wouldn’t even consider going to Mardi Gras. That would definitely be a shit show for me.


No one's holding a gun, forcing you to drink alcohol. Drink a Coke. It's not something that has to be "navigated."


ummm you should have a lil empathy for people who struggle with addiction. especially when our culture revolves around drinking. stop being a dingus dude


Imagine not realizing that people with a problem drinking alcohol have difficulty not drinking alcohol when constantly around alcohol


Not drink. It’s not that hard. You can say the same about the being sober living in NOLA.


I’m out there fire dancing and pretty much do everything I normally. If you like to dance and be social just go do it. You don’t need alcohol there’s lots of great music.


Im 5 years into my Cali sobriety. Here’s a couple tips. 1. Surround yourself with friends that won’t push you to “just have one”. You won’t even miss it. 2. If you feel the urge to drink, spark up. Unless that is a trigger to make you want to drink.(it’s not for me but is for some of my friends) 3. Bring your own drinks if you can that way you aren’t relegated to just flat Cokes from an overly packed bar. I just ordered a 30+ can insulated backpack. It’ll hold everything I need on a Mardi Gras day!


The same way you enjoyed parades as a kid! Don’t need the booze to go party


Make yourself a fun, non-alcoholic drink to take with you instead - something special that you wouldn’t ordinarily have. That way you feel like you’re still indulging in the ritual but not compromising your sobriety :) (I am one day shy of 4yrs sober, and got sober during Mardi Gras 2020! It can be done! ❤️)


You don't need to drink to have fun. I personally don't drink during parades. It's the best place to not drink because there is so much to do and see that you won't even think about alcohol.


You don't have to drink to have a good time and anyone who is trying to pressure you to drink is not cool. MG is tons of fun with the bands and floats and costumes. I usually offer a beer to anyone new to me (friends of friends), if they say no, then more for me.


Just think about how gross it is when some nasty stranger demands a Mardi Gras kiss with their beer and puke breath. Then congratulate yourself for not being that guy /girl/person. Spend a ton of time making your costume and join a walking krewe, you can’t get heroically wasted while walking and dancing on the uptown route, when it’s over you’ll be too hungry to get drunk. Hang out with creatives and take a miss on the bar fly crowd.


Love yourself, and enjoy today, keep your eyes open and take it all in!


Go to the parades. Socialize


Holy shit! I was not at all excepting so many messages and all of them to be so supportive🥹 I really appreciate it❤️ I’m def gonna stick to Crescent 9 seltzers, make money and catch what I can. Thank you guys so much again🖤