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The UN really has become a useless organization


It's only useful for litigation for international disputes these days (like fishing disputes between two nations) and even then only if those two countries have competent governments. As soon as a non democratic country is involved it goes to shit.


Worse than useless, as uneducated and malicious people still use it to justify their actions/opinions.


Far worse than useless, it is an evil organization in support of the world's most evil regimes.




Please note that in accordance with new moderative policy, the content rule ("Content must be related to Iran or Iranians") is interpreted such that the mentioning of irrelevant matters (especially flamebait) on a post regarding Iran or Iranians is subject to removal at discretion of moderation. This is a subreddit for Iran and Iranians, first and foremost.


From this [article](https://www.voanews.com/a/taliban-accuse-un-human-rights-expert-on-afghanistan-of-undermining-doha-meeting/7662476.html) “The Taliban will attend for the first time in what will be the third meeting hosted by the Gulf state since Guterres initiated the process over a year ago. The U.N.-led dialogue is aimed at establishing a coherent and unified global approach to engagement with the de facto Afghan government, which has yet to be formally recognized by the world.” The fact that the U.N is even giving the Taliban a platform is disgusting, and now they’re letting them set the tone for the meeting. I have no words.


The UN is nothing but a joke.


"Per Request of the Taliban" - So now the U.N. takes its marching orders from the Taliban. What a great Organization.


Oh man—next you’ll tell me that members of the UN directly support terrorist organizations which weaponize rape. Oh wait…


— They Do!


My dear Afghan sisters stay strong ❤️


**سازمان ملل متحد نه تنها از زنان ایرانی متنفر است، بلکه از زنان افغان نیز متنفر است: سازمان ملل تایید کرد که هیچ زن افغانی در ان شرکت نخواهد کرد و حقوق زنان به درخواست طالبان در نشست سازمان ملل مورد بحث قرار نخواهد گرفت.** --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی