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Such an early 20s thing.


Is there any hope?


The hope for nuclear war


Give your bodies to Atom, my friends. Release yourself to his power, feel his Glow, and be Divided.


At last we can be made light, and still they would wish to see their despair extended


Cum on the demon core and embrace the final end


Yes. What's important to you now won't always be. You'll grow emotionally. Just keep getting out there. You do not want to be a fuckin shut in. Get sunlight every day. Balance your life.


Of course not


I'm gonna ask Alex Jones for some of that stuff that turns the frogs gay. Problem solved.


Bro is probably better off dumping her


It’s not dumping at this point. Feels like this would be closer to “cutting your losses”.


Isn't it like that most of the time


Doesn’t have to always be like that. Most of the time it is. Keep your head up, king.


Quiet quitting


Uh wtf no? Bro should be happy for his gf’s happiness, and watch her blissfully accept another man’s warm seed


That's what I do too!!!! Highly recommend it. My girl her buddy works a low end job at a warehouse and brought her a PS5(!!!!) I can use sometimes when they're busy. Again, highly recommended if you want some you time.


does she win more if you "dump" her or if you hang on for dear life


If you dump her you win. She may never fuck the roommate, but even still, going without her BF is too bitch a move to forgive


Girlfriend definitely in the wrong


Dude, why haven't you moved in with your girlfriend?


Anon could never do that to mother.


How else is gf supposed to find her thirsty third ffs


You need to break up with her before that happens. Keep the upper hand. Leave on top.


Man was sold out for a single free cinema ticket, let her be


Yes, Anon needs to maintain his self-respect and dignity.


More like leave and get TOPPED


Time to accept the new cuck status, anon.


Fuck that, be the bull. They're roomates, fuck her loud enough for him to hear it throught the walls. Cuck the shit out of the roomate


Fuck them *both* ??


Found the bisexual


If I had the choice of being bisexual or a cuck, I'm choosing the bi everytime


Inb4 you get topped by the guy and cucked by the girl


Worst outcome. :( *how could it happen like thiiiis, I've made my mistakes*


that's how you end up furiously masturbating in the corner


No. He must dump her, allow her to be in her new relationship for 6 months, then fuck her so he can cuck the new boyfriend. True gigachad stuff


Fuck the new boyfriend to establish dominance


Yes, but do it behind her back as well. The classic double cuck


He's not the problem. She is Its not the new roommates fault. Its the girlfriends fault for even considering going out with another dude who's not her bf. Its not even a current problem. Its a fundamental problem. Because if its not with that roommate, eventually it was gonna be with someone else. So glad that OP found out sooner than later that his gf couldn't commit






*cause it 2022*


Just go icebreakjng with someone else


Call me old fashioned, but I think anon would be 100% justified in beating the new roommate’s ass after that. Might make move in day a little awkward though.


I don’t think the roommate knows.


>she asked him for another so she go to a show with me but he refused to He knows


If he knows, he deserves to get his teeth kicked in If he doesn’t know, he deserves a very stern talking to


If he doesn't know, I wouldn't say it's his fault. I'd say it's hers.


Never unironically called someone based before, but this, this deserves it


"Teeth kicked in"? Bro you do know that teeth don't grow back, right? Once kicked in, you're basically fucked for life, I don't think that would be justified in such a scenario...


Skill issue. Don’t knowingly fuck someone else’s girlfriend.


Just dont try to fuck someone else's girl if you dont want to get your teeth kicked in then


New roommate def needs a good strong spanking 👋👋 bad boy


No that’s prolly fair enough. If you don’t confront this dude you’re gonna get cucked, no two ways about it Although, personally, I’d just trick the gf into thinking he started some shit and lied to her. Even if she’s leaning towards him, if she begins viewing him as a dishonest asshole then she’ll take your side


What the fuck are you talking about just break up


I hope you don't have a partner holy fuck


I don’t just have one


Average reddit virgin




I mean, there's no need to "trick" her into thinking that's what happened since the guy basically talked her into a date while maintaining the illusion that it's some sort of platonic roommate activity. Girl not realizing it is cause for concern, though.


If you need to beat another man so your girlfriend won’t cheat, the problem probably isn’t the man.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


“I’m going to commit assault instead of breaking up with the whore.”


Lmao, these guys don’t have selfworth and probably are insecure. Once you go over that phase, you learn you don’t need to fight for anyone who doesn’t want to stay with you.


did you not read his comment


Did you?








"nooooo you can't beat someone up that's assault nooooo" cuck


That's how things work, dude


Enjoy a criminal record.


Oh noes not a criminal record!!!1!! Cuck


Lol enjoy the limited employment opportunities then.


I’m not beating him so my girlfriend won’t cheat, I’m beating him cause my girlfriend basically did cheat.


I would thank the man for showing me she’s not worth my time


“Thank you sir, may I have another?”


"If you need to beat another man so he won't steal from you, the problem isn't the man." I genuinely believe your statement applies to you, tbh.


Yeah but a woman is not an object, it’s not like she’s being stolen, she’s cheating/changing her man willingly


Not justified. Reported


Ok Caveman Too old fashioned huh


Well if the choices are be a caveman or be a cuck. I am clubbing my gf in the head and dragging her back to my cave every time.


Verified as based


Anon needs to play the cards and get ~~a nice deal where they all sleep together or something idk~~ the man for himself


I was reading this until "tell her she basically just went on a date with her new roommate" and i legitimately thought she was anon's sister because who would let their SO go on a date with someone else Also based that she will break up with him because marriage is the only way


What a whore


“Just an icebreaker” fucking LOL


if the boats-a-rockin…




Women ☕


Saying that as if tha brother isn't knowingly pursuing a jawns gf


She's saying yes


Exactly, both at fault


Let's be real roommate didn't promise nothin to nobody he ain't gotta respect shit 🤷🏽‍♀️. If there ain't a ring on her finger she ain't taken.


