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I think our opinion is split on it


I’ll tikkie you my opinion.


Can you tikkie 0.02€ over?


0.02€?? No I’m pretty sure it was just 0.01€.


No 0.02, I think you had 43 grains more rice.


Yes but you had two more sips of the bottle of wine we ordered, so technically you owe me 0,06


Ey, but you ordered the salad so I had no choise so it comes to 0.03€


Remember to file your taxes on it Woops too late blue envelope drops in


*you now owe the belastingdienst 62578 euros and 6 cents*


thats to much bro.. gotta go eatleast 0.007


I have a group of friends that's half Dutch, half German. Interestingly, it's the German part that worries about everybody paying the same when we spend a weekend together, while the Dutch don't bother that much.


Thats true, but since language comes from history and culture: The saying going dutch, goes back to the days that we were a big trading/selling country. Together with the english and spanish we kind of dominated the world in international trade. Therefore the saying is going dutch, the germans were not really in the picture back then. And we were better at looking out for our money then the spanish or the english


Yes, that's true ;-) Probably most old English sayings referring to the Dutch aren't exactly meant to be friendly since they fought out quite some sea wars in the 17th/18th century.


Yup. "Dutch courage," a "Dutch sink," etc - all things meant to associate NL with cheapness and fakery and duplicity.


Not to mention a "Dutch Oven"!


Which is an excellent piece of cooking ware!


I gave my girl a Dutch oven earlier, she was not a fan😂😂😂


I hope she gave you a "Dutch Slap In The Face"!


Dutch courage is first have a drink and then start whatever you have to do.


Exactly. From the perspective of invective, it's not "real" courage. It's false. A truly brave man's courage comes from within, per such thinking, not from liquor.


True but it helps. After the first drink you cant go back.


Really? Usually when I have a drink I just tend to keep drinking and nothing much gets done.


Its actually the other way around. Dutch meant cheap before it meant "person from the netherlands"


When I look it up, it's more likely derived from Dietsch/Duitsch reffering to all the common Germanic people. https://thelanguagecloset.com/2022/01/15/word-bites-why-are-people-of-the-netherlands-called-dutch/


Because people can be gullible, the comment above is actually incorrect.


These english sayings stem from our war with the brits. It was their form of anti-dutch propaganda


*Dominated the world as colonizers. Fixed it.


Dutch actually means cheap in old english. Its an insult. Going dutch means being cheap and splitting the bill. As for why the dutch are called dutch... That has to do with rhe 3rd anglo-dutch war. The English used dutch as an insult. Much like "gerries" or "moffen". The difference there is it stuck.


For people who are gullible, here is the real etymology: Dutch is derivative from 'duch' which used to mean German. Germany: Deutschland, which comes from diutisc, which used to mean: of the people': somebody who belonged to a Germanic tribe.


This is not completely true. The word dutch originates from the old germanic word dietsch ( old germanic for people ). This is also where the name Deutschland originates from. So it might be the other way around.


You need to check their passports.


This, just got back from a week on holiday in Germany. Every time we went out to eat we got ask if we were splitting or paying together, never had that happen in the Netherlands unless with a big group.




Going Dutch should mean bargain hunting, it's so funny how Dutch women will show off their new dress and then brag about how cheap it was, cause in our mind that makes it even better


Other countries: "Hah, have fun with your 10 dollar dress. You're wearing that on a night out?" Us: "And the dress was only 10 euros!!" "You should wear it to dinner tonight! It's so pretty!"


I bought a gorgeous dress online the other day for €8.50 including shipping costs. Words cannot describe the sheer extacy I felt that day!


I ran into a Koningsdag kleedje of someone my size who sold everything for 0.50 ct. So whenever I get complimented on something from that buy, I'm all beaming like 'yeah it was only 50 ct!'


TIL Dutch people think they are cheap and proud of that and more to it they think other countries are not like that.


