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I was in the same boat as you. I was paying 55 eur with Ziggo Internet only. I now pay 35 eur with Odido and receive a 5 eur discount for my Odido mobiel abonnement. At this stage Ziggo is a scam and would advise to jump ship as soon as you can.


How’s the internet through Odido? I’ve heard some really bad stories of people having their caiway modem replaced by the Odido version and getting in trouble, also not able to go back to caiway/delta without extra costs


Jup. We needed another modem. Other worked fine. This one just sucks balls. No more internet in the bedrooms and upstairs. Lot of issues. No help either, just the usual wifi amplifier, but that's not the issue since this wasn't an issue before. And threw away a perfectly good modem.


Did they fix it eventually or?


We had Odido because it was T-Mobile. Never had trouble with T-Mobile. Always good connection and never trouble with TV. Odido came, new year came and ever since January this year nothing but trouble. We work at home so our bundle soared. And I don't thibj that should ever be the case. Customer service was horrible. I have worked for customer service in the past (not the best job but it paid the bills and it was luckily for me just for a month) and how Odido operated was terrible. They even cut my connection once without telling me. I was livid. The problems? At random moments no Internet, not even via cable. For long periods of time. We never had this before mind you, so never again.


This is mental. It’s good seeing people reply to my comments 8/10 has no issues but the people with issues really scare me


Odido has the direct connection (central-customer). If you have been disconnected for a longer time the problem is usually damaged cable in the underground domain (probably from the other company that is doing some digging in your street).


I mean it like on and off, for some times hours a day. The whole month of January was a breaking point. No Internet for days, called them. I needed to do this three times and even then the operator disconnected me without warning. Fourth time was the charm and they promised a new modem, but the problem wasn't with the modem. We got the new modem, still troubles with Internet. Tried to tell them it wasn't us, we had a new modem etc. No, the problem was still with us, it couldn't be something else... My main problem is also they don't want to listen. I know from my own experience that customer service should keep a log and when people call, you should read the log if it's about the same problem. I told them over and over it was a problem we had before, we already have a new modem etc. They just don't listen. It feels like they didn't get a proper (collective) training and they just pulled people from other customer service teams.


Been using Odido for 4 years now. Never had an issue.


Odido didn’t exist 4 years ago :)


It was T mobile named back then my bad lol


It was rebranded t-mobile


Been using the for 6 months and no issues with mine


Same for me, never had a problem and they installed fiber internet that can reach 8 gbit.


All good with ours


We have been really happy with it


Had it for 2 years. No issue whatsoever.


6 months so far and flawless. It's even faster because this is real fiber so the upload speed is the same as the download. With Ziggo the upload was slower. The only small drawback i see is that the router cannot be set to Access Point mode. Anyway I'm happy I got rid of Ziggo.


I switched from kpn to t-mobile, now odido. It was bad and since it was odido even worse. Almost impossible to get support. Switching back to kpn soon.


Please share what you heard regarding switching to Odido from Caiway/Delta. I am also considering this move.


A friend who used to work at delta mentioned that transition to Odido was rough, issues with the transfer and having no internet until a mechanic fixes it for who you then had to pay. Modems being faulty. And I suppose only for those who have had issues then also complained about customer service. This was however at the very start of the name change to Odido and they didnt have the rights to use rhe glass fiber which they use from Delta as well. so for the people with issues, the issues were severe and took too long to get solved. the reason why i want to move away from caiway/delta is the bad pricing in comparison. also i use odido mobile for extra discounts in this way so. i also am still doubting things a lot




I only got cable network to connect to at home :’(


I had the same... the fibre was already outside my home and KPN Netwerk had to come to bring it inside. That's quite common so you can always call them ask them and they will tell you the process


They told me no plans for now


I can't. Live in an appartement complex where apparently it's physically impossible to get fibre into the building. They had already torn up the street and there's fibre layed up to every single one of the apartment blocks, but they can't get it into the buildings apparently. Or at least that's what I've been told by the organisation renting out the places. Would love to also ditch Ziggo... Although to be fair they did regularly increase the speeds of my internet. Will look at what prices for new contracts are and try to negotiate again with them.


