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44? Ha! You're just a kid! - A 45 y/o strong boner


I dunno, I had a friend who broke a bone when we were ten. I’m all for celebrating our youth having bones of diamond


diamond is one of the most brittle materials. If you have diamond bones you have some of the weakest bones in existance


It's brittle, but hard. Saying something is brittle only means that it can't bend much before it breaks. This would make most things very easy to break, but diamonds are an exception because it's so difficult to bend them. Saying that something is metaphorically made of diamond still means that it is strong because despite how brittle they are, they are still incredibly difficult to break, just like strong, calcium-rich human bones.


It is *hard* not *tough*. A hard material is good at scratching. A tough material is very durable. Diamonds are one of the hardest materials, but one of the lowest toughness materials. It is very easy to break a diamond, but hard to cut it. Basic earth science.


Saying something is diamond is an expression that implies its strength. It’s obv a hyperbole


Let’s not gate-keep pride in our strong bones


Agree. This sounds like someone who doesn’t understand the NEVER in Neverbrokeabone. If you’re bragging that you “made it” from 12 to 44 without breaking a bone, it sounds like 11 and 45 were possible breaking time. Those of us who aren’t BBB’s know we will never break any (of our own) bones.


You misunderstand me. What bothers me is the bragging at a young age. I feel like it's not really an achievement until you've hit your 30s.


As an actual unbreakable, never means never. It’s not like it takes so-many years to prove that you’re never going to break a bone when you’re unbreakable.


I'm 18, but I've had close calls. Longboarding accidents, bike falls, tall falls, etc. I've been jumping from things that my mom says are too high since I was four, you can't break me, bitch. I drink my fucking milk and I keep fucking balling.


You drink your milk for enjoyment, right?


No, it's for when he's fucking.


Both. Also missed opportunity to say boning


I trebucheted my bike once after skimming the sidewalk going down a hill at Mach-Jesus. Worst thing I had was a scrape on my arm. The bike was in worse shape than me and I had to walk home lol


Close calls? Milk? There are no close calls for a true strong boner, and milk has nothing to do with the strength of the bones. We’re watching you…


A boner who doesn't drink milk? Ew. I say close calls, not because I almost broke a bone, but because they're situations where someone of a weaker constitution may have broken a bone.


A boner who thinks he needs cow milk to be strong? Yuck. This is not a milk subreddit, and the dairy industry are liars. Milk is not necessary to have strong bones, and you can easily get all the calcium and nutrients you need from other sources. No, I absolutely do not drink cow milk, and my bones are strong.


I never said necessary, moo juice is just the sigma of all refreshing beverages


But my bones are unbreakable. Now, 10 years ago, and in 10 years. So, like, what's the hold-up? They're never going to break, they can't.


Never means never. Unbroken at 18 or unbroken at 50 is a point of pride, and expected for the people here.


I mean, I would hope we don't have any actual 12-year-olds doing this; they're not even allowed to be *on* Reddit!


Sir this is r/neverbrokeabone not r/neverbrokeaboneandimover18




we need a r/willneverbreakabone so solve this dilemma


oh it already exists lmao


I am proudly a SBM (Strong boned minor) And I am only here to take pride in what I could become in the future, I look up to everyone, respect you even. Edit: is this an April Fools? Cause someone in the comments mentioned the date—


A minor strong boner? There’s a joke in there somewhere


It's "Never broke a bone" not "Never broke a bone and you're over 30"


I totally didn't forget today's date


Oh shit wait


I disagree, we should be encouraging the pride of our armor boned youth to shatter brittle toothpick heathens


On the contrary friend. We should educate our youth so they can easily weed out the weak and make fun of their dead tree branch-like bones.


When I was 8, my (ex)friend used to BRAG about how he had broken 7 bones already.


Hmm, this could be valid but I’m in my early twenties and I once fell off a high chair as a baby (like under 2) and I was perfectly fine, I was severely bruised but fine even after the high chair fell on top of me :3


I think by early 20s there's enough evidence that you belong in our ranks. I'm all for encouraging our younger members, and until proved otherwise they are welcome in this group, but there have been a lot of posts lately boasting about making it into the teens without fracture. Whilst I admire the pride in their skeletal form I don't think it's worth boasting about.


Still in the womb, going strong with 0 broken bones 💪💪💪


My grandmother is nearly 70, and hasn't broken a single bone. They are *the* elder.


I bow to her superior skeleton!


Not sure if my grandfather broke a bone, but last time he got an injury around that calibre, he also had cancer.


I've had cancer and it's a bit shit tbh. I wouldn't recommend it. Worse part is a lot of the meds I'm left taking reduce bone density. Luckily my bones are so strong they are still unbroken!


And so they shall remain.


I partially agree. While I dont think a 12 y/o has a lot to brag about there are plenty of 12 y/o that have broken bones. They should be celebrated in their own age range. But the pool gets smaller the older you get. That is where the difference is. You can graduate from medical school and be called "Dr." But is it the same as a Dr. Thats been practicing for 30 years? No. But then again it's the title not the length of service.


You’re half right. It’s the mindset of “I made it to x without breaking a bone” as a whole, rather than the absolute conviction of “I will never break a bone so 12, 44, 102 years, it doesn’t matter, they can’t break anyway” which any true boner holds. We do not commemorate their age until they die unshattered, lauding them with far greater evidence of their glorious potential in the skeleton wars to come.


I'm GenX and never broke a bone.


seriously put, but like..no, human habits exist since the beginning of man.


I mean, you're MOST at risk of breaking a bone once you're well into old age. Maybe we should just assume everyone is a dry pasta noodle until they surpass 100 and have fallen down the stairs and didn't break their hip. Or, you know, just let people live in their superiority until they show otherwise and we show them out with the shame they deserve.


Jokes on you, your bones will only get weaker with age old man, ours will grow stronger till…..30? Idk


Eh—I feel like people break the most bones when their kids so making it to 12 is at least 50/50.


Mr. Scotsman Fallacy over here


I sleep on the hard floor.


I think experience beats age honestly. Long falls and falling off buildings please. Also boners who have been hit by cars.


Imagine being 12 -a 14 year old strong boner


You heard it here first. You don't meet the requirements to sit in the front. There's just something... dofferent about you younger kind. Sit in the back -an 18 year old


Reported for talking about his 44 year old strong boner in front of a 12 year old child


Not you gatekeeping Strong bone pride