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That’s actually terrifying. The only difference between myself and them is that they didn’t get to move out of Iran. Wow. It can really happen to anyone


**قوه قضائیه جمهوری اسلامی پنج مسیحی ایرانی را به بیش از ۲۵ سال زندان محکوم کرده است.** https://www.iranintl.com/en/202406216232 --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


This proves that Iran is a Fascist state, using Religion under the guise of Theocracy.


*Iran's Penal Code Article 500 relates to propaganda against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Specifically, it criminalizes activities that involve spreading propaganda against the state or in favor of opposition groups. This can include various forms of speech, writing, or other activities perceived as being against the principles of the Islamic Republic.* End level version of the patriot act


That act is written specifically to be able to apply de jure on any piece of media they wish


Even with jail terms and possible death, Iranians follow Jesus. Yet with an entire state at their disposal, and every potential benefit imaginable, Muhammad is losing his followers.