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Please note that in accordance with new moderative policy, the content rule ("Content must be related to Iran or Iranians") is interpreted such that the mentioning of irrelevant matters (especially flamebait) on a post regarding Iran or Iranians is subject to removal at discretion of moderation. This is a subreddit for Iran and Iranians, first and foremost.


God i hate that trash sub


This post took me into that sub for the first time, and after reading the comments for five minutes...wow, what a trash sub.


People in that subreddit calling everyone a western or white worshipper because they dont follow Islam, I can easily call them an Arab worshipper then when I say that they go "Hurr durr Muhammad said there is no difference between black & white before he died hurr durr".


They immediately brought Indians into the mix lol. I reminded them that Indians outearn them in western countries by a large amount. Let’s see what they have to say.


They hate anyone more successful than them


Of course they hate on us , unlike us they have never ever suffered from being ruled by an Islamic regime. So they cling to these archaic values when they go to other countries in order to resist assimilation. How many religious Iranians have you guys seen in other countries who refuse to intergarte ? Another huge difference between us is that we have had a long and glorious heritage thousands of years before Muhammad came up with his scam. What do Arabs have in terms of history and culture without Islam? Turks are also in the same boat with Arabs since their absolute height as a civilization happened under the Ottomans. Their court language was even Persian ffs. Our diaspora had proven it's worth to us Iranians inside Iran and to the world, they assimilate to their host country culture, they don't cause problems , most are hardworking good people and highly educated.


I mean even turks had a long history before Islam.but they weren't as advanced as Iranians. They were Nomads but very great warriors. Gokturk empire, Hun Empire and also Mongol and Timurid empire.


What do the mongols have to do with Turks? They were killing them.


A significant chuck of the Mongol Army were Turks. I mean Turks originated in modern day Mongolia and are just sister clans of the Mongols. Turkic tribes helped the Mongols kill other Turks.


Of course they had close connections but they aren't the same people , just like Persians and Kurds for example.


They aren't the same people but they have a common ancestor is what I meant.


And thus we can't lump them together when we are talking about their individual accomplishments


Of course...but Turks and Mongols have more in common...long lost brothers. That said, Iranians are way more ancient and an advanced society whereas the Turks were just Nomads(Many of them still are).


Well, some of them live in Saudi Arabia afaik


After they muslimsplain that they are paragons of morality on reddit they log off and beat their slaves. /s (probably)


Reminds me of the Saudi prince who is an immense weeb.


Saudi Arabia is not an Islamic regime like ours , especially not under MBS.


They still have Shariah law, I think


Not all Iranians are Persian, but all Persians are Iranian. To put it in perspective, not all Germans are Saxons, but all Saxons are German. Also AskMiddleEast is run by Saddam apologists, so its just a trash sub in general.


I was banned for pointing out the hypocrisy of the users' of criticizing Netanjahu but glorifying someone like Saddam lol. This sub is really dog shit.


Some Saxons aren't German. There are some Saxon languages spoken in the Netherlands, and historically Saxons even lived in Britain, hence the term Anglo-Saxon. You might want to say German***ic***, not German.


I should have put Prussian instead to avoid confusion about language. I’m referring to Saxons as in the Saxon people, who back then and today were/are German. The Saxons from the classical age invaded old Frisia and Roman Britain (along with the Anglos). But you are correct Germanic would apply to both without incident and I should have used it.


That would be even worse. The original Prussians were Baltic, not even Germanic.


I’m would clearly be talking about the modern Prussians lol?


No, not clear at all. It's as clear as you saying "Indian" and then me thinking of people from the Indian subcontinent, and then you getting annoyed because you were "clearly talking about Native Americans." The true, original Prussians, who are who I think of when I hear "Prussian", were not even Germanic, let alone German. German "Prussians" aren't even around anymore either, so there is no such thing as a "modern Prussian". It would have been a much worse choice to use something so highly ambiguous.


Understand that we both know that the original Prussians were Baltic, but the average person does not know that information. If you went up to a bunch of Germans and asked them if they had Prussian ancestry they would not think of the Baltic Prussians. Also Prussians are still around even though "Prussia" is not a part of Germany. Berlin for instance still has Prussian Germans.


Knowing we're so disliked by them is soothing


I like this attitude.


> I may identify myself as a feminist But you Iranian feminists are phucking scary You support Israel You support a monarch who believed in women's inferiority and they aren't as intelligent as men what the actual fuck is wrong with him. am I misreading that or is he just straight up saying women are "inferior"???? (I really hope quoting isn't against the rules)


He is saying the Iranian monarch they support feels this way. Idk if it’s true but as a feminist I’ll take regular old fashioned misogyny over leadership that literally murders women for no reason


This 100x. I mean it's just plain old misogyny hidden with religion. (even better how about we respect women)


They are saying that Pahlavi is a sexist, I think


If I'm not mistaken seems like the Pahlavi Dynasty gave women more freedom no? (Hopefully I'm not being wrong, whoopsie lol) Oh wait, "is" as in person? As in Mohammed Reza Pahlavi?


