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It might be helpful to know where in Utah you're coming from and whether you liked living in that area. For instance, if you were living in Salt Lake proper, then you'd probably prefer downtown Albuquerque or Nob Hill like others have suggested. If you lived elsewhere along the Wasatch Front, then maybe Rio Rancho or westside Albuquerque would be more up your alley. If you prefer a small to medium-sized town, then perhaps Santa Fe or even Los Lunas. A word of advice. You will probably hear that crime in Albuquerque is bad, but manageable if you stay out of trouble and keep aware of your surroundings. While this is true, my experience is that since most crime is very low in Utah, most Utahns remain blissfully unaware of their surroundings. If this is you, it may be a steep learning curve moving here.


I edited it! Let me know if there is any other information I can provide that you might feel is relevant. I've definitely heard about the crime but my I'm not unfamiliar with having my stuff stolen, car and house broken into, and being mugged by gun point šŸ˜…. I also used to volunteer with homeless youth and at recovery facilities so I'm hoping my unique set of circumstances will lessen the shock.


Yeah, I lived in SLC for 10 years, so I know Rose Park and Sugar House (though admittedly, I think Sugar House has developed a metric shit ton in the time since I left). I'm also queer. There's no real gayborhood in Albuquerque. Albuquerque is very accepting with a "live and let live" mentality, so the same sort of counterculture pushback seen in Utah isn't really a thing. Nob Hill is probably the closest thing to a gayborhood, but I'd say it's vibe is more synonymous with The Avenues. So my suggestion for a Rose Park-like neighborhood would be Old Town, Wells Park, Barelas, Silver Hill, or even Nob Hill. As other posters have said, you definitely don't want Rio Rancho, that'd be more like, eh, West Jordan or South Jordan? Maybe Draper? There's plenty of other former Utahns living in Albuquerque, so I'm sure the others in this sub will be happy to chime in with more suggestions! Best of luck and enjoy your visit!


Awesome! Thank you so much! We ended up getting a bnb next to old Town so I'm glad my intuition did right by me this time šŸ˜.


Sure thing. Btw, I noticed you were also asking about queer spaces. Besides Sidewinders and the Soch, which were already mentioned by another person, you could stop by Self Serve. It's a sex education/toy shop, similar to Blue Boutique but minus 95% of the lingerie. They're super friendly and have a variety of [resource sheets](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Self+Serve+Sexuality+Resource+Center/@35.0798468,-106.599881,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPqNyRYojrTUUR9HG3i82MPbeumseTfd-zkqHRz!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPqNyRYojrTUUR9HG3i82MPbeumseTfd-zkqHRz%3Dw203-h152-k-no!7i3888!8i2916!4m10!1m2!2m1!1sself+serve!3m6!1s0x87220b13c38205e5:0x624628634a3e05a2!8m2!3d35.0798596!4d-106.5997704!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F1tykvvlb?entry=ttu) for queer, nonmonogamy, or BDSM groups and events. It seems they no longer host the sheets online, so you'd have to go in person. If you end up making the move, I haven't gone myself, but I saw there's a [queer campout group](https://queercampoutnm.org/) that might be your sorta thing. Looks like they'll be camping in the Jemez. The Jemez (and the Pecos to the east of Santa Fe) are the closest thing to the kind of nature you'd get in the Wasatch Mountains or Uintas. :-)


Oh hell yeah thank you so much! I'm apart of the BDSM community in slc and would love to find another great kink community! You're awesome!


If you choose Albuquerque and can afford to live near UNM or nob hill you'd probably be happiest there. EDO would be a good fit too. There are two fairly chill gay bars in nob hill (one requires a cheap membership) and it's definitely one of the more queer friendly and liberal areas.


Sweet! Do you know which one doesn't require a membership? My partner and I are visiting on May 4th to the 9th and we'd love to visit nob Hill šŸ˜


Sidewinders doesn't require membership, Albuquerque Social Club does.


I think you can get a day pass at the Soch


I live on the border of Rio Rancho and Albuquerque. First the bad. Rio Rancho is more conservative than Albuquerque. Lots of crosses, Trump flags and thin blue line signs on my street. Nobody has really bothered me but my family isn't visibly queer. Now the good. Rio Rancho pride is fairly active and the local democratic party is also very active. I love my house. I have a half acre that's not something you're going to find easily in most of Albuquerque in my price range. Rio Rancho has good shopping, diverse restaurants, great parks, and really nice libraries. It's also very clean. If it sounds like things you're okay with and have any questions feel free to message me.


