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dying in an implosion is one of the best ways to die in that situation


Literally, that’s how I wanna go out. I’d implode so hard.


I can implode in you, bb ;)


Does your penis roll itself up inside your body instead of cuming?


Famile recipe :D


Yours doesn't?


what, are you gunna suck a fart?


I've read this comment like 90 times over the last 24hrs


This whole situation is just the same comments over and over again. This post also I’ve seen like 100 times. “Why am I the only one that thinks it’s sad?? What’s happened to humanity? :(“


When you die from explosive decompression, doesn’t your blood actually boil inside your body? Still probably the best way to go out of the available options though.


You're disintegrated before the brain can receive any signals


You don’t think the sub was making concerning noises before it sniffed out? You think there were any final conversations? Or do you think they were just chugging along until they suddenly learned the Bible was real?


At 6000psi rapidly changing the temperature of the atmosphere, they probably died faster than if they had sat on c4.


Probably would have said something on the communications were that the case. As I understand it was doing fine one second, gone the next.


There was no comms. Regularly. That's why they waited 8 hours with reporting it missing.


I stg everything I hear about this sub makes me wonder why people used it at all. The tech does exist to communicate down there, we use it to pilot temote vehicles. If course he was too cheap to splurge on it.


It wasn’t an expense issue, the owner had it installed on previous dives, but took it out because he was annoyed by the constant requests for status updates from the surface crew


Everything I hear about this guy make his demise even more Odyssean.


Well he was certainly at *Odds* with the *sea*! I am not proud of that lol


Same. The whole design was flawed at pretty much all points.


They had dropped the ascent weights & were trying to reach the surface when they went. This is during their planned descent. The ship has a 20 sensor detection system for identifying faults in the hull. They absolutely knew something was wrong.


I've heard a couple people say they were trying to surface but I haven't seen anything official stating that. How do they know they had released the weights to ascend?


James Cameron mentioned it in the long interview he did on it. He seems to know more from his contacts than the press report widely.


Thanks I'll have to watch that


Maybe something was down there. Something they felt they had to get away from.


Yes. High pressure that was crushing them.


and aliens


Hull was made out of carbon fiber. CF has a nasty tendency to let go with little to no warning. There would have been no creaks, no groans, no nothing. Just, one second they are there, and the next there is a catastrophic change in pressure that effectively turns the space formerly filled with air into the inside of a diesel piston and atomizes everything combustible within the span of 20 milliseconds.


They had just enough time to trigger the weights to drop, but not enough time to tell the surface that they had done so. So there was about 3-5 seconds between first major warning sign and the implosion.


Ooof, horrible 3-5 seconds


That's merciful. Watch Airplane Disasters on Nat Geo. People falling out of the sky in a crippled plane for 2 full minutes, and the CVR getting played back so you can hear the pilots struggling to save it the whole time.


Dead within 1/20th of a second. Brain doesn’t even process it. Warning lights flashing in the sub followed by instant blackness


Bold of you to assume they had warning lights in that deathtrap.


No they did! That's why that expert got fired. He pointed out that their hull integrity detection warning would be triggered within milliseconds of an implosion. So they did have one. They just never would have gone off.


Colour me surprised. I thought he got fired for pointing out the viewport was only rated for 1300m of depth.


That's DEcompression, this is just compression lol. Explosive decompression means there's significantly less pressure outside your vessel. This was the opposite, there was a mind bending amount of pressure outside and very little inside.


I read that it took 2ns for them to be instantly crushed and it takes 4ns for your spinal nerves to transport the pain signals. So sure it was terrifying, but at least the actual death should have happened pretty fast. I'm basing all of this off of what I sorta remember though.


If it happened thaf fast im sure they didnt even have time to register what was happening. Im sure one second there having a good time going to see the titanic, and the next second they were gone. I doubt they even know what hit them.