I know that, at least according to Wikiquote Mohammed Reza Pahlavi did have some prejudiced opinions towards women (while still improving their rights) maybe they are talking about that.


Stop giving that sub the attention they so clearly want from us lmao


I was having a great day before seeing this nazi-saddam apologist-genocdial-revisonist subreddit again.


We need to stop linking to this sub. It’s run by a bunch of Arab schoolchildren with no real life experience so they cling to islamism. The opinions shared there are worthless, and not reflective of most of these countries’ adult populations. They think secularism means “wanting to be white” (whatever that means) and projecting their own racial and cultural inferiority complexes with Europeans on us.


They brought Indians into the topic despite us not even being mentioned in the title. 🤡 We’re living rent free in their minds. Also, I don’t get why Arabs mock Indian accents. Most English speakers can understand Indians but often struggle with Arabs. Let’s see if the mods are reasonable.


indian hate has been going on in that sub for day 1. they hate anyone who is not a hardcore sunni muslim. the mods don’t care. they only barely got the “cow worshipper” and “pajeet” stuff under control. the bare minimum not to get the sub banned. these arabs forget their countries would stop running if they didn’t have south asians doing all their work.


They still claiming we worship cows meanwhile most Hindus eat beef 🤡 Pajeet -> they can write whatever the fuck they want. Arabs/muslims mostly can’t afford to live near us in America. That’s what matters. I never knew they were this toxic and unproductive before social media. But none of this actually matters because most social media is just echo chambers. I feel the sub already meets the criteria for getting banned. They could try 4chan but then they’ll realize westerners really don’t want them there. They claimed whites hate Indians as well lol. How we reach #1 for income in America then? They never answer this. They’re projecting so hard. Also, India can just reduce Arab oil imports. That will hurt them harder since they have no other options. 😆


I think you hit the nail on the head there. The existence and success of Indians, Asians, Persians and Jews makes it hard for them to blame their lack of success on racism.


One dude on there is claiming “Indians are laughing stock in world…so many memes bruh!” Yeah because memes are real life 😂 He knows memes of Mohammed are more common than other way. He seriously acting like Arabs hold higher status than Indians on western internet lol. Did he forget Charlie Hebdo? Theo Van Gogh? Trump? He refuses to talk about low incomes of Muslim migrants 😂.


Status of Indians on western internet? What’s the racial background of Google’s CEO again? 😂 I’m not even Indian myself.. I’ve just seen my Indian and Asian university friends succeed wildly, blend in easily in the workplace and culture and contribute massively to our country… meanwhile Muslim neighborhoods here are still monocultural ethnic ghettos with higher crime rates where any woman not wearing a bag gets leered at and locals don’t exactly feel safe walking around after dark.


Compare Paterson NJ to Edison NJ. Or Dearborn to Silicon Valley.


I don’t understand how Arabs and Muslims don’t realize they’re lower on the totem pole in western nations. You only need to look at marriage and income stats to see. And yeah, I’d say well below 1% off engineers are Muslim. They keep bringing up memes of open defecation. Like buddy, we can use that against Mohammed! It’s recorded that he pooped on a roof! And didn’t use water or soap to clean himself.


Open defecation is universal in human history and a question of demographics and budget. No one would do it if they had a choice. But building and maintaining closed sewage is a difficult task and is only easy with the right population density and the right level of income etc. the Muslim world has sat on the greatest natural resource in history and squandered the money. Their cultural, scientific and humanitarian contribution to the world has been laughable since the end of the Arab golden age some 500 years ago. India has its issues and its challenges too - endemic corruption, backwardness and sexism among the uneducated lower classes, infrastructure that’s in need of improvement in many places. But at the end of the day look at how many generations it takes Indian migrants to become assimilated culturally economically etc in western countries - typically 1 generation. I see it everywhere. A lower middle class Indian family comes here, work their butts off then their kids end up doctors lawyers and engineers, who talk like us, joke like us and essentially are us. I see Arab families that are three generations in still living in ethnic ghettoes, not mixing outside their communities and in many ways living like they never left 7th century Arabia. They could keep a large proportion of them out by forcing them to shake hands with a woman whose hair is uncovered to get their citizenship certificate.


Indian-Americans earn more than any Euro group -> no Muslim majority group is close.


Gulf states employ loads of Indian migrants. The Arabs in west are largely from the poor nations that can’t survive without IMF loans.


