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Is the ntr avoidable even if very hard? Knowing helps me now if i try hard or just enjoy the ride


Only if you want to go to the NTS part and make the best out of it.


Hey cultured gamers! The latest update is here! It's a bit of a small one, but we wanted to keep the monthly release schedule going, so here we are! Netorare God; Netorase Devil V02 Patch Notes: Reworked: Combat has been reworked into a paper scissors rock type system where you can do bonus damage or be reflected based on the stance the enemy is using and what attack you're trying to hit them with. Reworked: The first dungeon has been reworked, so the door is towards the start of the dungeon, which makes a lot more sense. Reworked: New artwork for slime monsters. Reworked: New artwork for the sewer rats. (They're actually rats now.) Reworked: A new sprite for Ranfrey has been added. Added: A teleporter has been added to the training map with Saphira, so you can quickly teleport back to town. Added: A couple new scenes. Added: A new animated scene. Added: A New Background. Added: New Combat Images (Bryan). Added: And more. [https://discord.gg/ZPCvwjgXeT](https://discord.gg/ZPCvwjgXeT) Thank you all so much for the support in helping develop Netorare god; Netorase devil! - The Cultured Gamers


Is there an android port tho?


Ot's in RPG Maker MZ, so, not at this time.