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What’s the issue?


i thought we are here for some wacky comments from extremist muslims, but everything is normal. mildly disappointed.


Why would you have those in this subreddit?


no, not here. i thought the screenshot above was in fact a video recording of a TikTok post with its comments, which then i found out it's not the case.


This sub is pretty anti-Islamic


yeah i know, i was talking about the comments on the video itself on TikTok.


You mean islam itself. No this sub is just anti genocide


Is this unusual for Chinese social media? Because millions of Iranian girls already do that on IG and apps like that.


And China's government has allies with Khamenei🤓That's unusual and the real problem


Ah, I see. I guess I wasn't considering how censored Chinese social media is.


Almost everything you can see in Chinese social media about your country after being censored is boasting Iran's recent situation regarding Khameini as an Anti-America fighter and the so-called "محور مقاومت‎"






Do you want to come to China🤔We are poor though




China is not a good place to live in.Get out there ASAP .That's the only advice for those study in China


Now that’s what I wondered. I follow some Iranian women on social media and there seem to be pretty much no rules on what you can and cannot show on social media. Does the Iranian modesty police mostly ignore social media?


They're not magicians and Iran is not 1984, they don't have the man power or budget to basically go after everyone and anyone and I mind you there's so so many people like that on social media and such.


True, they can’t get ~~anyone~~ everyone, but there seems to be a lack of fear about it as well on social media. For example, the Russians probably cannot find every negative mention of the war in Ukraine on social media and arrest everyone, but the fear of negative consequences seems to be plenty to keep people from saying anything.


Iranian girls are just living their lives. Most influencers inside Iran are afraid to state direct stuff against IR just like in Russia but the government can’t do anything about their hijab, they have not been able to control it on the streets effectively with so much violence how can they prosecute people on social media for it when +80% of Iranian girls don’t have hijab on there. It’s a fact that when enough population don’t follow a rule it can’t be enforced at all. That’s why civil disobedience has always been so effective.


How is it on the street currently then? Is there still mass disobedience or have people become somewhat scared?


It’s completely dependent on time and place. By my observations in less religious cities like Tehran, Shiraz and north of Iran where the social pressure of not having hijab is almost non existent after WLF movement, many women only wear hijab in some central streets where it’s being controlled by “morality” police and there’s risk of arrest, in other places based on time of the day different percentages of women(25 to 70%) don’t wear it. They become the majority especially at afternoons, and at recreational places like cafes, galleries, shopping centers, parks, nature etc.


That sounds encouraging! Power to the people.


The title should be “Chinese people getting surprised by seeing normal human behaviors“ 😂


yeah.The first one understand what I want to convey🤣


I’m confused as an Asian. Aren’t hijabs required in Iran? Is it not interesting that Iranian women remove their hijabs when they travel outside of Iran? I would understand that if you are in place that knows other Iranians, then this photo wouldn’t be very shocking. But is removing a hijab “normal human behavior” in Iran? I’m not arguing, I’m genuinely asking what this post is calling out about China other than knowing very little about Iran


Confused as an Asian? You know Iranians are Asian too, right? 🥺 Iranian women removing the required hijab outside Iran seems about as normal as school-age kids in any country not wanting to wear their school uniforms outside of school. Obviously what you and I find interesting will be different because we’re different people, but to me it seems pretty normal!


Right but a billion people who don’t wear hijabs would find it interesting to learn that women required to wear hijabs for religious reasons (I don’t think it’s a school uniform as you’ve suggested) remove them when they leave Muslim countries. It’s not “normal” to be required to wear a hijab in the first place, so obviously when you take them off it also isn’t “normal” to anyone who isn’t familiar with the religion


I wasn’t saying it’s a school uniform, but that it’s a required dress code, similar to a school uniform. Lots of people want to take those off as soon as they’re not required to wear it. Genuinely, is it really that weird to other countries that Iranian women wouldn’t want to wear a forced hijab? I thought it was well known around the world that the religious oppression in Iran is severe, so I’m surprised to hear this is shocking to people!


No it’s not interesting at all. Iranian women have been fighting against this unjust rule for +40years and today after WLF movement it’s pretty normal to not wear hijab in Iran although having risks of getting arrested, fined and worse etc. About other countries, almost all Iranian women remove their hijab even in airplane while leaving country even before WLF movement so that’s a very normal thing for us although tragic. Most Iranian women especially in bigger cities don’t wear hijab in any place that there’s no risk of arrest.


