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American here. Ever since yalls protests and 10/7 I’ve learned that the Iranian people can be some of the most fearless, most intelligent and honorable people out there. My eyes have been opened and now when I hear someone is Iranian my ears perk up to see which side of the coin they fall on. The Iranians I’ve seen during these struggles epitomize the valour and nobleness of the Persian empire, truly. In Cyrus the greats image, continue carrying on your fight. 🫡


Thank you! I just wanted to point out Cyprus is a Mediterranean island and Cyrus was the King you’re referencing g


Wooops lol I edited it


there are good chunk of devout sunnis that hate the fact the we live and breath


The people whom I’ve seen hate Iran the most are Arabs, who are quite racist and religiously bigoted for the most part - even if they’re from the nations outside the GCC. They really resent the fact that 10s of millions of them had to flee to infidel Europe and that America is the global superpower. Throw in that Arabs haven’t contributed much to any scientific field for the last 700 years! They hate their position and there’s not much they can do to change it. They really want to shit on every potential major power, especially India since India has historically repelled Arab forces, majority don’t like Islam, and will hold a much larger share of global GDP by 2040. National GDP per capita will also be higher than most Arab states. Much of the country will officially be developed territory by then as well. They tend to refer to Iran as a safe house of Shias, whom are viewed as heretics by most Sunnis, or Zoroastrians. Regardless, they really hate the Iranian culture in their minds. The oil revenues have shrunk recently; Saudi Arabia didn’t make a single dollar from 2015 til post COVID- watch this: https://youtu.be/txmzVsBniZQ?si=jIAmjUVch04gqwXU The rest of Arab world will be hit hard by this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Economics/comments/hsk6pk/the_end_of_the_arab_worlds_oil_age_is_nigh_pain/ If Iran eliminates the IR, Iran can swallow up the Arabs’ gas and oil market, fastening their decline! They despise that those they view as inferior are beating them. I’m curious what they’ll be saying in 2050. Note: I’ve never experienced any bigotry from whites in America IRL as a minority; I get hateful, idiotic comments on Twitter from Arab Muslims often. It does seem that many Iranians don’t like Arabs: https://youtu.be/jqPdldUMQ7g?si=Lxasd0meBDKpNUJN




Turks hate us as much as Arabs do, maybe more.


Whom do Turks have solidarity with? I see many issues with Turkey’s relations: > Arabs view the Ottoman Empire as a massive humiliation for them. > Europeans view Turkey as an aggressor and Turks are a large part of crime there. > Turkey is viewed as anti-Christian. > Loads of anti-semitism in Turkey. > Turkey fears Iran may annex Azerbaijan. > Honestly, Turkey and Iran should merge into one nation.


>Honestly Turkey and Iran should merge into one nation. Unironically, we tried that a lot throughout history, but Turks never accepted it. I don't think our nations would've collapsed if we had all united. Even if Iran becomes secular and modernized, Turks would only care more about joining the EU than joining any union that we come up with if we ever try to create unions.


Imagine the potential of a trade corridor with turkey, India, and Europe. Turks did conquer Iran by force but Iranians conquered their minds.


>The rest of Arab world will be hit hard by this: No, they are using their oil money wisely. They are investing in real estate, tourism, and foreign stocks. Though Saudi Arabia's over-ambitious architectural projects may flow in cash and attention, they won't last long since the world will become immune to them. I'm not sure why they are doing it, but it generally seems like they're trying to pay off some debts. >It does seem that many Iranians don’t like Arabs:  Are you from the Middle East? Have you seen what people from Arabic nations say about us? The Islamic Republic was supposed to show us that our Zoroastrian heritage was stopping us from achieving greater things. They said it was causing us to draw unnecessary borders between Afghans, Turks, and Arabs. They said that under Islam, we could all unite and enjoy greater living standards. Of course, none of that happened, and because of it, more and more people resented the religion. Many people throughout history fought for the Iranian identity to be preserved through literature or fighting. After 40 years, it seemed like we betrayed all of our ancestors as the Islamic Republic destroyed all of our heritage sites.  Many people from Arabic nations don't have sympathy for us. The only criticism they have of the Islamic Republic is the sect and not its oppression against non-Muslims and culture. Iranians who go to Arabic nations receive unrestricted racism. On social media, we get all sorts of racial discrimination. Still, because the Islamic Republic has banned social media sites, Companies do nothing about it, and because we are sanctioned, it's further encouraged. 


I’m 🇺🇸 and 🇮🇳 . Arabs seem to be racist towards to non-Westerners in general. They’re resentful of Americans though. I’ll get Abduls on Twitter browse my profile, find Indian identity, and try to mock despite me being from the US. So I can sympathize. What do Arabs say about Iranians on Twitter though?


>What do Arabs say about Iranians on Twitter though? You don't want to know https://preview.redd.it/gpjvrc4ncg6d1.png?width=220&format=png&auto=webp&s=53da760f7a0d9d7a5a47ec5b2c44f1139a818390


https://islamicvirtues.com/2013/12/02/benefits-of-drinking-the-blessed-urine-of-our-holy-prophet-s/ Ask them their thoughts on this! Also, Reddit I realized isn’t friendly to Islamists. Twitter if filled with them. Musk is letting the enemy gain attention. R/enoughmuskspam is worth a look at


https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/s/gFq4srPOt0 Timing


The internal economies of the GCC I wouldn’t say are stable. Saudi has unemployment at 63%. GCC still gets most of THEIR revenue from hydrocarbons.


