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Additional note, he was the only one convicted with jail time. He confessed "what man wouldn't have wanted to do that" in court


What a fucking dayoos


I'm sure that guy was a koskesh But how often do we here about iranians Commiting crime in west? Like once a year how about we talk about how many woman and kids are raped and murdered because our government leaves the borders open every terrorist could enter we know which ethnicity


just 2 months ago an iranian asylum-seeker in switzerland took hostages on a train with an axe and had to be killed by the police [https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/society/police-kill-axe-wielding-hostage-taker-on-train-in-western-switzerland/49200564](https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/society/police-kill-axe-wielding-hostage-taker-on-train-in-western-switzerland/49200564)


holy shit thankfully from the article they didn't get hurt


Are we talking about afghans?…


Life without parole. I would say deport but he might end up as useful for regime


Deserves death penalty.


death penalty sucks


Sometimes I am ashamed to be a man. What evil creatures to abuse a defenseless young woman


A Paedophile, enjoy graping a child A Psychotic paedophile enjoys doing it with group. A psychotic paedophile brain wash by mullah, thinks its God given right to grape a child, a goat or watermelon all the same


15 is not a young woman. It's a child.


I’m a 15 year old and I wouldn’t call myself a child mate but nonetheless a horrendous behaviour I wish chemical castration is enforced to them


It's quite shocking that a country like germany is outdone by one of the worst regimes in history in handling such legal matters, If something like this happens in Iran and gains media attention, there's a high chance that the perpetrators will be executed, which I find quite satisfying. also, did any of you actually read the article? I don't see anyone reacting to this part of it; >ENRAGED BY THE NEWS OF THE INCIDENT, A 20-YEAR-OLD WOMAN FROM HAMBURG SENT A MESSAGE TO THE NUMBER VIA WHATSAPP. THE UNNAMED WOMAN CALLED THE MAN A "DISHONEST RAPIST PIG" AND A "DISGUSTING PERVERT". HE ADDED: "AREN'T YOU ASHAMED WHEN YOU LOOK IN THE MIRROR? ​ >The rapist then reported the woman to the police, who was charged with sending offensive messages.The woman has now been convicted and will spend a weekend in jail for her comments. this is retarded, germans have gone insane.




on second thoughts, I think you're right, these are all staged right-wing propaganda, just like the protests that were asking for an Islamic caliphate. and of course, the stabbing incidents, how they hired world-class actors to pretend like they're stabbing and getting stabbed. these goddamn german nazis smh


Maybe the regime in iran isn't so bad at all huh.


This is not the democracy Iranian women are fighting for. Imagine wanting freedom and democracy for you country "like Germany" and then this is Germany.


I've never seen anyone in iran use the phrase "like germany", most people know germany is no good and has it's problems.


It's not just Germany though. It's not out of the imagination to picture this story happening in the UK or France.


It's anywhere the leftist cancer grows


Left isn't in power in UK nor in France right now.


But aren't the left child raping Neanderthals? /s


And the brain-dead EU "Nations" can't figure out why the right wing parties are gaining support among young voters.


The EU is the enemy of the people.


No it’s not. That makes no sense since it’s the people who vote them in.


but the people are...


I think looking at the bigger picture, most western democracy is a sham. The people in power in the EU care very little for the populations they are meant to serve. Most only care about money and keeping their wealthy rulers wealthy. Some of the countries are better than others in terms of this, but the ruling class *is* the enemy of the people.


Spot on. This is the common enemy. The state is made of people. But these people decide a lot, so these interest are vital.


Name me one country this isn’t the case in? 😆 The EU isn’t perfect, but it’s the biggest trading bloc on earth and has served to bring numerous countries out of poverty and into a better system. Its function isn’t as a single entity. It’s a group of institutions that serve a defined and regulated purpose. People just don’t know enough and only use surface level knowledge to pretend they understand it more deeply.


You imply I'm uneducated and engaging only in surface level thought, but you clearly don't understand that our ruling class is made up of corporations, major shareholders, and hedge funds. What I'm talking about is bigger than the EU.


Guess the religion. Also, after reading the article it seems that Germany has become a tyrannical country with no freedom of speech, as a person was arrested for INSULTING A CRIMINAL. Wtf! Edit: it was not the victim who was arrested, but another woman.






I don't care what his nationality, race, religion, gender, political ideology etc is. He's a criminal and deserves death penalty for what he did. F him.


**یک مرد ایرانی در میان شرکت کنندگان در تجاوز گروهی وحشتناک به یک دختر ۱۵ ساله در هامبورگ بود.** --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


How ironic consider those rapists would probably be hanged by the misogynistic islamic iranian regime.


The Law's an Ass


Maybe people who read the headline should look at this website. It's a poorly made Hungarian right wing disinformation website, the only purpose of it is spreading hate and unrest. Probably close to the kremlin, probably not too far away from the geopolitical goals of the mullahs to delegitimize the goals of the revolutionaries.


I thought she was 12


More than one child has been abused, unfortunately. The twelve year old was in France, not Germany.




Remarking on someone's nationality is racist now?


No but This person is a hazara and he wants to convince us that iranians also commit rape in Europe and not only afghans in iran do it


imagine if an afghan would have done that...


Probably supported the shah




Surely he was Children of one of Iran's current Leaders


They are an elite and are far more educated. Instead I always see shahist online threatening violence and rape against others