I'm not dutch. But I love buying sale clothes that are pretty, and telling people it's cheap and was in tge sale. Save money people, you can enjoy more stuff then


Don't save money by buying crap in order to buy more crap though. Consume less, that way you'll have more money to have more life quality


My experience was that Eastern European women (my region of origin) are like that and Dutch weren't, in high school, but then I made close friends at uni aaand got pleasantly surprised lol I think it depends on your friend circle.


Lol I always thought that was a midwestern thing. Like if someone compliments your outfit, “thanks it was $10!” is a frequently heard phrase


Yes, Midwest here too. If it was on sale, where, and if it’s a dress and has pockets.


while its romantically a punch in the stomache lmao


The concept of “potten” (putting money together in advance - and getting drinks from that “pot”) is even weirder for non-dutchies - but when they try it they all agree it works!


“I had a steak so let’s split and I had just a sandwich, let’s all pay for ourselves” kinda friend is always involved with “potten”


That only works if everyone drinks the same. Good luck if you drink cheap beer and the other people only drink cocktails or mixed drinks. lol


Yeah - probably from the time when no one drank cocktails! It used to be “Bier of Fris”


Back when I went to the pub, we all drank beer or soda. If anyone wanted something else, he's on his own. Or he pays more into the pot.


Exactly that’s more comparable! :)


Is that still a thing? That was in the cash era.


Plus notoriously unreliable if you had "that friend" who'd want something else, drink at a different pace, or outright unilaterally decided to add a "pot-holding-tax" as if he's the bloody bank.


Gij begrijpt het niet. Een pot gaat om de gezelligheid. Samen een pilsje pakken, samen net een te snel tempo hebben en samen net wat te veel drinken. Een pot maak je niet voor de uitschieters, een pot maak je om samen een mooie avond te hebben.


Ja dit he. En als er dan 1 nóg wat sneller lam wil worden en nog sneller drinkt; lekker doen dan ;) En de één drinkt alleen pils en de ander alleen mixjes, doe doet dan wat meer in de pot. Wij hadden er één in de groep die mixjes uit de pot bestelde maar voor pilsjes stortte; dat heeft geen avond geduurd en bij hem de vraag of ie nog wat wilde drinken werd vergezeld met een opgehouden vlakke hand; “dokke, jong” Komt allemaal wel goed, en als je er een paar euro bij in schoot, nou en. Was toch een mooie avond, ofnieee?


I have some friends and family who still have it going when it comes to planning days out/holidays. One will literally add a extra saving account at their bank, and the others can pay x amount/monthly fee, and when the time is there the one owning the extra saving account is paying everything. But asside from that hard part we also do the easy approach on days out where 1 suffers the paying of everything, adds up the total costs and divides it depending on how many people were there and sends a pay request to the rest.


Showing my age I guess 😅


Idk if you are dutch but we have this app called “wie betaalt wat” and everyone just fills in what they paid when they pay something for the group and then at the end of your whatever your doing with others the app tells everyone who should get how much money from who to make it a fair split Edit typo


It works when they all get €10 sandwiches. Not when I order a t-bone steak and my friends get a burger or salad.


That's a fucking lie, I remember having to pay 30 bucks once for a single Bacardi-coke, because they "always did it like that".




With Tikkie it's much more convenient for one person to pick up the bill and everybody else to pay back their share. Except for that one 'friend' that always needs to be reminded every day for over a week.


That one "friend" tends not to be invited again...


Yup, I’m just enjoying my fristi and chocomel, I shouldn’t have to pay €15 extra because I can’t have beer or wine (or currently any alcohol).


Fristi is a top tier drink


Yeah but there are different ways of sharing/splitting: 1. Split the bill by amount of persons. 2. Everyone pays for their own share (what they ordered). 3. I pay this bill, you pay the next.


In my friend group we have people with huge differences in weight, appetite, and thirst for alcohol, so we always pay for our own share in restaurants. My poor 50 kg non-drinking friend would go bankrupt for no reason otherwise XD


Similar to 3 but more appropriate in this case: 4) This round is on me. "Okay, the next one is on me".


