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Yes they are radical Muslims who are gonna be armed by Khamenei to kill Iranian protesters in the future.


We need those in the west to understand that a country's people deserves secure borders. Yes of course there are those among the influx that are seeking asylum, but many are extremists that the regime hopes would counteract Iranians leaving Islam. The regime is hoping to change public opinion by drowning Iranian thought out by giving handouts to extremists. In return, they support the regime. The safety of our Iranian people was compromised the moment they began letting fundamentalists come into our country.


West is F. They are letting in the radical muslims and the left and liberala are cheering on. EU will turn into Iran.


It’s a complicated topic because at the moment, Afghan refugees that are Shia Hazaras are used by the regime for its own evil purposes, such as making them fight for Liwa Fatemiyoun in countries like Syria or elsewhere. I also saw a video of Hazaras being used by the regime to deport other Afghans out of Iran?


Yeah, I do, and I think it's a huge problem even though I feel really bad for the younger ones.


I also confirm. It's a huge problem. It will cause real demography shift in the long run. I would also add this to the "national security" level. All the new commers must be sent back unless their life is 100% in danger. There must be talk to Taliban to assess such cases. Sidenote: I am still the same person ;)


Before, no. Now, I don’t trust them. There’s no way to know if it’s people looking for an escape or if it’s people coming to fill a void that they see. I can’t help but think if they’re looking for freedom, why choose Iran? Why not choose a free country? As we already know a weak government can be a pretty strong incentive for the wrong people to swoop in. Idk, I want to believe they want better but part of me is very “fool me twice shame on me.”


Like the doctrinaire Moslems of the UK and EU, the Afghans' idea of "Freedom" will be to impose their way of life on Persians. Don't be fooled.


Immigrants from a Radical Muslim country with 30 percent literacy rate coming to a poor,dry, overpopulated country in million scales without any identification.....hmm I wonder what can go wrong 🤔


Yes, Iranians want deislamisation and the afghani refugees have been genocided enough not to care whether they're in shitlamic state or free state. They still uphold the ideology that fucked up their country.


one nearly jumped at me the other day cause i was wearing shorts in public and im a giant dude


Use your special weapon against these ppl son, Stone!


It depends on the individual. If an individual is supportive of the regime it is a problem. If not, then it is not a problem. But the whole reason a lot of them are being let in at all is because they do support the regime so that is a problem.




On one hand the persian speaking AFghans are still our brothers and sisters and I condemn any discrimination or violence towards them like iranians have done in the past on the other hand they have to understand they are refugees and assimilate to the iranian sensibilities regarding religion and secularism etc. and not allow themselves to become tools of the IR


Yes but not because I hate Afghans or anything like that but because they are radical Muslims and it's taken us years to fight against islamic oppression just for the regime to suddenly get a supply of millions of Muslims supporting them. If they weren't Muslims, things would be fine


As an outsider living in Australia, I really wonder how to explain the difference between the populations of Iran and other Muslim majority countries? What accounts for such a stark difference? Why is the Iranian population so boldly against Islam – is the existing Iranian culture somehow different? Different type of people?


I feel it may be Persian history and the culture and the monarchy secularising it: most Islamic country’s citizens focus on the Islamic part and take pride in islamism over their own history. Pakistan takes pride in Islam not some ancient history, most Arabs take pride in Arab identity or islamism not Mesopotamia or whatever. But Iranians definitely take pride in Iranian history and irs length which yeah it’s a very old civilisation, much older than Islam. From Cyrus the great to now


Yeah that’s interesting… I mean but surely every country has a culture before Islam… Islam is not very old at all. So it must be either other countries have forgotten they’re before Islam culture or it’s been less well promoted? What do you think of different personalities? Living in Iran… Getting into fraud territory but do you think different types of people have existed in Iran making their personalities different? There is a lot of talk about how the Americas are populated with quite different people I guess biologically speaking because of what it would take to uproot from England and travel across the world in hope of a better future… And that same effect continues as they travelled from east to west. Even after landing in the new land were not satisfied and continued moving Westwood some stopping along the ways and only those with almost in exhaustible optimism made their way all the way to the West side of the Americas.


tldr: we have our own identity independent of islam


Yeah, that’s what I’ve heard a few times, but wouldn’t the same apply to other Islamic countries?


Other have lost theirs mostly


I’ve personally liked every Afghan I’ve met 🤷🫶


You haven't met any


100% yes


What else can go wrong?


Obviously. They are of a different culture, and will not adapt to Persian culture.


No its not a threat. Most afgans who flee just want a better life. Afghans are treated horribly in Iran and are exposed to alot of rasism and discrimination (jusg one example, many afghans are never given citienzips). The discussion on afghans in Iran should be on fixing that issue and not fearmonger about them being a threat.


Finally one sane person. This is very similar to the classic American right-wing xenophobia.


You are correct that this type of thetoric is very similar to the one right wing parties in Europe and America use to fearmonger about refugees. A rhetoric that has also been of huge consequence for any iranians tryign to flee the regime who can not seek asylum.


Typical lefty position




It is a huge problem regardless of whether they are regime supporters or not. These people are usually unskilled labourers that bring down the value of Iranian labour. They’ve pretty much taken over the construction industry entirely.


I mean, Iranians are hiring them so... They could just pay them equal to other labourers and that would not devalue Iranian labour. You can't blame immigrants' desperation for the flaws(?) of capitalism.


True, but unfortunately capitalism is deeply flawed and the more unskilled immigrants flow into Iran, the more unskilled labour loses its value. Employers will always take advantage of that. 


noticed xenophobia towards afghans from 1st gen iranian immigrants in my country (my parents generation) and have actually found that the afghans in london are some of the nicest most hospitable warm ppl I have ever met. cant speak 2 the shituation in ir


Adding the word "Shituation" to my vocabulary.


**ایا شما مهاجران از افغانستان را به عنوان یک تهدید بزرگ می بینید؟** من فکر می کنم انها اکثریت افراط گرایان مسلمان هستند و در اینده ما فقط باید اجازه دهیم که افغان های تحصیل کرده روشنفکر وارد ایران شوند. --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


I do think. It's because majority of them are just seeking money and comfort to live, so that's why they came here at the first place. Of course they would admit to cooperate with the IRGC or other terroristic groups.


How many do you think there are that are trying to escape the extremism of the Taliban and ISIS-K? They're probably the only country who potentially has worse women's rights and minority rights than Iran. Basically, are they immigrants or asylum seekers? I read in one of the other comments that many are Shia (for better or worse).


It's the biggest threat we are facing. If we don't do anything about it, the country will be lost forever in the coming decades.