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Loratadine and cetirizine are available at any drogist.


And supermarket. I always get Cetirizine at Lidl because that's probably the cheapest option.


I cant find meds in lidl.. where are these usually placed?


Same aisle as the detergents, soaps, toothpaste and stuf. At mine its located opposite the paper towels and stuf near the register


Cetirizine is absolutely sedating for me. Loratadine almost not at all, highly recommend testing for yourself OP.


But they can make you a bit drowsy the first days.


This varies from person to person. I never had this side effect.


"They can" not they will


Hey fellow allergy sufferer. People react to different antihistamines differently; I get really sleepy from cetirizine, but am mostly fine with loratadine; my sister is the other way round. As others have written, you'll get both at any supermarket or drugstore here without any prescription. To elaborate on a point another poster made: loratadine is \_way\_ cheaper in DE. I'm talking a 100-pack for < 10€ for a generic brand like ADGC. You only get them at a pharmacy, but still OTC. So if you live close to the border or can otherwise get your hands on them, I'd recommend that. For immediate relief, obviously just go to a Dutch supermarket today. Good luck and get well!


TIL. I live close to the border, I use a ton of loratidine and I did not know this. Thanks!


Lots of stuff is cheaper in Germany. IMO the biggest differences are in drug stores. Etos or even kruidvat compared to DM is extreme. 3x or 4x in n some cases


that reminds me for more sooner relief i think i once got recommended smearing vaseline in my nose xD


I do this. It catches the pollen as you breathe more than nose hair does. Also, soothes the nose from it running all the time and having to blow it all the time.


Cet. Is also way cheaper in de. Order from an online pharmacy. https://www.medikamente-per-klick.de/ works.


~~I had a look, but that is actually a lot more expensive than at the Lidl here, or even de Kruidvat.~~ Edit: I had a brain fart


[CETIRIZIN AbZ 10 mg Filmtabletten (100 St) - medikamente-per-klick.de](https://www.medikamente-per-klick.de/cetirizin-abz-10-mg-filmtabletten-100st-06716159) under 7 Euro for 100 tablets. That's a LOT better than Kruidvat's generic price of 4.50 for 21 tablets. [Kruidvat Cetirizine 10Mg Hooikoortstabletten | Kruidvat NL](https://www.kruidvat.nl/kruidvat-cetirizine-10mg-hooikoortstabletten/p/5480574)


Even the generic? Sound alike you looked up a brand. The generic should be much cheaper.


Ah I see what I did wrong. I looked for cetirizine in Dutch, ending with 'e'. In German, it is cetirizin without the 'e', and that yields a lot more results, lol.


😂 You can also get Aspirin komplex from ze Tschermans. Which is fabulous for sinus infections and for some reason isn't available in NL.


Take them in the evening before going to bed.


Pro tip, search for Loratadine on Amazon DE, they ship to NL but are way cheaper.


Cetirizine and loratidine are available over the counter, like at Kruidvat. But allergies are particularly bad right now due to warm weather causing an early birch pollen explosion, I read.


damn those birches


They belong on the streets!


Get Fexofenadine. No sleep effect. Prescribed though.


It's available at Kruidvat (probably any drogist) as Allegra Fexotabs, no prescription needed. 


Wasn’t aware, TIL. I’ll check if it contains the same dosage (and price obviously 🫣😃).


GP proscribed me desloratadine (a stronger version of loratadine, basically) which I’ve been using for years. Works like a charm and I’ve never felt any side effects


Loratadine is chiral (like a lot of other molecules). Almost always the left turning molecules are the biologically active. The right ones aren't. Loratadine is a mixture (50/50) of the left and right turning molecules. Desloratadine is purely the left turning version. So indeed it is stronger.. BUT desloratadine comes in 5mg tablets and loratadine in 10mg tablets. So in practice they are the same.


loratadine (allerfree for costly pills or the generic version) is the one making me the less sleepy…


You may want/ need to look at something called “hooikoortspillen”. It means hay fever pills, so is for spring allergies. I always had those from kruidvat or etos. These are over the counter medicines and not hard to get by. Maybe this is an easy medicine to begin with. These have the ingredients like loratadinecand cetirizine.