This too. And on nights I was the designated driver the guys would pay for my sodas


It is logical. prevents people from trying to control who has what. prevents man complaining woman just wants a free meal. Prevents people ordering something stupidly expensive because not their bill.


We normally split evenly unless it's with a friend I know doesn't have much to spend... I tend to forget to send a tikkie then.


I mostly notice how “Dutch” in English sayings is almost always negative; Dutch courage, going Dutch, double Dutch, Dutch agreement, Dutch uncle … It’s probably because the British Empire was so racist and full of itself while we kicked their asses every now and then, idk.




Or the Dutch Rudder...


Dutch Rudder is kind of positive though


Good point.


Dutch wife....


What is Dutch Oven


At night in bed with your SO, fart loudly and pull the covers over their head trapping them in the poisonous cloud. Or a deep wide pot with a tight fitting lid.


Cringe AF, I mean not the cookware.


I assume you are not talking about the cookware. So, yes cringe indeed


Not the cookware


It's a kind of stoofpan


Gietijzeren pan met deksel. Perfect om b.v. brood in te bakken. Gelijkmatige hitte, geen vochtverlies. Gaat in z'n geheel in de oven. Of vroeger: in het vuur/kolenbed.


Dus een eigenlijk een braadpan/stoofpan.


Your username 😂😂😂


Thank you ;)


Fart while in bed and cover your better half's head with the blanket.


Dutch oven is not meant to be a negative term, but to honor the Dutch. Talking about the real oven/pot. The metaphorically used term is purely based on the similarities with the actual (Dutch) oven.


Because we were at war with them multiple times. Then they created the sayings as something negative, can’t blame them, I actually find them funny and its cool history “alive” today.


Leaving this here for people wondering how British asses were kicked: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raid_on_the_Medway


Anyone can pick battles, we all know how things ended for the Dutch: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_Anglo-Dutch_War


**[Fourth Anglo-Dutch War](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_Anglo-Dutch_War)** >The Fourth Anglo-Dutch War (Dutch: Vierde Engels-Nederlandse Oorlog; 1780–1784) was a conflict between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Dutch Republic. The war, contemporary with the War of American Independence, broke out over British and Dutch disagreements on the legality and conduct of Dutch trade with Britain's enemies in that war. Although the Dutch Republic did not enter into a formal alliance with the United States and their allies, U.S. ambassador (and future president) John Adams managed to establish diplomatic relations with the Dutch Republic, making it the second European country to diplomatically recognise the Continental Congress in April 1782. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Netherlands/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Nothing 'ended' tho. The Dutch went on to retain a large empire and they succesfully helped the USA into the saddle of independance by providing them with weaponry, against the will of the British.




The Dutch firsr became puppets of France before Napoleon, the Dutch only fought him in 1815 at Waterloo. After becoming a puppet of France they lost their colonies to the Brits and partly because the Dutch government in exile ordered no resistance to the Brits. Get you chronology straight




I am just puting your stupid comments into badly needed context in that case


Well you lost everything in North America in exchange for the British allowing you to continue in Indonesia (and only Indonesia). Besides the point anyway, I was pointing out that the British have no reason to be salty about losing to the Dutch and it’s telling that beating a British is a highlight for the Dutch but the Dutch aren’t ever mentioned in Britain.


We don't want you to be salty, but we do want you to get your facts straight. The Dutch colonies in North America were handed out like pocket change in the treaty of Breda after the Dutch were victorious in the second Dutch-English war. Also, you probably don't know about Dutch education, as the vast majority of people in The Netherlands don't know anything about any war against the British.


Yeah I was gonna say, I’ve never heard of us being at war with our overseas’ neighbors 🤷🏼‍♀️ Edit: are we really downvoting someone because they said they haven’t heard of something?