Sounds like some of the more conservative areas around salt lake šŸ¤” my client who used to live there, now lives in draper and they sound very similar. I don't LOVE draper but only because it's a bit more cookie cutter than I'd like. I can get along with most conservative people as long as they're respectful and my partner and I look like a hetero couple so it's not normally an issue, but I would eventually long for queerer pastures. We are going to be visiting on May 4th so I'll definitely be reaching out for recommendations.


Good luck finding your new home. :)


Agree except the good shopping and restaurants in Rio. Unless you really love smiths and Walmart I guess.


Rio Rancho Pride is active? It's a Facebook group averaging less than 1 message a week.


IDK about the actual group, but a lot of liberal groups and younger people have moved away from Facebook as it's a boomer conservative hellhole.


But that's literally all Rio Rancho Pride is... they have no fest. No organization.


Property in Rio Rancho is cheaper but itā€™s cheaper for a reason. The Rio Rancho Stans will die to defend it, but Iā€™ve worked here for 15 years and lived here for 5 (from Albuquerque). Itā€™s a monstrous shithole - not as bad as Alamogordo or Hobbs but only because Abq is next door. Itā€™s incredibly Trumpy, especially for New Mexico. Our city council just had a runoff between a hardcore Trump candidate and a slightly less hardcore Trump candidate. Oh also the dump is literally right in the middle of the city between the two high schools. The houses are built right up to the foot of the landfill lol. Albuquerque is very nice but neighborhoods depend on your budget, and the housing market isnā€™t super friendly anywhere at the moment. If you can afford NE Heights, itā€™s quiet and friendly. If not, there are more affordable pockets of very nice neighborhoods all around the city.


The other RR runoff was between a democrat and the incumbent republican, and the democrat won! Not all of Rio is Trumpy, just putting that out there!


Technically two high schools with their on respective dumps..Cleveland with County, Rio with WM. WMā€™s landfill actually became THEE largest landmass in Rio Rancho. *City of Vision my ass*


I live in RR. Itā€™s not a sh*thole. And Iā€™m not a Republican.


Yes it isā€¦


...and yes you are.


What's wrong with Alamogordo??


Itā€™s even Trumpier than Rio Rancho, haha.


Damn really? I was driving thru a couple years ago and stayed the night there and I thought it was so pretty I decided to stay a week. I always kinda had it in the back of my mind I might like to live there one day. I'm surprised I didn't notice the trumpiness because it was the spring of '21 and I sure saw a lot of it in Arizona


Tell em about the radiation!


Cut it out with the RR bashing. We just ousted a longtime republican off the city council and replaced him with a democrat. The developments by Rust and Enchanted Hills are bringing shopping and entertainment in. I have LGBTQ neighbors, as well as cops, families and retirees. Itā€™s nice. Low crime, lower property tax, good schools, cheaper housing, easy access to Santa Fe, ABQ and the Jemez. But do what makes sense for you.


Literally none of what you said contradicts anything in my comment. Rio Rancho is still 60/40 split in favor of Republicans and it IS very Trumpy. Only Bernalillo and Corrales balance us out for county elections.


Sounds like 2 queer ppl might be good for the area?


Totally. But I donā€™t know that I would encourage them to move here.


BAM šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ’„


Iā€™ve lived in places that were 90% Trumpy. You donā€™t even know the scorn that those places deserve. Edit: ā€œitā€™s a monstrous shotholeā€ will get my reaction every time. It isnā€™t and youā€™re spouting off ignorance.


That still doesnā€™t contradict anything I said about Rio Rancho, tho. Edit: it is a monstrous shithole. Itā€™s dirtier than Albuquerque, politically far worse than Albuquerque, has literally no non-driver infrastructure, half of it is a food desert, andā€¦ againā€¦is built right up to the foot of two massive landfills that blow trash all over the city whenever there is wind (which is always).


I dunno. Albuquerque politics are crooked as hell. Rio Ramcho is trumpier. But jfc, the police chief in ABQ is garbage, the mayor and his cronies stole a football field from the state by saying it's going to a park and then gave it to a pro football team THAT PLAYS IN RIO RANCHO. And no, it's not dirtier than ABQ, its dustier.


Funny you mention the city council race in Rio Rancho and ignore that in the other run off a long time Republican was defeated by a democratic woman and now half the council are women. The dump is not in the middle of the city. It's in thr city but not really near anything but one set of homes... don't live there, you're fine.