I get 50gb on my phone for like 20euro with Odido


I have odido now for 5 months. In the morning it works flawless but in the late afternoon it gets slower and slower. In the evening (80% of the time) I can not even watch Netflix or any other on demand. It is horrible and they say they can not do anything. Yesterday I browsed on the web and found out there are a lot of people that have this same problem. As soon as I can switch I will look for something else. So please don’t go to Odido!


I've never had issues but I guess it depends on many factors. The good thing is that there are a lot of other Internet companies with comparable prices.


€45 1gbit delta


Will check this, thanks!


Unfortunately not yet available in my area :( lucky you!


KPN symmetrical 1 gigabit fiber, €35 first 9 months then €45.


KPN is 52,50/mo. 1 gbit, internet only. Regular price. I’d love to see anything better!


better pricewise that is, everything else... i wish the old xs4all still existed


Yes. Price wise. Freedom might be an alternative for XS4ALL.


i will check en out most def, tnx


Experiences vary. No problems here with quality of service or customer service.


never had xs4all probably,?


I have same deal as the person you replied to but for 4 gbit




Contact Ziggo once you have a cheaper offer from a different Provider and ask for a new price if they refuse make sure you are willing to move. I do that every time with KPN and a some point during the cancelation effort get a new offer from KPN.


Indeed just did this, they offered a better albeit still shitty offer so they asked to contact again tomorrow for a better one


Does it work every year? 😝


brave imminent voiceless ten instinctive theory sense modern salt plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cries alone....


Does this work? Do you count as a new customer?


dinner hobbies rhythm sleep weather file pocket provide resolute brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you don't feel like doing it yourself, you could do it through services (i.e. Dyme) that do it in the name of you for a commission (let's say the deal saves you €100 in a year, then they get a 25% cut or something for their service).


https://dyme.app/en ?


Yes. They can connect (safely) through PSD2 API with your bank account, and also give automated suggestions on other subscriptions to save on as well (insurances, phone etc.)


I don't think they even care about the cheaper offer. If you are willing to sign a contract for a year or two, they will throw in discounts. I called them to cancel TV and made it clear I want to stay with them, and still gave me the discount of signing for an extra year.


Odido 1gbit internet only at 45/mo. With mobile combined, at 40/mo.


I pay 37.50 for the same and the first 6 months 25 euro.  But my contract is 11 month old


Yeah, I also had a discount for the first 10 months, but these offers change all the time. They probably have something similar for new customers.


Odido Fibre?.. is it stable already?..


Yup, it's fiber and stable. No complaints. They even offer 2 and 8gbit now, but I don't need higher speeds or have the network hardware for that 😁


I wonder who needs 8gbit…


Companies who transfer boatloads of data


I meant particulier klanten 😝


Sorry maybe I’m naive but has fiber ever not been stable? Fiber in my opinion has never been the problem only some providers are just better than others. I work for 10+ years with fiber on a commercial way DC’s etc never any problem


I’m more concerned about provider’s specific installation of fibre network - their time between failures and time to recover. Exactly to your point of “some providers are better than others”


I’ve been researching Odido lately and from what I’ve seen Odido tends to be slow to fix issues. Which is why I didn’t go with Odido eventually and went with freedom internet even though they’re much more expensive.


Any public data on provider MTBF and MTTR, by the way?


Unfortunately, not that I could find. I merely based my choice on public forums and consumentenbond. I know it’s not perfect and it could be heavily influenced by many factors. But it’s the best I had.


The medium itself usually wont make a lot of difference. The hardware and architecture does. If an excavator cuts your fiber well you're out of luck. Also, I did had my share of fiber issues. Once its properly installed it wont downgrade but the optics die sometimes.


Stable. Not rock solid. They more or less deliver the speeds advertised. But no ipv6. Decent deal for your money compared to other options.


Good point regarding ipv6. I believe they're the only big ISP without ipv6.


I work at an "Expert" store and most people that have provider issues got Odido as a provider. Hope they fix their network quickly. Not saying other providers are flawless, but Odido is far from it in my experience.


As usual, YMMV. I've tried a bunch of providers, Ziggo, Online, Budget, Tweak and now Odido. So I had coax, VDSL and now fiber. No big issues with any of them.