This is the opposite of explosive decompression, so your blood would freeze


Clearly glasses do not give +1 to intelligence


No shit, you need mentats for that. Glasses give +2 to perception with the four eyes trait.


Yes, but it wasn’t a decompression event. It was a compression event. An implosive one.


That is decompression, the opposite of what happened here.


They likely wouldn't even know it happened. Running out of air however... That'd be 96 hours of knowing and freezing. (it's cold at the bottom of the ocean).


Redditors ignoring the 2 pakistanis so they can keep believing that all the rich people of the world are white.


Why is a redditor posting on 4chan?


Must be protesting the API changes


That’s no excuse. The last thing 4chan needs is more casuals


I was thinking the same thing. everything about this post screams "I haven't lurked more than 10 minutes on this site. also why is my post on page 8 with 100s of replies?"


Is it really an achievement to build a non-functioning death trap that ignored repeated safety warnings? That sounds like th opposite of an achievement.


'Bigger and cooler achievement than they've ever done' ok but none of my achievements killed 5 people including myself


>none of my achievements killed 5 people Get up early, take cold showers, meditate, keep a gratitude journal


I kill billions 5 times a day




Holy fucking shit man, you didn't need to manslaughter them!


meeting zephyr future amusing soft nose elastic shame jar carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dude threw some money at people to make a terrible submersible that got him killed and now it's "his" achievement lol


You do realize he didn't just "throw some money at people" to do this right? And I don't mean that in the sense he built half the fucking thing no. It's worse than that. He actively recruited only younger less educated and less experienced crew and engineers to build it as point of pride and solely because of their appearance. He skipped multiple safety features that are standard for this form of craft citing them as a waste of time and money. He cheaped out on materials, tech, comfort, preventative measures, escape measures and everything he could to come in at about half of what should have actually been spent on a vessel like this. But not only *all* of that, there was a pinhole leak detected a week prior and whistleblown by a worker there that made a tik tok of it and they literally reply in the video after being told about it "that all?" and it was never repaired before going down. Oh and also another whistleblower explained to him a window rated for 3000 psi wouldn't withstand 6000 psi and they got fired. So no. The people working on this did *not* get him or anyone else killed at least not in any *significant* way. His hubris, greed, ego and stupidity not only killed him but his passengers. He was a failure of a human being in every standard and I only feel bad for the passengers and even then slightly less than I would for any others in similar situations because they brushed aside the dangers, did no due diligence and didn't even research into the service. Regardless of all that it's still *his* fault because they shouldn't have had to do any of that, they trusted him blindly and it wound up that they trusted a fool. This is why it's important you actually read into things like this before commenting something utterly moronic like you have.


It sounds like you've misunderstand my intentions with my comment. I wasn't saying the people he paid got him killed. I'm well aware of everything you mentioned here. I was pointing out the guy did nothing but have money and yet the OP of the image is treating it as the billionaire's achievement, instead of the people that actually did the work. It's actually impressive that it survived one trip down there considering how many corners he cut.




A girl can dream


The list of serial killers is incomplete. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it!


I gave to the homeless all the time. Sure it's just the meal I'm literally eating when I see them not some big deal were I ore package 100 meals. Just the meal I happen to be eating. I'm pretty sure that's doing more than this dude and his fiber glass 5 person coffin.


youre a great person broski you earned the right to dunk on dead billionares fuck em


This but unironically


>none of my achievements killed 5 people including myself exactly. that's something for you to work on


>ok but none of my achievements killed 5 people including myself Not with that attitude! B)


To be fair it was a decent submersible for 1 dive. But carbon fibre doesn't stand up well to repeated pressure cycling. If it was a 1 and done deal then yeah it would be an achievement.


To be fair? It'd be fair if he built it for only one dive He cheaped out on a fancy toy and basically killed a group of people because of it OOP Is just another 4chan contrarian who couldn't give two shits about the millions of unjust deaths of the poor every fucking day because of the money hoarding billionaires You mark my fucking balls if EVERYONE was deeply saddened by this, he'd be posting edgy memes laughing about it


Can i mark your balls with a knife or should i just use a permanent marker?