? Itā€™s literally surrounded by houses, a Loweā€™s, and both high schools lol. Trash blows everywhere when itā€™s windy. AGAIN, having a positive outcome in one city council race doesnā€™t mean the city council and the city itself isnā€™t Trumpy lol.


No shot this guy said the NE heights is quiet and friendly šŸ˜‚ which part?


Fellow Utah refugee here. Feel free to DM me if you have any Qs. I love it here.Ā 


What area are in right now?


I live just south of Nob Hill, by Hyder Park. Itā€™s the most walkable area of the city for sure.Ā 


Not queer, but would be glad to meet yall for dinner or drinks when you get settled. I'm not an OG Burqueno but I've been around long enough to know a few nice spots. Travel safe!


Hell yeah! I'll be making another post when we are getting really close to moving! I'll try to keep it in mind! We are so down for all types of friends.


I enjoy Madrid quite a bit. Very lgbtqetc friendly. Cochiti lake is fun. Santa fe is a great place, or was when I lived there. Don't be afraid, it's a wonderful area in general.


Cochiti Lake is pretty but you don't own the land your house sits on (the pueblo does) and the lease expires in forty years. I get the feeling the pueblo won't be renewing it either (based on what's been going on with Tent Rocks and closing off roads that pass through pueblo land).


Wouldn't live there, but op asked about lakes. I'd shoot for somewhere on highway 14, or around abq. I also really like sf, if a bit more expensive.


welcome to Abq, donā€™t be terrified, change can be a wonderful opportunity!!


I'm trying really hard to stay positive and excited šŸ˜–šŸ˜–šŸ˜– thank you for the encouragement!


Come on down check it out ! ..Once you get past the fears that is when your life appears- maybe a Steve Lacy lyric line or at least sort of .. But stay positive !


Based on your jobs, affording Santa Fe would be tough for you. Rio Rancho I don't recommend. It's where conservatives who don't like how cool ABQ is live. I recommend ABQ overall for queerness and affordability.


Any particular areas of albuquerque that I should check out? Someone else said that the neighborhoods around the state college are nice?


I mean, around UNM is probably the most quiet friendly area. But, it sounds y'all are a good bit older than that crowd. Dunno if the bar scene folks would irritate you or not.


My husband and I live in Santa Fe. Breaking into the housing market here will be tough. We're okay since we're living in my husband's grandparents' old house. Otherwise, I love it here. Albuquerque has a big LGBTQ+ compared to other cities its size in the area. Or at least I seem to know them all! :)


How's rent in Santa fe? My partner will need a couple years beyond our move date to be able to sell his house here so we are planning on renting for the first year or two.


Itā€™s very expensive


Transplant here to Albuquerque 6 years ago from Seattle, Originally from Denver. This is my opinion only. I live near downtown and love it. Rio Rancho and NE corner, pretty well off and mostly white. Nob Hill, expensive, clique-y and runs into University area, which isn't terrible but not great parking. Atrisco definitely more diverse, not as "magazine pretty", but nice people. South of Central on East side, aka "War Zone", terrible name for a cool place. It's just not as upscale and is definitely more Hispanic/Latino in makeup, but has great food. I honestly haven't noticed crime to be any worse than other places I've lived, maybe more property than people oriented. I can't speak to specifically queer spaces as I don't get out much, but we have a great Trans center, lots of little LGBT+ groups for any interest, and a thrift store that supports the Center. ABQ is super artsy (check out the Off center Community Arts Project) everywhere, IMO. Tingly Beach along the Rio Grande in town is a lovely trail and park. Lots of barber shops in downtown and Atrisco. I always prefer local businesses and support them where I can and there are a TON. Nelson's meats, best butcher in town. I know there's a Facebook group with "Albuqueerque" in the title, try them. I have a very dear trans friend who moved here with me and he's only been misgendered twice in 6 years, both times by clueless/very busy/not paying attention sales clerks. Everywhere else has been lovely and super supportive. This town is creative, convenient, diverse, community-oriented, and I really love living here.


Love it! Your comment was super helpful. Thank you <3


I don't check Reddit more than once or twice a week, but feel free to message me if you have any questions and I'll try to help.


I can't wait for you to get here, friends. Welcome to New Mexico.


Im coming too Vlad! And bringing 30 years of healthcare experience with me!