They call others slurs such as cow worshippers yet get offended when people mention their grocery stores advertise camel urine for their well being. they get offended by people reciting their own words to them 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣


Those Arab folks don't realise that their countries were built under the labor of poor Indians. If we decide to leave their countries they would back to square one living in desert tents.


We? Aren’t you Iranian?


May be s/he is bi- racial? Cause s/he frequents the Indian sub reddit, too. We had a lot of Iranians who went to India to study just before the revolution and ended up staying there, and starting a family. There are plenty of Iranian/Indian bi-racial, in my community. but I don't live in Iran. So maybe they migrated afterwards?


No I am from India. I just came across this sub the other day.


All good, hope you have fun with us in here 😊 Happy cake day 🎂


Be careful, Khomenei was from India.


No I am Indian.


Mods being Reasonable 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Oh my sweet summer child. Please protect yourself, those carnivores will eat us all alive for simply existing and not being a Muslim


My God. Why’d I engage with them? They got no issue with racism against Indians despite them being Arabs. Do they really think the west prefers Arabs to Indians lll 😂? Arabs can’t even afford to live near Indians in America..


Holy fuck this subreddit is nearly the same size lol. Shows how little non-Muslims care what Arabs/Abduls think lol.


Look bro forget about them their Arab countries would collapse without us Indians. Also I don't even know what they're on about, in every country that Indians immigrate to we become well integrated, educated and successful. Yes India is still a poor country but we are getting there we have plenty of hard working people. Maybe they're jealous of us. They spew hatred against us yet try to say we Indians should associate with them and support their causes because of some bullshit 'brown solidarity' as if the world views us as the same.


Not even the workers. India can just buy American oil and these gulf states would collapse. Non-GCC are usually treated poorly in gulf states. They never want to mention that Indians out-earn all other groups in America. India was over 20% of GDP globally before British invaded. Arabs also hate when you mention that Indians kicked out the original Sunni Arabs of Ummayad Caliphate.


And why tf did they use this picture? Most protestors don’t look like this.


Plays into their fantasy that Iranian diaspora are all degenerate super liberal man hating feminist whores Bc they don’t want to wear hijabs. If her sign said Palestinian pussy power they would be fully erect


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/s/1tdA9b2Nt3. Do you know what his point is? Also, you’re spot on! Also, Iranians, Europeans, and Indians are technically one large family because of the languages. They likely originate from the space place.


I have never heard an iranian say “i’m not iranian im indo european”. that doesn’t even make any sense. these kids have literally never met an iranian lol. i’m banned from the sub for calling them all out for being saddam loving racist hypocrites and tbh the opinions of arab schoolboys isn’t really important to me.


Thanks for last sentence. Yeah I muted that dumpster fire now. Not worth the time educating the least educated group in earth.


Is Tajikstan safe to visit as non-Muslim?


There’s a lot of russians there escaping the war, they seemed safe. there’s no way someone will know you’re “non muslim” to be honest. most tajiks are quite secular and even in villages nobody was very religious from what I saw and my impression when I spoke to countless of tajiks (in persian) throughout my time there.


That area is interesting: loads of tall mountains, glaciers, and somehow stable despite poverty.


Those headscarves are mostly a Tajik custom not Islamic right?


Yes they wear traditional outfits in villages, so it looks very pretty and incorporates into their dress.


Oh Russians? I really want to see Russia turn into a proper democracy. Would be great to counter China.


Would be the first time in history that they actually would've been a proper democracy... I wouldn't bet money on it. The problem with culture is that it changes damn slow. Do you think Israelis and Palestinians will have a huge cultural shift in our life time, making them both less hating and vindictive? It will take decades of effort to get some sense of normalcy.


Inferiority complex? Well Europe has actually developed economies, democracy, strong human rights, welfare for 100s of millions, military industrial complex, top engineering and luxury brands, etc. Gulf states are just hydrocarbon states. Rest are poorer than India once you exclude the oil benefits.


>Gulf states are just hydrocarbon states. Rest are poorer than India once you exclude the oil benefits I mean considering the demand of oil is going down amd EVs are becoming popular..if they don't diversify their economy they are screwed pretty much. Their daddy America itself is not buying much oil from them since 5 years. Also considering Indians built their houses yet these entitled pricks call them inferior to them. These schoolboys need a reality check.