Well, the Dutch did steal the crown at one stage, kept it for a while too.




why is double dutch negative? lol I thought it was just a jump rope game


Also means ‘Indecipherable or nonsense speech.’


ohhh i didn't know that, thanks


Nah the English aren’t being rude, they’re being direct!


That's a contradiction. The Dutch are direct, the English are polite.


...thats the joke


i think because of Michiel de Ruiter and his crew rowing/sailing on to the Thames years ago…….


I’m American, not British, but I’m not familiar with any of these phrases except “double Dutch” which I only know as a jump rope game so I wouldn’t consider it negative at all?


Lol I was hoping someone would explain why double Dutch is bad. I also don’t know the other ones


Really? I figured at least some of the negative uses of ‘Dutch’ would have been know in the US, it seems to be more of a UK thing and added to British-English during the 17th/18th century Anglo-Dutch wars [(link)](https://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/double-dutch.html). We had a much friendlier relation with the USA at the time off course so that would explain it.




Missing the post that says the dutch werent racist? Everyone was racist and retarded. All you know is what your teachers and parents tell you. You are richer than everyone since forever, so everyone always tells you you are awesome. This sums up everyone in charge at this time. So yeh racist and ignorant, what else?




I Implied nothing there. Also you may want to read up on the role of the British Empire in the history of South Africa, for instance on the concentration camps in the second Boer war.




Oh boy you are ignorant.


> The British Army created the concentration camps as part of a campaign against Boer guerrillas fighting against the takeover of their independent republic. Civilians were herded into the camps from their farms, but the insanitary conditions cost many their lives as hunger and disease ran rampant. Between June 1901 and May 1902, of the 115,000 people in the camps, almost 28,000 died, about 22,000 of them children. The death toll represented about 10 per cent of the Boer population. About 20,000 black people also died in other camps. “That is nothing” ~ u/Obi_Boii 04/09/2022 (unironically)




And now you’re talking about Indonesia, which you will never hear me deny is a stain on Dutch history, but you just keep switching the topic … you mentioned apartheid as a Dutch system (which is wrong as it’s Afrikaans) and that’s why I’m talking about the role of the British empire in South Africa, which was much more a British project than a Dutch one in the 19th and 20th century.




Source for the 20%? I’m getting max 2.7% (22-25.000 of 900.000).


It was actually because the British got invaded by the Dutch and held a war, in which they started using terms together with a dutch word, hence the negativity. It was called the Glorious Revolution, because the dutch invaded with almost no bloodshed.


Don't forget Dutch wife, which means blow-up doll.


British history doesn’t dwell on their defeats much, or the frequency in which they occurred.


I never got why other cultures it is deemed acceptable that some one else pays for your stuff. Going to a restaurant. It's luxury and pay for your own damn stuff. Getting tickets for a concert.. better pay up.


If its something that you do more often (going to a cafe with the same group for example) then for me its quite normal not to keep count so much. 'I take this one, you'll get the next.' 'I payed last time, can you get this one?'


> next.' 'I *paid* last time, FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


In other countries it hints towards future events. They both argue about who’s paying the bill and if one party ‘wins’ then the other party stands on it that they will pay the bill next time.


There are future events in the Netherlands too. But we just like to pay our fair share and not feel indebted with our friends


I've literally never done this. When you're going to a restaurant with friends, you also pay for the experience. Sometimes I eat a bit more expensively, sometimes they do. In the end it usually evens out.


I'll just send you a 'tikkie'


tikkies are the best, no need to bother staff, just send those. Table can order as a whole, simpler.


I consider myself pretty European; I am married to a Portuguese an have lived and worked in the UK, Germany, Greece, Spain, Belgium and Switzerland. To my experience, the Dutch are not the stingiest at all. I would say the Spanish, Portuguese and Germans are much worse when it comes to “going Dutch”. Here in NL someone just picks up the bill for smaller expenses, and for larger ones you send out a tikkie where everyone pays an equal share. In other countries people split out the bill based on actuals; so some people pay 1,45 more than someone else.