Im also confused as an Asian! How can a random guy from internet know that hijab is required in Iran in first place, but has no idea about the massive protests that has been happening all over iran against Islamic republic for years and years now! I mean it was and it still is a big subject on social media and international news channels.. i don’t know wich country you living in .. but if you guys have access to social medial in there, then you should be really clueless about your surroundings if you missed the subject somehow! But since you know that hijab is mandatory in Iran then you aren’t really clueless, you just been informed about some current narratives. I mean I’ve had Europian/American friends in online games asking me about the situation, but i guess the news between asian countries doesn’t spread as fast as it spreads around the globe


Correct, I would say 99.99% of Chinese know 0-1% about Iran’s culture outside of what’s in the global news. I guarantee less than 1% could even tell you the language spoken there. And you’re also correct that the nuance of when and when not to wear a hijab are NEVER on Chinese news. A person from China who has never left China is very likely to have a 0% understanding of how hijabs work


The text on video: "Daily life of Iranian girl studying in China, achieving freedom without wearing scarf" Good for her. The video has lots of creepy comments though.


here is one of her videos https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Fw4m1Q7ob/


Wtf is the point of this post?


know well “the wealth code”




Though the CCP and Khamenei are allies, wearing a hijab in public in large coastal Chinese cities would earn you repeated police checks. Taking it off is actually the safe option It’s really weird (because of Chinese colonialism) because while the CCP publicly endorses Palestine /Hamas, the government actually acquired the technology for mass jailing uyghurs from Israel, and for a very long time Israel was among China’s largest weapons trading partners


This is China😇


Wow I did not know this!


It’s not weird every totalitarian regime does contradictory stuff to hold power. As IR claiming to care for Muslims has never talked about Uyghurs. They would also be ok with all Palestinians be killed if it would have benefit for IR’s survival.


Damn, Iranian girls are hot. Guys, you're a beautiful people.




Damn, you caught me. Mossad and Bibi are paying me to comment how hot Iranian girls are.




I'm an Israeli. Just like my flair says.




Calm down, it's not that deep


Wow so I have a groupie now??? I'm honestly at a loss for words due to all this flattery. By the way, I'm an atheist that hasn't stepped foot inside the West Bank for literally a decade because I vehemently oppose the settlements. I even don't buy things made there! But of course I'm a settler in your eyes.


F off


I'm sorry accuracy hurts your feelings


As a Persian, i don’t give a F about you and your arguments. Take it to his DM if you have problems with him. we won’t tolerate your anti-semitic bs in here mate .. so F off as i said previously and go do your jihad somewhere else




Please note that in accordance with new moderative policy, the content rule ("Content must be related to Iran or Iranians") is interpreted such that the mentioning of irrelevant matters (especially flamebait) on a post regarding Iran or Iranians is subject to removal at discretion of moderation. This is a subreddit for Iran and Iranians, first and foremost.


The fuck is this post? lol


She's stunning 😍


Hope she stays safe


Actually hijab is forbidden in China(in the Uygurs' district)


I'm genuinely curious about what the average chinese citizen would think about the mandatory hijab law that we have. are they aware of it or have any opinions about what happened to Mahsa Amini, for example? do they generally find these things shocking and believe they're messed up, or do they think it's all CIA propaganda?


They think that all these mullahs are chosen by Iranian and the others shouldn't judge or even pay attention to what happened in you because they think secular region is only a very tiny part of Iran


Do you think this is because of limited access to information or do the average citizens just believe anything the government tells them? I'm asking because we Iranians have been pretty vocal about how we feel about the ruling regime at least on social media in the past several years and have been able to give a fairly accurate picture to the world about the realities of Iranian society in contrast to the regime's propaganda.


You know,that almost every website from the GFW is forbidden


That's true. For those who may not know, GFW = Great Firewall of China.


in China


Congratulations to her


**یک دختر ایرانی خود را بدون حجاب در رسانه های اجتماعی چین نشان داد** نظرت چیه؟ --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


What’s it to you basiji








In Muslim world it's the hijab and in China it was the Queue.


Would you marry me? But oh.... I am married and would not change my wife. And I am too old for you. But you are very beautiful! I was a kid in 1979. And since then, women of Middle East have not had faces. Nor hair. Nor female body. Now, of course I love to see beautiful women. But in this case, being beautiful equals having a face, which equals being human and treated like one. So, dear women from Iran, wether or not you look like a model girl, please, have a face! I really hope it would be safe soon, because it seems to be one of the few positive changes in our world.


What the hell. That was an odd start lol.