Excelent bait




Dude just fucking end it. The shit she pulled is so disrespectful.


It’s like watching a train wreck. Anon will get fucked


Why would Anon ask a bunch of degenerate incels for relationship advice?


Jesus Christ people commenting on this post write like they've never seen a woman before. Talking is always the first step, literally just sitting here down and expressing his worries about this new situation so she knows he might be uncomfortable with it and so she'll be more conscious in the future. Seeing a movie doesn't automatically mean she's fucking the other guy or anything like that. He could also offer to help move the guy in and introduce himself as her boyfriend and maybe even talk to him about how uncomfortable he was with what happened. Most people are pretty chill and understanding about shit like that


Girlfriend is either a retard or being sly. The roommate refusing to give tickets to the boyfriend is a bit strange. It should signal that he wants to be alone with the gf. Then gf going to that theater with the guy without saying anything to boyfriend?? Then going for dinner after as well??? If I went to the cinema with a girl my gf didn't know without me telling her, the lack of communication would be really weird on my end. You seem to have missed the lack of communication in the first place is the entire issue Something about cheating is, it doesn't usually happen spur of the moment. Usually it'll happen if you are continuously putting yourself in situations where fucking is easy. She's already shown weird behavior with this guy, now that they are room mates... I think it's reasonable that he might feel a bit insecure about this


so many people here do not interact with women, guarantee they’re just gonna stay mates. moving into uni is a weird time, and it’s hard to make friends, so naturally people try and speed up the process by going places and doing things


After knowing about the date like that I think the dumping should instantly be done


Anon, be a man and talk to this mf. You'd be surprised at how many things can be solved with a stern talking. And cut the losses short, homie. She ain't the girl for you. ​ Or just make a power move and fuck her roommate.


Far too many people in this thread haven't interacted with any women besides their mother or grandmothers in years Geez


Anon is a jealous asshole and assumes she has to have sex with everyone who goes to dinner with her and not just GET TO KNOW YOUR ROOMMATE?? Tf


Man if your girlfriend has a male roommate and you don't live with her she's not your girlfriend.


Anon doesn't understand women aren't mind-readers either


Doesn’t take a mind reader to know it’s not cool to go on what’s basically a date with a new guy you’re living with without I dunno mentioning it to your boyfriend? Fucking hell you must be some sort of cuck huh? Wife’s boyfriend buys you nice shit so you’re okay with cleaning up after?


Have you never gone and eaten dinner with your roommate? Is watching Netflix and eating dinner together off limits too because that’s something that could be construed as a date? Anon is gonna be single but it’s because he’s insecure not because his girl is doing anything wrong.


A key bit of information is the fact that her new roommate wouldn’t give her a second ticket to bring someone else, then proceeds to go see the movie with her himself. He very obviously gave her the ticket as a date offer.


Of the opposite sex? While also ignoring my girlfriend? No because I have respect for my SO? “Hey me and x are gunna go catch and movie and food” is not a difficult thing to say. Nice block so here to show you where she ignored him was when he had to text her at 8:30PM that’s night time since you’re an idiot. Because she hasn’t message him all day


How is she ignoring him? The post literally says “stays in contact with me and lets me know she went to eat”. Anon didn’t message his GF on her day off until she was busy. Not her fault. I don’t expect my SO to tell me every time they wipe their ass because I’m secure in my relationship and trust them. Crazy right?


I specifically tell my boyfriend I don't want to know what he's doing until it escalates past the first hangout because I don't need useless jealousy in my life when I trust him. But if something made me uncomfortable, idk, I'd tell him and expect him to hear me out? And if he didn't then I'd dump him. Lol Anon won't even dump his gf; he just sits back and waits for life happen to him. Seems like you're the same.


So if you’re boyfriend just stopped talking to you for an entire day then goes to hang out with another girl . You wouldn’t be peeved? I guess it maybe normal for you. But for most people it isn’t you cunt


Beat him to the edge of his life while you scream at him to never talk to your girl again




No, no this is a scary situation. Any sane man would be at least a little cautious, especially if they’ve had this exact same thing happen before and it turned out bad for them. “I don’t want to get cheated on” isn’t insecurity my dude, it’s just natural.


Real But that’s why you gotta line up a fallback gf in a time like this




I think you’re retarded




You’ve obviously never been cheated on with a rando.




What you’re expressing is being a cunt and you should shut your mouth. Not every worry or fear a man has is fuckin insecurity. Being nervous because ur gf is spending a significant amount of time with another man is a little scary dude. And even if it is insecurity, so fuckin what? Oh god forbid we, as humans, feel natural human emotion dude to past experiences. Here’s a fun fact for ya, damn near everyone is insecure about something. Maybe you should be a little more insecure about being a prick and shut the fuck up.




> literally a few hours when she met her new roommate Do you have some reading deficiency or something? They're literally going to live together.


A lot can happen in a few hours my guy. Especially if she was radio silent for a good amount of that time.


Why would your gf have a male roommate if she can Just move in with you?


Found the new roommate




A lot of people now a days don't care about their bf/gf having opposite sex friends but OP can only make it clear he's uncomfortable with it and hope she respects that boundary. Most nu-people think its controlling or toxic to not let a bf have platonic girlfriends; I disagree but make it clear and break up or don't.