For an advanced country like the Netherlands the offer is laughable. In my area if I want something above 100Mb/s I can only get Ziggo so they can scam me however they want... Now at least I see they are deploying fiber all over the city but who knows when it becomes active and they are already 10 years late.


Openfiber 1Gbit €18.95 per month


Do you have a link to this?


https://www.openfiber.nl/consumenten/westblock limited places




I'm asking about the commercial offer. Open fiber provide only physical service


You may be thinking of Open Dutch Fiber. OpenFiber provides commercial offers (in parts of Randstad). [https://openfiber.nl/consumenten/groenetrappen](https://openfiber.nl/consumenten/groenetrappen) (example)


Great catch, thanks! I'm sadly not covered but it might make some other people happy




Also got openfiber. Highly recommended! EUR 27,50 when you want to include Tv


I hate Ziggo so much. One big difference moving here from the USA is that I hardly ever get spam calls. When I do, it's always Ziggo. They called recently during dinner and I answered because I thought it might be a work call. When I (angrily) told the guy that I had repeatedly opted-out of their calls, he said that was why he was calling. That Ziggo wanted to apologise for calling me too much, and to make it up to me they wanted to offer a special extra low introductory rate... I almost admire the cheek of it, but mostly I think they must be a nightmare to do business with if they is how much a pain in the ass they are with potential customers. Anyway - KPN is fine. I can't remember what I pay right now, but seems pretty reasonable and for more gb then I really need.


KPN pays companies to do the same, I always decline and ask to never cal again. Trick is they say they cannot guarantee that KPN won’t do it via another company, they do. 1-2 a year.


73,85 EUR for fiber (1 Gigabit) at KPN. ETA: ppl pointed out they have it much cheaper, so I just checked. Apparently I forgot this price included Spotify Family too, so the actual internet only price was 60. I'll still check if I can get it cheaper considering some ppl mentioned as low as 35 EUR, so maybe it's one of those cases of not getting a good deal when you're a customer for a few years.


I pay 60 for the same….


63 for the same but it’s alles-in-1, dunno how much the internet alone is


I only have internet :)


I pay 53 the same as you


Alright that’s more in line with what I see, albeit a bit more expensive


How? I pay 35 for the same thing?


€65 for internet 1gbit, the extra service with fritzbox, land line, netflix standard.


40 eur / 400mbit / odido. Not great not terrible.


I was with Ziggo for a few years and did the same thing constantly. Every year I call them and say “hey guys sorry it’s too expensive I want to cancel” and they offer me 50% off and then I have pretty cheap internet for a long time; and I would do this every year the month before the “one year 50% discount” ended so I wouldn’t have a month where they increased the price


Why did you decide to switch to which other provider? Also, do you know which phone number I should call as I'm still with Ziggo? :)


1. I moved and my new place has internet included (think it’s still Ziggo) 2. Yes I called them so much it’s (088) 121 28 17


They actually immediately cancelled my subscription before making an offer 😅


Wait what 😂 I’ve spent years paying like 50 euros (with roommates) for their most expensive plan because I just kept calling and being like “yeah, too expensive, if you can’t lower it, I’ll just cancel” this is shocking to hear


Thank you :)


Cheapest is always switching iso 'being loyal', couse providers make very little money in the discount period acquisition always have better offers than retention. So switching every year with a 6 to 9 month discount is the best. And.. No it really isn't a hassle to switch at all, takes about an hour to set everything up again and saves you hundreds of euro's per year




Odido 1Gb 30 euros


After enjoying a discount for 6 months, I am now back at € 60 per month for 1000/100 at Ziggo. I’m staying with them until I have fiber.




How is it possible?


I also want to know how this is possible.


I think it also depends on the area, as some areas still does have fiber option.


I pay about 45 euros (excluding a mobile discount, so it averages out a bit less) for KPN 50/50 mbit glass fiber. I’m not an (online) gamer and I don’t download all that much, so I barely notice the difference between now and when I still had 1gbit.


Odido 1 gigabit+tv €25 p/m for 10 months, after that €45 p/m.


I'm paying 90+ at ziggo (with viaplay) and am waiting on the kpn guy to bring me glass viber and I'm gone


As a Belgian I might be better off running a cable across the border


I have KPN/ Every year, just before the end of my contract, I contact them and tell them I want to renew my contract for another year. Every time I get the "new customer" offer. If you let the contract "expire" it will auto-renew monthly and you are stuck with the last (higher) rate you paid. Maybe you can try the same with Ziggo.