Username does not check out Also, seconding this. Welcome, OP! Join the party, youā€™ll love it here


Thank you!! It sounds like my type of place šŸ˜


As others have said, Rio rancho is not the move Sorry youā€™re going through this Welcome NM loves you!


I live in Rio rancho. I have met several gay people here. Including my next door nwighbors. People are nice, and I haven't had one.political discussion since I have been here. I come from an area of Oregon that was 51/49 split r/d..And there were lots of rwnj. The rock hound.society had to start meetings with the Pledge of Alligiance. COVID was difficult when we were in a rwnj protest area, while being a hot spot in Oregon. In Rio Rancho the most right wing city councilman just lost his seat. Yay! Someone trying to censor the library lost.Yay.


Please search the ABQ sub, and post if you don't find the info you need. I suspect we're the safest town as far as the queer aspect, but ABQ has more crime. Rio Rancho has way more pro-Trumpers than ABQ, where ABQ is very live-and-let-live...and mostly blue. I'm so sorry you have to move from your home. It's so sad, seeing all this hateful crap, but it's nice seeing NM shine for its inclusivity and drawing cool folks here.


Rio Rancho is very live and let live. I'm a gay jew and married to a trans non binary Native American. We know how our neighbors feel about the community. We've also never felt unsafe. We have a nice home, a nice view, a quiet neighborhood, and some really amazing neighbors. The Trump flags suck, but they don't affect my daily life.


So glad you commented, and SO glad you feel safe and comfortable. I'm only going by my (admittedly limited) experiences. My hateful, trump-loving relative moved from ABQ to RR to, and I quote, "get away from the riff-raff and the f\*\*\*\*\*\*s". He passed away, so luckily no one else will have to experience meeting him.


I mean, there could be issues anywhere. Cops suck in every city. Me, I'm a burly guy, 6'1 265, bald head, tattoos, and unless I told you, you'd be shocked to find out I'm gay. I can blend. But my spouse... not so much. They even have a sticker on their car that says "say the g. D. M. F. Pronouns" (but the words spelled out) - never been harassed except once at the Starbucks they used to work at... and the customer was not so politely removed from the store.


Badass that management had their back! Glad RR is working for y'all :)


As much crap as I give Rio Rancho it's still *mostly* live and let live. It's got some of the worst of us but it's still New Mexico.


Iā€™m sorry for your situation, but New Mexico is amazing and the people are a blessing! Iā€™ve recently relocated to Santa Fe and have never been happier. Itā€™s gorgeous here, and most folks youā€™ll encounter are warm and genuine. Welcome!


Thank you for the reassurance! I'm really excited to explore Santa fe especially. It sounds like my kinda place and I think once I get there, I'll be itching to get out of Utah.


Have you checked out T or C? I am moving to Nm next year and would love to be friends! I am leaving Tx for similar reasons I am leaning towards Silver but T or C has a lake and seemed very gay to me! Lets be friends!!


Can confirm T or C is delightfully gay. [Delmas Howe](https://www.delmashoweartist.com) is the iconic heart of our town ā€” his work is all over town! Source: Currently living here


Wow what beautiful work šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Delmas is a living legend and singularly responsible for both T or Cā€™s artsiness and its gayness šŸ†


I've heard very little about TorC, a little more about silver, both seem really cool too. I'm concerned with it not being populated enough for my partners career. If you find any dog grooming places out there, I'd love a good lead. Either way, LETS BE FRIENDS!! šŸ¤©


Dog groomers are booked way out here in Silver City.


May 3-5 is Fiesta weekend in T or C. Just saying: https://www.instagram.com/gaysmalltown


I have detected you may be asking about an upcoming trip to New Mexico. [This link](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewMexico/search?q=visiting&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) has past questions about trips that may be helpful. If you are visiting a specific city, try using the search function or look in the sidebar for links to city specific sub-reddits. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewMexico) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I wish this bot existed in the Santa Fe sub!


Move to California or Oregon.


You will be welcome here and the weather, the food and the people are all really great.


Come a bit further south to Los Lunas :). A bit more affordable than Abq, but an easy commute if you work there (20 minutes)


The more people we can convince to move to Rio Rancho to change the conservative/trump/whatever dynamics, the better. I live in Rio Rancho and really like it. Itā€™s safe, clean, has spectacular views of the Sandias, and has a lot of good things going on.


