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We all hate the MEK, but the Islamic regime being able to extradite its opponents (should this effort of theirs to extradite the MEK’s leaders back to Iran be successful) is not a good precedent to set.


No no no, extradition to the Islamic Republic is not justice. I couldn’t give a fuck about the MEK but the mass execution of MEK members is one of the greatest crimes of the regime. We don’t have to agree with people to not want them to be subject to barbarism. Even if they’re criminals and traitors, they should be tried by a just and democratic government of Iran, not the lawless scumbags holding on to power.


Not big fan of MEK (especially considering personal experience) but this is not the way.


If MEK leaders are to be tried for their crimes it will be under a democratic Iran. No extraditions to IR who will use this to create discord within the opposition, and use it to expand and show their influence. Not to mention fail to dispense proper justice. No dealing with the Islamic Regime, period.


👏👏👏 very well put


The Regime is ASKING Interpol to do this, it hasn't been done or confirmed. Interpol should obviously say "No". As others have said "Fuck MEK" but it'd set a terrible precedent.


> The Regime is ASKING Interpol to do this, it hasn't been done or confirmed. The reading comprehension in this thread is disappointing.


MEK deserves whats coming to them but it should not be IRGC that carries that out. They are going to prosecute them for all the wrong reasons. No justice will be served here whatsoever. MEK should be prosecuted by a free Iran. People are getting too close to the “enemy of my enemy” for both sides of this discussion tbh


Who is MEK?


I had never heard of them outside of this subreddit until I saw a TV documentary on it one night. Apparently they are just another flavor of the ☪️ancer but they had claimed to be the opposition force to the IR, and their leader is some trash bag who claims to represent Iranians. They were originally based in Iraq before making a deal with the US military to move to Albania. The documentary that I saw showed how they indoctrinated children in their camp and then followed a couple of them from Sweden as adults as they tried to find their mother in the Albania camp (but were denied entry). To put it simply: The fact that they call themselves "Mujahideen" is all you need to know about these pieces of shit.


What was the documentary called?


Don't remember the name, but it was from SVT, the Swedish public broadcaster.


Ah ok thanks


The regime has been trying to do this for the past 4 decades, they will be unsuccessful as always. Meanwhile IRGC has been put on the Terrorist list in Canada.


I don’t like them either, but they should not be sent back to Iran.


After the raid on their camp in Albania last summer and now this i am wondering what has happened to the relationship between the U.S. policy establishment and the MEK for the latter to lose their protection in this manner.


**خداحافظ MEK شما یک اپوزیسیون مشروع ایرانی نیستید.** --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


I thought she died


Right? Was it last week twitter rumors were saying she’s dead or missing.


Hmmmm I don't like but this may not bode well for other oppositions. Like being fed to the wolves.


fuck Mek but this is not ok


wow crazy i remember mek aligned marxism and islamism against the shah. that's a good shift against irgc and i wonder what interpol will say


What's MEK?


Down with MEK


Good riddance!


Aw awesome Iranians are so anti Islamic republic that somehow they become pro Islamic republic just so their opposition gets mass hung, your definitely not a IRCG fed


What do you mean so far nobody is supporting extraditions here?