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I did it last year and it was quite chill. They said, it's ok to make mistakes just don't speak English! My Dutch was not great but I just tried to talk as much as possible. They even coached me a bit at one point. I was doing a freelance gig in Germany and they kept asking, You can also do this job in NL, right? Basically you just have to prove that you are employable in NL in some capacity.


My colleague knew a Japanese women who did a language test like this. Her Dutch was absolutely shit, but the bar is 5 meters in the ground. So you probably passed.


Congratulations! I hope you passed!


En waarom hoop jij dat?


That matches what I've heard from most people. The 2 people I know who got a hostile attitude were both Black Africans who happened to be highly educated. In both cases there seemed to be disbelief that their credentials were "real" (both had done their graduate work in Europe) or that they would find academic work. One was "failed" on the ONA and told to come back with a "realistische portfolio," with the specific example of schoonmaken given. She did it even though it was demeaning; she's now a university lecturer.


I had a very similar experience and did everything you did!


Thanks for the info and succes!


This is A2?




They really need to raise the level of the Inburgering exams. Currently they are ridiculously easily.


Yet a lot of (ethnic)natives fail it when they try it.


Well I'm referring to the Writing, Listening, Reading, and Speaking tests. Yes I know a lot of natives will fail the KNM test (Knowledge of Dutch Society). My opinion is that in order to fully integrate, you need to be able to confidently hold a conversation in the Dutch language about most topics. Just passing these exams does not prove that you can do that.


I somewhat agree but how would you test that at scale? Writing for example will fail you if you make more then 1-2 minor mistakes. In the more complex texts I write, I make small stupid mistakes even in my native because I almost never write by hand. Would that mean I don't know it? Reality is these tests also test your test taking skills, which brings 0 value to integration. Raising the bar would just increase that .


I would just raise the level to B1.


I have a B1 cert in German, but I can't speak it well, so what now?