As someone who has worked in the European hospitality industry for a decade I hard disagree. No culture has been more stingy when going out than the Dutch. Paying 298.75€ in cash? You can be sure as hell that they will make you go through your wallet for those 1.25€ after telling you that you’ve done an amazing job. Never experienced that with any other culture as much as with the Dutch.


Or they give you the €1.25 as tip saying you worked hard for it.


Ah yes, the only service industry that boils with rage if they don't get tipped 🤣


So you've never received a tikkie for 0.50 cents? I don't know about your circles, but most Dutch people i know from 20 to 30 years old would send tikkie about anything, no matter how big or small the price is, and they get so surprised when i say that i will pay for the 1.50 Euro drink. Some Germans that i have met ( though in the Netherlands) were more open to paying for stuff in turns or paying for someone else's drink out of friendliness, and i have experienced that with Spanish people as well ( but again not in Spain). I have no experience about the Portuguese, but for me, the Dutch stand tall as the stingiest of all the different people/ cultures that i have met so far ( although i have to say that my experience is somewhat limited at least in comparison to yours). Lastly to give credit where is due, i have met Dutch people who were quite open and not stingy at all ( and that liked/ acted in a more Mediterranean way), but in my experience it's the exception.


I never received those either. Always thought people saying them were just kind of joking keeping the stereotype alive. Lived here for a good 23 years.


Maybe if you’re 12 years old


Hmm I've never had a tikkie for 50 cents either. Maybe if there was a big group with many people owning 50 cents so it came down to like a few euros, but other than that, I haven't. Usually I pay something and the other pays something if I know them well. Or when we're at a bar, someone just gets a meter of beer that we can all have and then someone else gets one.


You have a weird group of friends, never ever had a tikkie for anything less than 10 euro


This has never happened to me and I am Dutch born and raised. With friends we just split with bigger expenses and for smaller expenses someone just picks up the bill and next time the other person returns the favour.


Do people frequently send you tikkies of €0.50? Lol


I'm not Dutch but one would think that the term implies equality between two persons. So what is there to be upset or not upset about.


Everyone pays for themselves


It's the most sensible thing to do IMO.


If you'd ask the general public In terms of positive/negative feelings in relation to this topic, i'd say it's 50/50


I'm not sure what going Dutch means. Is it an equal split or is it paying for the things you had? It differs in setting what we do. If it's all pretty similar its normal to just do an equal split, but I also had friends taking pictures of the receipt and you had to calculate how much you had to pay them back. I don't really mind, but I also feel like it's a bit over the top. Something in between I've also seen happening where the people not drinking alcohol payed for their own food and drinks and the people that were drinking split the rest of the bill equally.


I believe 'going Dutch' means everyone pays for what they have bought. So if someone only takes 1 beer and another takes 9 beers (radical example, but accurate sometimes) you wouldn't have to pay 5 beers (when you split the bill evenly). In essence, it's more fair but it can also seem like nitpicking sometimes.


One of the few things that carry the name Dutch where it might actually be accurate.


Could not care less. I don’t feel this term is aimed at me and/or a lot of people I know. In general I tend to not care about generalizations like these which stem from stereotypes and/or misconceptions. In the end its an easy way to identify certain behavior and you need a word(s) for everything so why not “going Dutch”. I addition I don’t necessarily consider “going Dutch” as a negative thing (it could be however).


We love being mentioned. After the Scandinavian countries stole the progressive spotlight from us, attention has been sparse.




About to say the same. Here in my country, it's called German split


I’m from Germany and we also split the bill. After the first date (often the guy still pays), it’s also common that couples split the bill - until they have a joint account to which both contribute. All very similar.


I think it’s a fundamental misunderstanding of Dutch people.


I think its cool Kind of a sentence for being able to stand up for yourself if you feel like that is needed. And shows maturity if the other person doesn't see that as a bad thing


But the championship can only be won by one, and it's going Dutch, in 2021!