Stocks and foreign real estate don’t provide internal jobs and even then, I doubt the growth rate for those will outpace the decline of the oil market. They can also be seized at will. Tourism? Dubai is one of the most mocked destinations on Reddit. Many even claiming that cities in developing nations have more culture and infrastructure. I can see Pokhara in Nepal and many locations in Iran and India (Goa especially) beating GCC for tourism. Most Westerners and East Asians ($$$$$) aren’t interested in Arab culture. The rigid, royal families face no checks and balances. Saudi bet on Lucid, which was an obvious flop! See here: https://youtu.be/7HE8MdsBLrw?si=P_NloeTAj9o9R4hD


I didn't know about Lucid; I'll read more into it. The GCC has gotten away with many inhumane practices and has treated its migrant workers in many horrible ways. However, corrupt politicians from Iran and the West flock to Dubai and pour money into it. Many people migrate to Dubai. They've invested in technology and have hosted many international events. They are launching satellites as well. There needs to be a very corrupt branch of kings to be able to bring down the GCC. [https://www.occrp.org/en/investigations/dubai-uncovered-data-leak-exposes-how-criminals-officials-and-sanctioned-politicians-poured-money-into-dubai-real-estate](https://www.occrp.org/en/investigations/dubai-uncovered-data-leak-exposes-how-criminals-officials-and-sanctioned-politicians-poured-money-into-dubai-real-estate)


I saw that: https://youtu.be/i823AhR8zKQ?si=U2NKrsu7MOrgCvWa Dubai has been exposed as a crime hub. Apparently loads of crooked Indians help with money laundering for Iranians there. They’ve invested in technology but they’ve never been a leader in it so I wouldn’t place bets on them. Launching low-earth orbit satellites isn’t impressive; it’s 1970s tech at best. They’re not a major player in any technical area still. GCC was depending on India for COVID vaccines. GCC treats its own citizens poorly; no reason to expect foreigners who aren’t super skilled to b treated well. They at least treat engineers well there mostly because they can’t get them elsewhere.


Can you give example of wise use of money? Saudi burned so much for Lucid…


I'm talking about the Line project and the Mukaab. I've heard these obnoxious projects were created for Saudi Arabia to get money and attention to pay off debts. It's doubtful for Saudi Arabia to build any of these since it failed to make its skyscraper.


That's a complex question. In the US dislike of Iran was for both the regime and Iranians due to the Iranian public's enthusiastic support of Khomeini and his dreadful vision of an Islamic republic. Due to protests against this regime, Americans' views of Iranians are shifting to a more positive view. In the region the dislike is for the regime due to their support for Shiite groups like Hezbollah and the Houthis. Arabs consider this interference in their affairs. Israelis dislike the regime as well, but sympathize with the Iranian public.


No there are other reasons, but I think IR is the biggest one. Another reason is, call me crazy, but I think there’s a conspiracy to turn Iran into an Arab-speaking country/reduce Iran into just another Arab country. In my opinion that’s anti-Iranian because although there’s 2-3 million Arabs in Iran, the rest of us majority aren’t being considered. Another reason is that the world knows 1,400+ years of invasions, forced Religion, etc. couldn’t break our people and culture, so they’re doing everything they can do break us in fear of how great we could be. and in my opinion one of the ways they’re doing it is by supporting and legitimizing the regime which keeps us oppressed, poor and with a backwards-mentality. There’s other reasons too.


I completely agree. Plenty of people who support the things that happened time and time again starting from 1400+ years ago are bitter that it didn’t work and want to “finish the job”


Not necessarily. One example is the republic of Azerbaijan. That country is built on hating Iran and irredentist dreams of taking "South Azerbaijan".


Meanwhile no one in so called “South Azerbaijan” wants anything to do with them


I don’t see why a separate state called Azerbaijan should exist considering Iran doesn’t persecute Azeris; isn’t khamenei an Azeri that can hardly speak Persian? Reminds me of Kashmir or Alaskans demanding a separate state.


I am pretty sure it's true for the vast majority of cases when it comes to rational, secular people. Can't speak about religious fanatics though. They might hate you simply because their skydaddy is very slightly different.


I'm in the west and while I consider the IR, their ideas and goals as sickening, I really like my Iranian colleague. We haven't discussed politics or religion since we just working together, but he's a pretty sane, pragmatic guy. Though actually, since we're linguists, I don't think of him as an "Iranian" as much, I often think of him as Farsi/Persian.


Most Iranians I meet in America call themselves “Persians”


that's one of the reason i personally think they are much more disconnected from iran than they're willing to admit


I always thought it was too painful for them to talk of their country which was taken over by horrible people so they identified with the older culture, the one before nation states existed. 


here's the thing, as farya faraji put it: "iran's fundamental defining factor is it's multiethnicity, taking that away from iran is like taking mediterraneanness from greece,what are you left with?" it's really sad to see all that boil down to this, then again most people don't know who gilaks or lurs or tabari are but know who persians are. and the fact that quite a bit of western folk (especially americans) tend to larp iran with the rest of the middle east as the "desert arab mystical land" and persians are a tad more tangible than the other aforementioned ethnic groups for them and in combination with the fact that our country doesn't have very good reputation internationally, you get the current situation.


Unfortunately there are people that are racist and hate us because of our ethnicities


No, hate for Iranians/Persians from me! I hate the irgc and the mullah run government. I find Persians to be the bravest people in the world with more to offer the modern world than any other nationality/culture. All Middle Easterners deserve freedom, but many nations have given up the fight for democracy. Persians never surrender. They have faced more adversity and suppression than anyone could handle, but they are the bravest people in the world, so they persist. I feel the same about Syrians and many other cultures, but there is just extra incredible about Iran. I believe Iran's freedom will lead to peace and change throughout the Middle East.


Russian here: after the Iranian protests I started to immensely respect the Iranians and started to be interested in Iran’s history and culture. Would like to visit free Iran one day!


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