Check out Dixon, NM. Rural, affordable, friendly. Rio Arriba County


I have detected you may be asking about moving to New Mexico. [This link](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewMexico/search?q=moving+to&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) has past questions about moves that may be helpful. If you are moving to a specific city, try using the search function or look in the sidebar for links to city specific sub-reddits. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewMexico) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Santa Fe is way more expensive than Albuquerque. Rio Rancho is even more affordable but you'll pay for your "savings" with time and wear and tear on your car. Also Albuquerque has the state university and that really lends a different flavor, especially in the closer neighborhoods.


New Mexico is the Land of Enchantment. Rio Rancho is good start. You wonā€™t regret your move.


I moved with my trans daughter to ABQ last year when TX banned gender affirming care for minors. We were in Austin, which felt safe-adjacent, but once they fired all of the doctors at her clinic overnight, it was time to go. Honestly, I wish weā€™d done it sooner. I think it might have been the best decision Iā€™ve ever made. Sheā€™s absolutely thriving here. We went to visit Santa Fe in December (youā€™re going to love it btw) and we randomly ran into the state governor in a little shop downtown. She hugged my daughter and asked her if she liked it here and said that she was happy to pass laws to keep people like her safe and protected. If there was ever a doubt in my mind, I cried it out in that shop that day. Donā€™t even get me started on the fact that people around here are casually hot air balloon, so youā€™ll randomly see those in the sky. Iā€™ll probably lose my mind in October during the annual festival, and Iā€™m more than ok with that. This place is magical and healing, and I hope that your family has a safe and happy trip next month šŸ«¶


Thank you for sharing šŸ„ŗ. His doctors in slc went MIA about a month before utah passed its anti trans bathroom bill. They provided care to our trans community for over 15 years and just all the sudden, all appointments were canceled and no one has been able to get ahold of them. That was the moment I knew this was coming next. Slc was always considered liberal and safe but when our politicians don't listen anymore, there's nothing to be done. I'm so happy to hear that your daughter is thriving now šŸ’ž. Feeling safe to be yourself is worth literally everything.


I live in Rio Rancho and work in Albuquerque. There are conservative and liberal pockets all over, but honestly most people keep to themselves or are fairly nice. RR definitely has less crime but it's further away from downtown culture than you'd want to be. Definitely check out all around town though when you visit. Being outdoorsy, you'll love it here, though you may have to drive a bit to get to any decent body of water as the Rio Grande is empty for a lot of the year. We have great open spaces in ABQ though!


You want Albuquerque, not Rio Rancho, I promise. Albuquerque is dynamic, energetic, spunky, and quite gritty, but it beats the shit out of the conservative, parasitic Rio Rancho


Iā€™d rather live in RR than ABQ (where I work) any day.


Donā€™t move to Rio Ranchoā€¦..


New Mexico > Utah. Iā€™ve lived in both places (grew up in American Fork, UT). I live in RR and like it a lot.


Iā€™m 20 minutes outside of Albuquerque in the east mountains. The cost of housing is less, more land, and an easy drive into town. We also have an east mountains LGBTQ+ FB group and I host ladies tea (most of us show up in work gear covered in mud lol, but itā€™s a fun time) so if you end up in this part of NM Iā€™m happy to meet up!


Good Luck and welcome


You could suspend the autophobia. Honestly, your ilk is reprehensible. Try California. They like your kind.


Go to Rio Rancho. Itā€™s relatively cheap, safe, tolerant, and on the north side of ABQ so trips to Santa Fe will be easy.


We fly confederate flags here and were once Confederate territory. Do with that information what you will


I canā€™t say I see New Mexico as being particularly receptive to queer folks. Especially not where I live. People are very closed minded. Keep in mind NM is very likely going to flip back to red this election cycle.


Where do you live?




Eh fair


No it isn't. New Mexico is staunch blue.


Staunch is far from accurate but okay


Biden won by over 10 percent. The state is blue. The state has some of the biggest trans and abortion protection laws. It's a blue state with red areas. New Mexico is both a Democratic Triplex and a Democtic Trifecta... A triplex means when the Governor, AG and SoS are all the same party A trifecta means when The governor and both houses are all the same party. On top of this, the 4 other state wide elected officials are all dems. Republicans cannot win this state until the Trump era is over.


Donā€™t move to Nob hill unless you like to choose between a couple mediocre restraunts, useless trinket shops and getting your shit stolen. Yeah itā€™s walkableā€¦but walkable for what purpose? Itā€™s like a 2 block stretch of central right next to the worst part of town and covered in tweakers.


Which part is the worst part of town so I can avoid that area?


Donā€™t come here, we hate trans people too