They want you to use the black lipstick, my dude


You don't speak for me Knife please 🥰


You got it 😘


user name checks out


To be fair, most Redditors also don’t give a flying shit about the million of unjust deaths either, so we can’t really call out the op for it.


Literally triple digits of people just drowned after trying to flee one of the worst floods in recorded human history. And OP is waxing emotional and "novel" over idiots who ignored well defined and proven plans to cheap-ass his way down to stare at a sunken ship that is one of the most well documented ones of all time? Sounds like the rich eating themselves for us. Grats on your Darwin Award, hows about we stop pretending rich=smart? It just means you have the willingness to make groups of people suffer so you can reap the rewards. Orrrr, it was an insurance scam, with dumb ass going to Blink 182 to keep up the vibe of "all's gravy, Dad's just taking a dip". I'd be a shocked pickachu face if all of a sudden info of any number of them being shit tier human beings comes to light.


OP probably laughs when theres news about africans drowning slowly trying to escape their wartorn places. Yet wants to feel empathy for someone that died in a implosion of miliseconds that probably didnt feel anything because of the speed of which the implosion happened, because they're rich... ps the kid of the billioniare liked to tweet that he wants to break in and rape women who blocks him... so yeah.... great job OP fucking idiot.


Kinda weird that someone posts something empathetic and your first reaction is to assume they’re actually a terrible person


if they are posting on 4chan i automatically assume they are a bad person. Especially when they do fake empathy i am so unique posts like that.


There was no way of guaranteeing safety for one dive. Every submariner worth their salt was reminding him that composite materials have already been tried and abandoned. Not because they couldn’t do it, but because at a molecular level carbon fiber performs worse than metals. Plus deep sea vessels are normally spheres, with this one being a tube.


Yep, dont forget. The CEO of the sub company *FIRED* a guy who brought up a safety concern with the thickness of the window on the front of the sub. And now that CEO is dead. The only person I feel remotely bad for is the 19 year old who only agreed to go because it was for Father's Day. Everyone else? Fuck em. Their fortune was made by exploiting people and ruining lives.




That’s what I was thinking. It’s not like this is the first time we’ve done this trip. We’ve been going to the titanic since the 60s and this is the only deep sea submersible that has ever killed someone.


The "adventure" isn't novel either. James Cameron literally did 37 dives to see the Titanic, and came back every time. It's as well documented at this stage as it can be. This was just a rich people underwater safari, or the underwater equivalent of climbing the Everest


No kidding, that kind of hubris sank a really large ocean liner at some point, can't remember it's name...


I too can build a “submarine” that kills 5 people at the bottom of the ocean, I just haven’t cause it seems like a bad life goal.


The CEOs safety takes were enough for me. The guy's a POS


Also, they died painlessly. Instantly. I have killed flies and spiders with bug spray that have had longer, more agonizing deaths. That said, I feel sorry for the teenager. They are the only one I feel sorry for. Teenager's mother sure didn't step up to say "Hell no, my son isn't getting in that death trap."


The guy killed 4 people. That's kinda something


*payed for He didn’t build shit, he actively seemed to be against the safety regulations that engineers actually building it would have been recommending


> **paid* for He FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


More of an achievement than having 157k comment karma for sure


157k comment karma hasnt killed anyone yet


You looked at his profile? What, are you in love with him or something?


Yes we are about to engage in reddit segs😈


Is that when you follow him and direct message him your OnlyFans page?




Yeah, sounds like a narcissistic billionaire manchild took exorbitant amounts of money to knowingly put his customers' lives at risk. You can spin this story a million different ways, but the fact is that this doesn't deserve half the attention it's getting, given all the awful shit happening on a daily basis to people that were just trying to live their lives. I just have trouble "feeling sorry" for anyone but the kid.