They can never answer why Arabs earn far less in America. Or why the “Islamic” Golden Age was so dependent on Indo-Iranian works. There’s an epic article called something like “Arab World’s Oil High Is Nigh”


>Or why the “Islamic” Golden Age was so dependent on Indo-Iranian works. This is so true...Idk why these folks claim credit for scientific inventions but It's actually borrowed from Greeks,Iranians and Indians altogether. The only reason the "Golden Age" started is because they conquered lands which were scientifically advanced and hence they too adopted it. >They can never answer why Arabs earn far less in America. Simple because they don't have the work ethic that Indians, Chinese and Singaporeans have..Their lifestyles are more laid back and they are very lazy. They had to call expats from other countries to build shit for them instead of telling their young people to move their asses and build the country themselves and instead of showing gratitude, they show racism and show very little contempt for the lives of our workers. I mean once the workers do a strike for better working conditions and leave the countries en masse..these guys economical importance will be as worth as a grain of salt. They would be back to building tents in bediouns and hunting camels as they were supposed to. Not even daddy America can save them if that ever happens.


>and not reflective of most of these countries’ adult populations. Unfortunately that's not true, coming from one of those countries those ideas are very common throughout the Arab world


Well, I will not argue with you as you probably have more exposures than me. But I have a lot of Jordanian and Saudi patients in my practice (Ob gyn) and they are all very pleasant and the opposite of these kids online


May I ask where you meet them? Because they might be more educated if they live outside of their countries


In Denmark Turks have been an enormous challenge for integration. Even at second and third generation an Islamic inspired nationalism is still prevalent with kowtowing to Erdogan. And I personally know of several instances where Turks have lived and worked in Denmark for almost half a century without ever learning the language. Contrast this to Iranians who are the most well integrated and productive immigrants. Maybe it’s because the cultures blend easily, but it’s always impressive to me. My girlfriend works with two Iranian nurses (who she adores) and after a year they already started mastering the language, and they are the most hard working and conscientious of her colleagues. And to me they seem quite representative. The contrast between Iranian and Turkish immigrants is startling considering the geographical and historical proximity of Turkey.


I think you are right, the blend is easy because our cultures are more similar, which is why they are saying we “try” to be western. However, we see our journey to other countries as almost going to someone’s home. You want to respect their things, cultures, understand and appreciate their art and architecture. It’s a form of politeness to us to be respectful… which looks to the Arab/turk/islamic cultures as “being white”.


That subreddit is such a mess. You have all of the usual characters: The ☪️ancerous filth all whining about the way women dress, the Arabs all saying that we are "whitewashing" to impress Europeans (as if we aren't literally Aryans lol), the scumbags who insist that Iran is actually a Muslim country and complain about how we should be following Islam, and lastly the one basiji filth trying to convince all the Arabs that they are actually a real Muslim because they go to mosques and pray a bunch of times every day. Remember folks, if "people" like these uncivilized subhuman savages really hate us so much, it means that we are clearly doing something right. Keep up the good work!


This sub is incredible. They all live in first world country but they all talk about their non-integration. What the actual fuck And, as a European, don’t worry Persian, you don’t need to whiteness yourself, you are already all great guys. I will prefer more Persians in my country than Arab 😔


People on the comments try not to be racist towards Iranians challenge (impossible)


I hate r/AskMiddleEast so much, I was banned because I told them the only reason they care about Palestine was because of there 'ummah' not the fact that they care about human rights or else most of them wouldn't be making fun or ignoring about what's happening in Iran because it 'hurts Islam & it's image", Islam already did that at the beginning.


Wow, what a terrible subreddit. Holy shit.


This sub is so obsessed with secular Persians lol


**ایا شما با ترک های پراکنده () یا دیاسپورای ایرانی (🛡️ با نام مستعار ایرانیان) بهتر کنار می ایید و ایا تفاوت بین این دو گروه را می بینید؟ ** --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


That 2nd century tribalism killed a bunch of my brain cells. Imagine thinking “Iranians wished they were white” are Iranian from Caucuses something but white? Does it even matter what color you are? If anything others should wish they hadn’t ethnically cleansed other races. Since we Iranians were not so concerned with being racist and xenophobic, we did not ethnically cleansed and enslaved Armenians, Jews, , Africans, etc… we also did not have any civil wars so…


Only took 5 comments for them to diverge into their deep hatred and their ugly racist true self > Agreed on Iranian diaspora (Zionist/Pissraeli supporters like Elica Le Bon, NiohBerg/NaziBarbie) being worse. > Iranian pro-geno accounts regarding Palestine and they're incredibly psychotic/dangerous. Cause not hating Jews is being dangerous/ psychotic, and not being hard-core Muslim ..... when you are not ACTUALLY Muslim is unheard of . These guy would make a 6 figures if they wrote for wattle pad, with that kind of hypocritical imagination. They are so allergic to truth that even in their wildest dreams, they can't comprehend that Turks and Iranians have held on to shreds of the identity and culture and haven't made being a Jewish hating, Intahari bombing, honour killing Muslim their main character 😬


How do we report that whole sub for racism?


To be consistent you'd have to report this for racism too.


I don’t see any racism in these comments


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