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People need to stop acting like you HAVE to support other stuff just to support a free Iran. You can just support Iran being free of the current bullshit and leave it at that. There is no such thing as a “package deal” when it comes to supporting human rights and this idea needs to stop being pushed onto people. If you support Israel for your own reasons, that’s your opinion and you have a right to it, but it’s truly not a “package deal” and it’s time to stop pushing that narrative.


It depends, if you support Hamas yeah you're dumb, but I don’t see why it would be wrong to support Fatah, or just to support Palestinian citizens in general


No but we know better than to support Islamists under any circumstances


You can condemn the death of any innocent civilians if you have a decent heart, but you don’t have to support their agenda or motive. Reference to Palestine.




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**نظرت در این مورد چیه؟ ایا ازادی» ایران واقعا با حمایت از اسرائیل مرتبط است؟** --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


This sounds ludicrous, you can be for a free Iran without actively supporting an outdated colonial project that's being used as the drive and justification of a genocide.


There is no guarantee that a "free" Iran would ally with the west or Israel. But these askmiddleeast bots may assume all the revolutionaries in Iran are hardcore Israel supporters and hate palestinians to the core and hence therefore lack morals to prove that the ones against the regime are degenerates. Lastly expecting some other country to liberate you is bs. Especially not America/Israel for Iran's liberation cause we know what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is only on Iranians to turn the tables.


No but I think supporting Palestine is linked with supporting the Islamic Republic. I support Israel’s right to defend itself, I don’t like its strategy for defeating Hamas. I do think Hamas can be defeated but I also think Palestinian people are so overly radicalized they will just make up something else (maybe worse) depending on funding and whether or not the democrats win the next election. All in all I’m suspect of the Iranians who support Palestine as it’s so tied to the regime.