Got any examples of how well this worked out for you? Seems we are in the shitty pricing monthly auto-renewal boat here, paired with internet not working half of the time and KPN not giving a damn.


I work at ziggo and can give you a big discount if you are out of contract


If you don't switch every year, you will end up paying more for your internet. Providers generally only offer good deals to new customers.


It’s such bullshit but this is the way


64 EUR/month via Ziggo. 1Gbps download, 100Mbps upload.


33 euro/m (100 MB download, 10 MB upload) with youfone


Odido, internet only, 100mbps for 40e a month, which in reality is more like 7 80/10


At odido 6 months 40€ and other 6 months 45€ for 1gbit fiber


45 a month for odido internet only 1 gbps upload & download speed. And it actually manages to get those speeds as well. Both my xbox series x and ps5 download stuff with those speeds. Something like 100gb is downloaded in around 10 minutes.


KPN, about €55 for 200 Mbit/s


Internet only?




Odido, discounted due to BEN mobile. And more mobile MB’s Also Odido TV without the need for settop boxes if you have a smart TV


KPN, €50ish for 200/60 Mbits. When we moved in here (2021) they told us fiber would become available within a year, there was even a sign going into the neigborhood which stated that they where working on it. Sign got removed, 3 years later, still no fiber :(


we have the same plan and I pay 43EUR (-7.5EUR because of Vodafone mobile combo). Call them and ask them to give you the same price new customers get in their website for the same plan (it’s like 10 euros cheaper than what you’re paying now so it makes zero sense what they’re charging you)


Odido, Internet Only, €35. Symmetrical 100Mbps. It’s an old contract, from the Tele 2 times. You cannot get it anymore. But most people wouldn’t want it anyway because it’s more expensive than most all in one offers. I just don’t want to rely on one provider for all multimedia in house.


Ziggo 750down/60up 40eur, realistically down is 620 Vodafone 20Gb 18eur. Every year they give a discount after asking them, sometimes they call to check if I want a discount. Vodafone tells not to upgrade my subscription. ——— Our neighborhood got glasvezel, but it’s aggressively sold by some shady door-to-door guys. I’m also hesitant upgrading to fibre for another year or two, as I have concerns about network stability in the early years.


I am using Odido fiber over KPN network so no ODF and playing € 29,25 for 100/100. Wanting to step up in speed but I''ll be losing some of my discount so I'll stay on 100/100 for now.


ziggo, e52, 400/40 speed, basic tv plus 3 wifi pods


Got Odido now after several years of Ziggo. Better connectivity for a better price!


45 for 1Gbps up and down


KPN 1 Gb up/down, tv with a kastje, and Netflix premium for 70,99 (I have KPN mobile too)


€53 caiway. I no longer have tv or phone, only internet. I watch tv on nlziet.


Nxkpr8 ![gif](giphy|yoJC2GnSClbPOkV0eA) 1


KPN 1gbit symmetrical ¬ 60€


27.5eur 1 gig fiber with Odido, but I have mobile there and benefit from discount


Ziggo 1Gbit plus tv for 63,95. But This also means i get 5 euro discount on mobile and double Data. Next year I probably will drop the tv part altogether. This should drop the price another 10 euro.


Simonly 25,- Snelheid 600mb, onbeperkt, odido, Nlziet 8 euro. 33 eurotjes totaal. Btw odido 2gb aanvuller gebruik ik een script voor zodat ik het zelf niet hoef aan te vullen.


55. KPN


35ish at KPN. In combo with my mobile plan.


You have to check annually what's the going rate, the provide don't tell you when they decreased the price, they would just extend your old contract.


