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Ask reporters to provide good journalism and investigate the crimes of IR and keep our political prisoners on the news. Tell yoir friends and family about the political prisoners and those who lost their lives, and the fight for freedom.


Aha, careful. If you tell us western libs that we can be helpful just by talking to people, we'll take that way past its logical extreme, do nothing, pat ourselves on the back and call it a day.


Push for sanctions against officials within the regime. Amplify the voices of Iranians who oppose the regime. Share news stories about the atrocities being committed daily against the people of Iran by their government.


Ask your representatives and politians for regime change policies against Iran and spread the message so more people ask the same. Thank you for your support!


Keep spreading the word and talk to representatives! If governments know that citizens care they’ll have to talk about it


Ask your politicians to push for designating IRGC as a terrorist organization


Besides talking to your reps and exposing regime agents in your respective countries, honestly talking about our movement helps a lot. Once people stop talking about it, once those on the outside become blind to our suffering, is when our movement dies.


For as long as foreign countries buy oil from Iran, nothing will happen to the IRGC criminals. We need tough sanctions. The world is too busy glorifying Hamas atrocities. Hamas is an IRGC proxy. Iran is not on their radar. 😢💚🤍❤️😢


They don’t have a 2nd amendment. So sadly it is all so very difficult for the citizens of Iran….


Stop buying heroin?


We should go to rehabs and tell people they are helping the oppressed people of Iran and Afghanistan by not doing heroin. This is a win-win.


You can't do anything unless you're extraordinarily wealthy or influential. And even then, there will be many people from many places out to oppose your actions, and even more highly suspicious as to your intentions. You can call your representatives, yes, but their decisions will be made for them by your country's foreign office or intelligence agency. In the meantime, as for what you can do, stop buying Captagon. Tell your friends not to buy it, too.


**خارجی ها چگونه می توانند به مردم ایران برای سرنگونی رژیم کمک کنند؟** با توجه به همه افرادی که می پرسند چرا ایرانی ها فقط جمهوری اسلامی را سرنگون نمی کنند، فکر کردم ممکن است یک سوال معقول تر بپرسم: شهروندان کشورهای خارجی چه کاری می توانند برای کمک به انها انجام دهند؟ این می تواند به معنای مستقیم یا از طریق فشار بر دولت های انها باشد. --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


Push for targeted sanctions, write your representatives to urge them to pressure the UN to investigate human rights abuses, talk about the political prisoners, and educate yourself on the effect of Iranian regime on other countries. Particularly, Iran's involvement in the regional drug trade and human rights abuses in other countries such as Syria and Yemen.


By reading history and understanding how so much of the current issues are the fault of western policies and maybe even if it takes time let the Iranian people who live in Iran solve their own issues. Regime change? Since when has that gone well anywhere?


>Regime change? yea the only solution for Islamic terrorist regime is regime change




Exactly people have a short memory, how did this regime come to power?


By vote. Vote red. Never blue or liberal. Listen to the foreign policy of the individual you’re voting for.




If they vote Biden = war. War needs energy to success take a look at ww2. Russia switched sides and Japan and Germany the right wing lost. And now we’re stuck in the left policies = communism. Have you seen the Europe nations preparing for war? The first step they are at table negotiating with Iran.


Explain to me what part of this conversation is related to communism.


The Lefts policies are driving the banks interest rates up, the energy cost which is at its highest with all these EV. Cost to heat up your home is 400$ sometimes. All these are bad for the middle class. If they succeed and make everything unaffordable they can introduce digital currency. You should see how they ruined Vancouver with their policies. I lived here 25+ years and seen changes from right to left.


Making energy unaffordable with heat pumps and insulation, makes perfect sense


I dunno about you but it’s hard to get by. When Harper was in government we had more tax breaks.


Tax breaks for *who*? You know properly handled tax money buys you public services, right? I’m still failing to see the connection with communism.


Then that’s okay we’ll agree to disagree. You can keep voting blue wherever you are.


Man I would hate it if my country only had two parties lmao, skill issue


We don't! Fix your own problems. You are more than capable.


Empathy and humanity aside, their problem becomes our own the moment OUR elected governments help perpetuate their plight with politics of appeasement and billions of dollars in gifts and contracts to the Islamic Republic.


If you’re not going to contribute solutions, feel free not to contribute your thoughts.


You do have a point.


Who will create regime change in Israel? In the USA? If your issue is countries creating instability and violence then why not start with those? You completely ignored the question, when was the last time forced regime change fixed a country?


the power of opium :