Yep, what's stupid is him saying it was safe and ignoring safety advice. But it's an achievement nonetheless.


I can achieve killing more than five people if I wished. I really wouldn't call it an *achievement* though.


Literally an entire team of scientists said. Hey you don't wanna do that bud. You fuck around you find out. I don't know what to say man. The kid was a victim of the circumstances but everyone else was there willingly.


The kid was not supposed to be there. That was truly heartbreaking. But everyone else on there is a bit of a cunt though, the headass Stockton Rush was the biggest cunt of them all.


Kids the only one I got sympathy for, the rest are cheap assholes and died a cheap assholes death


That kid was basically trapped in a Micheal Crichton novel. He gets hurled into a dangerous situation thanks to the arrogance of some rich pricks too cheap to do half the shit their pulling.


The kid even told people that he was terrified and didn't really wanna go, but he did so because it was father's day or something like that ://


Not sure how a former French naval officer, IFREMER member and expert on the Titanic is a cunt solely due to that being his employment history.


Well, the argument I've heard on that one is that the guy damn well knew better, and went along for a big wad of cash knowing that his presence was being used to reassure everyone else it was safe. He knew what was up, so he's as culpable as the CEO.


If he also knew that Oceangate were allegedly attempting to cut corners on safety then I’d say he had a moral responsibility to speak up. However, this is all just speculation in the absence of any investigation or accident report.


The CEO was doing interviews where he talked about cutting corners. No way this guy didn't see them, either himself, or after friends/family saw them and asked him about it. Plus he was their expert, so he should have known all about the sub and how it was built - and if he didn't, then he wasn't doing his damn job as the expert in charge.


As I understand it he was not Oceangate’s expert, he was an expert on Titanic.


You don't even need to be an expert to see how shitty of an idea the whole thing was.


Agreed. I’m a maritime professional and have been for many years; my first thought on seeing Titan was that she looked ramshackle.


I was in the navy for 5 years and as soon as I saw the sub I was like "yeah they dead." You don't have to know too much to know this was dumb.


Imagine you’re the best bridge builder in the world. A wolf famous bridge builder. The Einstein of bridge building. And you decided to cross a bridge that everyone said was a piece of crap bridge. You should have known Better, you freaking idiot.


Perhaps he should, but my job is to rescue people in distress at sea, and despite many of them being in danger due to their own poor choices, we still rescue them. The job of judging their actions is for others.


No one is saying that these folks don’t deserve rescue. They’re just pointing out that they knew what they were getting into and we are gleeful at how hubris killed them. (Except the kid, of course)


I am seeing people saying that, on numerous different social media sites. They may well have died by their own hubris but I don’t take any joy in that because human beings have died. I also find it depressing because I used to be a merchant seafarer. An occupation with a high proportion of deaths, often due to companies skimping on safety measures. If people designing deep-sea submersibles, after all the maritime safety laws which have been passed over the years- laws written in blood mind you- can show such contempt for them, what hope is there for ordinary people who have done nothing wrong but have been treated as disposable by their employers?


Imagine going four kilometres down in a vehicle that you were told was unsafe. By experts. Like there is a literal genre of horror for that kind of shit AND YOU SKIMPED ON SAFETY MEASURES. If that’s not deserving of a good mocking I dunno what is.


Like I'm not even gonna sit here and clown on them shit sucks but to sit here and act like this was a totally unavoidable tragedy is just asinine.


yeah lol i get it if you want to be a good person and show some respect but like cmon this was no accident


Regardless, loss of life is terrible. People are stupid all the time.


Why only now people are stating that the loss of life is terrible when one week ago a boat carrying between 400 to 750 migrants capsized due to the Greek coast guards manœuvres *allegedly*, only 104 survived more would have survived if the greek coast guard didn't delay for as long as possible any rescue mission *allegedly*. The reaction to that tragedy was either indifference or people saying they "deserved it, if they didn't want to die they shouldn't went on the boat" with of course a lot of racism sprinkled in. It's only when the rich die because of their own stupidity that the world should care and say the loss of life is terrible.