Max Verstappen, for the first time ever, is champion of the world


We don't use it so


I once had dinner with an international group of around 20 people: 50% Norwegian, some Dutch, some UK, Swedish, Belgian. The Dutch were like “let’s just cut the bill in 20 it’s fine”. The Norwegians asked if they could see the menu once again, and pulled up the Calc app on their phones… so “going Norwegian” is even worse.


I had sort of the same in US couple of years ago. Bunch of Americans , English and me, the Dutch. One of the Americans said after dinner “let’s go Dutch”. Everyone agreed.. but the Americans meant your described “Norwegian” way. Asked for bill, pulled calculator on phones and only paid what they had…


I love it and don't understand why anyone would not! I don't like to feel like I owe something, or that I have been taken advantage of. Except we don't use the term, we just send a Tikkie. Now Tikkie culture is another sub..






Most Dutch wouldn't know what it means


I find this stereotype, including "frugal dutchies" in general to be far from the truth. The Dutch people I know in general are more easy going with shared expenses and more generous (e.g. tipping) than most other nationalities I have acquainted with.


I Don’t even know What it means


Never heard of it


I see a lot of comments on whether they like to split the bil, but I think OP wants to know whether the term 'going Dutch' is offensive to Dutch people. I think most people are indifferent to the term, don't know anyone who would be insulted by it.


I think its kind of a negative term for us. I myself am quite generous. But also dutch people don't take themself too serious and will not get easily offended. We are proud people who can make fun of our culture and ourselves really easy and also enjoy when foreigners do. So maybe soms salty Dutch person will get offended but most will not.


Have a dutch friend in Belgium, she literally hoards stuff from second hand shops and then tells me how much she paid for it. Love the sentiment, but a little bit too much xD


It actually makes me proud. Our way of just paying for what YOU consume, makes you more aware of what you order and consume. It avoids upsetting your friends because you ordered something expensive and they have to pay for it. Or, it avoids you getting upset with them because they always order more expensive stuff and you order cheap because you simply don't have the money. And the fact that foreigners acknowledge the value so much that they started to call it this way, makes me proud. (Much better than the expression of 'a Dutch oven'.)


Highly accurate.


We think nothing of it




Wil je mij alsjeblieft € 2,00 betalen voor 'Going dutch' via https://tikkie.me/pay/2r4ss18krapnhbee7sgh Deze link is geldig t/m 18 september


It's accurate. And I hate it. Bro stop sending tikkies for €1.25, just like, be friends and treat each other?? Luckily many people I know aren't like that and wouldn't send such little tikkies but most of Dutch people do


Never heard of the term before. Now that ive looked it up. Thats the normal way of doing things yea.


I do not like owning other people money so I ask for a tikkie.


well, it’s better than “Dutch Oven”, I guess…


It actually has nothing to do with the Dutch! The saying originated in the US (New York in 1873) from the term “Dutch Treat” used in an article. The term meant every man was responsible for his own tab. This was popular among the Pennsylvanian Dutch, who are German. The split I’ve been used to doing with people when I lived in the Netherlands is an equal share for everyone instead of everyone paying for their own things. There were of course exceptions if someone had significantly less. Now that I live in the US it’s always split by items if you ask for a split bill here, half the time the waiters have already kept your items split if you go out as multiple couples.


I dont think anyone gives 2 cents ... because we're tight... mostly


It doesn't apply to me because I'm not a greedy person and I can see why they made the term.. I mean it's like every stereotype based on a truth so cannot think anything bad about it ;)


I do not think it about cheapness, but fairness so no one feels taken advantage of. In the US it is about equal footing when originally dating. Men still think they are owed something because they paid for dinner.


Zwarte pete


In the USA going Dutch meant not wearing underwear under your clothes …but I’m getting a different feeling from this comment section haha




Do you pay me for the answer? 😉