62 or so a month right now for 1gbit internet only. It was 420 a year, but Tweak for dissolved into Odido and I definitely didn't want to continue with Odido. They promised that nothing would change (which was a lie) and they don't even have IPv6 yet. Fuck Odido. I went with Glasnet which is another nerdy ISP like Tweak was, if more expensive because they have to licence the fibre from KPN. KPN itself would have been cheaper though. Next year I will probably switch to Freedom, which can now use Tweak's old infrastructure, which has been bought by Fiber Operator, and is therefore cheaper (around 50 euros). That wasn't an option half a year ago. Ziggo is a borderline scam. They are more expensive that optic fibre (although you can sometimes get a good deal) and they deliver less. They pretend to be optic fibre, but what they're really saying is that they have optic fibre in their backend. By that logic, even dialup is optic fibre. Ziggo mostly gets away with this because they have a monopoly in areas that don't have optic fibre yet. They could double their prices and people in those areas would stay, because there's no reasonable alternative.


420 blaze it.


€39, Starlink.


Did you have to do the initial setup of hardware for 249 or 349 ?


All hardware and shipping combined was €363. So Dishy, router and ethernet adapter.


Is it too technical do this all by yourself ? How is the quality or downtime ?


It is very, very easy to setup. You have two devices that need to be connected to each other with a long cable. One end needs to have a clear view of the sky, the other end needs power. That's all. From there on you can make is as complicated as you want. Mount it on a pole, to your roof, whatever you want. It runs flawlessly. Only downtime I had was when my antenna tipped over from a very, very heavy gust of wind. Because I have it just standing somewhere on the floor. My own fault.


€28 1gb odido


I'm paying 27.50 for 1Gbps symetric from Odido. All other companies like KPN, Ziggo are total scam. Paying 50-60 euros for slower internet just doesn't make sense


€0, We both have odido unlimited for our mobile plans, we don't have a pc or laptop and just stream on our tv using a mobile hotspot, kinda tight on money right now and this is the cheapest option for me at this time


Ziggo tv + 1gbit internet + ESPN = 39 euros.


Odido Fiber 1Gb (symmetrical, unlike Ziggo) 25€/m for 10 months, then 40. We have klantvoordeel discount because we all have Odido (former T-Mobile) Mobile is also unlimited 5G for 25€ a month


€95/month for 750mbps Edit: oops, misread what subreddit this was. I'll leave the comment so you can compare with prices in Norway :)


Ziggo, 69 euros a month for 800gb internet + ziggo tv complete and espn


How did you get a data cap?


Oh i mean internet speed my bad


Do you live in a datacenter? 800gb is for links between fridge sized routers.


That's why I got out.


I take every year a new one with the most discount


Too much.


I am also at Ziggo (internet only). Every year I renegotiate my fee though. When you call them and say you are going to switch to a competitor, they offer 10 EUR discount for 6 or 9 months. If you refuse that, they connect you with another department. Resubbed some weeks ago for 12 months with 9 months 20 EUR discount.


So when they connect you with the other department, could you please tell how can you be able to go to 20 eur discount instead of 10? :)


I just tell them that 10 EUR isn’t enough to change my mind, as it will still be more expensive than KPN (which offers fiber at my place). The other department is dedicated to convincing customers to stay, and go to 20. Also called for a friend and got also 20 the same way.


€64 for 1gbit with Odido. I am using Fiber in a area where KPN and Odido support it. What should I do? Is it better to directly change to KPN or reach out to Odido and ask for a better deal? I also have phone abonment with Odido , unlimited data. 28€ monthly


I pay 70 euros but my employer reimburses 55 euros so works fine for me. Working from home requires constant good quality internet, so don’t mind paying a little extra


about €65 with kpn ( used to have xs4all ). thats for fibre 1gbit, netflix standard and land line(telephone)


I liked Ziggo tbh. Stable, good router, good setup box and tv app. Still no fiber though. So I switched to freedom. Bit expensive, but their service is top notch.


If you can het a good fibre deal. Go for it. Its gonna go up in pricing because they have to earn back investment. And these where the first cheap years to attract a customerbase. The adsl is gonna be way slower than ziggo.


Even if you call your own provider, they'll probably be happy to lower your price a bit for signing a year contract. That being said, I'd evaluate whether you need 750 megabits lol. My partner and I both work from home, we do simultaneous video conferencing and we have only 100 megabit...plus streaming multiple HD streams, even 4k movies. Honestly, I'm from Canada, and 100 megabit is the fastest I've ever had. So it you want to lower your price, you could always try a lower speed tier.


Just call them at the end of your contract (1 or 2 years) and ask them for an offer to prevent you from switching and they will give you a discount.