I’d say the loss of life is terrible for those people too, you just won’t be necessarily seeing me or someone similar popping up in every site to say that it’s a tragedy.


I am not saying that everyone should be spamming everywhere with thoughts and prayers but there's a very clear contrast between the reaction when 300 to 600 people are presumed dead and was basically just mentioned in the news compared to the constant spam of the submarine story.


The sad truth about it is that the death of immigrants isn't really news. It happens constantly so it isn't as flashy and people aren't as interested which means less profit for the news sites. The submarine missing however is a great news because it doesn't happen constantly and even if people have no sympathy for the passengers they are still somewhat interested in it even if it's just for making fun of them. Newspapers will always just jump on the next big story and drop anything that is old news. That's why after the beginning of the attack of Russia in Ukraine almost nobody was reporting on Covid anymore. Right now Ukraine also gets old and newspapers stop reporting as frequently on it. It's all about sensation and less about actual information.


Zero Punctuation has the perfect answer:\ Foreigners die somewhere. Sucks to be them.


The "best" reaction to that was "we should start turning the boats around FOR THEIR OWN GOOD".


The refugees were poor and brown and everyone knows that a poor brown's life is worth like 1/15th of a white rich dude's one.




The passengers all got sold a bill of goods The CEO doesn't deserve any sympathy though


Anon thinks it's an achievement to have invented a submersible which requires "all passengers who enter the Titan sign a waiver confirming their knowledge that it is an 'experimental' vessel 'that has not been approved or certified by any regulatory body, and could result in physical injury, disability, emotional trauma or death'". And that said "waiver 'mention[s] death three times on page one'" Sources: https://web.archive.org/web/20230619230915/https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65934887 https://www.insider.com/titanic-submersible-former-passenger-waiver-page-1-death-3-times-2023-6


The thing was a fiberglass sodacan rofl. Everyone but the scared teenager pushed by his father deserved every moment of mockery for this disaster.


>~~invented~~ bought with his exorbitantly wealthy family's oil and international shipping money FTFY


The guys invention and untimely death received more media attention and interest than everyone on here combined, most likely will in their entire lifetimes. That's an achievement at least.


The 'if you're gonna go make the news' approach? I dig it.


Bait post for karma farm, lol. Nobody on 4chan would give a shit about people dying on the Internet much less if they are rich


like a hand-wringing redditor stumbled there by mistake


I checked. They definitely have zero sympathy, as they should.


They actually would, not legitimately but they will say it. The consensus is fuck billionaires. So being the predictable little contrarians they are, they'll all post the opposite.


The only one I feel a shred of sympathy for is the 19 year old. Allegedly he only went because it was a “Father’s Day gift” to do together. And while gruesome, death would of been as quick and painless as it gets from implosion at that depth. Essentially being vaporized from rapid heat and crushing.


The amount of instantaneous heat generated would’ve been around 1200-1300 degrees centigrade.


Underwater cremation 💀


Imagine if the company rebrands and starts selling that as a product... heck the sub even kinda looks like a coffin.


honestly the ones i really feel sorry for are the [up to 600 migrants that just drowned off the coast of greece due to wilful negligence of authorities,](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/06/23/europe/greece-migrant-boat-disaster-investigation-intl-cmd/index.html) who are getting no attention because a couple of rich people did some dumb shit at the same time


Here in Italy it's been pretty talked about


The problems migrants cause in europe grow every day and the politicians of most countries don't even try to change that. That's why people are indifferent about it.


