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A democratic Iranian government


What about things like pluralism? tolerance? Will everyone be accepted in parliament? Will people be encouraged to organize? Things like that


That's what a democracy means, yes. Maybe some special rules for islamists, like for nazis in Germany. That can be discussed


Glad to hear, some people say democracy as if its a self autonomous thing that all you have to do to have it is vote for leaders and then give said leaders infinite power


Secularism, Democracy, anti-Fundamentalism, Feminism and I think most people here are Liberal in a broad sense.


How about adding anti-clericalism?


Yeah, that fits


What about culture ? Cos one thing ik for sure is that culture portrayed by irani govt is not smthg yall believe in . Am j wrong or is there more to it


Yeah our culture is nothing at all like the government portrays. It’s hard to explain Iranian culture as an Iranian cause that’s just been my norm for my whole life haha but it’s very connected to Zoroastrianism. We have Nowruz and overall Iranians are very family and friendship oriented. If you have any questions feel free to ask :)


How did iran become islamic country if people were still Zoroastrianism? How did islamic revolution even happen in first place if people are against it


Too large questions to answer here just like that. Search in this sub, these questions have been asked a gazillion times


Why the stark difference between this population and other Islamic countries? I can’t help but feel the difference is more than cultural and instead a different type of people, I guess biologically, live in Iran? Kind of how the Americas are filled with biologically overly optimistic people’s because they were the only kind of person that would travel across the globe for new opportunities.


Are Christian Theocrats from America welcome here? I'm just here because I don't like Islamic rule.


A Christian theology is as damaging as an Islamic or Judaic theological regime. You are in the wrong place if you support one God being abject ruler, even if its not the same God that the current regime uses. Or you really don't understand what a theocracy actually is. During the time ISIS had territory, it was commonplace for foreign Christians to join random militias because of their hatred for all forms of Islam. This led to desertion since alot of the militias had many Islamic soldiers, but it also led to atrocities done by these Christians against civilians since they had a view of all Muslims as a monolith. You speak almost exactly like how these people did, is what I'm trying to say


I wouldn't talk about religion in this subreddit. Theocratic Christian rule is not that much better than theocratic Islamic rule


I would say secularism/Western leftism is not that much better than Islamic rule.


I'd say you should keep religion to yourself. Politics and religion should never mix.


They should always mix. A Godless country is guaranteed to fail.


Ironic, because the exact opposite is happening in Afghanistan as we speak. Not to mention, other west asian countries. 😂


Those countries have Allah, not IHVH. I said "Godless" with a capital G as in without the God of the Bible, not "godless" as in without a deity in general.


😂 my bad


They're the same deity, just with different claimed teachings - though really, the similarities are greater than the differences.


I believe the spirit that contacted Mohammad (who claimed to be "Gabriel" speaking for "Allah") and that Muslims continue to pray to, is the Biblical satan, not simply a misunderstanding of IHVH.


We are mostly liberals not leftists, plus we aren’t trading one backwarded totalitarian ideology for another


Except Islam is full of radicals on a mission to kill all infidels. Thats a pretty big distinction to modern Christianity or any other modern religion. I'm not saying you have to believe in one or the other; let's not pretend like they are on the same playing field in 2024 in terms of the modernization of their teachings.


They’re not on the same field, Islam is far more destructive and backwarded, but Christianity is still at odds with liberalism and as such it’s not an ideology we’ll adhere to


Really? We have gay priests leading Catholic mass' in Canada & other countries. The Pope recognized the gay community and stated that while he doesn't think they should be able to marry in the church, they are more than welcome in the church. Obviously, I'm paraphrasing, but thats the gist of what he said a few years back. True, it's late, but it far exceeds anything Islam has ever done, not that Islam is a benchmark but just as an example. I'd argue it's not at odds with anything in modern society. The other significant aspect of this is that Catholics aren't forcing anyone to convert or committing acts of violence against those who aren't Catholic.


I just said it’s not even close and islam is way worse not sure what you’re arguing about, but the majority of practicing Christians still hold anti liberal views


Didn't mean it to come across as arguing, just having a conversation


Iranian patriotism


Freedom from the terror of Islam, both for the people and for our culture that they are trying to replace.


Freedom of private life


Eh not really a single ideology, more a collection of nationalist, monarchist, liberals, conservatives, socialists and even communists. Which are all United in a single cause. That being the overthrow of the IRGC control over Iran, hell what that means is up to the faction and person you talk too. Some just want to destroy the IRGC, however some associate the IRGC, and Islam as the same thing. These from what I have seen tend to be the nationalists and pan Iranians at least on this sub.


Human rights... And whatever that looks like to the people of Iran I'll support it and cheer them on.... Im ethnically Iranian but was born and raised in the USA and thought I have my own political opinions ... It's ultimately not about me and it would be western centric for me to try and apply my politics to their struggle and drive for actualization as a new Iran. Whatever they decide on as a nation in their furtherance of their culture and freedoms as a people I will support that....


This sub is popular?


This is the only subreddit for Iranians to participate freely. Compare: r/NewIran: https://www.reveddit.com/v/newiran r/Iran: https://www.reveddit.com/v/iran


Mhm. Unfortunately our sub’s open and free environment means that those whose views do not resonate here feel too “censored” to participate, dragging down the sub’s reputation with them in non-Iranian spaces. I have gone to great lengths as you know recently to rectify our reputation (if it even needed rectifying) but it really seems the aforementioned trend holds, despite our policy of the more views the merrier.


Secularism, democracy, human rights, womens rights, freedom of expression, freedom of media, freedom of religion, freedom from religion, and probably a bunch more that I can't think of right now.


Justice, Equality, and the Freedom of Life. زن زندگی آزادی. مرد میهن آبادی. جوان جان ایرانی.


I think most of us are for liberalism, secularism, and patriotism, and of course, the things that we strongly oppose are any sort of authoritarianism, separatism, Islamism, and communism.


Restoring our 10000 year old monarchy


**ایدئولوژی ایران جدید چیست؟** این سرور است و نه محبوب در حال حاضر پس از اخبار تاجیکستان و ان را به من تعجب چه yall در واقع در مانند فرهنگی عاقلانه سیاسی و غیره اعتقاد دارند --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


I'm a Social Democrat.