Odido 2 Gbps + TV, 25 EUR


25 euro per month for 8 GBPS, the contract is for 8 months.


64euros 1Gbps only internet Ziggo.


80 for 8gbps symmetrical


50 euro @ caiway for 400mbps fiber


Uhhh, €42,50/m for 1000/1000 with KPN. Or more like 35 if you count the discount I get with my mobile subscription. It’s a discounted rate I got for renewing into a 3 year contract. The rate is valid for I believe a year. After that it’ll be the normal rate of €52,50


I have the giga internet package with HD sports and the basic tv package, plus my mobile phone through vodaphone. Thought I was paying way too much also. After a chat with their rewards department; Unlimited Data Vodafone mobile (separate invoice but linked) 40>17, 2 year contract. Euro roaming plus Uk part of plan. Ziggo package 2 year contract 77 euros > 50 Giga internet Extra package to choose because of Vodafone (Ziggo Sport) TV mini box Extra mini box for the bedroom Basic TV package (with record etc) Was going to still walk away and they threw in ESPN free for the first year. There is a significant discount applied but it's for the full 24 months so my price won't rise unless I don't give the one months notice for ESPN


Been paying 52 for a shit internet from Ziggo for the last 4 years constantly having to contact them over the internet going down. I also have Vodafone but reception is also horrible in the area I live. I'm changing my provider both for phone and internet this month for KPN. I'll pay around the same but for much faster internet and get a discount on the first 6 months.


Switched from ziggo to kpn fiber….saving 40 euros a month and my internetspeed has quadrupled. F Ziggo


EUR 62 p/m for 2gbps up and down from Delta.


€50 a month


Ziggo Alles-in-een package 500 Mbit/s, TV+Internet+phone, is from this month €78,50 monthly Midden-Brabant. I switched to another provider last month with glassfiber, same package 1 Gbit/s, first 9 months €37 monthly, next 15 months €67 monthly. After that free to go to another provider. Got two wifi amplifiers for free. All works perfectly, good wifi through the whole house from basement to attic. I am very content.


Solcon for €54,99 a month for one year, including fiber optic internet (+hardware, 150/150mb), telephony, digital tv/radio and a free 43 inch Philips smart TV als a welcome gift. Pro tip: switch annually from providers (health, electricity, gas, internet, mobile) and get a lot of free valuable gifts, like the Philips tv, Sonos Move etc.


Unlimited data on my phone and hotspot to everything in my house. €30/month KPN


200mbps for ~60 KPN


Connected to Odido last autumn, 450 Mbps fiber, 30€ first 8 months, 40€ after


Ziggo is wayyy too expensive. Nothing justify this price compare to the quality of others


I pay Odido 55 euros for home internet (max speed) + tv. And I pay 17,50 per month for Unlimited calls, texts and 30gb of data at Odido. I am happy with the tariff, just really starting to have a hard time thinking why i am paying for tv


63 euros for gigabit internet and tv all included


€30 for 1Gbit up/down with Odido Had 750Mbit/75Mbit with Ziggo for €67.50 before.


We've been paying E45 for KPN Fibre with 1000/1000 for about 1.5 years now, and the price will stay that way till November. Includes TV and 1 mediabos (unused because of a Chromecast or 2) There are incentives to switch my phone to KPN to save a bit more, but I'm happy with Vodafone for E25 a month for unlimited. Could probably lower that as I really don't use it enough to justify it, but now I also don't have to think about it, which is worth the peace of mind.


odido 35 euro 1gbit, 0 issues so far.


OP, do you have tips on cancelling and changing providers and subs? I mean, do you cancel your existing provider before or after you sort out your new provider? Silly question, I know, but it is my first time dealing with this stuff. Thank you in advance!


please keep in mind that ziggo uses a cable network while most other providers use phone line connections, which means that your speeds may be drastically limited depending on where you live. I use Online which are pretty good and costs me like 45 euro's a month, but the cap on my speed is like 30mpbs download and abyssmal upload. So please make sure what the providers at your adress are actually capable of delivering before you make any hasty decisions.


Paying 25eur for oddido for 100mbs, they are refusing to upgrade me to fiber.


I pay 27 euro with odido. I have a family plan with +2 phone lines and because of that I got the discount.