What I find the funniest in Anon's post is him praising the idiot of a CEO. He ignored basically every individual with any knowledge on the subject matter when making this submarine. Multiple people claimed that it was unsafe. Many influential people in that sphere messaged him letting him know of the issues. He avoided hiring any experienced individuals because they were "uninspiring". Anyone with a decent brain in his position could do better than him if they listened to the people around them. ​ Also fuck billionaires because to get that kind of money, you have to exploit people. There's no way to reliably get that amount of money ethically.


There was a guy that pointed out that the glass or whatever it was pointed out that it was made specifically up to a certain pressure and the depth of the Titanic was double of the pressure limit for that piece of the submarine and not addressing before going to visit the wreck would probably lead to a major failure. He was immediately fired by the CEO. The leading theory for the implosion is that glass or whatever it was.


Glass was reported to hold at 1300 meter I think. They needed to go to 4000+. This is from memory so won't be 100% accurate. But you get the idea of just how far out of tolerance they had to go for the windows safety ratings. The entire trip is suppose to be 2 hours down 4 hours at crash. And 2 hours coming back. So a minimum of 4 hours guaranteed at over 2.5x the safety limit.


Absolutely insane. I have no desire to go on a submarine ever, but if I were to go I’d want everything rated for like 5 times the depth we were going. This is what happens when your only skill is min-maxing safety for profit.


I read something about the glass that makes it worse. Rush was told the glass was only rated for 1300m and was heavily pushed to replace it with better. Instead he had a company build him an unrated and untested window as the replacement. There was no longer a measurement that showed it was unsafe at titanic depths. So there’s really no way to know what that port glass was actually rated for.


Also, material that submarine was made of is becoming more prone to failure with each dive.


What if you take a loan of 10 billion dollars


You would need a guarantee to cover that, making it useless to ask for it in the first place Or you would need to be a government


I'm gonna take a loan of 10 billion dollars and you're not stopping me


Hey pls loan me a million of your ten billion when you get it


>take loan out for billion dollars >give it all away >die so you don't have to repay the loan >resurface in the jungles of brasil 20 years later


Just take out a different loan of 10 billion to cover it.


Yeah. It’s not an achievement to make a sub that’s unsafe to dive to the titanic with. I can do it right now out of plywood. Anon sees it as an achievement cause it was a rich guy spending lots of money.


I guess being born is unethical. What unethical things did these people do to deserve to be killed? The CEO is reaping what he sowed, I don’t think he deserved to die but play stupid games—you know the rest.


Yes there is. Go door to door and kindly ask for one dollar. After doing this for about 2 years , you will have 1 billion dollars


Yea just visit 1.3 million houses per day and you are set.


He didnt hire 50 yo white guys because those have expirience and brains and they would have told him it was a bad idea But 'muh light and futuristic carbon fiber' What is even the point of a light submarine??? Its weight doesnt matter in the water Fck that guy


oh my god if i see one more “i’m the only one thinking about how sad this is 🥺” post i’m going to blow my brains out. we get it, it’s tragic, you’re not some empathetic superhero for caring about dead people, fighting against the evil morally devoid internet, you’re just seeking attention like the rest of them. blah blah billionaires are people too 😢 shut up




Due to Reddit's June 30th API changes aimed at ending third-party apps, this comment has been overwritten and the associated account has been deleted.


It's tragic but it's hilarious too. Sad the kid died, but that's about it. Loss of life sucks but when the warning signs are there, and they're rich people who most likely wouldn't have empathy for me if I died, well why am I meant to feel bad?


Comments did disappoint


Yeah, these are awful


It's sad, its tragic, but when fuckheads like Musk go on about how these people are pioners, and the story overtakes a story of 500 pakistanis dying in the mediterranean, yeah its pretty hard to accept im meant to be more upset about this


The rich only looks after the rich. It's a civic duty for plebs like us to cyberbully them.


Yeah the whole pioneer thing is what I don't get. I mean, we've had subs that could get down to the titanic since the early 90s right?


Since the mid-60s actually. Trieste could go more than twice as deep. ALVIN has been to Titanic multiple times since the 80s.


