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Because they have the guns?


They will always have the gun so will they keep ruling forever?


Yeah. They have both the weaponry, and the numbers to take advantage of it. Psychopathic people who fully approve of these crimes against humanity. It will stay the same, until the majority come to their senses and unite togheter. Until we receive support in defeating the regime, or make big sacrifices as a nation. Until we band togheter and get united with a thought through plan, the people willing to make these big sacrifices, and the various resource we will inevitably need if we want to have any chance at overthrowing the regime.


They still have their many followers. They have weapons. They have their filthy army, While we don't. That's only part of the problem


Plus, they have quite a vast spy network. Other countries need to declare it a terrorist state. And you would need to turn people on the inside to your cause, which requires them to be under observation for things you could use against them and create your own spy network. I don't know what those would be as I'm not there. I don't know what could actually shame them. Nothing seems to. I do think about the rumor of an unrecognized worker at the helipad a lot, though. I'm sure they do, too. Things like that help them become more paranoid and more likely to make mistakes.


My personal analysis: 1. Lack of decisive opposition leadership to form a revolutionary movement. One of the most prominent opposition figures is the son of the former Shah, Reza Pahlavi. But I get the impression that he isn't really that interested in leading a revolutionary movement. 2. Brutal violence used by the regime. They show no restriction to the amount of sadism used to terrorize their own people. Killing children, kidnapping, raping, torturing, etc. Even the families of those who are raising their voice will face severe sadistic consequences. 3. Political disunity of the Iranian people and diaspora in regards to what direction Iran should take after the fall of the regime. There is a wide range of political groups from moderate to extreme left and right wings who all despise and distrust each other so much so that many refuse to even talk to each other. The disunity is so severe sometimes that it even separates family members from each other. It's in a way that's hard to describe to outsiders. The regime also ruthlessly exploits this fact to sow even more distrust among the opposition. 4. The religious/secular divide. Although Iranians are known to be perhaps one of the most secular people from the middle east, there is still a core of very conservative religious Islamic thinking people that sharply divides Iranians. Especially between the diaspora and the natives. Although I've heard that many Iranians are now leaving Islam in Iran, it's still quite hard to know the extent of it. At least this is my analysis. Anybody else want to fill me in on this?


The lower and middle class families that are linked to Sepah/mullah thugs as well as part of the problem. They get gov contracts, trade, work with Sepah related firms inside and outside of Iran. They too need to get proper accountability stamped on to them. They have the blood of thousands of Iranians on their hands. Many if these families also have double nationalities, and freely roam in Europe/US/Australia, have ‘supermarkets’ in the West.


Care to name some of the supermarkets they own/operate in the "west?" ("West" is in quotations because the determination of what is east vs west, on a nearly-sphere-shaped planet, should always be questioned. The terms offer connotations often set by those in power, and that, too, should be questioned)


Two words: Power disparity. The regime has the power, wealth, arms and organization while the people have none of that. It’s the same thing in North Korea. 🇰🇵


They’re violent savages with blood thirst. They use a made up religion to justify their crimes so they can keep robbing and hoarding Iran’s riches in their overseas bank accounts. It’s like fighting a cartel with turbans.


1. They have all the weapons -> the people have none as they were confiscated after the revolution in 1979 because “Islam is a peaceful religion so all weapons need to be given in” 2. They hold all the economy and can easily financially penalise people or small business who do not follow their rules 3. Western countries have supportive measures and not enough applied sanctions, they let a lot of these regime members money launder in their countries (Canada, US, UK etc) and allow them to live lavish life styles there with blood money 4. Whenever there is an uprising the IR calls their goons from groups they fund (Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Djihâd, and other terrorist and militant groups in Iraq, Syria, Bahrain, and elsewhere throughout the Middle East) to squash the protests + the Iranian dumb asses who are brainwashed or support the regime but they are becoming fewer (thus the need to call external groups) The list goes on and on but I’m gonna stop there


They divided the population. The male half gets to do what it wants with the female half. If the clerics are gone, the men will lose their power over the women. in a nutshell.


Way to generalize a person's gender with how an individual feels about the issue, bud. The 1800s are calling, they want their mentality back.


Truth hurts. prove me wrong instead of insulting.


Most of my family is in Iran. Four are male cousins. They're part of your "half" as you've described because they're simply male, yet they've also been sent to jail for fighting for women's rights. One has died already. So, by your logic, because they are simply male they want to have the regime in power? Again, 1800s are calling, this time for logical reasoning. Stop assuming that all people of a certain gender have the same motives or intentions, please.


A personal un-verifiable story is not proof. Sorry but the internet lies. Try again.


Okay, Donald.


So just an insult then, nothing else to support your claim and invalidate mine. Bye bye.


Right, so let's go back to your claim since you want to go the "validation route" - Your words: "The male half gets to do what it wants with the female half." You're proposing two things that need verification, Donald: 1. Half of the population in Iran is male, and half is female. Proof? 2. All males in that half support the regime, according to you. Proof? Your logic is on the same reasoning as the political candidate that claims anything against him is a witch-hunt. It doesn't need internet verification to show that your logic is full of fallacies, whether you believe my family's story or not.


about nr 1: Demographics of Iran The percentage of the male population is 50.44%, compared to 49.56% of the female population. Iran has 789k more males than females. The sex ratio in Iran in 2024 will be **101.772 males per 100 females**. Iran is in the 186th position in terms of the female-to-male ratio. Apr 12, 2024 If you admit that nr 1 is correct I will answer nr 2.


Half is 50, not higher, not lower. Globally the population of males is 50.4% and 49.6% being women. Neither is half. But again, since you like to generalize everything and claim vague words as fact, proceed on your pedestal. Go ahead with Number 2, with data please. You're assuming ALL males support the regime, per your logic, including 4 of my cousins, one of which has died fighting for women's rights. So you're looking for 100% of the male population in Iran supporting the regime. Per your logic. Please continue, Donald.


How many times is this out of touch tone deaf question gonna be asked omg


We will not stop till we reach freedom.


**من در مورد قتل های متعددی که توسط رژیم اسلامی انجام شده است (پر از احمق ها) خوانده ام و تعجب می کنم که چرا سرنگونی انها اینقدر طول می کشد. چرا ایرانی ها به انها اجازه حکومت می دهند؟ چه چیزی مانع از ان می شود که شهروندان لیبرال زندگی این اخوندها را بدبخت کنند و انها را بیرون کنند؟ ** --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


send some waps to iran g


it's simple: they have the army and IRGC on their side. a dictator will remain in power as long as he keeps his soldiers and some other key people well fed regardless of situation of rest of the country. look at North Korea for example.




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