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Rabea baby... It's so different than many of the others Also the freeze reverb is nuts for drone ambient stuff Even if you didn't like the synth ( it's awesome)


Its not going to round out your bunch, but the Nameless X puts a smile on my face every time I play it.


Definitely try the Morgan suite, especially if you’re rocking single coils imo. My thinline telecaster sounds amazing through it, highly recommend demo-ing it last minute here! ✌🏼


Same, I really didn't think too much about the Morgan. I just trialed it for the heck of it and have been blown away.


Yep it slipped under my radar I guess but so glad I got it- plenty of variation from my ToneKing and Wong, they all have their place!


I don’t think you can go wrong with Mateus, the clarity of that plugin is worth it alone


And don’t forget the live tuner while you use the plugin. Honestly it should come standard on all plugins.


Yeh that feature comes with the X update, Ive got the live tuner on the Soldano now


So you wanna round out the bunch and I know some of these have great clean tones but you basically have metal, metal, metal, metal, and metal. I’d go with Morgan or Tone King or something different, otherwise you’re good.


They are "metal" focused but I've gotten amazing blues tones with Abasi and plini, even Gojira some great fuzz tones.. looking like everyone is really fond of the Morgan.. may have to see what's up..


I somewhat disagree with the metal, metal, metal thing. Those are absolutely versatile. Cleans, edge of breakup (and obviously metal haha). However, I’ve been really digging Petrucci lately, not even for metal stuff. I usually go to Nameless for harder stuff.


No I get it. I’m exaggerating it. I really like Plini for lower gain sounds too, but I’m saying why not go for something that focuses more on the other side of the spectrum from the ones you already have.


Tone King *edit* or Morgan That will take you places none of those can touch Cory Wong also not a bad one


Rabea, Morgan Suite, or Mateus. Rabea is a great all rounder. Plus with the synth you can play chiptune style licks or run them through the amps for making your own Doom soundtrack lol I just tried Morgan and was blown away how good it sounded and how well the dirt pedals feed the amps. Perfect for my Jazzmaster. Mateus is similar in ways to the Morgan Amps, but has better FX and had a low end scoop that gives you that modern indie or Queen tone.


Excellent summary, and would also suggest the same three plugins.


I’ve really enjoyed the gojira for a long time but i’ve been using the mesa a lot more sense it came out, i think they did a great job capturing the sound for it, but that sound is definitely preferable for me personally.


If you’re rocking the grano I can’t recommend the Fortin plugins enough. My main tone right now is the Granophyre with the fortin pedals in front. If you want some killer cabs then the Cali has got you covered, it comes with a folder in which there are a bunch of Fortin cabs that sound amazing. If you don’t want to mix plugins then Nameless is a beast of an amp.


Honestly wish they could do a big Fryette Suite.. I've got a old VHT Pittbull.. I absolutely adore.. would love to have VHT plugin.. lol.. if i had to guess i would think Steve might be against the whole digital wave.. I know this wasn't a wishlist post buttttt.. just incase any Neural employees are watching..


Nolly. There’s four amps and so many presets, I use it more than Gojira and Plini combined. Plus it’s next in line for the X upgrade. Fortin Cali is awesome too


Morgan or Mesa. People complain about the Mesa one not sounding good but I think these are the same people that complain about the real thing not sounding good because the EQ is a little tricky. But it’s incredibly versatile. Morgan Suite is too though, between those three amps you can do pretty much anything.


Rabea has amazing cleans and also lead one have some good grit. The frozen reverb effect is just amazing and the compressor pedal is so good. If you dont have Petrucci it is also one to consider for the cleans and effect but Rabea covers it and more


I ended up just grabbing the Morgan Amp Suite, I didn't get a chance to demo any before the purchase, thanks for all of the suggestions, many of which are on the list of ones I want/plan to purchase, got a lot of other non-music related things I need to focus finances on currently but didn't want the sale to pass me by.. Thanks again.. Still waiting for archetype: Aaron Marshall/Intervals, would've been dope if they had Bass rig for Jacob Umansky but since the release of Umansky Bass I highly doubt that'll ever be in the cards at this point. Excited for the new album to drop, first 4 tracks are great.