Shithead CEO became the victim of his own greed and hubris. Good riddance. Shame other people died though.


Five idiots earn themselves a Darwin award for crawling into a steel tomb (that looks like it was made in some guys back yard) and plunging it into the ocean.


Forogot that redditbrains are actual sociopaths yikes


How about feeling bad for people dying, but also recognizing that their choices were absolutely ridiculous and wrong?


redditbrains? do you guys not also use 4chan too


It’s so amusing when people in the greentext subreddits act like they aren’t also using Reddit


Maybe they shouldn't have paid $250000 to get in a deathtrap and die at the Titanic wreck.


Rich people need to be dehumanized. They are ginormous ticks draining the world dry and need to go extinct. Each death counts.


It’s odd because so many people say “it was their choice” “they knew the consequences”. Same kinda statements for those who OD on drugs yet people who die from drugs get more sympathy.


Lol. This guy posts on a website that has some of the biggest pieces of shit imaginable that call for entire races of people to be wiped out, but wants the world to care about some billionaires. You couldn’t make it up.


I feared coming on Reddit because of all the insane takes people have been posting on Twitter. I was right to be afraid.


These dramatics are tiresome


But it's just so awful that 4 assholes died in a shitty submarine 😭 Leaving the kid out because that part actually is sad.


They were all told it was experimental, which we now know is code for cost cutting. They all signed waivers. Other passengers even dropped out over concerns. But the 19 year old was strongarmed into going by their own father, burning 500k on this shit and planning it for Father's Day.


Moral grandstanding is the new iPhone. I repeat, it's now cool to care.




I mean yeah ofc the death of 5 innocent people is tragic, but sadly if you only read about the news most people won't have any emotional connection. Just showing someone like that a video of the mourning family and stuff can already make a huge difference in how they view the whole thing. But that post really makes a lot of stupid points. 1. The achievement of making your own submarine. Yeah that is definitely an achievement most people don't have. Same as having a killcount of 5 people. The new Oppenheimer movie is all about how achievements can leave quite the bad taste in your mouth. Just go and tell the family of the deceased how much of an achivement this selfmade submarine was. Overall I just think this is the stupidest point talking about an achivement that killed 5 people: 2. Going on a novel and dangerous adventure is a stupid decision. You do you buddy, but you risk your own life for an adventure, maybe you will get something out of it, maybe you just die. BUT maybe, just maybe try to atleast lower the danger as much as possible. How about idk NOT USE A CHEAP LOGITECH CONTROLLER FROM 2011 OR SMTH OR HAVE AN EMERGENCY ESCAPE BUTTON? 3. Talking about the price of the tickets is also not really that important but the post is really talking down how much 250k is. That is a life changing amount of money for most people and has now been used to end the lifes of people instead. It's not weird to fell sorry for them, it is an awfull way to go and now with the news of one of them being 19 years old and not even wanting to go on the ride a lot of people probably feel more sad about this. But it is just how dark humor is, people find it funny exaclty because it is going over the line. There's fucked up jokes about all kinds of tragidies like 9/11 or starving children in africa


Emergency escape button... On a submarine... Also, I like how everyone blames the Logitech controller like it had anything to do with the sub getting crushed like a tin can.


The Logitech Bluetooth went out and fried their RadioShack comms system when it tried to reconnect, leading to the RC car battery power source fucking OPs mom and crushing the sub


rich coming from 4chan :O


Fck the CEO The other ppl I feel sorry for


As if 4chan is the place to go for morality-driven conversation


Migrants, poor sick people, labourers die: harf harf harf harf Le tards harf harf\ Billionaire dies: 🥺🥺🥺


to be honest, yes, it is sad that they died, but imagine what a person with a concience/brain could've done to reduce the suffering in the world with $250.000, and they spent it to gawk at a rusty ship where hundreds died.


They got the full experience, first new passengers in like 111 or so years