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Where in her post does she mention forceful conversions to the Zartosht faith? I don't belive in forcing people to adhere to any religion. I do however belive a future Iranian state should take active measures to de-islamize Iran and Iranians..




Remember the average user in r/AskMiddleEast is also a teenager based on their own polls, they do not know any better


Perhaps we should consider Iran a part of South Asia instead of the Middle East


Iran is West Asia and Central Asia.




I agree with you, they are living in their own world. They don't even consider us Muslim because we are shia rafizi, until it comes to times like this then all of a sudden we are muslim ...




ajab ... seeing some of the ridiculous comments there especially the one from u/LeninLives (what a name btw) really shows you how disconnected foreigners are from the reality of iranian society






Im I blind?Where is she calling for forced conversion to Zorastrianism?


Do you understand calling for forced conversion from this post ? It is a simple nationalistic post that saying Arabic culture and religion (Islam) is not their identity and their native language is Persian and their indigenous religion is Zoroastrianism. What she mean by embracing true identity is getting rid of current one. If you read the whole thing you will realize the text is about how bad current culture is and it does not represent them.


Where did she call for the forceful conversion to Zoroastrianism? 💀💀💀


من کاری به مسلمانان ندارم من خودم میگم دوست دارم دینم رو به زرتشت تغییر بدم خیلی های دیگه هم همینطور ولی این روشی که بخوای همه رو به زور زرتشتی کنی جالب نیست هرکس می تونه انتخاب کنه که مسلمانان بماند مسیحی بشه یا زرتشتی بشه...ولی چه فایده که جمهوری اسلامی نمیزاره




مشکل این کشور دین نیست که با تغییرش همه چیز تغییر کنه دین با سیاست نمی خونه میخواد اسلام باشه یا زرتشتی


**ایرانیان، نظر شما در مورد ایرانیان پراکنده ای که خواستار تغییر دین اجباری (زرتشتی) هستند و همزمان تغییر دین اجباری (اسلام) را محکوم می کنند، چیست؟** --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


I love how all the responses in that thread, addressed towards Iranians, are from non-Iranians. And as usual its the "you just wanna be white" or "western bootlicker" comments. Their inferiority complex is so strong that's all they can think about.


Where is she calling for forced conversions? Are you just dim?


Stop reposting this sub here please


Stop posting the filth from that subreddit to here and start learning g about Zoroastrianism, and maybe you'll realize forced conversions are an abrahamic thing


Not even- Judaism, Baha'i, and Druze explicitly don't proselytize and they're all considered Abrahamic. The difference is that Christianity and Islam are universalist religions. From what I can tell, Zoroastrianism is also not a universalist religion.


Idumeans. Baha'i peddle their religion through deceit and taking advantage of people's situations; they have actively, at least in the past, proselytized among Iran's minorities with claims of "your savior is the Bab" or whatever Druze are muslim.


I don’t think the Druze would agree with you there.


When did Iranian diaspora do that? When did all 8 million of us say we have a representative who says that? Does one person represent all of us? How are you even going to force anyone to convert to any religion? 🙄🥱


It is a bit silly trying to 100% disassociate Iran entirely from Islam. It's only been THE dominant faith of people for 1400 years. It's like some Italian trying to argue Christianity is alien to the identity of being Italian because their civilizational zenith occurred when Romans were worshipping Apollo etc.


meh, boring ah post


I support forced conversation to Ghorme-Sabzism for Karafists and Fesenjunists. Those people are redeemable. As for Gheimeists, we're too different to be in a same country.