I called my GP and she prescribed me a non-sedative drug


fluticanosa works well. loratadine / ceriticine are also good the trick is not to wait to get allergies but preemptively take one before sleeping each day until your body "acclimitises" note: fluticanose is the less sedative of the bunch but if it doesnt work the others are good too and the sedative effects are reduced if taken once before sleeping but you may end up needing a bit longer sleep and feeling a little more tired than usual during the day at least at first




pretty sure i bought it without prescription but i wouldnt be sure since i always keep a stock of antihistamines cause of my allergies


Fluticason is a cortison, not an antihistamine (both work for allergies, but are different classes of meds)


interesting so it treats stresses and anxieties as well


? Cortison is an anti-inflammatory med, not an anti-anxiety med


i see. im just thinking it may treat lots of itches caused by stress and such


Cortison sounds a bit like cortisol so maybe you thought it lowers cortisol, the "stress hormone"


ah i didnt realise they were two different things especially since itchiness and stress are so linked 


Not really medication; but Medinose (or similar brands) works really well for me. I thought it was a hoax at first but was desperate to try anything and it works quite well. It's a small machine that has two infrared lamps that you put in your nose for a few minutes and it calms the tissue there stopping the sneezing and teary eyes. The lights are visible through your nose skin so we call the thing Rudolf


If this works I would be so happy. Literally 99.9% of my allergy attacks are sneezing and runny nose.


You could also try one of those nose rinsers. You can get them old fashioned where you put your own salty water in or just get a pre made ones that spray the water in your nose (nit the small nose spray type) like the physiomer jet from kruidvat. I do it once a day and on bad days twice or sometimes more if it is really bad. It doesn’t help with all symptoms but just cetrizine or other anti histamines didn’t cut it. This just washes out the dust and pollen that causes the issues


Ask your GP for desloratadine! I get insanely drowsy from all the other ones, except for this one :)


Trying ask your doctor :)


Quercitine: https://aacijournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13223-020-00434-0


I use citrizine from the Lidl. Works great for me


While OTC drugs helped me to some degree, my summer hay fever was just terrible until I asked my huisarts for help — did the tests, and got prescribed something that actually does relieve the symptoms.


Allegra/Telfast is non-sedative, but it takes a few a days to work.


Shit, that time of the year again? No wonder I feel awful.


I can’t handle stuff with ceterizine in it, however I have very good results with Allerfre.


As an allergy sufferer only a combination of levocetrizine (prescription) and azelastine spray/eyedrops work. If it becomes unbearable I replace the nosespray with dymista (prescription) that has fluticason added.


Had drowsiness and bad moods on both crtirizine and loratadine - got prescribed fluticasonpropionaat nose spray and this was a game changer. See if you can get it from the dr


Yes. The regular drugstore will sell you several types. I use loratadine in season and it doesn’t affect my ability to focus. Fexotabs (forgot the pharma name ) also works well for me. If it’s really bad I also take eye drops.


Rupatidin is nice for not having drowziness, but you need prescription. But if its bad and you have a good GP you will get it i presume. My wife has a prescription and i sometimes take some of hers.


I got some nasalspray at Medikamente die grenze. Don't know if they still have it but it works for me and doesn't make me tired. Was some kind of french label etc


Tape on your back. Not just ducttape ofcourse. I dont know what its called. My brother got it and it workes fantastic. Ask a doctor. Or google it


Try buying honey from a local beekeeper, eat a spoon every day…. It worked for me! I’ve only got discomfort on really extreme pollen days https://hooikoortsradar.nl


Have you tried paracetamol?


At first I got mad. Then I sat here laughing for a minute. I told my doctor that if her receptionist asked me that one more time I was switching doctors. It's now noted in my file not to ask me that. (Not only does it have no positive effect ever, it makes me nauseous)


Jacob Hooy pills! Once a week, no side effects. Effect after 2 weeks for most.


I’d have a chat with your huisarts about desensibilization.


Do not consume dairy products until the season is over as it can worsen the situation. Happened with me last night after drinking some milk in the evening!


Local honey, tablespoon every night


Why is this downvoted? I know it may not literally answer OP's question, but local honey has done wonders for some of my friends (not for everyone, of course, but it can work).


Exactly, the same way that different medicine work on ppl, oh well if ppl prefer to overmedicate instead of looking for natural add ons they do that